General :: Toram Or Not Toram - And The Memory Remains The Same ?

Jan 16, 2010

So I made a neat little fluxbox distro(another one?) actually its the latest incarnation of 503box

Anyway; with Debian Live (which its made from) one of the boot parameters is[url]

Boot in TORAM mode, as you see there above link..Specifically I used


Which isnt listed but actually works better as it only boots the compressed fs into RAM

Using just "toram" the whole cd/iso,etc is booted into RAM

Anyway; so for some reason the memory usages are about the same no matter whether booting toram
or not?

Heres Proof; using "free"

Environs- at each boot I am booting off 2GB fat32 usb on a Desktop PC.

Heres Debian's default live boot not toram, no persistent (usb mounted)


so it using about 80MB RAM?

Heres in toram/no persistent mode(no drives mounted...usb/cd removable)

How that be red?

The squashfs filesystem is 340MB shot into ram so why isnt the mem usage higher?

Heres some more pics- note that all the mem usage is about the same..

At boot it gives message when using toram mode


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Ubuntu :: Speed Up - LiveCD By Adding A ToRAM Feature

Oct 22, 2010

Have you ever wanted the Ubuntu LiveCD to have a ToRAM feature like knoppix? I know I have. Looking around online, a HOWTO that focuses on this exact topic is [url] . [url] hasn't been updated since Ubuntu 9.10 was released however, and some things it mentions no longer work as it describes (especially things dealing with the bootloader). It also isn't the easiest HOWTO to follow (maybe that's just me) mainly because of the multiple things that need to be mounted and kept track of. This is why I spent a few days developing a script that will take an Ubuntu ISO, and add a ToRAM feature to it. I used [url]and [url]as my two main sources of information so thanks to the authors of both those pages for making this script possible.

What is a ToRAM feature?

A ToRAM feature is something that copies the entire CD to RAM before running the live environment. I first saw this done by knoppix, one of the first linux distributions I've ever tried, and now this can be done with Ubuntu as well.

Why do this?

There are several reasons:

Speed: A LiveCD environment is usually considered to be slower than a regular install of Ubuntu. This is because instead of running from the hard drive, the LiveCD runs right from your CD, and since CDs are slower than hard drives, this results in a slower Ubuntu then you may be used to. A ToRAM feature addresses this issue. This is because when the LiveCD environment runs from your RAM, it is not only faster than a regular hard drive install (due to RAM's insane speeds), it is also faster than any SSD.

Getting your CD Drive back: If you boot into a LiveCD environment from a CD, Ubuntu needs that CD to operate. If you have a single CD drive (like most of us do), you can no longer use that drive. If this is a problem for you, the ToRAM feature addresses this as well since it doesn't need the Ubuntu CD to operate, allowing you to remove it and replaces it with any other CD.

Fast Install: Although Ubuntu's install process is fast, it can still take a while before it finishes. If you install Ubuntu often, and don't have the patience to wait for it to finish every time, you can speed up the process by using the ToRAM feature. As an added bonus, if you are installing Ubuntu on many machines at once (like in a library or a computer room), the ToRAM feature allows you to do this in parallel since you won't need the CD for 99% of the installation (only to start it).

What will this work on?

This should work for Ubuntu 10.10 x86 or amd64, but keep in mind:


Originally Posted by [url]

The architecture (Amd64 or i386) to be stored on the LiveCD should be the same as the architecture used to perform the customization, or the LiveCD may not run. It is not trivial to customize an AMD64 LiveCD using an i386 operating system, for example.

Word of Warning

Although I try to build safeguards into any script I upload to the internet to keep them from doing anything unexpected, including this one, you may want to run this script in a VM where it's safe. You could also try running it from a live CD where, if it goes rouge for some reason, it won't kill anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Casper Boot Toram Multiboot Squashfs Images

Aug 18, 2011

I've just created a bootdisk (ssd) with multiples Squasfs images I can choose to boot at the Grub2 menu.No I tried to put the sqfs-images into a ramdisk. Therefore I edited the script '/usr/share/initramfstools/ scripts/ casper'. I used the 'dirty hacks'in the howto but I suited them for my needs.Now the Systems stops after the kernel and doesn't find a root system.

The sqfs-image without the modification of the 'casper'-script still boots but doesn't load into ram completely.

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General :: Remains In 'readonly Despite Rwx In /dev/sda And Does Not Accept To Copy Into It?

Jun 26, 2010

remains in 'readonly despite rwx in /dev/sda and does not accept to copy into it. mounted correctly.

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General :: Swap Usage Remains Zero All The Time

May 31, 2011

No matter what I do, the SWAP usage remains zero all the time. Is there anything I am missing? In the following case (see attached screenshot) I am running make on the kernel that I downloaded. The CPU usage is understandable. But what is the use of Swap when its never used. [URL]. I am on Kubuntu natty. My partitions are as follows:

Kamesh@Galaxy:~$ sudo fdisk -l
[sudo] password for:

Disk /dev/sda: 160.0 GB, 160041885696 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 19457 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x88fa88fa

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 9615 77232456 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 9616 19458 79056897 5 Extended
/dev/sda5 9616 18960 75057152 83 Linux
/dev/sda6 18960 19458 3998720 82 Linux swap / Solaris

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General :: Application Virtual Address Space Memory Allocation - Memory Does Not Get Free

Apr 20, 2010

I am using malloc and frees a lot in my program. It shows its allocated but when i remove it doesnt show as the memory is removed(I am using the top command to view VIRT memory usage). If this continously grows what would happen to my program (Will it go out of memory?)

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General :: Ubuntu - Memory Full, Process Memory Usage Doesn't Add Up In Top?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a computer with 16GB of ram. At the moment, top shows all the RAM is taken, (NOT by cache), but the RAM used by the various processes is very far from 16GB.I have seen this problem several times, but I don't understand what is happening.My only remedy so far has been to reboot the machine.

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General :: Memory Corruption Detected In Low Memory

Aug 22, 2010

This is my first post in these forums. I'm still quite new to Linux (using Mint 9) so please bear with my not-very-articulate question(s)When I boot up and open up a tty terminal I get a message saying "Memory corruption detected in low memory." I've done an extensive google search about the issue and it seems not uncommon. I ran a memtest with no errors returned, so I'm sure that there's nothing really wrong with the memory; apparently it's a bug in the kernel that's causing this.

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General :: Top Used Memory Versus Ps Processes Memory

Jan 17, 2010

I found from command 'top' that 8GB memory are used. However, using command 'ps' with some options to grep the running processes and then summing up the memory used by the running processes are less than 2 GB. Where has the used memory gone ?

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Debian :: Printer Remains Idle?

May 17, 2011

This is my first day with Debian, I have used other distros, and am a long time linux user. My HP D 1600 series is recognized, but when I try to print a test msg. it says sent, but the printer remains idle. I have tried everything I know. When I run the trouble shooter I get this. /// /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp failed////

In the past when having a printer problem I have installed HPLIP-gui and removed the printer then re-installed it. That has not worked and I cannot even remove the printer.

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Ubuntu :: How Much Battery Time Still Remains

Dec 5, 2010

When I boot without the AC cable plugged in the Power Applet says I am on AC power (but the notebook is of course running on battery power). Which is bad because I don't know how much battery time still remains. Strangely, when I boot on AC Power and then remove the AC cable both the fact that battery power is used and the remaining battery time is shown correctly. Also when I boot into battery power and then plug in the AC cable it correctly shows that the battery is charging and how long it takes until fully charged. I use Ubuntu 10.10, 32bit on an Acer Aspire One 751 if that helps. The problem has also existed in Ubuntu 10.04 and I hoped the update would solve it but it did not.

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Ubuntu Networking :: NFS Mount Remains RO

Apr 16, 2011

I think I'm missing something about a very simple config that doesn't work ...

I want to mount a NFS share between a virtualbox host (NFS server, Ubuntu 10.04) and a guest (NFS client Ubuntu 10.04).

The host has nfs-kernel-server and portmap installed /etc/exports is


The guset has nfs-common and portmap installed. Network and mapping is ok, ssh to (host internal IP) from guest to host is ok

When I try a


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Ubuntu :: Remains On Logon Screen?

Jun 4, 2011

after an update i cannot my pc remains in the log on screen. I insert my password then the screen goesn and of and after 4 secondit goes back in the logon screen. I run the following

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-session

and i receive a message that both gnome and applets are not installed.

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Debian :: System Remains Sluggish After Heavy CPU Use

Jun 11, 2011

I have a problem with my Debian squeeze system. After I have run some CPU-intensive application for a while the system becomes sluggish. Ok, maybe one would expect that. But. The system remains sluggish even after that process has been killed and then top shows high cpu usage from unrelated processes and a high %sy percentage as well. I don't really know where to begin solving this problem except I've checked that this is specifically related to (at least) CPU use as opposed to heavy memory use or IO (by running an application with low mem/no io but high cpu use). I am running the latest standard kernel from squeeze, 2.6.32-5-686. Also, thing is, I remember having similar problems with other Linux distros before, where for example gzipping a large file would cause the same. I did not have similar problems on {Net,Open}BSD, so a hardware fault seems an unlikely reason to me.

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Hardware :: Boot - Down Button Remains Pressed ?

Sep 13, 2010

When I boot, apparently any Linux (Ubuntu and CloneZilla), I see the letters Code: ^]]B scroll pass, over and over again. This represents the down key as when I try to do anything the down key is held down. This occurs during boot on Ubuntu (once I get to the login screen it stops and does not happen). This does not happen at the GRUB screen or in Windows. It also occurs during the entire CloneZilla process and Ubuntu alternative install process (making both of these impossible)

I can't find any reason for this to happen and have been using both CloneZilla and Ubuntu for a long time before this happened. Does anyone know what I could try to fix this.

Ubuntu no longer boots.

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Ubuntu :: Install Remains On Startup Screen

Sep 7, 2010

I installed ubuntu via virtualbox one day for fun, just to test it out. I didn't really need it, so i deleted the partition it was on and resized my hard drive. Thing is, when i startup my computer, ubuntu is still listed as an operating system, but whenever i go to choose it, my computer says "this file is missing or corrupt." I was just wondering if i make it so Ubuntu is not even shown on the screen anymore.

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Fedora :: Xrandr Effect Remains Until The Next Restart?

Jul 17, 2009

I used this command on Fedora11 for panning on my Acer Aspire One 150 it works but the next time that i restart the OS i have to issue the command again!

xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode 1024x600 --panning 1280x1024

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Debian Multimedia :: Krusader Remains With A Sleeping Status

Oct 5, 2010

I'm having a problem with krusader. When I open and close it, it remains with a sleep status. This can be verified by the system monitor and by the "ps aux". The krusader only go away if I use killall. This is occurring in more than one machine. I'm using squeeze gnome 64 bits.

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Fedora :: Copy My Files That Remains In Home Folder?

Apr 24, 2011

I had Fedora 7 and Windows-XP dual operating system. Few weeks ago, there was GRUB error. Now I want to install Fedora 14, but before it I want to back up all data in one external hard drive. I used Fedora 13 live-CD I could access all the drive formatted as NTFS, but I couldn't access /home and the drive formatted (ext2) and owned by the user-name.

Please, inform if there is any idea to copy my files that remains in the home folder. (I can see them but copying is prevented)

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OpenSUSE :: When Using Skype E.g And Close It,it Remains Running In The Background?

Jul 27, 2010

I have two queries,when am using skype e.g and I close it,it remains running in the background however I cant maximise it again.(have to kill it and then start it again).ALT+ TAB brings the other processes but not skype.It's still running and I can see notifications.2.In firefox,when am scrolling down a page,the text gets mingled into each other,i have tried to edit options in firefox (autoscrolling and smooth scrolling) but no positive change.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removed - But Option Remains On Boot Up

Jun 19, 2011

I reclaimed the hard drive space on my hard drive entirely for Windows 7 with the intention of installing another hard drive solely for Ubuntu. When I reboot my computer it still gives me the option to choose Windows or Ubuntu. I tried Ubuntu just to see what happens and all that came up was some error and an option to type in help for a list of commands. And if it makes a difference I was running Ubuntu 11.04.

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Server :: Screen Remains Blinking During The Kernel Compilation?

Dec 16, 2010

I was trying to compile the kernel 2.6.36 following the format [url] but my fedora 13 machine screen remains blinking without booting to new kernel.

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Debian Multimedia :: X Broken After Update - Screen Remains Black

Dec 20, 2010

So I'm pretty awful at keeping Debian up to date, I guess. I'm using cron-apt to fetch updates every night, then apply them whenever I get around to it. Well, I neglected that last part for a month or two, and after some routine downtime to clear the case of dust, I decided it was time to upgrade. So I ran the command, everything checked out fine, and I was on my merry way. Until a half-hour ago when I accidentally shutdown the computer (I use the same zsh prompt on each computer, so I got them confused.) I turned it back on, only to be greeted with a black screen after all the services started up.

Everything works: ircd, MPD, etc. EXCEPT, of course, X. At first I thought the update broke SLIM, but after checking htop and doing a killall slim, it doesn't appear to be running (the screen remains black.) I hit Control-Alt-f2 to get to get back to a terminal, then tried doing startx, which freezes the computer entirely. All the network services stop, I can't SSH in, etc. It's dead. If I'm not mistaken, Xorg.0.log should say something, but I'm not a huge expert on it. The last line isn't an error, I can tell you that. So what's the deal here? apt-get remove xorg and start over?

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Debian Multimedia :: Screen Remains Black After Sleep Mode

Feb 20, 2011

I recently came to Debian. As I have an ati card, I tried the proprietary drivers first, but then came back to radeon (open-source). In the process, I think I may have broke my xorg.conf . Sometimes, when the monitor goes into sleep mode, when I came back, the screen remains black (sometimes I see just the cursor).

Here is my xorg.conf
# NOXORGCONFEXISTED: No configuration file existed when this backup was created.

Also, I have lots of backups in my X11 folder, like xorg.conf.fglrx-3, xorg.conf.original-1, or backup.xorg.conf. Is it safe to remove them? What should I do about the main xorg.conf?

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Slackware :: Excessive Audio Buffering Required - Distortion Still Remains

Mar 25, 2010

I use my system as my stereo. It's the only thing I listen to. For quite some time now though, I have had a problem with audio not being properly played. What I get is what sounds like reverberation in the audio feed. I found that increasing the amount of time for the feeds to be buffered helps, but only partially.

I also installed another parallel system in this very same computer (on a different disk) which initially didn't have this problem. But then I did an upgrade and the problem became apparent on that system also. However after having done a couple of reboots, I noticed the problem disappeared. Now that system running is running clean as it was initially.

This may be an issue with my nVidia drivers. I'm not sure. Because I noticed problems on the second parallel system after attempting to install the proprietary nVidia graphics driver, which had numerous unpleasant side effects. So I removed it. But the problem didn't go away immediately. Only after I had rebooted a number of times did the sound begin to play as it would normally be expected to.

My primary system, the one from which I am now posting this runs KDE. But on the parallel system, due to a much smaller disk space, I am running XFCE. So this isn't a KDE-only issue.

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Fedora Hardware :: Checking Computer Memory - Specification Shows 2 GB Of Memory Instead Of GB

Feb 7, 2011

Fedora 14 xfce
HP Mini 210

I am looking to buy some memory for my netbook. Currently I have 1 GB of DDR3 memory. However, the specification says that 2 GB of memory is the max. However, when I do the following it says that 4GB is the max:


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Server :: Clear Cache Memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) As It Consumes Almost 100% Physical Memory?

Jan 11, 2010

let me know how to clear cache memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) as it consumes almost 100% physical memory.

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Software :: Free Database That Has Low Memory Usage And Innodb And Memory Like Engin

May 3, 2011

I am looking for free database that has low memory usage and innodb and memory like engins that has C API and support trigger and client/server support for using in embedded linux systems.

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Programming :: Memory Leaks - Glibc Detected - ./SuffixTree: Malloc() - Memory Corruption - 0x00

Mar 21, 2011

I am new to C and linux. My code below does arbitary writes but I cant figure out where or how it does it.

I am calling the insertNode() function with seq = 'MISSISSPPI$' and alphabets = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$'


Weird behaviour I should mention is that when I check for NULL pointer in node->child[index], the unassigned values are not null anymore, they point to arbitary memory.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Virtual Memory / Resident Memory Of Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we found that if we use 'top' to show the memory usage of a server (SuSe Linux 10), we can get virtual memory usage as well as 'Resident memory' usage. For virtual mem or a particular process, it is around 1.1GB, which is large but for resident memory, it only consumes 300MB. Are there anyone who knows what the differences are? I would also like to know whether the difference (1.1GB - 300MB) = 800MB are actually available for use by other applications in the system.

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