Ubuntu :: Spanish For OpenOffice.Org Word Processor
Nov 4, 2010
How can I install (or use if already installed) the Spanish language (Puerto Rico)?
It is not working for me.
I open the OpenOffice.Org Word Processor
I click:
-Spanish (Puerto Rico) (For "Selection" or "For Paragraph" or "For All Text"), and nothing happens.
I am obliged o go online and use some of those "Type Spanish accents" online site to do my Spanish work. But I can't, it is too much because the accents, etc.
Also, I found some packages to download but it says that they are "Authenticated"
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Apr 18, 2010
My Open Office word processor keeps closing after it's been open just a few seconds. I get to paste something I wanted to print into the word processor, and then it closes.
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Dec 21, 2010
I am a graduate student writing a dissertation in modern history. More than half of my computer work takes place on a word processor.I take notes, make outlines, and then write drafts of papers, chapters, presentations, etc. I regularly have to share these files with others who use operating systems other than Linux.I have just switched from OS X (after 5 years and half of using Mac) and I am still figuring out how to write my next dissertation chapter in Ubuntu.
There seems to be no consensus on what is or what are the best word processing softwares -- especially for academic writers -- in Ubuntu or Linux for that matter.I have read a number of posts on various forums and I find them either dated by several years or not dealing with the problems I am facing :
namely writing a serious, book-length academic work in the humanities and desiring to work with a user-friendly and fast word processor that would also be powerful enough to accomplish most or all academic tasks such as footnotes, style change, bibliography, accessibility, etc. There are people who suggest using LaTeX (LyX, Kile, etc.) but it seems to me that they're mostly based in the exact sciences and benefit from the math and science features that exist in LyX or another LaTeX editor. LaTeX is moreover not very accessible to those who do not know the LaTeX language or do not have an editor and work primarily with a word processor: meaning that when I share a LaTex document with my colleagues they have difficulty editing my work. See for instance this discussion which took place 5 years ago on this forum:
I wonder if those of you who are in similar fields (i.e., humanities, social sciences, law, etc.)could chip in and talk about your experience as academic writers working primarily from a Linux (specifically Ubuntu) platform. What are the word processing applications you use to write your serious papers?What are the advantages and disadvantages of OpenOffice.org Word Processor, Kword, and AbiWord? How easy or difficult is it to share your documents with others who do not use Linux? In what format/s do you share your documents? Can others easily modify and edit your texts? Do you use LaTeX at all?Opinions may vary with respect to discipline,which word processor to use for writing their articles, dissertations, or books.
My own personal experience with OpenOffice.org has not been very positive. It's pretty slow and has problems with multiple language input. Switching from Nisus Writer Pro and Mellel (both OS X softwares), OpenOffice.org Word Processor seems also not very user-friendly. It seems to follow the design of MS Word (or what MS Word used to be) and feels above all *cluttered.* I am however trying to like it as I understand there's probably no other word processor better than OpenOffice.org in Ubuntu. Am I correct to assume this? I also downloaded Kword which in terms of interface and egronomic design seems quite nice. It is also a bit faster -- although I don't know how powerful Kword is at the moment and whether it can accomplish all that my academic work requires from a word processor. I have also read somewhere that AbiWord is really not all that powerful. It is meant to be a fast but "lean" word processor which would do basic things quickly.
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Jan 21, 2011
How can I change the default word processor (to openoffice) on Slackware 13.1, with KDE? When I click on a file using dolphin, .doc files open with kwrite. I would like them to open with open office.
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Nov 25, 2009
i instaled openoffice but in english =/i need change,
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm very new to this , just got a acer revo 3600 with Linux but there seems to be nothing much on it apart from Internet , don't understand computers at all but am looking for word processor etc. been told to get ubuntu don't know how to or what it is also a bit stuck with the terminology.
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May 8, 2010
I just upgraded a 9.10 system to 10.04.The family that uses this computer speaks both English and Spanish. The 9.10 system used both fine; however the new 10.04 is broken. Mixing the Spanish and the English after I tried removing the Spanish (because everyone's account went to Spanish even if they had chosen English).I want to go 100% English, once it is working again, install the Spanish support again.
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Jan 7, 2010
When sending to a typical windows user a text document created in open office what must the file extension be for the MS user to be able to open it.
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Sep 14, 2010
I have tried openoffice but the mail merge is a nightmare to use and when eventually I managed to get something out of it instead of one page linked to a database it produced a separate page for each plus a blank page! I did manage to do something with openoffice database using a form letter but that was also a nightmare to do!
I tried Koffice which is supposed to have mail merge but nothing appeared on the Tools menu as the manual says it should. At the moment I am using MS office 2003 under Wine which works fine and does exactly what I want, only thing I don't seem able to do is install any of the service packs, any suggestions for that? Preferably I would like a Linux based word processor, does anyone know of one that has functioning mail merge?
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Feb 20, 2011
I have started using linux again and the programme that used to come with Suse back in 2003 was called "open office" since this is 2011 and im now using Ubuntu which suits me much better I need a word processor that can support .doc or create files that I can then open and edit with Microsoft word in university. Is there any word processor out there that sounds like what im looking for?
Lastly I also need atleast a PPT viewer to see my lecture slides and a program that can make powerpoint presentations or can be used and edited with Powerpoint would be great for my presentation work.
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Oct 12, 2010
I was given a Linux Asus eee PC 4G Netbook. I know nothing about Linux, but I know if I use it, I will create documents that I need to put on my PC for a permanent record. Also, can I transfer a document written in Word to my Linux Netbook. I know these are kind of stupid questions, but I was unable to find the answer after an hour of net surfing.
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Apr 20, 2011
I am looking for an easy way to digitally sign documents produced with regular word processors. Here are my findings so far:LibreOffice and OpenOffice are ready to digitally sign documents. There are a few steps involved (such as obtaining the certificate). For documents produced with a different word processor (such as Abiword), there is always the option to transform them into pdf documents, which seem to be ready to be digitally signed, with specific software. The first thing I looked at was gpg, which allows for a detached signature and also for a "clearsign" option, which attaches the signature to the document.
I have already ruled out the "detached signature", as this imposes another degree of difficulty to handle a stack of documents that will need to be classified and relocated frequently. As for the "clearsign" option, it is great for simple text documents but, when used with Abiword documents (for instance), the few extra lines outside the xml tree renders them impossible to read. So far, forcing all my coworkers to use only LibreOffice seems to be the simplest alternative.
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May 23, 2011
I'm looking for a text editor, word processor, or another kind of program that makes it really easy to make it look like some of the text is inside of a terminal. So that it is very obvious what text is a command and what text is a description. Also a template that does this would work to.
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Mar 18, 2010
Using Arch Linux. I am looking for a good word processor. I don't need a lot of file format support. Only RTF (for WordPad on W$). I want one that it is easy to use. I've been searching on Google and these are the ones that constantly show up. I have tried them, and don't like them. (Abiword was OK, but I couldn't get spell-check to work...)Just something light and easy to use, with just the usual features. I don't want a billion features. All I want is something I don't have to fight against to get a nice looking, presentable document. Emacs, Vi and *TeX* are not very easy to use, so don't mention the 'advanced' ones like that.
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Sep 25, 2010
My fonts are all set to times new roman or something. Yet the page shows up in wingings?
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Feb 26, 2010
I have a word file that i transfered to my ubuntu laptop, when i copied it here it was changed to a rtf file
When i try to open this file Openoffice opens up but then immediately freezes and when I click on quit it tells me openOffice is not responding. I just did an update and its still doing the same .
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Oct 12, 2010
Am using openofficeorg. 3.0 on my linux server and everytime i insert jpeg pictures or scan pictures and insert them in my word, i cant view the pictures directly in word unless i preview. when i insert the picture in word it only show me the frame and its written on graphics 1 but when i page preview i can see the picture and even the printer can print the picture.
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Feb 18, 2011
I noticed that files that were written in MS Word 2003 change when opened in Open Office 3.2.1 This usually involves tables, lists, and image placement, as well as page margins and boundaries. It sometimes makes it annoying when reading files saved in MS Word .doc format that other people send me. Does anyone know if there is an extension to fix this? Or settings that can be changed? Also, was this addressed in version 3.3.0 of OpenOffice? Has anyone tried it on LibreOffice? I don't want to install VirtualBox, Windows, and Office to read Word files properly. I dislike MS.
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Jun 3, 2011
I am having problems opening and printing word 97/2000 formatted documents that were saved using OpenOffice in Maverick. If I try to open one of these files in openOffice for Lucid, it causes OpenOffice to freeze every time. If I save the files in OpenOffice format and share them between Maverick and Lucid - everything works fine. Anyone know what might be causing OpenOffice in Lucid to freeze when loading word 97/2000 files?
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Jul 14, 2010
In my graduate professional writing program, I have had to make several documents that integrate graphics. In order to manage the graphics, I taught myself how to use frames. But I discovered that the Openoffice.org word processor has a problem saving the frames correctly. I save my document and close it. When I reopen it later, the graphics in some of the frames (not all) are distorted; they appear cut in half. Examining the frames, I determined that the anchors of the affected frames had changed since I saved and closed. Changing the anchors back to whatever they were restored the graphics to normal. Every time I saved and closed, this happened again. The first solution I came up with was to save with the frames set properly, and export the document as a PDF file; the frame anchor settings will not mess up for that.
Then, because I save my school documents as Word files (the university--that program, anyway--doesn't use Linux), I tried saving the document as an OpenOffice text document (.odt). That also avoided the frame anchor settings problem, meaning the problem occurs only when saving as a Word document. But since my professors probably don't use OpenOffice, I am submitting PDF documents in this situation.
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Dec 14, 2010
I've just installed Kubuntu 10.10 a couple of days a go. I've installed IBUS-UNIKEY and it works perfectly with Kopete and other applications. But I can not "activate" Ibus when working with OpenOffice Word. KDEIbus doesn't work with other GTK+ Applications.
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Jan 11, 2011
I am trying to change the current association for MS word documents from Kword to openoffice. I guess I'm following closely the indicated step in the manual, i.e.: ~ xdg-mime default openoffice.org-writer.desktop application/msword but when I check it I get this: ~ xdg-mime query default application/msword kword.desktop
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Mar 4, 2010
Well, I am facing one issue:How can i read two files word by word at a time using any loop as i need word by word comparision in shell script?Please let me know pseudo code.
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Jan 21, 2011
I have a output file look like this:
{"test1" : "test2", "test3" : "test4"},
How can I read word by word in each line?This is not working code:
while read word
do a=$(($a+1));
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Jun 28, 2011
Want to search for ~ and delete it as well as to append the entire line to the above line. For Ex:
1111xxxx date Sandy area is ~around this area.3222xxx date There seems to ~left side of map, the colours are accurate (showing green areas)Even if I ~zoom in, the green parks, xxx3258 date The dammed up
~away, the "other" body of water varies ~blackNatural gas leaching.
1111xxxx date Sandy area is around this area. 3222xxx date There seems to left side of map, the colours are accurate (showing green areas)Even if I zoom in, the green parks, xxx3258 date The dammed up away, the "other" body of water varies blackNatural gas leaching.
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May 4, 2010
I am pretty new to bash scripting...I am trying to write a script that will take an input and read it word for word and then DO something with it like echo. I have been able to find how to read word for word from a file but I don't know how to do it with input.
I was looking for something like
exit 0 The input would be A-Z a-z 0-9 and have a single space between each word.
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Feb 19, 2010
I have to modify formsweb.cfg file in Oracle IAS.
Problem description
In formsweb.cfg file are two lines with labels archive_jini= and archive= at the beginning of line. After equal sign (=) is row of filenames of java archives delimited by coma(,). When I insert a new jar file in java directory, I have to append the very same name of jar file to both lines if that name is not yet present.
Example snippet from formsweb.cfg
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Jan 5, 2010
i have installed ubuntu in my laptop.since i have AMD processor fedora doesnt support AMD processor..the recent version fedora 12 supprots AMD processor.i am doing my final project in ns2 hence it should support tht too!!! Which is the best choice to override ubuntu grub fedora 12 or redhat linux.
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Nov 6, 2010
Im an engineer from Puerto Rico. Here, I have to write emails, letters,etc. in spanish and english. For that reason, I need a "Spell Check" and be able to use accents in spanish and english using my email (most of time Gmail) and other programs like OpenOffice (docs,etc.). There are a couple of post but none of them can solve my problem. My OS is Ubuntu 10.10.
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Jun 7, 2010
I am using mnemosyne [URL]... for my Spanish vocabulary and I would like to add some dictionaries so that I won't have to type it all in myself. There are several English-Spanish dictionaries, but the problem is I would like it German-Spanish or vice versa. Does anybody know where I can find some?
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