Ubuntu :: Settings Of /etc/hosts And /etc/hostname?

Dec 4, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 64 bitI need to set /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts so that on running;$ hostname Code: ub1004 $ hostname -a Code: ub1004 set them as;cat /etc/hostname Code: ub1004 cat /etc/hosts Code:

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet


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Ubuntu Networking :: Proxy Settings: Allowed Hosts Instead Of Ignored Hosts

Aug 17, 2011

Well, as many proxy applications, GNOME Network Proxy Preferences only allow to ignore hosts. What I want to do is exactly the opposite. I only want to use the proxy for few sites. Is it possible to define only the allowed hosts in any way?

PS: I know FoxyProxy add-on for Firefox does this, but 1)I don't use Firefox and 2)I want the proxy settings system wide not only for browser.

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Ubuntu :: Set /etc/hostname And /etc/hosts?

Dec 4, 2010

Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit

I need to set /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts so that on running;

$ hostname
$ hostname -a


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Ubuntu :: Difference Between /etc/hosts And /etc/hostname?

Oct 8, 2010

What is the difference between /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname?

I think the /etc/hosts file stores all ip address associated with this computer, but what about /etc/hostname?

It sounds almost like the computer name, but what is it used for?

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Ubuntu :: No Hostname Or Hosts Files?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm trying to change my computer name and looked up other posts and found I need to edit /ect/hostname and /ect/hosts, but neither of these folders exist so how do I change my computer name in ubuntu 10.10?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Hosts And Hostname Resetting At Reboot?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm facing bit of a conundrum with my new server. It is essentially a distributed-virtual Plesk Virtuoso container with a rather simple LAMP setup (PHP5 etc) and virtual hosting. Running 10.04 LTS.

The issue is that on each reboot, the /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname files are reset with their original configs causing the virtual hosting to break, i.e. rather than hosting the vhosts correctly, it essentially routes all traffic to /var/www, or essentially 000-default ~ this beats the whole point of vhosting in the first place!

Is there any way to get around them being overwritten at boot? A very crude workaround would be to set a script to load at boot via init.d and have it rewrite both files to their correct configs - of course, I have no idea as to the point during boot at which they get replaced.

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Networking :: Referencing Hosts By (special) Hostname For IPv6 Link Local Address

Apr 30, 2010

I can reach other hosts by means of their global addresses by either the IP address or hostname (that has the global address). What I want to (also) do is have a hostname that references the IPv6 link local IP address (an AAAA record in DNS, or just the fe80::<whatever> address in /etc/hosts) and use that host name in commands to access that host. The problem is, an interface ID is needed when making such a reference.

It sure looks like the programs just pass the host name string on to the resolver library, which does not understand the significance of the '%' even though it could find and see that the name preceding the '%' is consistent with that being an IPv6 link local address (e.g. the logic could have been "split at first % and see if preceeding name is found as a link local address and accept that if so, or ignore the split otherwise" ... but it isn't). Is there a different syntax for this ... or was it overlooked in the design of programming around IPv6?I want to be able to address a host by its link local address, while still using a mnemonic instead of having to type the IPv6 address.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Networking Hostname / Can Ping The Linux Box Using Its Hostname From A WinXp. But Cannot Do The Reverse?

Jan 3, 2010

I have a network of 2 WinXP machines and one linux box. I have fiddled around with the settings as you do when learning. The network is working. The network neighbourhood on the WinXP machines recognise the linux box and vice versa, (the linux Places|Network recognises the 2 WinXP). I can Ping the linux box using its hostname from a WinXp. But I cannot do the reverse. I get an 'unknown host' response. I can ping the linux to itself using its hostname.

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Security :: Use Current /etc/hosts File To Do An Ssh-keyscan Instead Of Making A Special List Of Hosts?

May 2, 2011

I'm trying to use ssh-keyscan to get some known_host file population going on, but I have a ton of hosts I want to scan, all with multiple aliases in /etc/hosts. Is there a way to use my current /etc/hosts file to do an ssh-keyscan instead of making a special list of hosts that (from what I've read) ssh-keyscan needs?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Pinging Hostname Rather Than Hostname.local?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to ping another Ubuntu computer on my local network. If I try doing,ping <hostname>then I get the messageping: unknown host <hostname>however, if I doping <hostname>.localthen I get a response back. I was wondering how I can change it so that I can ping without having to append .localI've installed winbind and modified my /etc/nsswitch.conf file but this has made no difference.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Hostname Changed But Email Still Using Old Hostname?

May 22, 2011

I have an ubuntu 10.04 server with hostname "abc.domain.com". However, due to migration, we had to change to hostname to something else, "xyz".

I have done changing /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname and run /etc/init.d/hostname start.

Checking the hostname and all shows it is now using hostsname of xyz. However, email sending out is still using old hostname. We have some scripts that will send out alerts like failed rsync or hdd space full to my email account. But I see the sender is still "root@abc.domain.com".

How do change that to xyz? I am using postfix. I have edited main.cf and restarted postfix but no go.

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Ubuntu :: No Hosts File - Just Hosts.allow And .deny?

Jan 26, 2011

Probably an easy (which means stoopid) question...I am trying to reroute a website using my hosts file so that it matches my servers certificate file for testing without effect dns and the live site.When I went to edit my /etc/hosts file it is non-existent. I have, I am assuming in it's place, hosts.allow and hosts.deny. Can anyone explain why I do not have a hosts file?

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Networking :: FC13 Install Can Ping By Hostname - Ssh By Hostname Fails

Jul 29, 2010

I'm having an issue on two Fedora Core 13 machines where I can ping others by hostname, but the hostname resolution fails whenever I use ssh/scp/vnc/etc. I can still do these things by IP address, just not by hostname. RHEL5.3 machines on the same network with the same configuration do not seem to have this problem.

Here's the not-so-quick-and-dirty description of the situation:

I know that there is a virtual router at and another at I also know that there is another network (let's call it and on that network lies a number of resources. By nature of this configuration, any machine on can be accessed by any 192.168.x.x, but not the other way around. Beyond that is out of my hands and currently out of my scope of knowledge.

I have a dnsmasq server on that operates as a secondary nameserver, another machine out of my sphere of influence is the primary nameserver (

The secondary nameserver on holds the hostnames of our development machines. The problem is that in some cases, while I can ping by hostname all day long, services such as ssh, scp, vncviewer, etc all fail to resolve the hostname. In other cases I can do all of these things.

Every machine has an equivalent resolv.conf:

As an example, I will show the output of a handful of my development machines:

I also included columbia as a one-way test -- even though it cannot access 30.x or 31.x, they can access it:

columbia -- physical machine, Red Hat Enterprise 5.3, IP

Okay, so here are the various outputs. Remember, nibbler, discovery, and atlantis can ALL:
- Ping by IP address
- Ping by hostname
- ssh, scp, vnc, etc by IP addess

Additionally, the SERVFAIL reply from is expected since my dnsmasq server is on the secondary server.

Note that the only machine that can both ping and ssh/scp/etc by hostname is nibbler, which also happens to be the only one of the three running RHEL5.3 instead of FC13. Other virtual and physical machines running on the and networks (all running RHEL5.3) work just like nibbler does. So the problem seems to only affect machines running FC13.

Final note: selinux is disabled, iptables is disabled, ip6tables is disabled.

Other than that, discovery is a brand-spanking-new install straight off of the FC13 DVD. atlantis has been around longer, but its just a file server so I haven't done anything too crazy to it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Set $HOSTNAME To Dynamically Update With The Hostname That Is Specified For The Ip In DNS?

Apr 6, 2010

How do I set $HOSTNAME to dynamically update with the hostname that is specified for the ip in DNS?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache2: SNI & Virtual Hosts - Multiple Virtual Hosts With Ssl And Only 1 Ip Address

Jan 17, 2011


What I want: multiple virtual hosts with ssl and only 1 ip address: In my example: server =


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General :: Difference Between $HOSTNAME And $(hostname)

Jan 21, 2010

the difference between $HOSTNAME and $(hostname)?

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Ubuntu :: Reset Compiz Settings From Command-line To Default System Settings?

Jan 31, 2010

Did you play too much with compiz and after-a-while you realize that certain functions are not working anymore?

Well, just follow the steps below:


gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz



Restart your PC / lappy


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Ubuntu :: Change File Permission Settings To Force All Documents To Inherit Parent Document Settings?

Aug 21, 2011

i have a computer with 3 users on it, and a folder using samba that everyone on the network has access to. Lets say that, the folder is stored in /etc/sharedfolder. What happens is, when user1 puts a folder in it, then logs off, user 2 attempts to modify it and fails, because permission is set to 755, and they are not in the same group. (even if they were, it should still need to be 775) Anyway, my current solution is, every 5 minutes a crontab changes permission like so: chmod 777 -R /etc/sharedfiles && chown useradmin:superadmin -R /etc/sharedfiles Which works, but seeing as there is getting close to a gig in there, this is a bad solution, as it eats up the computers resources. Solutions that i think might work:

1) create a script that only changes permissions that need be changed.
2) change file permission settings to force all documents to inherit parent document settings

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General :: Fedora 13 - Cannot Get Any Of The Resolutions Settings To Look Right On Separate X Screen With The Nvidia X Server Settings Gui

Aug 21, 2010

I am using Fedora 13 x86_64 on a Acer Aspire 7730ZG laptop with: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 9300M GS] (rev a1) I have kmod-nvidia- installed from rpmfuison when I plug in the hdmi cable to the tv, my tv says the resoultion is at 720p, and I can not get any of the resolutions settings to look right on seperate x screen with the nvidia X server settings gui. my tv is a vizo 42inch. also another question is their a way to set the video card to output at 1080? this might be part of my problem?

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OpenSUSE :: Sharing Of Chromium Settings / Share The Browsers And Email Settings?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a triboot windows suse 11.3 stable and suse 11.3 factory pc, I would like to share the browsers and email settings between the suse stable and factory, I succeed with thunderbird and firefox moving the /home/.thunderbird and /home/.mozilla in an ext3 shared partition and linking these in the respecive /homes, I found that there isn't a /home/.chromium folder, I found probably /usr/lib64/chromium could be the same as /home/.mozilla for firefox, but I don't know if is secure or can damage my system to move this in a ext3 partition and then link this to the respective /usr/lib64/chromium, /usr/lib64/chromium has root owner, root group, visible and modifiable for root and only visible for group and other.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Saving System Settings (yast Settings)

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way I can save system settings and have yast revert to a config file in case I ever need to reinstall the system again? I hate having to configure the firewall, runlevels, samba shares, samba workgroup, apparmor, and all the other junk after every install. It's not like I install often, but should suse 11.5 or 12 roll out, I'd like it to be a snappy upgrade.

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Hardware :: Gpointing-device-settings Settings Will Not Stay After Reboot?

Oct 18, 2009

I am running a debian squeeze machine on a ibm t40 laptop with window maker as my window manager. I am using gpointing-device-settings as a program to get the scroll bar on my touch pad working. unfortunately, I can't get the settings to stick after i shutdown and turn on. I have to go into the program and unclick then reclick the button. i'm using version 1.3.2 (ive tried both deb and source versions). does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? and if there is any configure files that I could configure instead of having to use the gui program.

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Ubuntu :: Advanced User Settings / 'Connect To Ethernet And Wireless' Option Of The Advanced Settings?

Aug 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a user account for my children in Ubuntu 10.04

When creating their account, I have turned off the 'Connect to ethernet and wireless' option of the Advanced Settings.

However, when I log into their accounts, they still have full access to the internet through both the wireless and ethernet connections. Is this option for some other purpose?

Is there an alternate way to limit internet access for childrens' accounts in Ubuntu? (I'm used to MS Family Safety as a filter for internet access - is there an eqivalent for Ubuntu?)

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Ubuntu :: Using Variables In Hostname?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm have been tasked with created a base Ubuntu image that can be used for cloning to multiple machines. As this is a network environment, each hostname will obviously need to be unique. Rather than manually changing the hostname each time a new, cloned machine is rolled out, I was wondering if there is a way to use a variable in the hostname (i.e., use a variable to truncate the the last 6 digits of the MAC address to the end of the static hostname--or any other unique variable for that matter--so it would look like hostname00E6D4).

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Ubuntu :: How Does Hostname Get Set On Karmic

Mar 24, 2010

I just set up a new karmic server, and the hostname is being set properly, but I'm not exactly sure how, since there is no longer an init script that sets it (it used to be /etc/init.d/hostname.sh on my older servers). Now I'm curious: what is the new mechanism by which the server's hostname is set at boot time?

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Ubuntu :: How To Put `hostname` In Uppercase

May 3, 2010

How i put `hostname` in uppercase in this case:date +"%Y%m%d%T" > date_`hostname`.txt Best wishes,Andr Barradas

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Ubuntu :: SSH After Changing The Hostname?

May 14, 2010

I just have a simple question. When I installed Lucid a few weeks ago, I didnt feel very inspired, and thus left the host name at default. I just changed the hostname today, and I discovered that I can no longer resolve the host for ssh connections to the computer. When I changed the hostname files, I followed this guide: [URL].. Is there a file that I need to change regarding SSH that has a hostname in it?

Specifically, Im trying to ssh and VNC connect to the Ubuntu box from my iPhone. I have a PuTTY client installed on it (from the app store, called iSSH) and up until now, it worked.

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Ubuntu :: Add An Entry To The Hosts File?

Jul 5, 2010

I share a computer with my brother. It runs Lucid Lynx. I want to add an entry to the hosts file that will affect him negatively. Is there a way I can add the entry, without it affecting him, like, is there a user-specific hosts file?

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Ubuntu :: Block Hosts For A Given Time?

Jul 13, 2010

Is there anyway that I can prevent access to the hosts file, or any file for that matter, for a time that I can specify, so that within that time no one will be able to open and edit the said file?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't Reach Some Hosts

Aug 31, 2010

I have a problem reaching some hosts on the Internet, namely newegg.com and djangoproject.com. On the same machine and network connection using Windows 7 the host names resolve properly and I can connect to them. The host names are resolving in Ubuntu, but I cannot connect to them.

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