Ubuntu Servers :: "perldoc Net::FTP" Following Documentation But Dont Understand

Jan 26, 2011

I'm setting up backuppc for backing up over ftp. I have been following this guide: [URL].. The difference is I need to use FTP to backup as opposed to ssh / rsync.I have followed the guide and instead of using

$Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsync';
I am using
$Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp';
as per: http://backuppc.sourceforge.net/faq/BackupPC.html


For linux/unix machines you should not backup "/proc". This directory contains a variety of files that look like regular files but they are special files that don't need to be backed up (eg: /proc/kcore is a regular file that contains physical memory). See $Conf{BackupFilesExclude}. It is safe to back up /dev since it contains mostly character-special and block-special files, which are correctly handed by BackupPC (eg: backing up /dev/hda5 just saves the block-special file information, not the contents of the disk).

Alternatively, rather than backup all the file systems as a single share ("/"), it is easier to restore a single file system if you backup each file system separately. To do this you should list each file system mount point in $Conf{TarShareName} or $Conf{RsyncShareName}, and add the --one-file-system option to $Conf{TarClientCmd} or $Conf{RsyncArgs}. In this case there is no need to exclude /proc explicitly since it looks like a different file system.

Next you should decide whether to run tar over ssh, rsh or nfs. Ssh is the preferred method. Rsh is not secure and therefore not recommended. Nfs will work, but you need to make sure that the BackupPC user (running on the server) has sufficient permissions to read all the files below the nfs mount.

Ssh allows BackupPC to run as a privileged user on the client (eg: root), since it needs sufficient permissions to read all the backup files. Ssh is setup so that BackupPC on the server (an otherwise low privileged user) can ssh as root on the client, without being prompted for a password. There are two common versions of ssh: v1 and v2. Here are some instructions for one way to setup ssh. (Check which version of SSH you have by typing "ssh" or "man ssh".) Everything seems to be working correctly except when a backup is executed I get this:


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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Understand Log File Meaning?

Apr 13, 2010

a lot of log file store in location /var/log/ but how to understand what the meaning in side the log file recorded down? how to find out the problem from the log file?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 2 Php.ini Files, And Dont Know What One To Change?

Jun 12, 2010

trying to send email from php I'm hosting a website from my pc. LAMP is installed, and php and mysql is running fine. i want the web site to send automated e-mails i found the code mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers); but its not working. I'm pretty sure i need to configure the php.ini file, but the problem is I have 2 php.ini files, and I dont know what one to change, or why I have 2

the two files with path are :

why is there two?
what one do I need to change?

(i have other questions, but first things first)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Lost Going Trough IPsec Documentation?

Jun 15, 2011

So I need to make an IPsec vpn. I've been told to use Shrew Soft. But I'm completely lost on where to begin. I've gone trough the documentation and stuff but I have no idea what to do next.

I can't find anything on the site how to install or configure the shrewsoft shizzle. The only thing I could use is something about ipsec-tools because all the rest is using a graphical interface (which ofc I'm not seeing how I'm using a server edition).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Dns Server Started With 2 NIC Cards - Bios Sees Both Cards But - Both Dont Show In Ifconfig

Dec 1, 2010

I have a dns server started with 2 NIC Cards in it. The bios sees both cards but they both dont show in ifconfig. is there a way to activate the second card?

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Ubuntu :: Cant Understand Y There Is No Dock Option

Oct 19, 2010

I cant understand y there is no dock option in this

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Ubuntu :: LAMP: Don't Understand How To FTP Localhost

Apr 19, 2011

I'm in way over my head and have absolutely no idea what I am doing.I set up a lamp server earlier today on ubuntu 10.10 and I'm trying to upload files to wordpress which I installed at local host using vsftpd. I am so lost.Something about this entire process has not clicked in my head;

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Ubuntu :: Understand The Output From 'free' Cmd?

Sep 20, 2010

I don't understand the output from 'free' cmd.


WHy in first line in columns representing 'used', 'free', 'buffers', 'cached' are such values? I can't count them properly.

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Red Hat :: Cannot Understand Working Of Yum

Dec 2, 2010

I am a linux newbie (more so with using RedHat). I am trying to use yum to install packages, but have never really able to get this thing right. I want to install libXp-devel package. However, running yum install libXp-devel doesn't work.

When I downloaded the rpm for libXp-devel and tried to run yum install libXp-devel-1.0.0-8.1.el5.x86_64.rpm, I get the following:


Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package libXp-devel.x86_64 0:1.0.0-8.1.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libXp = 1.0.0-8.1.el5 for package: libXp-devel
--> Processing Dependency: libXau-devel for package: libXp-devel


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Server :: How To Understand Different Timing Of CPU

Aug 23, 2010

I am anticipating that someone could give more further information about that, not only simple explanations. How to understand User Time, sys time, wait time, idle time of CPU

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Ubuntu :: Positional Parameters Tutorial \ Don't Understand Its Concept?

Aug 14, 2010

need help with the Positional Parameters. I don't understand its concept.If you could give some example or and explanation

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OpenSUSE :: How To Understand System.time

Mar 29, 2011

(inside R) I am using system.time function to measure the execution time of two functions

> system.time(lapply(seq(1:1000000),returni))
user system elapsed
0.982 0.100 1.057


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General :: Trying To Understand Where Bootloaders Are Installed

Apr 28, 2011

In the beginning there is MBR. MBR looks for the active partition and tranfers control to the VBR of the active partition. MBR is where grub may be installed. which allows the user to choose an OS(a VBR) I am not sure what the program in the VBR does,but it manages to loads the OS. What am I trying to do: Backup. I ma tired of losign my partitions my bootloaders. I want to backup them all! partitions/MBR /VBR everything short of creating an disk image.

My questions:

1. say the ubuntu partition is formatted, will grub still load? if not is there a bootloader that would?am I making sense? i hope so...

2. what exactly does the VBR contain ?

2. How do I go about backing up? The mbr and the partiton table are backed up with a simple dd command. Then what else needs to be backed ? VBR's of every partition?

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General :: Not Able To Understand The Output Of W Command

Aug 9, 2011

I have taken putty session of a server from two separate machines namely HOST1(3 sessions) and HOST2(1 Session) . However w command says there are 5 users

# w
09:29:36 up 34 days, 15:48, 5 users, load average: 0.62, 4.33, 8.16
root pts/17 HOST1 09:18 4:26 0.01s 0.01s -bash
root pts/18 HOST1 09:27 1:21 0.00s 0.00s -bash
root pts/21 HOST2 09:29 0.00s 0.00s 0.00s w
root pts/20 HOST1 09:29 1:39 0.00s 0.00s -bash

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Server :: Can't Understand Logwatch Error

May 23, 2011

This problem is occurring on Red Hat EL 5 WS. However, I have two CentOS 5 systems, with similar configuration to RH EL 5, where this problem does not occur.

I am getting this error:

Can't exec "sendmail": No such file or directory at ./0logwatch line 1018, <TESTFILE> line 1.
Can't execute sendmail -t: No such file or directory

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Programming :: Programmers And People That Understand The OS?

Apr 24, 2011

Well I get my other 2 questions answered , I have one last question that has been buggy me.Anyone know why windows use so many files just to keep the OS going and so bloated? The under line of files of windows is messy and loads self every where and very bloated with windows and windows vista and windows 7 very much so.I'm not sure if Linux /Mac OS X is like this or not .

I know windows needs to support alot more software and hardwar but is that not where drivers come in for the hardware.And programmers need to write the software for windows or Linux / Mac OS X.

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Programming :: Can't Understand Return Value Of Gawk?

Mar 10, 2010

I write a little script by bash.

a=`gawk '/Iterations /{print $0}' hoge.log | gawk 'BEGIN{FS=" "}{print ($4)}'`
a=`expr 3 '*' $a`


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Programming :: Trying To Understand This Function In JavaScript

Dec 9, 2010

In my book, this is an example of a recursive algorithm:

var reverseArray = function(x,indx,str) {
return indx == 0 ? str : reverseArray(x,--indx,(str+= " " + x[indx])) ;; }
var arr = new Array('apple','orange','peach','lime');
var str = reverseArray(arr,arr.length,"");
alert(str) ;

I'm trying to understand it, I'm stuck at the (str+= " " + x[indx])) part - that part of the function definition expects an ARGUMENT, am I right? What's being passed to it is a bit of PROGRAM, the str+= stuff. So - how is it working?

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OpenSUSE Network :: How To Understand If I Have Been Hacked And Being Monitored

Oct 21, 2010

make a check list of things to do to see if i can figure out if my machine is or not compromised .

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Programming :: Cannot Understand Invalid Read Error

Aug 25, 2010

I have just started using Valgrind,which really is great. Most of the reported errors look kinda weird, though I can't really understand what's going on here, for example:

==00:00:02:52.033 7754== Invalid read of size 4
==00:00:02:52.033 7754== at 0x80B0987: MyCls::MyPrintf(long, char*, ...) (MyCls.cpp:270) ...
==00:00:02:52.033 7754== Address 0x47a5ee8 is 0 bytes after a block of size 296 alloc'd ...
==00:00:02:52.033 7754== by 0x809A6C1: ClsMain::taskRun(int, char**) (ClsMain.cpp:177)
==00:00:02:52.033 7754== by 0x816CFE8: main (main-C.cpp:2060)

==7754== ---- Attach to debugger ? --- [Return/N/n/Y/y/C/c] ---- Y
==00:00:02:57.410 7754== starting debugger with cmd: /usr/bin/gdb -nw /proc/7765/fd/1014 7765
GNU gdb Red Hat Linux (6.5-25.el5rh)
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as
"i386-redhat-linux-gnu"...Using host libthread_db library "/lib/libthread_db.so.1".

Attaching to program: /proc/7765/fd/1014, process 7765
MyCls::MyPrintf (this=0x47a5dc0, iPrm=3,
sMsg=0x6974320 "blablabla"...) at MyCls.cpp:270
270 cout<<endl<<"m_FilePtr="<<hex<<m_FilePtr<<dec<<endl;

Basically, Valgrind reported the "Invalid Read" error at line 270 of file MyCls.cpp, which is simply a cout of the m_FilePtr variable, which is a member variable of the MyCls class. It's a FILE* variable I use to write repeatedly on a text file. The address reported (0x47a5ee8) is 296 bytes after the "this" pointer (0x47a5dc0),as Valgrind correctly tells me but I honestly don't understand that. And of course, I need to read that variable, not only for the cout (indeed,the error is reported at every reading attempt). Besides, the application doesn't crash, but still I would like to understand if I really have to worry about this "error".

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Ubuntu :: Understand A Large Amount Of Allocated Memory That Seems Not To Be Accounted For On System?

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to understand a large amount of allocated memory that seems not to be accounted for on my system.I'll say up front that I am discussing memory usage without cache and buffers, 'cause I know that misunderstanding comes up a lot.I am in a KDE 4.3 desktop (Kubuntu 9.10), using a number of java apps like Eclipse that tend to eat up a lot of memory.after a few days, even if I quit most apps, 1 gb of ram remains allocated (out of 2 gb).this appeared excessive, and I took the time to add up all values of the RES column in htop (for all users).the result was about 1/2 gb.am I trying to match the wrong values?or could some memory be allocated and not show up in the process list?this is the output of free

total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2055456 1940264 115192 0 123864 702900


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General :: Machine Check Exception - How To Read And Understand It

May 20, 2011

My computer acts strange - sometimes reboots spontanousely, sometimes does not want to boot. When I isse command "mcelog", I receive such info:


How can I read and understand it? Could somebody point me to some documentation?

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Networking :: Best Book To Understand Linux Network From Scratch

Mar 27, 2009

i really confuse now..many people gave recommendation for many book.i have little experience on networking
what is the best book for understand Linux Networking from Scratch..

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Server :: An Apache Tutorial Points To A Mistake But Could Not Understand It?

Jun 15, 2010

Here is a link to atutorial which mentions following use of ReWriteRule is wrong.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /


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Programming :: Unable To Understand The Highlighted Code/syntax?

Mar 4, 2011

I am unable to understand the highlighted code/syntax here and what do variable names starting with an underscore represent?

#include <iostream>
template <class Class, typename ReturnType, typename Parameter>


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Programming :: Can't Understand The Value Returned By Semctl Using GETPID Option

Oct 18, 2010

I have got a program using semctl(). I cant understand the value returned by semctl using GETPID option and its difference with the actual pid obtined by getpid()as in the following code:


int semid,retval;
semid=semget(0*20,1,0666 | IPC_CREAT);
retval = semctl(semid,0,GETPID,0);


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Programming :: Yacc Conflicts - How To Understand Grammar Conflict

Jun 4, 2010

I am getting shift/reduce and reduce/reduce conflict in my yacc grammar code. yacc generates (i.e yacc -d -v parser.y) its grammar and state information in the parser.output file.

How can i interpret the below information and understand which grammar state is conflicting with other grammar state? Please help me to understand.

State 159 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 1863 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 1865 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
State 1960 conflicts: 1 shift/reduce

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General :: Finding Difficult To Understand The Methods Of Xml Modules In Python?

Apr 15, 2011

python can get anylink or any tutorials which is having few basic eg. and could help as a guide too. bcaz whatever now i have like "byte of python" which i feel difficult bcaz it lack in having eg. for modules of xml.so please help me by providing any better options

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Ubuntu :: Where's The Documentation For Maximus

May 20, 2010

I'm running the netbook remix on my laptop and I really like the user interface. Particularly, maximus auto maximizing your windows. I've figured out that for the apps I don't want to maximize, I can add them to maximus' ignore list. But, with Chrome and a custom app that I'm writing, I want maximus to maximize the main window but not maximize any window that the application opens. The basic use case is when I click my delicious button in Chrome, I don't want the resulting window to be maximized. Is it possible to fine tune maximus this way? tl;dr - Is it possible to fine tune maximus to only maximize an application's main window but not the child windows? - Where can I find more detailed documentation on maximus?

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Fedora :: Unable To Connect To Homehub / Understand Trace Route Output

Sep 19, 2010

I have be unable to access my bt homehub from another (external) ip address recently. I didtrace route to see what is happening to the connection and got the following.

It bounces around as it gets out my offices network and then seems to get to BT's servers and then I get stars. what that means?

1 - 8 bouncing round office network:
9 linx3.ukcore.bt.net ( 19.405 ms 19.424 ms 19.381 ms
10 core2-pos0-1-5-0.ilford.ukcore.bt.net ( 20.774 ms 21.099 ms 19.986 ms


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