Ubuntu Servers :: Internal Only Webmail / Can't Get Authentication Setup With Squirrelmail?

Nov 7, 2010

What is the fastest setup to do this? All I want is an internally authenticated webmail server that other servers can send mail to for collection of test emails. Don't need LDAP or anything fancy, just a internal LAN only webmail server. I've got Squirrelmail setup on Ubuntu Server and can't get authentication setup with Squirrelmail and every tutorial I read is way over complicated or has nothing on how to authenticate Squirrelmail with internal, system users.

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Server :: Internal Only Webmail Server / Can't Get Authentication Setup?

Nov 7, 2010

What is the fastest setup to do this? All I want is an internally authenticated webmail server that other servers can send mail to for collection of test emails. Don't need LDAP or anything fancy, just a internal LAN only webmail server. I've got Squirrelmail setup on Ubuntu Server and can't get authentication setup with Squirrelmail and every tutorial I read is way over complicated or has nothing on how to authenticate Squirrelmail with internal, system users.

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Networking :: WebMail I.e. Squirrelmail Setup / Error Connecting To IMAP Server: Localhost?

Apr 11, 2010

To configure webmail in linux5, I�ve followed below procedures:

-Squirrelmail-1.4.2.tar.gz and unzipped under the folder /var/www/html
-cd squirrelmail-1.4.2
-cd config
-within this directory, ./conf.pl
-From main menu, I did choose 2 for domain (i.e. arafapparels.com). This is my official domain
-Then save and exit
-For IMAP setting, I did choose D
-Selected uw and save, then exit
-Then from command line, I wrote chown �R apache.apache /var/www/html/data (I created folder data in the above path)
-I created a folder named as attach to keep attachment in /var/www/html i.e. /var/www/html/attach
-Then typed grep �R apache /var/www/html/attach
-Then typed chmod 730 /var/www/html/mail/attach (Here squirrelmail-1.4.2 directory has been moved to mail directory)
-Then from web browser/Internet explorer, I typed http://localhost/mail/
-Here Username & Password appears. Previously I have created username.
-But when put Username & Password, below error message displays

Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost
13: Permission denied
But I gave permission by chmod 777 /var/www/html/mail and by using 555 but no result.

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Fedora Servers :: How To Setup A Webmail

Nov 20, 2009

I want to setup a webmail server or something like that on fedora 11. How to do so?

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Software :: SquirrelMail - When Browse To Myserver.com/webmail It Always Just Times Out

Jun 27, 2010

I've been using SquirrelMail a long time, and it's been such a no-brainer I must be missing something easy here. I clean-installed an F13 system and my browser verifies apache and php work properly. dovecot is running. I can send and receive email using emacs's RMAIL. I installed SquirrelMail with yum, edited its config.php, but when I browse to myserver.com/webmail it always just times out. No errors or access recorded in apache's logs. Nothing in maillog. It just times out with no further information.

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Ubuntu Servers :: HTML PHP Email Configuration / Squirrelmail Setup

Sep 1, 2011

I'm having problems with emails containing HTML content. When Google downloads the email messages via POP3 from my squirrelmail server, the message does not display using HTML. I'm not sure if this is Google's fault or Squirrelmail's fault, but I've never had problems before on other servers running the same script and using squirrelmail. If I login to squirrelmail, I have the option to download the email message as an attachment. The attachment, if opened by my local browser, shows up as HTML content, and it is properly formatted. However, I'm using Google to download my emails and file them under my Gmail account. After Gmail downloads the messages, it shows up like this:

To admin@domainRemoved.com
Date Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 6:07 PM
Subject Pending Registration

Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
From: Name Removed <admin@domainRemoved.com>
Message-Id: <20110730234302.6B6FEDC08BA@eric-desktop>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2011 17:43:02 -0600 (MDT)

<p><b> After registering your client via your server, please visit the following URL to send them confirmation: </b></p>

I really need it to show up properly once Gmail downloads the messages, as it takes a long time to login to Squirrel mail and download each message as an attachment. My PHP Code Headers Look like this:
$headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . " ";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . " ";
$headers .= "From: $uname <$email>";

Someone suggested that I remove the from my script. I did, and now the email shows a from sender as www-data www-data@domain.com. Before, the from field showed up as empty. However, my PHP script is designed to change the sender's information to the clients that contact me. Thus, if customer A contacts me, the email should be from customer A <custa@whatever.com>. However, it's not being changed by the PHP script. It works on every other server but mine. I think my postfix configuration isn't setup properly? What needs to be configured on it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Webmail Server / Suitable Client To Connect To It That Is Compatible With Windows?

Jun 29, 2010

I would like to know how to install a webmail server and a suitable client to help connect to it that is compatible with both windows and linux ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup Boxes For AD Authentication

Nov 4, 2010

To begin, this is the thread that I always use to set up my Ubuntu boxes for AD authentication:


I've had this 10.04 server running for about three months with AD authentication running on it perfect. I have multiple Samba shares that authenticate from AD as well. For some reason, this week it decided to completely stop accepting any authentication from AD.

I checked all of my config files, they are all untouched. I have restarted the machine multiple times. I have unjoined and rejoined the domain on the Ubuntu server. I have no audit failures in my security logs on the domain controller.

Output of /var/log/auth.log whenever I try to log on via an AD user:

Nov 4 11:58:50 caribbean sshd[1869]: Invalid user justin from
Nov 4 11:58:50 caribbean sshd[1869]: Failed none for invalid user justin from port 54738 ssh2
Nov 4 11:58:51 caribbean sshd[1869]: pam_winbind(sshd:auth): getting password


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup SFTP To Use Key-based Authentication?

Nov 18, 2010

I want to connect to the same machine that that I have OpenSSH server on which uses keys and I have disabled password-based logins (for ssh). Apparently, this also affects SFTP which makes sense. How do I setup SFTP to use key-based authentication?

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Fedora Servers :: Internal Mail Service Setup With 7 PCs On Network?

Jul 27, 2010

I've 7 PC's on my network. I've to setup an internal mail service, to send mails inside the network. I've installed Fedora 12 on one machine and the rest run's on Windows XP. What all packages do I need? How can I configure it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup A Local Mail Server For Internal Testing On Development Work?

Dec 10, 2010

how to setup a local mail server for internal testing on my php development work. For example if I sent an email using php script to [url]....I should be able to check the mailbox of 'someone' either in Outlook or SquirrelMail.I have done some reading about this. All I know is that I need Postfix with Courier. But I just don't know to get it working.

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Ubuntu :: Webmail / Install And Configure Webmail Package?

Oct 7, 2010

I have successfully configured a local imap mail server following these instructions: url

Now I would like to make it available via webmail too.Is there an easy to install and configure webmail package?

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Server :: Squid Block Webmail / Can Not Access The Webmail?

Nov 24, 2010

I am using squid proxy in my office , now I can not access the webmail url is url.

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Ubuntu Servers :: New Users Can't Log Into SquirrelMail?

Jun 29, 2010

My problem is quite simple, when I set up squirrelmail I only had one user on the server, and now that I have created new users, I can not log in to their accounts via squirrelmail I am using Maildir System is 10.04 server, running postfix and dovecot. I origionaly set up 'remote' as a user, I can send and recive mail on that account and log into squirrelmail

any new accounts can send email to remote(via outlook/thunderbird), to be seen in Squirrelmail, but get an invalid username/password when I try to log into squirrelmail in short, new accounts can not log into squirrelmail

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Fedora Servers :: Webmail / Keeps Saying Invalid User And Or Password?

Oct 11, 2010

I have webmin and usermin setup.Iam using dovecot and sendmail ,I can use usermin to login ,check or send emails.Outlook and thunderbird works as well.

But I want to use something for webmail. I am trying squirrelmail but it keeps saying invalid user and or password.

the error log reports

dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (auth failed)

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix Smarthost + Authentication: Get 535 Incorrect Authentication Data Error

Mar 14, 2011

On Ubuntu server 10.10, with a relay smtp server with authentication via postfix; I keep getting 535: Incorrect authentication data. I'm sure my username and password is correct. Heres how I set up postfix: I created a file called smarthosts.conf in my /etc/postfix/ directory that contains the following:


my server uses plain text authentication on port 25. I would like to use security like SSL, but this particular server is unsecured.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can Connect Via Squirrelmail And Telnet But Not Through Mail

Apr 11, 2010

I setup my mail system on a clean install of Postfix and Dovecot from URl...on the:URL... part everything checks out yet when i input the details into Apple Mail it tells me That it Can't connect.I can Connect via Squirrelmail and telnet but not through mail.also my /var/log/mail.log s not recording anything and my mail.log.1 only goes up to april 6

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Ubuntu Servers :: Apache -> Squirrelmail Not Accessible From Internet

May 4, 2010

I set up a mail server today. Everything works except I can't access the damn squirrelmail web interface from the internet.

I followed this guide here: [URL]

I can access just fine from a computer on my local network.


When I access http://mywanip/squirrelmail, i get a connection timeout.

When I access http://mywanip, I get the standard Apache "IT WORKS!" Page. (Rules out port forwarding)

According to the guide, that should allow me to access squirrelmail from the internet on my server. Its as if Squirrelmail is only available on my local interface and not on my wan interface? How do I check?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Postfix / Courier And Squirrelmail Configuration

Aug 13, 2010

I have setup a postfix + courier + squirrelmail email configuration. I can get to the squirrelmail login page and run its test and it said everything was fine. After that I am stuck. What is the username and password or if it is not created, how do I create it?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Users To Be Autosubscribed To A Mailbox In Squirrelmail?

Jan 27, 2011

running squirrelmail, postfix and dovecot, I filter out mails which are spam into a spambox and non-spam into the inbox but by default, the user is not subscribed to the spambox and therefore, the spambox is not visible to the user, how can I make it such that each time a user is created he or she is automatically subscribed to the spambox?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Squirrelmail Doesn't Show New Mails

Feb 13, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 server which runs postfix and dovecot and squirrelmail for emails.There is something that i could not solve by myself.Squirrelmail sends emails fine however it does not show the mails that are received. I can see new mails via ssh in /var/mail.What could be the possible reason for this?

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Fedora Servers :: Squirrelmail: Can't Access Localhost

Jun 1, 2010

I'm running Fedora 12 on x86_64. I've installed squirrelmail, along with dovecot on my office server, and cannot access it through http://localhost/webmail. I have followed all the configuration steps I could find (including http://www.server-world.info/en/note...12&p=httpd&f=7).

I know that everything else is working (I can send and receive mail, access IMAP mailboxes, webserver is working), browsing to


just gives me

"Problem loading page"

in Firefox. Sometimes, however the message is "Unable to connect."

I will add that I already tried installing Squirrelmail on another (i686) machine and had exactly the same problem.

/var/log/httpd/error_log says:

File does not exist: /var/www/html/squirrelmail

This makes it seem like aliasing is not working somehow.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Recommend A Web Interface Mail Client Like SquirrelMail?

Feb 12, 2011

I succeeded to install Postfix on my box. I also installed mailman.I don't understand what mailman do. It's similar to SquirrelMail? If no can you guys recommend a web interface mail client like SquirrelMail?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install Postfix In Order To User Squirrelmail Or Roundcube?

Nov 20, 2010

I'm configuring a server but at this time I can't send mail. I tried using the PHP mail() function and it didn't work. Webmin says I have no mail configured. I'll be the only user and mail recipient. I've used Squirrelmail and Roundcube before and liked them.

Do I need to install Postfix in order to user Squirrelmail or Roundcube? How should I set up mail?

Here's my setup:

10.04 LTS Server edition
Webmin 1.520
Apache 2.x
MySQL 5.x
PHP 5.x

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Server :: Internal DNS Setup That Serves LAN?

Jan 31, 2010

I want to have an internal DNS that would serves our LAN and I also had external DNS server (located on our ISP). I have configured my internal DNS .. by adding new A record named test.mydomain.com (for example) and I knew that test.mydomain.com also exists as A record on external DNS server. When I ping test.mydomain.com .. it still return from 202.x.x.x (it should be return from It seems like my internal DNS config below not configured properly..

// named.conf
// Provided by Red Hat bind package to configure the ISC BIND named(8) DNS
// server as a caching only nameserver (as a localhost DNS resolver only).
// See /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample/ for example named configuration files.

options {
listen-on port 53 {; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt"; .....

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Server :: Internal Mail Relay To Exchange Setup

Jan 25, 2010

I have ticket tracking software that mails ticket to groups. Right now the software is on an exchange server. After moving it to a dedicated linux server (debian lenny) I cant get it to email any of the internal domain addresses. I have tried to setup sendmail to relay it to the exchange server. Logs indicate that it was sent by the ticket tracking software but the message never hits the mailbox. It also wont get to any other mail address. Is there a better way to do this? The crm software will utilize either a smtp server or any mail server on the localhost. The problem is that with the dedicated server on the same network as the exchange server, it fails to send the mail even if I assign an external smtp server. But if the dedicated server is on a different network then it works using any smtp server in its configuration. I need something that can "pass the email" to the exchange server. Or just be able to send the mail to internal email account and still be on the same network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Authentication Blockage When Trying To Setup Printer Share

Mar 15, 2010

I have connected a Windows 7 pc to a Ubuntu pc using a crossover cable & TCPIP. This works fine - can ping both ways and can 'see' both icons however when I try to setup the printer in Ubuntu the task fails at a prompt fpr user name - workgroup - password prompt. It tells me I must give a password to connect to the Windows box. This setup has worked when using WinXP but fails now. I have used all passwords known to me but nada. Where in the world is the Authentication dialogue originated? I'm both new to linux commands and loosing the will to live!

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Networking :: SSH Setup - Public / Private Key Authentication?

May 7, 2010

After years with Linux and using ssh on a daily basis I have to admit I've never setup public/private key authentication and I've never run passwordless logon to ssh. It's not that I've never tried, I have - I've just never got it working. That to me is an almost alien concept as I am a tinkerer at heart and rarely stop until something is working the way I'd like it to. I get the principle of what's going on but I've always had a mental block about it.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setup New Remote Office - Setup Domain Trust Between Two Sites?

Mar 14, 2010

I ended up setting up a basic linux file server as a pdc for that office. Our main office is a windows 2000 ads domain. The two offices are connected with a vpn. I only have two users at the new location so I simply have the linux and samba usernames/passwords setup manually. I would like to know if it is possible to setup a domain trust between the two sites so I don't have to create a username/password in the remote site for every user at the main office to access. I did some searching but came up empty.

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Ubuntu :: Setup Authentication To Mount Hard Disk And Other Removable Devices?

May 22, 2010

I am using ubuntu 10.04. I want to set up authentication to mount hard disk and other removable devices.

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