Ubuntu Servers :: Want To Remove Software RAID?

Dec 16, 2010

I am trying to build a storage server using software RAID. After getting writing RAID information to what I thought was the drives, I realized the configuration was not going to work. Since that time I have modified the RAID configuration more than once plus this is a project that was started a few months back. Between the time delays and currently written configuration, things are a confusing mess.

What I would like to do is wipe out all software RAID and start all over again. The problem is that I am unable to figure out how to get rid of it. I used DBAN to wipe out all four of my 1 TB drives which took a while. But still, the RAID configuration pulls up when I try to do a new install. Where is the RAID configuration data stored at if not on the HD? How can I scrub that information off so I can start all over again?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Safely Remove Mdadm RAID Superblock

Apr 5, 2011

I bought a disk to a friend that used it in a raid array, using the entire disk for the raid usage. To put that disk on service, i used dd-rescue to copy my old disk entirely, and managed to grow and setup a the partition table without losing any data. My last step was to create a RAID between my entire old disk, with a single partition and a partition of the same size on my new disk. I ran into some problems, but i manage to somehow fix it imperfectly, but now this setup is working properly. The problems (and imperfection) came from an issue it did not suspected : at some point, the original RAID superblock of the new disk, living in /dev/sda, resisted to dd-rescue, and so it is scanned by mdadm that tries, obviously unsuccessfully, to use it.

Partition layout :


Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


this setup is working properly besides this raid5 declared on sda, so that is shows up here and there. Since it is using the same device name that my other, proper raid setup, i don't know how to deactivate it since mdadm uses the /dev/mdx name to identify arrays.

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Fedora Servers :: Remove RAID Flag From Disc?

Apr 17, 2011

I would like to mount a disc that was previously used in the Intel Software Matrix RAID array (fake-raid). If I try to mount it I get:

mount: /dev/sdd1 already mounted or tempb busy

I think my dmraid is refusing to mount it beause of some RAID "flag". I would like to get rid of it, but unfortunately I cant do that on my system (theres no such RAID):

[root@ox mnt]# dmraid -r /dev/sdd
ERROR: isw: Could not find disk /dev/sdd in the metadata
no raid disks and with names: "/dev/sdd"

There are several posts recommending to uninstall dmraid completely from the system. Isnt there smarter solution in removing such a flag?

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID-5 Recovery (spare/active) / Degraded And Can't Create Raid ,auto Stop Raid [md1]?

Feb 1, 2011

Could any RAID gurus kindly assist me on the following RAID-5 issue?I have an mdadm-created RAID5 array consisting of 4 discs. One of the discs was dropping out, so I decided to replace it. Somehow, this went terribly wrong and I succeeded in marking two of the drives as faulty, and the re-adding them as spare.

Now the array is (logically) no longer able to start:

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.Degraded and can't create RAID ,auto stop RAID [md1]

I was able to examine the disks though:

root@ mdadm --examine /dev/sdb2
Magic : a92b4efc
Version : 00.90.00

mdadm --create --assume-clean --level=5 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb2 /dev/sdc2 /dev/sdd2
As I don't want to ruin the maybe small chance I have left to rescue my data, I would like to hear the input of this wise community.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Remove RAID 1 Array?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm going a little bit crazy. I can't seem to remove my RAID 1 arrays. Any suggestions? I don't need to save data. The drives are empty. I'm upgrading to 4 2TB drives.Running Lucid Lynx server

jessica@nas:~$ cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md2 : active raid1 sdb1[1]
976759936 blocks [2/1] [_U]
md0 : active raid1 sdd1[0]


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Fedora :: Correctly Remove A RAID Component?

Dec 4, 2010

I had a RAID1 array with two disks. I wanted to remove one of the disk and replace it by a new one. I first expanded the array from 2 to 3 components and let RAID rebuild completely. When this was done I used Gnome disk utility (palimpsest) to remove the component on the disk I want to get rid of. It looks like palimpsest did mess up somewhere because the array is no displaying as degraded. How can I get rid of the "removed" entry (was /dev/sdc1) in the RAID array (and hopefully have it come in Running state)?

#/sbin/mdadm --detail
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 732570841 (698.63 GiB 750.15 GB)


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CentOS 5 :: Remove The Raid 1 Arrays On Server And Use Standalone Drive?

Mar 30, 2010

i want to remove the raid 1 arrays on our server centos and use standalone drive

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CentOS 5 Server :: Remove/Disable Software Raid Without Formatting?

Nov 8, 2010

I am currently running CentOS 5.5 on a software raid 1 setup.

I would like to remove the raid configuration and have it run without raid.

How would one go ahead and do this?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Add Device To RAID?

Jan 16, 2010

I have three WD 1.5 GB harddrives. 2 of them already in a linear RAID also called Concatenated i think. (the same as JBOD). Can i add the third drive to the RAID without losing data? Update "Using mdadm software raid."

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID 0 With Different Drives?

Jan 26, 2010

I have two drive on my Ubuntu server. I have a 40GB IDE 5400RPM and an 80GB SATA 7200RPM.

Is it at all possible to RAID 0 the two of these drive? I know it's pretty unorthodox, but it's what I've got without having to buy anything.

If so, what are the limits, cons, and/or potential pros of doing a RAID of these two?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Installing 10.04 On RAID 1?

Mar 4, 2011

I am attempting to run Ubuntu 10.04 Server on RAID 1 and am consistently hitting the same issue when trying to boot the system for the first time (after what seems to be a successful install of the OS). I am creating the RAID 1 using the directions found in the Ubuntu Server Guide. The error I receive when trying to boot the system for the first time is...


mount: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/f35415ee-4c14-4eb1-995f-f19fbcd760c7 on /root
failed: Invalid argument
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory


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Ubuntu Servers :: Md Raid 10 Errors

Jul 26, 2011

I've had this server for a while and I've periodically received similar errors, but it's been worse lately. I'm trying to diagnose and similar posts have left me with 2, maybe 3, ideas about what could be wrong. Here is the setup: Ubuntu Server 10.10 maverick kernel 2.6.35-30-server Sans Digital TR8 8 bay raid - 2 port multipliers to esata outputs 8 1TB WD Caviar Black Syba PCI-e card with Sil3124 chipset - 2 external esata inputs I do not use the RocketRaid 622 card that came w/the enclosure because I had problems with drivers and configuration so I went with the SI chipset. The raid is configured with mdadm, level 10, running ext3 file system:

root@i5server:~# cat /proc/mdstat
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md0 : active raid10 sdb1[5] sdg1[2] sdd1[7] sdh1[3] sdf1[1] sde1[0] sdc1[6] sda1[4]
3906721792 blocks 256K chunks 2 far-copies [8/8] [UUUUUUUU]


What's odd is that the raid dropped out and completely locked up the computer multiple times, then marked one of the drives as failed. I did a readd on the drive and it rebuilt witout issue. Ran e2fsck -f to clean up the problems it had when it crashed, but as soon as I do heavy read/writes the errors start showing up again. This is primarily a media server for music and movies, but also for backups and printing. Heavy read/writes are generally transcoding movies and music which is what I was doing when it failed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.04 Raid On HP Proliant ML115?

May 17, 2010

I have a problem installing Ubuntu on an HP Proliant ML115. This server has a 1TB mirrored RAID setup (and 1 250GB drive), problem is, Ubuntu apparently doesnt like it, it detects the RAID but fails to partition the hard drives and the installation cant continue. I tried the guided partitioning using the whole disk (detected RAID array). Here is what syslog gives me:

May 17 22:32:30 main-menu[504]: INFO: Menu item 'disk-detect' selected
May 17 22:32:30 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface eth0
May 17 22:32:30 net/hw-detect.hotplug: Detected hotpluggable network interface lo
May 17 22:32:31 hw-detect: Loading PCMCIA bridge driver module: i82365
May 17 22:32:31 hw-detect: FATAL: Module i82365 not found.


PS: Im very noob regarding this kind of stuff so detailed instructions please, also feel free to give configuration tips

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Ubuntu Servers :: IBM Raid Controller Not Recognized

Jun 3, 2010

I'm having a problem with the installation of Ubuntu Server 10.04 64bit on my IBM xSeries 346 Type 8840. During the installation the system won't recognize any disk, so it's asking which driver it should use for the RAID controller. There's a list of options, but nothing seems to work. I've been searching the IBM website for an appropriate driver, but there is no Ubuntu version (there is Red Hat, SUSE, etc). I was thinking about downloading the correct driver onto a floppy disk to finalize the installation, but apparently no 'general' Linux driver to solve the problem here.

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID 5 With Greater Than 2TB Capacity?

Jun 15, 2010

I've recently completed a fresh install of 10.04 on a home file server and upgraded the hard drives in my storage array. My PREVIOUS hardware was:

Old version of Ubuntu (I forget which one exactly, but I know I had missed a few upgrade cycles)

3X 500 GB Seagate Baracuda's (for the array)
Areca 1220 Hardware RAID controller
Intel Core 2 Duo 6600
320 GB Seagate for the boot drive

I was running that hardware for about five years or so and it was rock solid. After the upgrade the hardware specs are:

Ubuntu 10.04
Areca 1220 hardware RAID controller
4x 1000GB Samsung
Intel Core 2 Duo 6600
320 GB Seagate for the boot drive.

The fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 went remarkably well. The drivers for that raid controller are in the kernel, which is great. I was able to access the old array after upgrading Ubuntu. Now I am trying to create a new array with the four 1000 GB drives in a RAID 5. Obviously that gives a maximum storage capacity of 3 TB, greater than the 2 TB threshold that seems to be so important. I've been doing some digging and here is where my questions start:

it appears as though gparted doesn't support file partitions greater than 2 TB, correct?

it also doesn't seem as though parted supports ext3 or ext4, is that correct?

If this is the case, how do I create a partition with ext4 that is greater than 2 TB?

I can see the array volume in gparted (which is a relief) but it lists the size as 2.73 TiB, which I find curious because that is over 2 TB, but not the full capacity of the volume. I can also get to the volume in parted. But I see in the parted documentation that using the makepartfs command is discouraged and instead, one should use the command mkpart to create an empty partition, and then use external tools like mke2fs ( to create the filesystem.

how to proceed from here. What does the community think is the best course of action to create a partition of 3TB in ext4? Then I need to change fdisk to automatically mount the array at every log in, right?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Custom RAID Setup ?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm setting up a web server but I have no experience with RAID. I would like to try this configuration if possible:

2 x HDD 500GB RAID1
1 x HDD 20GB (logs and tmp)

The old 20GB drive I would like to use it to store logs and temporally files (mounted in /var/log and /tmp respectively). With this I'm trying to reduce some disk usage in the RAID drives. In my idea, it would be better to write the access/error logs of the web server in a separated drive to the one serving the files which may increase speed... sounds crazy?

One problem is that during the installation, If I set the RAID automatically it will try to use my 20GB HDD as well in the RAID... Does it will work if I set the RAID first (removing the 20GB HDD) and then set the mount points in it after the installation?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Swap That Will Use RAID

Aug 1, 2010

I'm in the process of setting up my very first ubuntu server.
Using 10.04 and has 2gb ram
I am using Ubuntu's software raid (mdadm)
It will be a file server, with 4 hard drives (3 in RAID5 and 1 as a spare)
All 4 drives have 2 partitions:
Partition 1 - 100mb
Partition 2 - The remaining drive space

I setup the first 3 drives' partition 1's to be RAID1 with the 4th drive's partition 1 as a spare. This is where I'm mounting "/boot" (it's my understanding that /boot cannot be on a RAID5). I setup the first 3 drives' partition 2's to be RAID5 with the 4th drive's partition 2 as a spare. This its where I'm mounting. I believe so far I'm setup correctly to be able to deal with a drive failure and the system should operate just fine. What I don't know what to do is with the /swap. I want to retain the ability to be able to operate with a drive going down. But I have also read warnings about putting /swap on a raid. How would you setup /swap?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.4 (64bit) - How To Create Raid 5

Jan 11, 2011

I'm using a Intel mac pro running Ubuntu Server 10.4 64bit, and I have it working. Currently, I'm just using Ubuntu using bootcamp, and not using EFI. The OS drive is 250gb which I know is more than enough, but it was what I had free at the time. I added 3 1tb drives to the computer, but not sure how to create a raid with them. I've done some searching, but still haven't been able to get it done successfully.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Partitioning >2TB RAID Array?

Mar 26, 2011

I have an Areca hardware RAID array that I'm trying to format & partition on a fresh Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installation. The OS drive is not on the RAID card, it's entirely separate. The RAID is a 6TB volume so I realize I have to use parted to format it, not fdisk (which I've always relied on).

My problem is that I can't figure out how to get parted to like my settings. It seems like everything I try gives me the warning "Warning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance." Here's what I'm doing:

(parted) p
Model: Areca ARC-1280-VOL#00 (scsi)[code].....

What start/end settings should I use to get a properly aligned partition? How do I know?I have tried a mix and match of 0, 0s, 1, 1s, -0, -0s, -1, -1s, 100% for my start/end with no success.

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Ubuntu Servers :: How Do You Enlarge Raid 6 Partition

May 13, 2011

I am trying to grow my array to make full use of my drives. I have a raid 6 using mdadm on my home server. The array used to consist of 6 1.5TB drives when it was created. Since then I've been replacing the 1.5TB drives with new 2TB drives. And now I have replaced the last 2 drives.

When I added the first 3 disks I did not use the whole disk for the raid partition but rather made it the same size as the 1.5 partitions. As it turns out this may have been a bad idea. (But it gave me another 3 partitions of 500GB that I turned into 1 disk using mhddfs.)

Now I'm trying to grow the array. I've been testing in a virtual enviroment on how to do it but I cannot find another method than this :

1) fail 1 disk.
2) re-partition the disk with the size of the whole disk.
3) re-add the drive as a spare.
4) start the now degraded array to let it resync.
5) wait quite a while. (aprox 5 hours)
6) start again from step 1 for the other disks.
7) use mdadm with grow command to enlarge the array
use resize2fs to fill array to max size

Now although since this is a raid 6, I keep some redundancy but I still worry about degrading the array so manny times and rebuilding the whole thing. I mean I read the thing out 3 or 4 times over doing this.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Ext4 Full With Raid 5?

Jun 4, 2011

I have installed ubuntu server LTS 10.4 on a HP MediasmartServer.It has four disks. On the first one I have the original HPFS/NTFFS partition (left untouched), a Linux ext4 partition for / a Linux SWAP partition and the rest of this first disk (sda) is part of a RAID 5 with the three other disks.I now have this first ext4 partion shown as full. Is there an easy way to give it more space without loosing the whole setup?I have 2TB of data on this server and everything is so fine.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Building RAID Server With 10.04 LTS

Jul 6, 2011

I've been running my dedicated server on Ubuntu 10.04 for 300 days non-stop so far (touch wood). I'm planning to purchase a dedicated server to host many large sites. The specs are Sandybridge Xeon with 16 bay x 2TB storage using RAID5 (Adaptec RAID 51645).I don't have experience with RAID, but I read that ext4 can only support filesystem up to 16TB, my plan for the system is to have 32TB of storage. How can I make Ubuntu run this configuration?

Also, can Ubuntu 10.04 recognize the Adaptec card? Going through Adaptec website there is no mention of drivers for Ubuntu (although many other distros are available).

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Ubuntu Servers :: Building A NAS (Raid 5) For Home?

Jul 6, 2011

I'm looking at building a small NAS setup for my home to hold all my media (DVD's, pictures, music etc..). I'm not too concerned with backups of it at this point as I have all the data elsewhere as it is, but would like one central spot to access it.

A friend of mine turned me on to Ubuntu to do this with but he's never tried it, so I'm looking to see if anyone else has done this or if there issues with it. I've used linux off and on for several years, but this would be my first Ubuntu install.

I'm looking at either using some older hardware I have sitting around, or something cheap like a small dell server (T310 or something). I'd get 4 2TB drives and just use them in a software raid 5 array. It would be accessed with a few different samba shares I'm thinking.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 4TB Raid Partition For Server ?

Sep 1, 2011


EFI GUID Partition support works on both 32bit and 64bit platforms. You must include GPT support in kernel in order to use GPT. If you don't include GPT support in Linux kernel, after rebooting the server, the file system will no longer be mountable or the GPT table will get corrupted. By default Redhat Enterprise Linux / CentOS comes with GPT kernel support. However, *******if you are using Debian or Ubuntu Linux,******** you need to recompile the kernel. Set CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION to y to compile this feature.

Is this true? Ubuntu has no GPT support native to the server install? Never compiled a kernel. Is that of itself going to be a mind bender? How much doo doo am I going to get into if I haven't done it a few times? Trust me when I tell you its no thrill formatting and reformatting a 8tb raid drive or the individual disks if it screws up. Been on that ride way too long already. Need things to go smoothly. This is not a play toy server, but will be used in a business.

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID And Hang On Boot Displaying With 10.04

May 15, 2010

I was having this issue with my server when I tried upgrading (fresh install) to 10.04 from 9.04. But to test it out after going back to 9.04 I installed 10.04 server in a virtual machine and found the same issues. I was using the AMD64 version for everything. In the virtual machine I chose openssh and samba server in the initial configuration. After the install I ran a dist-upgrade and installed mdadm. I then created an fd partition on 3 virtual disks and created a RAID5 array using the following command:

Code: sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=3 /dev/sd[b-d]1

This is the same command I ran on my physical RAID5 quite a while ago which has been working fine ever since. After running a --detail --scan >> mdadm.conf (and changing the metadata from 00.90 to 0.90) I rebooted and found that the array was running with only one drive which was marked as a spare. On the physical server I kept having this issue with one drive which would always be left out when I assembled the array and would work fine after resyncing until I rebooted. After I rebooted the array would show the remaining 6 drives (of 7) as spares.

I updated mdadm to 3.1.1 using a deb from debian experimental and the RAID was working fine afterward. But then the boot problems started again. As soon as I added /dev/md0 to the fstab the system would hang on boot displaying the following before hanging:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Cannot Mount Existing Jmicron Raid 1

May 28, 2010

I have recently had a problem with my 10.04 server machine. It will not boot, it seems to be taking forever on the loading screen (normally headless server, but I connected monitor when I couldn't ssh), but that's not why I'm here.

Knowing that I do rsync backups every night at midnight of my machine I just bit the bullet and formatted my / partition. Reinstall went fine, I turned off automatic updates (I suspect an update caused the problem) But now I cannot mount my jmicron raid 1, which is where my rsync backup is (doh!).

sudo fdisk -l

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdd'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.
Disk /dev/sdd: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders


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Ubuntu Servers :: Lost Partiontable On RAID 1 Array?

Jun 4, 2010

I just restarted my server (Ubuntu 9.04 server, running on ESXi 4.0) and while copying files onto the server using samba I got strange problems and the connection was lost. When I rebooted the total system, so ESXi as well as Ubuntu Server I did find problems on my RAID disk.

The directory, where the new files were added I have a lot of files, but a lot of them do not have any info except their name:

1304 -rw-rw-rw- 1 spoorhobby spoorhobby 1327274 2010-05-15 22:10 DSCF1895.JPG
? -????????? ? ? ? ? ? DSCF1896.JPG
? -????????? ? ? ? ? ? DSCF1897.JPG
? -????????? ? ? ? ? ? DSCF1898.JPG


Both mirror disks are still functioning and I can still add/delete files, from the server, from other LINUX systems and from other Windows systems via samba.

I did make a full backup on a different server.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Starting Degraded Raid 5 Array?

Jun 11, 2010

so my servers 7 hds in raid 5 all was working well until one of them died. The HD that died sort of works it can read like half a file also freezes on the benchmark test in disk utility. Unfortunate when i take it out on boot it says. The drive for /media_kbt is not ready or present press s to skip or m for manual recovery. I hit s and then go to disk utility. But i can't start or add disks to the array.

Here is me trying to do random stuff

administrator@3dslice-host:~$ sudo mdadm --stop /dev/md0
[sudo] password for administrator:
mdadm: metadata format 00.90 unknown, ignored.
mdadm: stopped /dev/md0
administrator@3dslice-host:~$ sudo mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sda1
mdadm: metadata format 00.90 unknown, ignored.


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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID Fails Immediately After Installation

Jun 15, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (64-bit) server edition on a box here (a few times now), and each time I attempt to boot post-install, I get RAID errors. The box has 4 hard drives in it, and I've disabled the hardware RAID in BIOS because I couldn't seem to get that to work.During the installation, I opted to handle partitioning manually. One set of hard drives has two partitions: one for swap, and one for /. When all is said and done, I end up with three RAID 1 mirrors: one for swap (/dev/md0), one mounted at / (/dev/md1), and one mounted at /srv (/dev/md1).

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Ubuntu Servers :: RAID 5 Failure While Increasing Size?

Sep 6, 2010

Based on the reading I've done over the past 48 hours I think I'm in serious trouble here with my RAID 5 array. I got another 1 TB drive and added to my other 3 to increase my space to 3 TB...no problem.

While the array was resyncing...it got to about 40%, I had a power failure. So I'm pretty sure it failed while it was growing the array...not the partition. Next time I booted mdadm didn't even detect the array. I fiddled around trying to get mdadm to recognize my array, but no luck.

I finally got desperate enough to just create the array again...I knew the settings of my and had seen some people have success with this method. When creating it, it asked me if I was sure because the disks appeared to belong to an array already, but I said yes. The problem is when I created it, it created a clean array and this is what I'm left with.

Version : 00.90
Creation Time : Sun Sep 5 20:01:08 2010
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 2930279808 (2794.53 GiB 3000.61 GB)


I tried looking for backup superblock locations using e2fsck and every other tool I could find, but nothing worked. I tried testdisk which says it found my partition on /dev/md0, so I let it create the partition. Now I have a /dev/md0p1, which won't let me mount it either. What's interesting is gparted reports /dev/md0p1 as the old partition size (1.82 TB)...the data has to still be there, right?

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