Ubuntu Servers :: Target Filesystem Doesn't Have /sbin/init?

Mar 22, 2010

My UBUNTU 8.04 server does not boot anymore : here is the error message :Quote:Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/initPrevious messages on the boot were :Quote:

kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/0a301...a8 = md1(9.1)
kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/0a301...a8
kinit : No resume image, doing normal boot...


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Ubuntu :: Target Filesystem Doesn't Have /sbin/init.tes?

Mar 4, 2010

Having trouble booting into Kubuntu originally installed with Wubi.The system returns this error:

mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /root failed: Device or resource busy
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory


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Ubuntu :: Target Filesystem Doesn't Have /sbin/init

Oct 11, 2010

I've recently installed 10.10 onto my laptop, a Toshiba Equium A-100. It's been working perfectly for the last few weeks, but today I woke up, booted and got this;


mount: mounting dev/disk/by-uuid/9f8e1fd1-ca75-4eeb-8afc-a6b7bd756180 on /root
failed: Invalid argument
mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory


I'm a bit of a linux newbie, and while I can use the system fine, once we get into a shell I'm out of my depth. My laptop is useless now, and, unluckily, my 2000 word end-of-semester submission is on it. No, I didn't back it up because I wrote it last night. Arrgh.

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Ubuntu :: Target Filesystem Doesn't Have /sbin/init. And More?

Nov 15, 2010

I hope that you will be able to help me. I know that my topic may seem the same as some other threads, but there is a twist and it seems that I can't sort things out. I installed Ubuntu on the family's 4 year old Dell about a year ago when Windows stopped working (too many bluescreens!). It seed to be good, until one day when I tried to boot and it listed some codes on a black screen. I then reinstalled ubuntu from one of my disks, and it worked fine... until the entire thing occurred again a week later. This happened once or twice more, until today's problem:

It won't boot into ubuntu and also has white writing on the black background (read this below). I tried to reinstall from a ubuntu install disk, burned additional install disks, made an install usb, and also tried opensuse. They all say the below message when I try to boot into the disk:

mount: mounting on /dev on root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting on /sys on root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting on /proc on root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.


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Ubuntu :: Target Filesystem Doesn't Have /sbin/init (Can't Boot)?

Apr 6, 2011

Click here for solution... http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php...99&postcount=3So I just realized how stupid I was being trying to run these commands for a NTFS partition... so I searched and used Gparted to check sda2, and also ran

root@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu# sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda2
Mounting volume... OK


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Ubuntu Installation :: Target Filesystem Doesn't Have /sbin/init?

Jun 22, 2011

I can't get Ubuntu to boot. The computer isn't actually mine so I don't know exactly what happened, but I think an update went badly wrong...

Anyway, whenever I try and boot Ubuntu, i get this

mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init
No init found. Try passing init= bootarg

(and then something about initramfs) I've been trying to find out what the error is on the forums, and I think it could be to do with grub not being able to find something, but I really don't know because I don't understand exactly what's going on.

I can load the grub menu, but I can't boot Ubuntu from there. Also, I can't run or install Ubuntu on a live usb because it just hangs at the Ubuntu loading screen.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Target Filesystem Doesn't Have Requested /sbin/init

Sep 1, 2011

Ubuntu has officially jumped the shark. I did an update...restarted and got this:


mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory
Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init.
No init found. Try passing init=bootarg


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Ubuntu :: Target Filesystem Cant Find Sbin/init?

Sep 15, 2010

when I start my laptop (Ubuntu 10), it even doesnt offer log in and writes this:mount: mounting/ proc on / root/ proc failed: No such file on directory Target filesystem doesntt have sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init=bootarg.device scan complete, Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0I tried to restart it several times, but it shows the same. The evening before I used it to show some files on projector and after I disconnected my laptop from it, it was a bit slower, but working. And the next morning I get that message. As I just started with Linux,

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General :: Target Filesystem Doesnt Have /sbin/init?

Oct 1, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 .. normally and I installed also some programs; I had problems with the monitor and many times I shutted dow the CPU when I changed the monitor and turned on angain and appears a black screen:after

mount: mounting /dev on root/dev failed: no such such file or dir
mount: mounting /sys on root/sys failed: no such such file or dir
mount: mounting /proc on root/proc failed: no such such file or dir


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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Cant Boot - Target Filesystem Doesnt Have /sbin/init

Nov 7, 2010

since yesterday that my ubuntu does not boot. This message appears...Target filesystem doesnt have /sbin/init,No init found. Try passing init=bootarg. (initramfs)

I boot ubuntu-live from a usb flash drive, but i can't mount the partition where i have installed ubuntu /dev/sda6. Either run fsck command. this error appears.... Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot - Get "target System Doesn't Have /sbin/init"

Jan 5, 2011

When I try to boot in to Ubuntu (10.10) 64x I get the error "target system doesn't have /sbin/init" Then busy box comes up.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 And 10.10 Recurringly Crash (target System Does Not Have Requested /sbin/init )?

Jan 16, 2011

After trying most of the solutions I could think of, including reinstalling and upgrading, I'm posting here hoping someone would take me out of this misery now.Laptop:thinkpad t500I was running Ubuntu 10.04 and it froze. I rebooted and it shows the following message and gives me the "initramfs" prompt:Quote:

BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 00f44000


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Ubuntu :: Targe File System Doesn't Have /sbin/init?

May 26, 2010

I have a Lenovo X60 with Intel Centrino Duo Core @ 1.83GHz 1.83GHz, and 0.99 GB of RAM. I am running a dual boot with Windows XP SP3 and the latest version of Ubuntu desktop. My problem is that after I ran the Defrag my C: drive in Windows, I can into my ubuntu.I was greeted with the following error message when i tried to boot into ubuntu {Target file system doesn't have /sbin/init}

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Ubuntu :: Computer Will Not Load /sbin/init Error

Nov 27, 2010

After normal use the computer was turned on and would not load (10.04) and the error message on the screen was :


/sbin/init: error while loading shared libraries: libnih.so.1: cannot open shared object file: Input/output error

[ 26.369130] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!

Anyways, I put the hard drive in an external unit, and I ran fsck. Many errors came up and they were all fixed. I was able to mount the drive on my other computer and back up files in the home directory.

If I try to select recovery mode and the same error appears.

What can I do in this case? Can I somehow get into a recovery-like mode off of the livecd to maybe fix the packages that might be "messed up"?

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General :: Ubuntu Booting :Can't Find /sbin/init?

Apr 17, 2011

I have an Acer netbook with the netbook version of Ubuntu and Windows 7. When I try to boot on Ubuntu I get a terminal that says "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg." I've found questions about this, but I get lost at "after booting from livecd." I put ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386 on a flash card, but I don't know how to boot from it; I think that's my main problem.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find /sbin/init, Drops To Busybox

Sep 9, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 i386 on a K9M6PGM-2 mainboard with an AMD Phenom Triple core @ 2.3 gig. I have 2 gig of RAM and Lucid is on a 320 gig HDD, /dev/sda1 shared w/Win XP. I have in the SDC position an 80 gig with Ubuntu Karmic. Long before the Widows was installed this problem annoyed me. My hope was that by wiping GRUB out and rebuilding it from the Live CD that this problem would be fixed but after several boot process' the problem ihas returned.

When I boot into Karmic and look at /sbin I find the file init but of course cannot open it. Is there any way to fix this?

The nachine might boot into Lucid 3 or 4 days in a row with no problem and then refuse to boot anything but WinXP or Karmic. It seems not to be the GRUB as Wendoze and Karmic boot as expected.

At the /dev/sdb I find;

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1 * 1 9327 74919096 83 Linux
/dev/sdb2 9328 9729 3229034+ 5 Extended
/dev/sdb5 9328 9729 3229033+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
and do not know the origin of the partition.

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Slackware :: ERROR: No /sbin/init Found On Rootdev ( Or Not Mounted )

Apr 21, 2010

I'm running Slacware current. Ran the updates this morning, including kernel I always get nervous about that since something often goes wrong. Sure enough -

trying to boot I get No kewrnel modules found for Linux mount: mounting /dev/sda9 on /mnt failed: No such device ERROR: No /sbin/init found on rootdev ( or not mounted ) and failure to proceed with booting. I got an original warning about the initial ram disk being too big to fit and switched to using generic kernel, and yes I did run lilo afterwards and did add the initrd.gz line. I run Ubuntu on the same laptop and have to boot into that and work as chroot in my Slackware partition to try and fix things.

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Slackware :: Software RAID 1 Versus LILO / Kernel-generic - ERROR: No /sbin/init Found On Rootdev

Jul 1, 2011

I'm currently trying to setup Slackware 13.7 on a server, using software RAID 1. I'm using the README_RAID.TXT document at the root of the Slackware disc as a reference. Anyway, here's what I have so far.

/dev/md1 -> /boot partition
/dev/md2 -> swap partition
/dev/md3 -> / partition


[root@raymonde:~] # fdisk -l /dev/sd{a,b}
Disk /dev/sda: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylinders, total 80293248 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes


I created an initrd image using mkinitrd -F, added an according stanza to /etc/lilo.conf and ran 'lilo' after that. Now I can boot on the vanilla huge kernel all right. But I can't seem to boot on the generic kernel. Whenever I try to do this, the boot process stops short on the following error message:


mount: mounting /dev/md3 on /mnt failed: Device or resource busy
ERROR: no /sbin/init found on rootdev

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Debian :: INIT: Cannot Execute "/sbin/mingetty"

Oct 18, 2010

So I was looking around for something to auto log me in. I only have the basic Debian system...no X...just command line.

Anyway, I try mingetty and it looks like I've broken it. I'm using this as an NFS server to store my music which I have up and running. It seems that it works even when I'm not logged in (I didn't know that at the time). Now when I start my computer it shows INIT: cannot execute "/sbin/mingetty" and it shows that 10 times, then I get: INIT: Id "1" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

It seems that it's just going to keep doing that and wont stop

I followed this article: [URL]

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General :: "/sbin/init Does Not Exist" On Boot?

Nov 24, 2010

I am having some issues about every other time y to boot into Arch linux.it is installed on my third hard drive, and my grub from Fedora is what it boots from.about every other time i try to boot into it i get this error:

Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/sdb3...
ext4-fs (sdb3): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode Opts: (null)


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Debian :: Delay Init.d Script Until Network Filesystem Is Available?

Oct 27, 2010

I'm having some difficulty starting a service from an init.d script. It relies on the availability of a network filesystem (glusterfs) which is mounted from fstab. The service starts before the filesystem is up, and crashes.I've tried adding "# Required-Start: remote_fs" to the service init.d script, and delaying it by changing the ordering with "update-rc.d service defaults 90", but neither seems to work. If I add a "sleep 10" to the script, that works, but it feels wrong.Is there some way to get the ordering right? To delay starting the service until after everything in fstab is ready to g

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CentOS 5 :: Init Error \ Failed To Mount The Root Filesystem?

Jun 17, 2011

I had a LiveUSB of CentOS 5.5, so I decided the install it.With no installer,I just copied the files to my hard drive.his was in a multi boot with Windows 7, Ubuntu 9.10, and FreeDOS.I updated GRUB2 and it detected CentOS. I loaded my entry and it failed to mount the root filesystem.I took the initrd0 file from the LiveUSB syslinux folder and added that ramdisk to the entry. Now it finds the root filesystem (/dev/sda9 as Ext3).But it fails shortly after loading /sbin/init. It talks about an init error where it says "File not found!!!".The previous lines involved umounting old filesystems, like /dev.

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CentOS 5 :: Differences Between Scsi-target-utils & Iscsi-target

May 8, 2009

I want to run ISCSI target on CentOS. Both "scsi-target-utils" and "iscsi-target" can be used.

They seem to have the same function.

Is there any significant difference between them, on performance or stability?

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CentOS 5 :: Connect Up Servers To Storage Array Which Is Running As An SRP Target?

Jul 13, 2011

My goal is to connect up a bunch of CentOS 5.6 servers to storage array which is running as an SRP target. These servers will be running eventually as Xen hypervisors. I'm using Mellanox Infiniband cards and a Qlogic Infiniband switch.

OFED drivers are already installed as standard. I have done the following.

1. Base install of CentOS 5.6 X86_64
2. Installed the following packages...



It works perfectly and connects to the target immediately with great results. I'd just like this to happen correctly on startup.

To work around the issue I have added the line srp_daemon -e -o into the init script for opensm /etc/init.d/opensmd but it doesnt always start the srp_daemon process. Its rather hit and miss

I'd really like srp_daemon to run as a service with a proper init script but I wouldnt know how to write one. I understand that this issue has been addressed in the RHEL6 srptools package but that doesnt help me because the software I intend to use on these servers specifically requires 5.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Error Object Class EMFolderTree Doesn't Implement Property 'paste-target-list' From Interface 'ESelectable'

May 24, 2011

When I start evolution from the terminal I get this: (evolution:3265): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: Object class EMFolderTree doesn't implement property 'paste-target-list' from interface 'ESelectable' The program still starts though. I am fairly new to Ubuntu.

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Fedora Installation :: Init 3 Doesn't Work In 10?

Apr 15, 2009

su to root,

init 3

no errors, no nothing acts like it take the command, but nothing happens.

trying to install nvidia drivers which won't run unless all the xwindows are shut down.

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General :: Shutdown Works And Init 0 Doesn't So How Are They Different

Jul 7, 2011

When I bring down a certain machine with some nfs mounts using init 0, it hangs forever while trying to bring down the mounts, but if I bring it down using halt -p (which I've read just calls shutdown if I'm in init 3), it comes down in a timely manner. I've also read that shutdown still calls all the rc.d kill scripts just like init 0, so what is actually the difference between them? Is it this:


All processes are first notified that the system is going down by the signal SIGTERM?Does init not do that? I'm not trying to directly troubleshoot why NFS makes me hang with init 0 at this point, just wondering why shutdown works whereas init 0 doesn't.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount A USB Drive In Rc.local With /sbin/mount And UUID Instead Of Fstab?

Feb 6, 2010

I run a headless Ubuntu 8.04 server, which acts as a web, email and file server. I am sticking with 8.04 as it is a LTS release and will upgrade to the next LTS when it is released.

I have two external USB drives, that I need to mount at boot. I have been using /etc/fstab up until now, with the following entries:


However, as I gather from doing searches is quite common, occasionally I get an error during boot (causing the system to drop to a recovery shell) because the USB drives take time to wake up and the system hasn't found them by the time it reads /etc/fstab.

From doing searches, it seems there is nothing you can do to fstab to fix this, so you need to mount them using an rc.local script instead, using:


The problem is, as I have two USB drives, their /dev/sdxx location changes between boots. I thus want to use UUID codes as I do in fstab, however I haven't found anything about this.

Does anyone know how I can use the mount command and UUID to mount a drive in rc.local and what options I have to use the mount the drive with the same options that I am using in my fstab entry? Obvisouly, I can't refer back to fstab using the mount command, because then I will still get the boot error issue if they are listed in fstab. And there is no space internally for the USB drives as there is already two internal drives.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Stop And Restart The "opt/drbl/sbin/dcs" Command?

Feb 8, 2011

i've just installed an ubuntu server 10.10 with drbl and clonezilla everythink seems to works fine, i was able to create a new images and i was able to deploy the new images to 6 pc's at the same time via braodcast, but to deploy again the images after each braodcast session i have to stop and restart the "opt/drbl/sbin/dcs" command.i've reinstalled ubuntu again, i've changed the swicth and tried a new network card but problem still persist.

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Fedora :: 13 - Use The New /etc/sysconfig/init - Agetty Doesn't Work Any More?

Aug 19, 2010

What a nuisance after upgrading from Fedora 12 to Fedora 13 the terminal initialisation and the running of agetty agetty doesn't work any more. Same for printer configurations. Apparently this should now be done in /etc/sysconfig/init but where is the documentation? how to use the new /etc/sysconfig/init to do what the event.d scripts used to do.

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