Ubuntu Servers :: Error While Setting Up WebDAV?

May 27, 2010

I've been trying to set up a webDAV server on my remote server and while trying to enable a vhost 'webdav' with the command

sudo a2ensite webdav
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


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Ubuntu Servers :: Migrate WebDAV To New WebDAV?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a WebDAV folder (complete folder hierarchy in fact) currently managed by SAP's KM module. Long story short: it's in Windows, it's slow, I hate it.

I want to migrate the hole tree to my brand new Ubuntu Server 10.04 with a functional WebDAV server I just finished configuring. It connects to LDAP for user authentication, it's fast, it works like a charm.

Do you guys know any way I can transfer/migrate files from the Windows WebDAV to to Ubuntu WebDAV? The only thing that is important to keep is file security properties. Both WebDAVs have the same user database: our corporate Active Directory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Webdav 405 Method Not Allowed?

May 6, 2011

Trying to setup WebDav on Ubuntu server. Stuck on the last few steps of the setup. Trying to test the setup with cadaver, but reach this error:

Could not access /webdav/ (not WebDAV-enabled?):
405 Method Not Allowed
Connection to `' closed.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Restarting Apache (webdav) After Installing PHP & MySQL

Jun 7, 2011

i am using ubuntu 10.10. I had installed apache2 and subversion, using webdav, as described in the unbuntu wiki. SVN was working as expected, I could commit files, etc. I then installed php5 and mysql, as described in the ubuntu wiki, and i now get the following on apache restart:

apache2: Syntax error on line 203 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Syntax error on line 2 of /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.load: Cannot load /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_dav_svn.so into server: /usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2: symbol krb5_authdata_context_copy, version krb5_3_MIT not defined in file libkrb5.so.3 with link time reference Action 'configtest' failed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: WebDAV - Mountable But Empty Below 2nd Subdir Level?

Jul 3, 2011

I am using Safesync from Trendmicro to backup my data. Since some time I am experiencing heavy problems. Normally my Backup should look like this: But when I am mounting it with WebDAV, it is looking different:

cdrewing@christian-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t davfs http://dav.trendmicro.safesync.com /media/Safesync
[sudo] password for cdrewing:
Gib bitte den Benutzernamen f�r den Server http://dav.trendmicro.safesync.com an; wenn du keinen angeben willst, dr�cke Return.


Note: When I am mounting Safesync with Nautilus, everything is functional and ok. But I need my command line access because I want to use rsync. A workaround could be to access the resource via the nautilus mount. Where can I find this via the command line?

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypts On WebDAV Share ... Error Message?

Jan 5, 2010

I'm trying to make ecryptfs work on my GMX Mediacenter share (a service quite popular in Germany). I followed the instructions to include my mediacenter share in my fstab which works pretty well. So now I'm able to connect via Secure WebDAV as a regular user (no sudo needed). When connected, I try to create a ecryptfs transparent layer so everything saved remotely is seamlessly encrypted. Although no error message is thrown during creation, the process fails. When entering the remote share (cd mediacenter) and performing any remote command such as "ls -la", the following error message is thrown:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Webdav Access - When Connect From Nautilus - Says - Access Was Denied

Mar 26, 2010

I'm having a problem with my webdav share. I have a secure webdav folder that gets accessed via a non-standard port and requires basic authentication. I can connect and interact with it fine via cadaver. However, when I try to connect from nautilus, it says "Access was denied." To make it even stranger, sometimes I can click on the folder in nautilus (it still mounts) and access it. Sometimes not (just repeats the error message and won't show me the contents). I may not even un-mount it, but just look at other folder, then click it again and be able to access it, but again - only rarely.

I asked a friend to try connecting from his windows vista computer and it would not work. It would not work from my windows XP virtual computer either. However, it mounts and works just find from my work computer (also Windows XP).

So it seems to be a 50/50 chance that the drive will mount on any given computer/system and work. Do anyone know what the problem may be? I'm guessing user permissions, but I can't figure out what.

I've made sure the webdav folder is owned by www-data and www-data has read access to the password file as well.

When I try connecting from nautilus, I get this in the log file:


Here is one of the (many) sites I've tried looking at: [url]

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Ubuntu Servers :: WebDAV Best Option For Internet Wide "samba-like" File Sharing?

Sep 14, 2010

What is the best option for Internet wide "samba-like" file sharing? WebDAV?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Webdav + Nautilus = Forbidden - DON'T Have "Options Indexes" In Apache Config File When Try To Access Via Firefox

Feb 20, 2010

I've installed webdav on my server and I can access it fine through cadaver. However, when I try to access it via nautilus, I get Forbidden. It is NOT secured (SSL). When I try to access it via firefox, I get an error since I DO NOT have "Options Indexes" in my apache config file. If I add this option in, then I can browse the root direction and webdav folder via firefox, but still not from nautilus. what other information you need. I've googled and searched the forums for awhile, but not "solutions" I found have worked for me. I want the webdav folder to just be a single folder within the direction, so this is how I have my config file setup:


As a side-note...when I included "Option Indexes", it allowed me to view the passwd.dav file from firefox!That doesn't seem very good...

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Updatedb On WebDav Mount?

May 17, 2010

I have a WebDav (davfs2) mounted in /home/myuser/mydavmountI would like to prevent updatedb from indexing the content of the mounted drive. I tried editing /etc/updatedb.conf and setting the following:

PRUNEPATHS="/tmp /var/spool /media /home/myuser/mydavmount"
also tried these:


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Ubuntu :: Can't Write On Webdav Mounted Drive

Jul 16, 2010

I use davfs2 to mount a Webdav drive at startup. It mounts correctly and I have read access to all files my account gives me access to. One big problem though: I can't create of modify any file. I know it is not a user account problem because everything works well when I mount the drive in Windows 7 using WebDrive.

Here's the entry in /etc/fstab to automatically mount the drive:

http://someserver.local/docs /home/my_user/km_docs davfs user,rw,auto 0 0

The Webdav is hosted on a local SAP Portal server (if anyone is familiar with this).

I also tried to use Cadaver. It connects and reads perfectly. But when I try to create a file, I get a "409 Conflict" error, even the file has never existed on the server before.

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Ubuntu :: How To Mount WebDAV Share At Boot

Nov 22, 2010

So here's: sudo apt-get install fusedav

Make a mount location, chown the directory, give yourself permissions.

I put my script in /etc/init.d. I'm sure you could put it anywhere though.

Paste the following in the file.

Make the permissions readable only by root, because it has your password in plain text.

Make it executable.

Make it run at boot.

Reboot and use.

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General :: Error : There Was An Error Setting Up Inter-process Communications For KDE

Mar 5, 2010

I've been using Kate for a while without any problems.

However, today I tried to install Kedit.

Then I got this message:

"There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. The message returned by the system was:

Could not read network connection list. /home/mikeb/.DCOPserver_XXX__0

Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running!"

Then I uninstalled Kedit, hoping that the damage would be undone.

However, Kate still shows the same message upon startup.

So I reinstalled Kate, and got the same thing.

What did the Kedit installation mess up, and how I can I fix it so I can use Kate again?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mount A Webdav Location?

Feb 25, 2011

How can I mount a webdav location to my 11.3 pc at home so I can access the same files that I do via my ipad while I am on the move.

I have an mobile-me account therefore I use idisk.

I would like idisk mounted so it appears as a folder on my desktop at home, so I can edit the same documents without having to upload and download using a web browser.

is this possible?

the idisk url is https://idisk.me.com/YourMemberName/

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General :: Enable WebDAV In Apache Httpd?

Oct 11, 2009

I have been reading [URL] to setup the same. But I am facing an issue here. Whenever I am editing the file:


Alias /webdav /var/www/webdav
Dav on
in wedav.conf under /etc/httpd/conf.d folder.

It says:


[root@chat conf.d]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]


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CentOS 5 :: WebDAV - Limiting Access To Subfolders?

Dec 13, 2010

On our web server I want to have a WebDAV folder and I would like customers to be able to log in with MySQL authentication from our customers database (this I have set up with no problems and it works fine). HOWEVER, I want each customer to have their own subfolder and, having logged in with access to the main WebDAV folder, I want each customer ONLY to be able to access their own subfolder(s). I don't mind them seeing other subfolders exist but obviously I don't want them to have access to other customers subfolders.

OK, of course I could achieve this by adding new WebDAV locations to the httpd.conf for every customer but with a large number of customers httpd.conf will become very large and messy. I have tried applying further restrictions by putting an .httaccess file in each subfolder but that doesn't work - indeed the presence of a .htaccess file oddly prevents users from seeing any other files in the subfolder but has no effect on the access.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Open Bookmarked Webdav From Iceweasel

Jan 21, 2015

I am using Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 with Linux 3.16.0-0 (x86_64) from backports and XFCE. I am using nautilus for the default file manager because thunar is not able to connect to server. My problem is that when i want to upload a file from iceweasel, the bookmarked webdav location on nautilus is not shown. This mean that iceweasel doesn't use nautilus? If so how to change this? Nautilus is checked in the default programs.

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Ubuntu Security :: Can't Connect To Netdisk Space From Off-campus Using The Secure WebDAV Bookmark

Jan 13, 2010

My workplace recently switched to Active Directory for our netdisk space (I work at a University in the US). The "only way" (recommended) by our IT department is to use a cifs protocol. I've had absolutely no luck with that at all. However, it turns out that there is secure WebDAV protocol setup which works well on campus. If I'm off campus I have to connect via a VPN connection; our school uses Cisco Anyconnect 2.3.0254. It works well for me to connect to a printer, etc on campus.

Here's my problem: I can't connect to my netdisk space from off-campus using the Secure WebDAV bookmark that was working oncampus, even when I am connected via the VPN connection. I am using UFW. Is there a port I need to open up, or am I missing something else?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mounting Apache WebDAV Share On Windows 7

Aug 12, 2011

I want to setup a SSL encrypted WebDAV share on my OpenSUSE 11.4 server that is accessible from the internet. Everything is working fine when using Windows XP or Linux clients, but a connection with Windows 7 is not possible ("the selected folder is not valid").

I already searched for a solution to this problem I tried several setups:
- with and without encryption
- with Basic authentication
- with Digest authentication
- without authentication

I did not have success so far. Is there any solution to this (except not using Windows 7)? Or can anyone confirm that this should be working (and maybe my configuration is messed up)?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install 9.04 From Win7 By Wubi - Error "An Error Has Occurred Setting The Element Data"

Jan 26, 2010

I tried to install ubuntu 9.04 from wubi in windows 7 ultimate today. But it failed. I met a problem when installing: An error has occurred setting the element data. The request is not supported. The detailed information in installation log file is:

01-26 13:29 DEBUG TaskList: # Cancelling tasklist
01-26 13:29 DEBUG TaskList: New task modify_bcd
01-26 13:29 ERROR root: Error executing command
>>command=C:WindowsSystem32cdedit.exe /set {d29666c7-0a4d-11df-a945-002268e2b352} device partition=I:
>>stderr=An error has occurred setting the element data.

The request is not supported.


The request is not supported. I tried to use bcdedit /set <GUID> device partition=I: manually, but still have the same error.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up DNS For A Small Lan

Jan 25, 2010

how to set up dns/bind but the issue I am hitting is that I want to just create a non internet domain setup ie t60.mysuperlan. desktop.mysuperlan. etc . Using a hosts file isn't the best as its pretty much about learning all the stuff to make it work.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Lpr For Printing Under 8.04

Feb 23, 2010

I managed to install a networked printer to my box by

apt-get install system-config-printer-common system-config-printer-gnome

And using the system-config-printer, I can send print test page and it works.

Now, I noticed that I don't have lpr installed on this box.

So even if I install lpr or lprng I cannot seem to make it work.

Ohh and by the way, the only thing I use to print from that box is Acrobat Reader 9.. it is proprelly installed. I can see the networked printer entry from the program.. but for some reason Acrobat Reader 9 needs to use lpr to send the print job.

I wish to know what I am missing here.

I can do lpstat -v and I see my printer entry from there.

Now: the question: how can I setup lpr to work with my networked printer?

Should I install lpr or lprng?

What is the proper way to install a networked printer under Ubuntu-server?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting MTU With VLAN?

Apr 4, 2010

Looking for any help I can get here.. We have a 9.10 server with both (ifenslave & VLAN) installed and configured. When we are running in bond mode (bond0) it sets the MTU to 9000 just fine.

iface bond0 inet static
hwaddress ether 00:04:7B:30:4A:AC
mtu 9000


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up 2nd Interface?

Jul 15, 2010

I am having trouble setting up my second network interface on Ubuntu Server 10.04. When setting up the machine it did detect both cards but I only picked one to configure, and now I want to setup the second.

I went into /etc/interfaces and basically copied the settings for eth0 but changed the IP and the name to eth1. I then restarted.

Quite honestly it might be working! But when I run ifconfig -a I see no packets I see


eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0e:0c:59:af:c4
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0


isn't that what "UP BROADCAST...." line means?

So perhaps my question is how do I test my 2nd interface? I tried using the 2nd IP with Putty (which is how I usually work on the machine) and couldn't connect.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Openvpn 10.4

Jul 21, 2010

I am following this guide on setting up an Openvpn but having a little issue with permission denied.

I am at this step 'Initialize the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)'

cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/
. /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/vars
. /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/clean-all


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Database On 10.04?

Aug 19, 2010

I want to set up Ubuntu Server 10.04 on a computer I have lying around, set up a database for storing information, and a website for accessing it, which is only avaliable on my local network (it would just have an IP address on my local network). How would I do something like this?

I want to set it up on probably a Dell, and I want to be able to have multiple fields on the website that people see when they go to that IP address where they can enter information to be recorded in the database, and then be able to easily access it with a login, which different people would have different ones, so they can see just the information they entered..

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up DNS For Webserver

Nov 17, 2010

how to create an entire server from scratch using a minimal install. I know Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 comes with packages that can be included during install but for the sake of learning I only installed SSH access.

I was able to get Apache2, MySQL, PHP5 installed and running fine. What I'm trying to do next is setup DNS so I can point fragdata.com to my Ubuntu server and have other people see my test site.

I have registered the nameserver ns1.fragdata.com with my IP and updated DNS in my registrar. I followed the tutorial but "dig fragdata.com" gives me the following:

root@linux-server:/home/syvil# dig fragdata.com
; <<>> DiG 9.7.0-P1 <<>> fragdata.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Apache In 10.10?

Dec 7, 2010

When starting Apache I get this error in 10.10 (not in 9.10): [Fri Dec 03 21:14:22 2010] [error] (2)No such file or directory: could not open transfer log file /etc/apache2/${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/other_vhosts_access.log. Unable to open logs So where do I define APACHE_LOG_DIR ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Apache2 With SSI The *right* Way?

Jan 5, 2011

So I've got a box running 10.04LTS Server, and on it is running the latest build of Apache2.It's a home box - a server set up for the sole purpose of experimenting and having fun with. So far, the fun is mostly breaking it over SSH and then fixing it when I get home and can log into it via recovery.What I really want to do is to get this box set up with Apache2 the way it seems like it was designed - with Apache2 serving web pages from its default file location (/var/www) but also being able to log in and upload/download new web page files to that directory over SCP or SFTP. I keep hitting snags.Here's what I've done so far:

1. The server is set up in a DMZ at home and my router updates a Dynamic DNS record; so far I can SSH into it no problem.

2. Apache is working. I get my "it works!" page when I enter either the IP or the dyndns domain name.

3. SFTP is sort of working. I can log on using WinSCP and see the files and download them, but I can't upload to the default directory with my normal login.

Here's my issues: 1. I want to set up Apache *correctly*. To me, that means leaving it pointing to the default directory, but still being able to upload to that directory. I have not (and probably will not) enable the root account. I've set the permissions to 755. I've tried chown'ing the directory, but then it seems I can't view the webpages.As a workaround, I created a www folder in my default user home directory and pointed Apache2 there in the 'default' file in /etc/apache2/sites-available. The changes read as follows:

DocumentRoot /home/username/www
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks[code]...

That gives me a workaround for the default directory SFTP issue, but I would rather learn what I need to do to have it set up and working with default values.

2. You may notice I added Includes under the Options. My goal is to get server-side includes working. But they aren't. I have some existing webpages my work has set up - I using these as a template to use to adapt a flash movie I made to a specific resolution, as well as to learn how to optimize my flash for a webpage. Our webhost uses virtual hosting; I am not yet doing so. I'm not sure what they've done to set up the server-side includes, but the files they are using are all html files - no shtml. The include files themselves have either .htm or .html extensions. All of the pages have .html extensions.

My reading said that I need mod_include installed in Apache2. Where can I check to see that it is installed? Where do I need to add the Includes under Options?Is it in the right place? And finally, where do I need to add XBitHack on to enable it? This is the method that Apache suggests, but the documentation offers no clue as to where to put it. Most of the documentation out there refers to apache.conf, but that's the Apache 1.3 way of doing things.I really just want this to be set up according to the defaults as much as possible.I want to have a good working knowledge of Apache and of how to set it up and configure it, but dang it if it isn't a frustrating process.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Server ?

Mar 23, 2011

I have never used this software at all and am running a Win XP server for a n in house web site using Joomla. My XP box started to give problems as of today. So now I need to rebuild a web server box. I have always been told that Ubuntu is the way to go.

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