Ubuntu :: What Does Kernel Panic Mean?

Jun 25, 2011

I have a CR-48 running Ubuntu 11.04. I've had some continual issues with it, along with other Linux distros I tried. There are times my laptop freezes completely during mid use. If I power off and back on, 70% of the time it doesn't detect the hard drive upon next boot. If I go into BIOS, no SSD detected. If I pull the battery, hit the power button, put battery back in, it'll run fine for a while.

I'm up in the air if it's a hard drive issue or motherboard issue. Once I got this kernel panic I sat here for a half hour on another system typing it up. I hope somebody can look at it and make sense of it and tell me what essentially is happening.

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General :: Kernel Panic In 64bit Arch Linux After Kernel Recompile - 2.6.35-rc3

Jun 15, 2010

I have recompiled a few kernels, but all on 32bit systems so not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Running Arch Linux 64bit, most recent version.

Kernel Output:


My first thoughts was that it might be my grub bootloader configuration, so had a big play around with that but it didn't fix it. Also made sure support was built for filesystems. However almost all that Fstab mounts are ext3 anyway, and certainly the root and /boot are. Now thinking it may be a memory error so will run a check when I shutdown.

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General :: Getting Info On Kernel On Another Disk - Kernel Panic Error 6 Ext3

Feb 13, 2011

Dell laptop booting from a USB stick with a CentOS 5.5 minimum installation.

Uncompressing Linux...OK, booting the kernel.
Red Hat nash version starting
sda: assuming drive cache: write through
sda: assuming drive cache: write through
mount: error 6 mounting ext3
mount: error 2 mounting none
switchroot: mount failed: 22
umount /initrd-dev failed: 2
Kernel panic - no syncing: Attempted to kill init!

1. Does minimum installation not drop on a kernel or initrd with ext3 support? I can't imagine that's true, but have to ask.

2. The USB stick is single partition ext3. Maybe there is some limitation specifically related to USB stick booting that requires boot to be FAT16 or FAT32? Except the CentOS 5.5 installer refuses to let me install on either FAT.

3. How can I do the equivalent of lsmod on a linux installation that will not boot? i.e. I have CentOS x86_64 running in VirtualBox, I can plug the USB stick in there, so how do I get information on the USB stick's kernel and initrd if I can't boot from it?

4. Is it possible to rebuild the i386 based initrd on this USB stick, when the computer is not booted from that stick, with a system that's x86_64 based?

System Info:
Dell Latitude i686 Laptop which has run CentOS 5.5 and Fedora 12,13,14 in the past, and boots from Fedora 14 Live CD transferred to a USB stick. So I know USB booting is possible on this machine, and this stick.

The process of creating the stick:

CentOS 5.5 i386 on a USB stick. Old Dell i686 laptop which has previously run CentOS 5.5 installed from DVD, and has successfully booted from this same USB stick holding transferred Fedora 12,13,14 Live CDs. CentOS 5.5 was installed onto the USB drive directly by the CentOS 5.5 DVD installer (running virtualized in VirtualBox 4.02 on Mac OS X 10.6.5.). No errors or complaints during installation.

For whatever reason, the installer did not do some things correctly. First Grub wasn't working correctly, I got that sorted out and have the Grub+CentOS splash screen, it finds vmlinuz and the initrd, and then I get a kernel panic.

Ext3 was built into the kernel and that's why I'm getting this message. I do not know how the installer would have dropped a kernel or initrd during instalation that that don't contain such a basic thing that obviously comes in linux kernel 2.6.18-89 EL.

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Red Hat :: RHEL4 Strange Kernel Panic On Boot - Kernel Update No Solution

Dec 31, 2008

I have the following strange thing with a RHEL4 installation. Since last week, the system did a reboot and now something is really fucked up. During boot we get the following messages (don't care about 'strange' typo's, my colleague typed it 'blind' from the screen)


The strange thing is that we never see a 'could not mount blabla' or similar messages. First we thought it was a failing kernel update by plesk, but even after manually updating the kernel with RHN RPM's, still the same message. Booting with rescue mode and then chroot the system works. After that we even can start things like plesk and so on.

We double checked things with another RHEL4 install, and at least two things were odd:

1: the working machine has /dev/dm-0 and /dev/dm-1, the broken one doesn't

2: some files on /dev didn't have group root, but 252

We tried to recreate the /dev/dm-X nodes with [vgmknodes -v], output:


A fdisk /dev/sda shows: /dev/sda2 XX XXX XXXXX Linux LVM (I removed the numbers because this line is from another machine, but rest was identical)

We have a copy of the boot partition so if one need more info please let me know.



last part of init extracted from initrd-2.6.9-78.0.8.ELsmp.img:


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General :: Tried To Install Bcmwl-kernel-source And Now Getting Kernel Panic

Jun 25, 2010

I am running an Hp Pavillion dv6000 with the Broadcom card that never seems to work for Linux. I recently talked with my friend who said he found a way to get it work.following his instructions I opened Synaptic and checked the package bmcwl-kernel-source to be installed.I went through the process of it all and it said it had install successfully. I restarted the computer and when I tried to enter my operating system I got this error "Kernel panic - not syncing : VFS : Unable to mount root fs on unknown - block(8,1)"
I have previous versions of Linux on my computer so I can still get in to those if need be but I don't know how to undo what I did or why it isn't working for that matter. Does anyone have any ideas as to why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?

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Slackware :: Kernel Panic After Upgrading Slackware64-current To 2.6.32.x Kernel?

Jan 20, 2010

I have one machine where I have several versions installed on different partitions. The base partition (/dev/hda1) is Slack 12.1. On a spare partition (/dev/hdc4) I had installed Slackware64-current. Last week I slackpkg upgraded and installed the kernel, and now that partition will not boot. I know that with the new kernels the hd* designation has been removed, and have already redone that fstab (accessing it from a different boot) to reflect the sd*. Here is the slack64 section of my lilo.conf:

# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /other/spare4/boot/vmlinuz


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General :: Just Tried To Install New Kernel / Get Kernel Panic When Try To Boot From It

Jul 17, 2010

this is what i did i downloaded the latest stable kernel archive from kernel.org and extracted the archive into the download directory (i don't think that matters though) then i downloaded and installed the ncurses archive (needed for menuconfig) then i opened a terminal and navigated to the directory that was extracted from the archive and issues the floowing commands

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General :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing - No Init Found - Try Passing Init - Option To Kernel

Apr 19, 2011

Im am building a Linux distro. It will be very tiny and fast.

I only have a minimal linuxkernel (bzImage) who is 1,2 mb big. And then I have Busybox who is 174,6 kb big.

The commands in busybox is: cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, wget, httpd, clear, rm, poweroff, halt, reboot, fdisk, mount, umount, free, and cp.

When I compiled the kernel i use initramfs/initrd function and point it to a folder where initrd/initramfs source is.

The kernel works OK with others initramfs/initrd files. But not with my own.


Here is how the end of the kernelcomplie look like.


Here is my init file who is the initrd/initramfs source.


The initramfs folder contains "bin" (folder) and "init" a file. No more.

The problem is that the kernel cannot find/read init file.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic At Boot?

Apr 7, 2010

Edit: The PC is broken and I'll buy a new one. Don' bother reading this thread.

I have Kubuntu 9.10 installed on my Acer 7520g laptop. It used to work fine.

But recently my laptop has often went into kernel panic, sometimes at boot, sometimes after hours of normal usage. Today it has not been able to boot properly from HD a single time.

When I boot it up in recovery mode, it kernel panics and displays this (normal mode displays just the graphical progress bar, no text):

[ 9.620019] TSC f0ed3f8e6
[ 9.620019] PROCESSOR 2:60f82 TIME 1270650316 SOCKET 0 APIC 0
[ 9.620019] This is not a software problem!


I'm sure this is a pure software problem, because Ubuntu 7.10 LiveCD boots up normally and I got X, Gnome and everything working. So CPU must be working perfectly.

I read the logs in /var/log but there were no error messages.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic On New Installation?

May 10, 2010

I decided to try Kubuntu (10.4 64bit) again today, it's been a few years since I last tried it. The installation went well, but now I don't seem to be getting past Grub. I get a message that says: Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS:Unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0) I tried to use the recovery mode option in grub but that gave me the same message.

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Ubuntu :: How To Get Kernel Panic Info?

Jan 26, 2011

I am getting Kernel panic. I was getting is very frequently before, then I re-installed and it starts off fine then after a while it starts happening again.The problem is I have no idea what is causing it. The screen is completely frozen and won't respond to anything. The Alt sysreq combinations don't work, and I have to power off with the button.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic After Standby In 10.10?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a Toshiba Satellite laptop, dual-boot with Win7 and Ubuntu 10.10. Everything works as it should in Ubuntu, except when I resume from standby the computer goes into a "kernel panic," the screen freezes and caps lock light blinks.

I travel with my laptop and use standby all the time being a student, so I've been forced to use Windows 7 because it's far more reliable (isn't that funny >_<) when I resume from standby..

After literally searching for DAYS, no solutions have worked for me, and apparently this is a pretty big issue. I would love to get Ubuntu running full-time on my laptop. Also, my display drivers aren't officially supported by Ubuntu, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic Is Not Syncing

Feb 15, 2011

I am getting an error when I try to boot my ubuntu 10.4 system (64 bit). Error:Kernel Panic- Not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0).I installed Sbackup and tried to create a backup of the home, var, usr/local folders. I started the backup and it ran for about 30 minutes then I got a message from the system that indicated that I was out of hard drive space, then the system froze. I restarted the system and then I got the above mentioned error.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic - Not Syncing VFS

Feb 23, 2011

I get this Kernel Panic when I start my PC once in a while. After a restart or two it boots normally. I have included a screenshot taken with my camera. Anybody have any idea what this is and how I can get rid of it?

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic Not Syncing

May 3, 2011

I tried using gparted on a live cd to shrink a windows partition to make room for ubuntu. Then windows failed to boot. I deleted the entire disk and tried to install ubuntu 10.10. It seemed to install fine, but now when I start up I get

[ 0.869364] Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

and a bunch of other stuff that doesn't look good. I saw some other posts about this error, and people are talking about lilo. I'm not sure what to do

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic On 11.04, XPS 1340?

May 15, 2011

I have a Dell XPS 1340, and after resuming from suspend, most days, the laptop will not wake. Some days, Alt-PrScrn-REISUB will reboot the machine, but today, I saw the flashing caps lock, which I believe is indicative of a kernel panic.In any case, I have no clue what files to dump and submit in a bug report, when this happens again.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Boot From New ISO - Kernel Panic

Jan 12, 2010

I prepared a ISO from ubuntu 8.04.3 server using which kernel 2.6.24-24-server.My installer file is in initrd is
iecho Preparing to install
cd /
mount -nt tmpfs tmpfs tmp

iecho partitioning hard disk, creating filesystem
mknod /tmp/sda b 8 0
parted --script /tmp/sda mklabel msdos
parted --script /tmp/sda mkpartfs primary ext2 0 -- -0
parted --script /tmp/sda set 1 boot on

iecho configuring filesystem
mknod /tmp/sda1 b 8 1
tune2fs -j -i 6m -T now /tmp/sda1
iecho mounting filesystem
mount -nt ext3 /tmp/sda1 /mnt

iecho mounting CD-ROM
mknod /tmp/hdc b 22 0
mkdir /tmp/cdrom
mount -nt iso9660 -o ro /tmp/hdc /tmp/cdrom
My menu.lst file is

title *****1
root (cd)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) acpi=on
initrd /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)

title ******2
root (cd)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) acpi=on
initrd /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)

title ******3
root (cd)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) acpi=on
initrd /boot/initrd.img-$(uname -r)

When I try to boot from new ISO, It does not found my HDD and gives error.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic With LTSP And 10.4?

Sep 1, 2010

I'm trying to set up a thin client to connect to an Ubuntu 10.4 64bit. The client itself is 32 bit.When booting the thin client, I get the following:


Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount...
No interfaces found! Aborting...


My main worry is, obviously, the kernel panic.When booting 64bit machines (a laptop and a desktop), everything works fine, but when booting a 32 bit netbook or thin client, I get the above panic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Panic On Boot With 2.6.31-17

Feb 9, 2010

I installed mythbuntu from a live CD on an old machine with an IDE hard disk just to play with it. It worked a treat, so I bought an Acer Aspire Revo R3610 and used dd to copy the old HD contents to the new one, and then gparted to resize the ext4 partition.

On boot I got - Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

I checked every grub2 command and it all looked fine. I then tried booting the original kernel that the live CD installed (2.6.31-14) and it booted! I tried 2/6/31-17 again, and got the panic.

After much googling, I found a suggestion to do - sudo update-initramfs -k all -c -v and this worked.

Is this expected behaviour? One of the delights of Linux is that installs move smoothly between machines, but this one didn't. Was this due to the old machine using IDE and the new one AHCI SATA? How do I get an initramfs that's flexible and will boot smoothly on any given hardware?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Panic - Cant Install

Apr 29, 2010

When I load the live CD into my computer, the DVD drive spins very fast and then drops down to command lines with a kernel Panic. I have tried with the Final Release and with the Release Candidate. Because of this I cant even load up to the live CD enviroment.

It also mentions the name of my mother board in the code, the motherboard is a gigabyte G41M-ES2L and is brand new.

Could someone give some advice or help? Currently I dont have ubuntu installed on this computer as I went for a fresh install with vista.

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Ubuntu :: Panic At Kernel - Lucid Won't Load

Jun 6, 2010

I went to fire up Lucid this after noon and it gave me this error message. I didn't want to write all of that down so I took a picture. After several minutes it did nothing. I then decided to do a hard restart. This time it isn't giving a signal to the monitor. The monitor is less than half a year old, but I tried another. Still nothing. It show's no signal like it's not even hooked up to a machine. It doesn't even show the BIOS menu! I don't know if this is the cause or not but, I left my computer at my mothers house last night were they had a thunderstorm.

I have several applications like Virtual box and Mobloquer that took a hell of a long time to setup. Plus three guest operating systems, and some work that I didn't backup like videos. If we can get this up and running without re-installing.

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Ubuntu :: LTSP Kernel Panic - Nothing Seems To Load ?

Jul 18, 2010

I've installed LTSP on 10.04. I can get a couple of (fairly new) laptops to boot from this so all appears to be fine.

But my key goal is to get ASUS K8S-MX motherboard with sis 190 lan to boot so that I can set up a computer lab.

All seems to go well on boot but

When loading essential drivers, nothing seems to load and I get a done.

Then running /scripts/init-premount I get no interfaces found.

Then mounting root file system It starts Running /scripts/nfs-top and drops into kernel panic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Kernel Panic Not Syncing

Nov 5, 2010

In my internal disk i had installed 10.04 and 10.10. 2 days ago after a restart my system did not boot and i got the message: kernel panic:not syncing VFS unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0).

For 2 days i tried to solve the problem without success and today i installed 10.04 in the entire internal disk but the problem(message above mentioned) remains.

the result of the sudo fdisk -l command is this


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 500.1 GB, 500107862016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 60801 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


sdb is my external hard drive in whick i also had 10.04 installed but never used it.

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Ubuntu :: Line6 Studio GX Causes Kernel Panic In 11.04

May 4, 2011

I don't know how to file a bug report properly. I can confirm that this Line6 adapter that I have causes Ubuntu 11.04 to go into a kernel panic during boot when it is plugged in. It happened right after I upgraded to 11.04 until I unplugged it, and still happens when it is plugged in during boot. If it's unplugged the system doesn't crash. I booted into 10.10 multiple times with this adapter connected and it never went into a panic.

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Fedora :: How To Fix Kernel-panic

Mar 28, 2011

Recently i've been playing with few variations of linux distros since my Windows XP got infected with something that makes anything flash-player related crash or restart computer even(im saying this because it might be related), reinstall didn't help fix it so i decided to better switch back to Linux world and tried some newest distros. Everything was nice untill..recently some distros after installation gave me kernel-panic or caps lock+scroll lock lights blinking..trouble is Fedora 14 just gave me same stuff after i went maybe 5mins away from keyboard with web browser open then came back to notice..if at first i thought it was wrongly made distribution now i'm bit scared that my PC is dying..i did basic search in google and people say it may be related to hardware beeing too old or drivers but when i use it then i don't encounter this - just when afk. I have almost none experience in Fedora so was just wondering if someone could point me to right direction

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Red Hat :: RH WS 4.0 - Kernel Panic Not Syncing?

Jan 9, 2010

running Kernel just updated from RHN using up2date...

This server runs for a random 5-30 mins then throws the kernel panic.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic, Unable To Mount Root?

Feb 2, 2010

I recently (a couple weeks ago) installed Ubuntu on my desktop computer dual booting with Win XP (which I am using right now). I used Wubi to install it, and everything went fine. I used Ubuntu without a problem up until a few days ago. I am using an install of Ubuntu (I am not running it off a disc, USB drive or through the Wubi software).

I restarted my computer after using Ubuntu constantly for the time I've had it installed. It booted into Win XP (because it was first on the list where you select which OS to load) so I restarted again and tried to boot into Ubuntu. Instead of working, it gave me the error "Kernel panic - not syncing: unable to mount root" or something like that. So, I restarted again, and it was the same thing. I restarted in recovery mode, and it was the same thing.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic - Reinstall Over 10.4 Without Loosing My Programs

Apr 23, 2010

I have version 10.4 running on my computer, but when I boot I get a kernel panic. I then restart hit ESC and load a previous working copy. How do I reinstall over my 10.4 without loosing my programs etc? my problems started after a normal morning update.

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic Unable To Mount Root?

May 3, 2010

Fresh install on an acer.CRC=3691807100boots livecd fine selected to replace entire disk now presented with vfs error after install and reboot. This is a full replace install taking all the disk not a wubi install. Please help I don't want to have to reinstall windows 7 (PC has worked sweet as for 4 weeks with windows 7 just need to get back to ubuntu again

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Ubuntu :: Kernel Panic In 9.10 - Caps And Numlock Key Flashing

May 6, 2010

I get the usual kernel panic that kills the system, everything is unresponsive, if the screen is in screensaver it won't come out just the usual caps and numlock key flashing, if I have a tty open there is nothing dumped to screen. I have seen this happen when transferring large amounts of files to a USB NTFS formatted drive, but I have isolated that and made it occur when just doing a dist-upgrade.

I am pretty sure it is hardware but I am not sure where as this is the second build (last was 7.10 so I thought I would rebuild). dmesg and syslog don't show anything obvious beyond the below in syslog shortly before the panic. May 6 21:52:58 computar kernel: [79.296570] ondemand governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to performance governor I tried disabling ondemand by simply doing the below to no avail.


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