Ubuntu :: Security - Ubuntu Desktop - Automatic Close?

May 14, 2011

I've a Dedicated Server with Ubuntu 10.4 LTS LAMP as OS.Now I'm selling Game Servers and I need some protection for it.The protection I need is:- Firewall; how I'm able to ban someone easily- DDoS- Attack (UDP especially); how to decrease the strength of this attack or to fully block it.Second question;I have installed the Ubuntu-Desktop on my server, but how to remove it? I have installed it through; 'apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'Thirth Question:When I open a file, it runs for a few moments, but then it suddenly closes.. I this a common error? Or could this be caused by the content of the file? The permission of that file is 777.

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Ubuntu Security :: Set Automatic Log In For 8.04?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm installing Hardy Heron on several old Dell's and donating them to less fortunate folks. Is there a way I can set it to automatically log-in at startup, not require the password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Router Has Open 5900 Port And Can't Close It?

Dec 19, 2010

I've recently been taking a look at my router settings and I've realized i have my vnc port open for some reason. I don't know how or why it got opened because I've only used vnc within my private lan. Anyway, the problem is I couldn't figure out how to close that port on my router, so I just uninstalled all the vnc software from my computer so it wouldn't act like a vnc server for anybody trying to access it from the outside. So, effectively, I cannot vnc into my computer from outside my private lan, but when i port scan my public ip, the vnc port still appears open.

I'm wondering if there's something i'm missing. I'm sure it must be something in the router that I haven't figured out... something that's keeping port 5900 open.

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Ubuntu Security :: Automatic Sudo Privilege For Lacie 4L?

Nov 16, 2010

Users of Lacie's 4L which is used to burn labels for your Lightscribe disks, are required to have the app run with sudo privileges, (the command being: gksudo 4L-gui). On an older version of an Ubuntu install, I had it set up so that it did this automatically, without it, (or me), being asked for a password. I thought it was something I added to the sudoers file, to give 4l-gui automatic authority, but I forgot how i did it.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Desktop - How To Configure Window Close Button

May 6, 2010

I upgraded 9.10 desktop to 10.04 using network (recommended) procedure.The window close button has moved (all desktop windows) from upper right corner to upper left corner. This causes untold frustration since I flip amongst numerous computers with Windows windows and other levels of UBUNTU windows. is there some way to configure where the window close button is (some way to put it back in the upper right corner)?

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Ubuntu Security :: Automatic Updates Of Clam Signature File?

May 8, 2010

Is there a way to make Clam update the signatures automatically? I cannot see an option in Clam TK.

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Ubuntu Security :: Automatic Login With Enforced Screen Lock

Aug 30, 2010

Is there a way to set Linux to automatically log in to a specific user account and at the same time lock the screen? I want to save time and trigger various software that always should start up on boot, while leaving the computer unattended during startup (extra important and practical for remote control boots), by enforcing a 'screen lock' so that no-one can see what happens behind the login screen without entering the login credentials.

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Ubuntu Security :: Automatic Logout - Auth Log Indicates Failed Login Attempt?

Mar 3, 2010

A few minutes ago I was using google chrome when suddenly the scroll-lock indicator on my keyboard turned on... I pressed the scroll-lock key, but nothing happened, the light remained. I opened a terminal and ran "top" to find what processes were running when I was automatically logged out. I logged back and checked the logs and found the following entries in my auth.log:

CRON[2971]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
CRON[2971]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user root


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Fedora Security :: Close Ports 443,80,22 & 23 Without Success?

Dec 8, 2009

have tried to close ports 443,80,22 & 23 without success.Does anybody have any idea how to do this. I close them in a terminal and their still opened. I closed them in services and their still open what am I not doing right?

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Fedora Security :: Automatic Log Off Timer In F10?

Mar 10, 2009

F10 logs off a user when idling after a certain time. I cannot find the place where to set the time and other things (like to disconnect from network at logoff etc). where to set this? I didn't find it in neither 'power management' or 'users + groups'.

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Security :: Non Privileged User Sessions Close Immediately After Login?

Apr 16, 2009

while hardening a red hat enterprise 5 installation I have done something that causes the sessions of all user accounts except root to close immediately after authentication. in the /var/log/secure log file it will show three log entries per attempt:

<date/time><hostname> login: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user fred by LOGIN(uid=0)
<date/time><hostname> login: LOGIN ON tty1 BY fred
<date/time><hostname> login: pam_unix(login:session): session closed for user fred

Since I did a number of things and have not been able to identify what caused this.

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Security :: RHEL Root Password Automatic Change?

Jun 1, 2010

To comply with standards I need to change the root pw every so often. However, I really don't have a need to know the root password; as the only thing using root, is for ssh authenticating via ssh keys. What I want to do is automate the root password change monthly via a cron job, to a random value. Is there a way to do this without knowing the previous password?

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Debian :: Automatic Login To Desktop After Start Of PC

Nov 17, 2015

How to enable automatic logon to the desktop Debian after turning on the computer?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Remote Desktop Just Works When Connecting From Close Distance?

May 5, 2011

To be sure that the remote desktop was working, I tried from home, where I have both the laptop I want to connect to and the laptop from which I make the connection. It worked without any problem, but now I'm trying to connect from my work place and it's not working anymore. Both are connected to the same VPN, so I don know where the problem comes from.

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Fedora :: Enable Automatic Login In 14 Gnome Desktop?

Nov 7, 2010

I have tried editing

by adding


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OpenSUSE Install :: After Automatic Kernel Update To

Oct 28, 2010

my friend updated kernel today and it "stopped working" and I was asked to fix it he is new to linux, and I don't have physical access to that notebook from what I know main problems are:

1. no network devices exist (except for loopback)
2. sound card driver is missing (nVidia MCP79)
3. in grub menu after choosing new kernel uname -r sais the old one's version

wifi card is atheros, but I don't know specific model.

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Ubuntu :: Align Desktop Icons To Grid / Move Close , Maximize And Minimize Buttons To Left Side Of Window?

Apr 30, 2011

1) How do I align my desktop icons to a grid?
2) Is it possible to move the close, maximize, and minimize buttons to the left side of the window? I prefer that to the since I'm used to GNOME Unity.

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Ubuntu Security :: Security Changed In Remote Desktop?

Jul 6, 2010

I always use VNC to check my server for updates, and this morning I started the xvnc4viewer to vnc into my server and it keep asking for a password. I never setup a password because I do this local from my laptop, and I am the only one who uses my laptop. I had to go to my server and check the setting in System > Preferences > Remote Desktop and found them all changed. There was a password setup and there was a check mark in the you must confirm each access to this machine there some security update that changed all these setting? Sometimes when I do updates I don't know what is being changed on my server

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Ubuntu Security :: 631/tcp CUPS / Close Port / Stop This Service / Tell Update Manager To Shove Cups?

Feb 27, 2011

Running: Ubuntu 10.10

I'm in a bind and I don't know how to get what I want. Nmap shows ipp running cups on port 631. Great, simple enough I uninstall cups, along with its dependencies. A new portscan reveals that the port is closed SUCCESS, but... Ubuntu Update Manager nags me @ every restart about the "important security" updates. I can't lock the version of cups in Synaptic, because cups is not installed! So you see I'm in a bind. If I have cups installed I have an open port, and if I uninstall cups the update manager nags me. What do I do? I've tried:

- stopping the cups service and issuing the chkconfig cups off command... (doesn't close the port)
- uninstalling cups... (update manager nags)
- fuser -k 631/tcp (great, but @ reboot the port is still open)
Please teach me how to close this port / stop this service / tell update manager to shove cups.....

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Ubuntu Security :: Remote Desktop (VNC) And Security?

Mar 24, 2010

So I've read a bit and it seems that this is okay and secure. But I wanted to double check here with everyone, because I trust here more than just about anywhere. I've read about the hipporemote (which is pretty cool) and I have it working. Basically I want to make sure my system is still secure.

1. I had to open a port on my firewall for the VNC connection.

2. I turned on the Remote Desktop
2a. Checked Allow other users to view....
2b. Checked Allow other users to control....
2c. Checked You must confirm.....
2d. Checked for password, and put in a password
2e. Checked Configure network automatically to accept connectios

So with doing all of that, am I ok? I think so, especially since it says its only accessible on my local network. But I just wanted to hear from people who know more than I do that I don't need to worry any more than normal about others accessing my machine. I'm mainly thinking 2e, I don't fully understand what's going on there.

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Ubuntu :: Automatic Updates - Not JUST Security Updates ?

Mar 25, 2011

So, it is my understanding that Ubuntu's automatic updates do not install ANY updates that are not "important security updates." For example, it did not upgrade me to Firefox 4 automatically; I had to do it myself (Don't all new browser versions usually contain new security features/patches? Oh well...That is a separate question entirely).

ANYWAY, is there some way to get the latest stable versions of all of my open-source software automatically (or at least all at once, on command), instead of just security updates? It seems silly to have to install new versions for every program manually.

Also, related/side question: Now that I have installed Firefox 4 myself (via apt-get by adding the mozilla-stable PPA), will I stop getting security updates for Firefox through the standard Ubuntu update manager?

Actually, a really thorough explanation of the whole automatic update system (or a link to one) would be great too.

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Fedora :: "Automatic" Update Caused Desktop Effects To Stop And Slow Downs / Sort It?

Aug 8, 2011

Seems like the latest Kernel (2.6.40-4.fc15.i686) update screwed with my setup a little bit.

This is what happened:

I had about 100 updates to my F15 pending in my taskbar's update notifier.
I let the system update itself.
Reboot and desktop effects don't work.
Takes a long time to open up Dolphin.
electricsheep (OpenGL screen saver) doesn't work.

I'm assuming it's a problem with OpenGL or my nvidia video drivers which I tried reinstalling from mjmwired's guide.

That didn't fix anything.

I'm looking for a point in the right direction or a way to revert back to my previous state before the system updated everything.

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Ubuntu Security :: Remote Desktop Used From Internet?

Mar 21, 2010

Today I noticed my Desktop was being controlled remotely from over the Internet even though I had it set for 'local network only'. Foolishly I relied on this setting and hadn't specified a password or other security. The remote user had opened my Firefox passwords page and was perusing this when I pulled the plug.

All external checks confirmed that my router/firewall is actively blocking correctly. How could this happen? How can I prevent this in the future? I had recently install the Firefox extension for Weave Sync and wonder if that had anything to do with it?

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Ubuntu Security :: Unauthorised Remote Desktop?

Nov 26, 2010

I just had a window pop up on my desktop saying my pc was being remotely controlled. Ubuntu 10.10The pc shutdown by itself, and I disconnected it from the net.I rebooted and uninstalled the remote desktop app.

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Ubuntu Security :: VNC Setup With SSH Tunneling For Remote Desktop

Feb 16, 2010

I am attempting to set up a VNC with ssh tunneling for remote desktop between my laptop (opensuse 11.2) and my desktop (kubuntu karmic) and using the instructions here: [URL] and here: [URL] but I am having trouble getting remote desktop to work once I establish the ssh tunnel

I start out with
ssh <user@remotepc> -p <non22port> -L 5900:localhost:5900
That seems to wok and connect properly

The problem comes when I try to use a remote desktop client on the laptop to initiate the VPN desktop sharing and point it to

Thats when I get a notification on the host saying:
Refused uninvited connection attempt from

And on the laptop I get:
VNC server closed connection

I have tried messing with the few settings in Krfb, but none seem to have any impact. How do I open localhost:5900 and allow VPN tunneling to the host machine?

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Ubuntu Security :: Detect Intrusion In Desktop 9.10 Version?

Mar 12, 2010

How to detect intrusion in my desktop ubunta 9.10 version ? which command that could direct tell me about any change in my files ? I would like the procedures that protect my system from intrusion , i am using firestarter and keep tracing the network by using netsta -tap ?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Security Updates - Now No Desktop Effects

Mar 27, 2010

I installed ubuntu a few days ago, today I got like 250mb of security updates to I let them run, then restarted, now it keeps running in low graphics mode, everything looks rubbish and I have no desktop effects, the sound has also stopped working. Everything was great prior to this, I was beginning to love the switch from ms to ubuntu. The sound/video are both via hdmi so I am imagining its something to do with the graphics. I would wipe the system and start fresh but it took me so long to get my sound and wireless working.

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Ubuntu Security :: Software Removal For Hardening Desktop?

Sep 1, 2010

I use my desktop (VM) for online transactions only (it has no other purpose) & have removed most software. In adidtion want to remove Archive Manager, Calculator, Multimedia systems selector, Printing, sound recorder, Terminal (gnome-terminal), terminal server client, Ubuntu One. When I attempt to remove the listed software, I receive a waring message "no future desktop updates will include if you remove this". I want to know if this will impact the updates for Firefox as this is the only app I need. Can you please advise on any other consequences if I proceed with the above?

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Ubuntu Security :: Webmail Vs. Linux Desktop Email?

Mar 1, 2011

Which is more secure, webmail email providers such as Yahoo or Linux desktop email clients such as Evolution?

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Ubuntu Security :: Random Outside IP Trying To Access Remote Desktop

Jun 5, 2011

I was sitting watching a TV show on the internet (streaming from channel 4) and all of a sudden I get a request from an unknown IP address, outside of my local network attempting to access my ubuntu desktop, I obviously declined straight away and stupidly didn't take note of the IP I've checked my firewall settings and no ports are being forwarded, everything is as it should be. I am running Ubuntu 11.04, and a little bit concerned. As of now I have completely disabled remote desktop on my laptop.

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