Ubuntu Security :: Privacy Concerns When Using APT-cacher

May 23, 2010

I have two Ubuntu PCs at home and I found out about apt-cacher as a means of reducing internet usage for updates. (my connection speeds aren't that good). When I install apt-cacher, is it possible for anyone on the internet to use my PC as a repository? If so, how can I allow only computers on my LAN to access the apt-cacher cache?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Security Concerns Over Installing Kdenlive(?)

May 16, 2010

I just wanted to install Kdenlive and I added the requested repositories. The one called "packman" included unsigned files that were labelled "untrusted" by the installer. Is it still safe to install it? What's your opinion?

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Networking :: Security And Privacy Benefits To P2P?

Oct 22, 2010

Has anyone worked in building p2p apps and protocols? I'm talking an actual p2p network of physical devices that is strictly p2p, no servers for most things. Are there security and privacy benefits to p2p? How are addresses handled, like say you want to send a message to a specific friend but you don't have the relatively static IP system in the Internet. How are those things handled?

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Ubuntu Security :: Internet Logs - Privacy With Firefox

Jan 8, 2010

These files seem to contain browsing history:
~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/cookies.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/formhistory.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/downloads.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/places.sqlite ~/.mozilla/firefox/xxxxx.default/places.sqlite-journal

Therefore I have cleared these files using an erasing program. I am wondering if there are other locations where such log files are stored for Internet browsing. I have looked in the /var/log directory and cannot see anything - for example doing a grep on http:// after browsing in Firefox does not reveal anything obvious.

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Ubuntu Security :: Firefox Missing Privacy Settings

Jun 16, 2010

I have LTS 10.04 with firefox 3.63 and the cookie settings are not there. Does anyone else have missing privacy settings. I dont like the idea of tracking cookies and want to do what I can to get rid of them.

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Fedora Security :: BleachBit 0.5.3 - Neat Little Privacy App?

Jul 15, 2009

I stumbled across this privacy app today, it's sort of like a CCleaner for Linux. I only see one mention of it in the forums, and I'm wondering why nobody's using it. It seems to be pretty thorough and preforms as they advertise, the site says it has overwrite capability but I'm not sure what algorithm it's using, as I haven't looked at the code. Anyway seems like something that ought to be in the repos.[URL]...

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Ubuntu Security :: Protecting My Privacy - Measures To Prevent My ISP From Keeping Data

Jun 12, 2010

Intrepid Ibex (U8.10) is what I am using presently and I would like to know if there are measures that I can take to prevent my ISP from keeping data that flows between my PC and it.

I am living in Australia, I am wanting to keep the bastards (read: Australian Government) ignorant about what I use my PC for.

Its them storing any of my personal information that I am worried about, but if I can keep my history from them completely, even better...

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Ubuntu Security :: Business Espionage Dressed Up As ISP "Privacy" Policies?

Dec 2, 2010

A US ISP's "privacy" policy basically states that they will collect any and all of your data (email, posts, surfing etc ) and then "share" it". direct me to a "checklist" which can suggest counter measures for non-geeks? How can we function if we cant trust our ISP? Are there some specific 'tricks' in Ubutu to foil rogue ISPs? If yes, it would be a great 'selling point', especially for professionals concerned that rogue ISPs could "share" their intellectual property.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ready To Install Second HD, But Some Concerns?

Jul 10, 2011

I took out this 120gb HD from an old computer which I recycled. I took out the SATA cable and an IDE cable just in case I would need them for the installation. This would work great as a backup HD for my current 320gb HD. I have never had a backup HD, so I don't know how it works. I have numbered my concerns to make for easy reference.

1. First, however, is one concern I forgot to address. When I looked up the documentation for my computer (Inspirion 530), it mentions that "NOTE: For additional drives, extra screws are not shipped during initial purchase of the computer, but are shipped with the additional drives." This is terrible! Had I known, I would have taken out some screws from the old computer, but now it is gone, and I don't know what kind of screws I need. I don't even know where to buy them.

2. In terms of installing the new HD, I read that all I need to do is connect the SATA cable and the power, and then boot up to BIOS, where I would "activate" my drive. Then, Ubuntu should be able to identify it immediately. Since I am thinking about doing a fresh install to 10.04, I am thinking about formatting this new drive to ext4, and then backing up my important documents/pictures/music onto this second drive.

Finally, I would boot up to the 10.04 live disc, and simply do a fresh install onto the 320gb HD, knowing that my files are backed up on the 120gb one. Would this procedure work fine, or would Ubuntu have trouble identifying the HD?

3. My final concern is regarding automatic backups. Assuming that I am able to install the HD perfectly, and get a fresh install of 10.04, I want a program or mechanism to help me backup on a regular basis. I know that Mac users have a convenient program called "Time Machine" but there is no such counterpart for Linux. I also know that there are some command-line utilities that I can use, but I would like to stick with a GUI.

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OpenSUSE Install :: What Concerns Use Of Complete 16 GB Memory?

Dec 17, 2010

I am going to install 11.3 on a system with a Phenom X6 and 16 GB memory.I'm now unsure whether to set up a 64 bit system or a 32 bit system with pae.Are they equivalent what concerns use of the complete 16 GB memory? I assume 64 would be more effective?On the other hand there seem to be less problems with the availability and/or installation of applications on a 32 bit system.

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Ubuntu :: Use Apt-cacher With The Mini Iso?

Mar 20, 2011

i have just set up apt-cacher my file server to speed up package installs (and to reduce bandwidth use)

Im wondering if it is possible to use the apt-cacher with the mini iso, so each machine doesn't have to redownload the packages from the net?

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Ubuntu :: Debs Not Getting Imported By Apt-cacher-ng?

Aug 31, 2010

I have used apt-cacher successfully for a long time on my home LAN. Its been great but after a recent server crash I decided to switch to apt-cacher-ng due to reports of lower memory footprint and faster response. Thats all well and good and after just a little mucking around it seems to be working.

But there are a few old (but still current) debs that I am having trouble importing into the apt-cacher-ng cache. Most of them were picked up after adding all the repos to my client and running apt-get update. But there are still a few that aren't.(the 2 biggest ones are from the same repo).My client machine runs apt-get update without fault but when I import (using the apt-cacher-ng web interface) it lists all the repos (including the one these debs should be in) but isn't importing any more of the debs. There are no errors showing.

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Ubuntu :: Import Cd Cache In Apt-cacher?

Jul 18, 2011

I am running ubuntu 10.10 server edition as apt-cacher server. How ever we have both 10.04 and 10.10 editions in our office. I have imported the cd cache of ubuntu version 10.04 and it is working fine. Now i want to import the cd cache of ubuntu version 10.10, for that i have to setup different server or i can import the cd cache in same server in different location? If in different location, how to import the cd cache?

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Ubuntu :: Apt-cacher-ng Error: 302 Moved Temporarily

Mar 14, 2010

I've been attempting to install Virtualbox 3.1 on my desktop using the "Add and Remove Software" facility. All attempts result in failure with the "Details" error message box issuing

Quote: Failed to fetch [URL]...armic_i386.deb 302 Moved Temporarily [IP: ::1 3142] I have recently freshly installing Karmic and apt-cacher-ng after a disk crash. I was running Hardy and apt-cacher previously. I successfully installed Virtualbox 3.1 on my laptop through apt-cacher-ng on the desktop machine. However, I now realise that I had neglected to change the entries in /etc/apt/sources.list on my laptop from


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Ubuntu Servers :: Update Apt-cacher Cache Automatically?

Mar 4, 2010

Is it possible to configure a cron script to update the packages in /var/cache/apt-cacher/packages? When a client machine updates a package, apt-cacher checks that it's cached package is up-to-date, and downloads a new version if it is not.

I'd like apt-cacher to check it's cached packages every night and download any updated ones, on the premise that since it exists in the apt-cacher cache, someone has that package installed and is going to want to update it. Is this possible? Does apt-cacher do this anyway, and I haven't noticed?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-cacher-ng Failover Proxy Configuration?

May 4, 2010

i have set up apt-cacher-ng and it is working fine.I have configured the clients using the synaptic gui, (configuration-preferences-network-set proxy...)Is there a way to configure the clients so that they use the proxy when it is available (at the office) and they fall back to using no proxy when the proxy cannot be reached?We have a lot of laptops at the office which are on the road a lot, in the office i want them to use apt-cacher-ng for updates and installation, when the users are not in the office they should be able to install software without having to change the synaptic conf...

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Ubuntu :: Privacy And Firefox ?

Jan 5, 2010

I remember that one complaint about XP was the way that when you used Firefox or IE index.dat files were created which were violations of privacy.

If, after browsing, one deletes the relevant firefox files are there any other locations or logs in Ubuntu that record details or times of browsing?

Currently these files seem to contain browsing history:

I have looked in the /var/log directory and cannot see anything but perhaps other people know?

I just want to know if and where browsing activity is located (apart from in the /user/.mozilla directory).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Privacy Remix Won't Connect To Net

Mar 21, 2010

I just put privacy remix on a usb drive. It seems to be working ok, but no internet.

I'm connecting to the router with an ethernet cable and it works ok in windows.

I can't find anything in the setup guide that says you have to do anything special to connect.

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Ubuntu :: Maintain The Privacy Of The Original Sender?

May 20, 2010

I can not find a way of removing original email addresses from a email I wish to forward so I can maintain the privacy of the original sender.

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Mail Privacy After Failed Login Attempt?

May 1, 2010

I've searched lot on forums but couldn't find a related post. My problem is I want to hide my mail folders when login attempt in Evolution has failed. I dont use Remember password option so everytime I'm prompted for password.

When I give no password and escape that dialog, I can see all the mails that have been already downloaded form my gmail account. If any of you guys know already existing post, please redirect me to that one.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Deletes All Cookies / Contrary To Privacy Settings

Sep 24, 2010

Firefox used to work fine, then I played around (only) with privacy settings, and now it deletes all cookies (including ones set to expire in a month) at the end of the session.It is set to "remember history". Moving to a new profile is not an option.

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Debian Multimedia :: Make A Livecd With A Set Of Privacy Apps?

Nov 28, 2010

Just for the fun and learning experience I am working on a minimal install with Squeeze +IceWM. The goal is to make a livecd with a set of privacy apps - like Iceweasel with Tor/privoxy and some encryption tools. Everything is working out just fine, but I thought it would be very nice to have an installer. I read about the refractainstaller and refractasnapshot in this post, and thought they sound like a good solution: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=54635#p315738 However, the links seem to be dead and so were all the mirrors I tried. Does anyone know where these files can be found or any other easy way I can make Debian installable from a livecd?

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General :: Avoid "privacy Pitfalls" In Windows?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a Windows and a Linux machine.In Windows, everytime I visit a site, a lot of cache/history files are created on my machine. I setup my Firefox to don't save anything.but Windows saves a lot of "temp" files, some filenames I opened for example are inserted in registry (like video names). Each video I open in VLC is shown in "Last shown videos". In windows, all files opened can be found at "Recent opened files" as well.

A lot of these privacy configurations can be tweaked (VLC and "Recent opened files" in Windows) - it's a PITA doing it individually, but it's possible - but there isn't a guide to these "internal" privacy traces that are left on Windows installation (inserted in registry for example) In Linux, I just know there are these problems in app level (like VLC), and in "system level "(like bash_history).

is there a complete guide to avoid undesirable traces of what I did/watch/used in my Windows machine? (Delete everytime the PC is restarted, or even avoiding recording these info at all). (I'm mainly interested in config made by Windows itself when installing software and writing to registry. A guide with configuration guides to different types of software is a bonus, I know it's impossible to have a complete guide for it).I'm not interested in a VM machine, since I want to be able do control these issues in my own host and understand the privacy risks involved.

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Ubuntu Security :: Login Panel Is Worse From Security View Point

Jan 19, 2010

ubuntu 9.10 login panel is worse with respect to ubuntu 8 since now all the users with names are shown without a way to hide them!Why don't keep the old way at least as an option?

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Ubuntu Security :: Selecting The 'Available To All Users' Option In Network Mgr Mess With Security?

Oct 15, 2010

To avoid having to input a password for the keyring each time I connect to the net via wireless, I enabled the 'Available to all users' option in Network Manager. Now, my question is this. Are the 'users' it refers to just those created on this machine? Would a drive-by be able to use my network without entering the password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Basics Of Good Security Of Small Commercial Website?

Jan 17, 2011

1. I understand you can protect your files or directories in your website by setting file/directory permissions. The meaning of r w x is clear to me, but I'm not sure how to proceed... Starting with the index.html file, if I wanted to make it so that anyone in the world can read it but can't modify it, do I set its permissions to rwxr-xr-x? If I set it to rwxr--r--, would that mean the file couldn't be served? I mean, what does the x setting do on a .html file, how can a .html file be executable?

2. If file permissions work on the lines of owner-group-others, in the context of a website, who is 'group'? As far as I can tell, there's only the owner, which is me, and others, which is the world accessing the site. Am I correct in thinking that by default, say when creating a website on a shared hosting server, there is no group unless I specifically set one up?

3. My ISP allows the DynDNS.org service, meaning that I could serve a website from my home. It's too early to go that route just yet, but for future reference, I would like to ask about the server software called Hiawatha. It is said to be secure, but having read some evaluations of it, it doesn't seem to offer anything that couldn't be accomplished with Apache or Cherokee, it's just that its security settings are simpler and easier to configure. Am I right about this? Or does Hiawatha truly offer something that the other major server packages don't?

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Ubuntu Security :: Updated Browsers Using Update Manager Have Lost Security Login Pages For Web Mail?

Mar 3, 2011

i updated both browsers i have and lost my secure log-in pages (no padlocks showing ) concerning different Web mail accounts.Just before i did these updates i checked an unrelated thing on-line regarding my sound card of which i kept a copy of and got this message below :

!!ALSA/HDA dmesg
[ 12.762633] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: AM


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Ubuntu Security :: Internet Security Status Feeds Via Conky?

Mar 29, 2010

Conky can be used to display a variety of information on the users desktop. I wanted to use Conky instead to display the current status of security as reported by:

SANS Internet Storm Center
IBM Internet Security Systems
Symantec Threatcon
McAfee Threat Center

I therefore created 4 small scripts which download the current status from these sites, and set the colour of those status's depending on the current value.The conky configuration allows for a semi-transparent background - though this is optional.Attached is an example image showing the 4 different colours.Also attached is an archive with the 4.sh files, .conkyrc and draw_bg.lua (from here http:[url].....

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Ubuntu Security :: Guidance On Installing Basic Security Software?

May 29, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu on a desktop. Can anyone give me some guidance on installing basic security software? In particular, I'm looking for a firewall, antivirus, and anti-spyware/malware utilities.

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Ubuntu Security :: Changing Password Seem To Be Potential Security Hazard?

Aug 3, 2010

I already posted a topic similar to this concerning the Desktop OS version, but this deals with the Netbook because unlike the Desktop, the Netbook is less cooperative. Allow me to elaborate: Today (or rather yesterday since it's not after midnight where I am), I changed my password because I was hopelessly confounded about how to get my Wireless Network card up and running after it had been installed and I was allowing my dad to use it. This issue has since been resolved, however...

When I chose my password during the original installation, there was no mention of it being "too simple." This is where the Desktop OS and the Netbook OS differ. The desktop will let me change it in the terminal without any errors. The Netbook will not. When I've attempted to revert it back to the original, it will not let me do so in the User Profile or in the Terminal. The Passwords and Encryption Keys application also does not appear to help.

So now even after I've changed it to a different "complicated" password I am still prompted to insert two different passwords since I changed my user password but I am unable to change the password I input during the installation. A bit screwy methinks. This is extremely important. I'd like to know how to change the original installation password.

If I can't change the main password on my laptop then this is a serious potential security breach just waiting to happen (especially since it's on a laptop and I will be hauling it around with me) and I will most likely install a different OS if this isn't resolved --- It would be very unfortunate since I spent the whole day fixing it and I really enjoy the interface. Luckily I can live with this on my Desktop since I'm not going to be hauling it around with me everywhere when the school year starts.

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