Ubuntu Security :: Using Dansguardian -> Privoxy -> Polipo Cannot Work

Aug 22, 2010

Currently i am using the tutorial from Bodhi to setup Dansguardian to work togather with Privoxy and it worked fine.Then i installed Polipo to work with Privoxy which work as intented with additional forward the port to Privoxy.


Is it possible to run Polipo together with Privoxy? Yes. In order to get the privacy enhancements of Privoxy and much (but not all) of the performance of Polipo, you should put Polipo upstream of Privoxy.

In other words, you should:

point your web browser at Privoxy (localhost:8118);
point Privoxy at Polipo (put forward / localhost:8123 in the Privoxy config file);
use no parent proxy in Polipo.

Now i tried to use Dansguardian togather with Privoxy and Dansguardian with the same configuration but fail.

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Fedora :: Tor And Polipo - Polipo Doesn't Work

Jun 3, 2010

I am new to Fedora, not to RPM based distros (though it has been awhile) and I am not new to Linux. I like what I am seeing with Fedora, might be staying with it.

I am using Fedora 13.

I have Tor and Polipo installed. But for some reason Polipo doesn't want to work.

I did this -


I added the config file[url] as it said in the /etc/polipo/ directory.

But on restart I get this error -


Stopping it failed. Not sure if it is just not starting maybe? I also did this to the -


If your SELinux config is not allowing tor or privoxy to run correctly, create a file named booleans.local in the directory /etc/selinux/targeted. Edit this file in your favorite text editor and insert "allow_ypbind=1". Restart your machine for this change to take effect.

I have tor button installed and checked Firefox Network Proxy settings when tor is running, it is set up fine and forwarding to port 8118 as it should.

I haven't configured the firewall yet in Fedora 13 yet.

What am I missing?

This is the error I am getting in Firefox with tor running


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Ubuntu Security :: Privoxy Doesn't Work Till Restarted?

May 6, 2010

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and for some reason, privoxy just won't start properly on startup. I see privoxy is there when I run 'ps -A', but Firefox says that it is refusing connections. When I run 'sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart', it restarts and everything is peachy. But for some reason, it just won't start properly on boot

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Ubuntu Security :: Tor+Polipo - Vidalia Not Working?

Jun 7, 2011

I just recently installed Tor again on my new Natty install along with Vidalia. It was working initially, but for some reason it has ceased to function within the last 24 hours. When I start Tor (either from the command-line or Vidalia) and go to check.torproject.org, it says that Tor isn't running. (I don't use Torbutton with Firefox, if that makes any difference. I use FoxyProxy, but the settings look fine to me. It was working only yesterday.) I've checked the config files for Polipo and Tor, and I've checked my Vidalia settings more times than I can count. It all looks perfectly satisfactory.

I'm sure that it's not my firewall, Tor/Polipo configurations, or Vidalia settings. When I launch Tor with Vidalia and check the logs, everything works just fine and it says I'm connected. The only thing I can think of is that it might be a FoxyProxy issue or a problem with check.torproject.org, but the settings for FoxyProxy look okay and check.torproject.org hasn't malfunctioned in the past.

I've purged and reinstalled Tor, Vidalia, and Polipo and restored their config files and settings to the defaults, but still to no avail. My current malfunctioning Tor configuration is identical to my old and functional one, so far as I can tell.

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Security :: Verify FF Add-on Is Using Tor/Privoxy?

Mar 10, 2010

Mint 8 (Ubuntu 9.10, Karmic Koala), FF 3.5.8 with noscript, betterprivacy, ghostery, torbutton Complete newbie regarding wireshark or netactview but I was advised to try one of these to determine if a Firefox add-on was using Tor.

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OpenSUSE :: Polipo Doesn't Start At System Boot / Get It To Work?

Aug 28, 2010

When I was using polipo on Ubuntu, it automatically start at system boot.
Now I'm using opensuse, I installed polipo from the repository, however, I have to manually start it by using "sudo polipo". If root privilege is not given, polipo won't work correctly.
What should I do to make it start at boot automatically?

a friend told me to creat /etc/boot.local, with code...

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Ubuntu Security :: Cannot Add Site To Exceptionsitelist Dansguardian?

Jan 30, 2011

I am trying to add any web site into the exceptionsitelist for dansguardian, but I get cannot edit the exceptionsitelist file located at:/etc/dansguardian/listsSo, I tried to chmod 777 exceptionsitelist I was told that:chmod:ging permissions of 'exceptionsitelist': Operation not permittedAm I trying to add a site as a whitelisted site the correct way?If not, how do I do this?Please provide details on if this is done in a gui? ( I don't have a gui or know where it is located at least )What is the gui called?Where is it located ( under which mean like administration or preferences etc. )If there is no gui, am I looking in the correct folder for trying to add a web site for whitelist?Am I trying to whitelist correctly by adding a web site to the exceptionsitelist folder?I want to bypass everything dansguardian does. I read about greylist. I do not want to do that

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Ubuntu Security :: Cannot Access Forum After Installing Dansguardian

Nov 27, 2010

I have just installed webcontent control following these instructions - [URL] It has blocked the content that I wanted blocking but also when I try to access the ubuntuforum site, all I get it a white screen.what I need to adjust in the configuration so that I can access the forum with content control enabled.

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Security :: Transparent Firewall With Squid / Dansguardian?

Feb 23, 2010

I am looking to redesign my network which I'll get into bellow but basically i am looking to setup an transparent/bridged firewall with squid and dansguardian. However, I want to require LDAP authentication to access internet. You'll understand why from diagram below.

My question is, since bridged firewalls operate at layer 2 and have no/require no IP address, can you access higher layered apps with them? Example would be to have the proxy authenticate to LDAP system to check for valid user and valid net permissions, server has to somehow send a reply back, so without an IP, this can't happen right.

Below are two designs I am looking into implementing. Everything Internally will be Authenticated against LDAP with a small possibility of some public servers using LDAP too, but in my way of thinking anything using LDAP would should be behind the router on private link. FYI, the PROXY and the Linux Router would be two physically separate systems. So I guess my second question would be, can systems outside private network access limited internal services securely and be restricted at the same time?


Option 1:
------------ -------------
| CBL MODM | ---------> | PROXY/FW |
------------ -------------


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Security :: Configure Squid Active Directory And Dansguardian?

Jul 19, 2009

I have configured squid with AD. It is working fine. Now I want to use dansguardian with squid for web filtering on group bases, what should I do. What configuration i have to do in squid for dansguardian and all my users in AD also authenticate with dansguardian and also how I use dansguardian.

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Slackware :: Src2pkg Installing Privoxy / Build A Package Of Privoxy With Src2pkg?

Apr 15, 2010

In INSTALL I can see:


to build from either unpacked tarball or CVS source:

./configure # (--help to see options)
make # (the make from GNU, sometimes called gmake)
su # Possibly required
make -n install # (to see where all the files will go)
make -s install # (to really install, -s to silence output)

I think that trouble is in autoheader. I don't now does src2pkg (2.1) support it.Is it impossible to build a package of privoxy with src2pkg?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Use Tor ( With Polipo (

Nov 9, 2010

openSUSE 11.3 on T42 trying to use Tor ( with polipo ( with Firefox 3.6.12 and Torbutton 1.2.5

First time I tried to run it I had to restart polipo as root, having copied the config file from the tor project site but then all worked as hoped. I could toggle tor on and off with tor button and all was well. The tor test functioned and reported tor was working.

Today alas not so. I received error message to check polipo was running. It wasn't so I enabled it in system services and rebooted. Now polipo is running but when I try and use firefox for example to go to google, with torbutton enabled I get error message:- 504 Connect to Google failed: Connection refused.

I noted from other threads here that most people seem to use privoxy rather than polipo. Any reason for that? Is one better than the other?

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Fedora :: Polipo Hangs System

Jun 11, 2010

Problem with FC13 on a 64 bit box...tried to get Tor and Polipo going and at boot, the system hangs as soon as Polipo starts up. I need to adjust or delete the Polipo service but can't seem to get to any kind of a terminal either...it used to be just hit ctl-alt-and and F key and it dropped to a term. Now that's not happening. Can I do that? And...alternatively, can I force a skip of the Polipo service as it's booting?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Make Polipo Start At Bootup

Nov 25, 2009

I installed polipo and polipo working perfectly, but it won't startup when I bootup the system. To start polipo correctly, root privilige is needed. I remember that in Ubuntu polipo starts with the system after installation. What should I do to make polipo start during the bootup process?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.10 - Setting Up Privoxy - Keep Getting Error

Mar 29, 2011

I try setting up Privoxy but I keep getting this error and I don't know how to fix it. I try downloading other network programs and at the end of the download Ikeep getting this error.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Privoxy Will Start Manually But Not During Init?

Feb 24, 2010

Long-time linux user, new to Ubuntu (mainly a gentoo user). I need to get tor and privoxy up and running for a less computer-capable user. I installed Tor and Privoxy, configured them (apparently correctly) and they both appear to work just fine when I start them manually from their init scripts:

sudo /etc/init.d/tor start
sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy start

However, I cannot seem to get privoxy to start up properly when the machine boots. Tor starts up and waits patiently, but privoxy is dying or getting killed for some reason I can't understand, and on Ubuntu, have no idea how to diagnose. There's no privoxy process after booting, and the init.d script reports status: not running. I have the startup scripts for both Tor and Privoxy linked to in all the relevant runlevels. I played with the order thinking it might be a dependency thing. Hell, I even put a line in rc.local to try and force it to go. But no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the privoxy service to start for me any way but by manually typing 'sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy start' in a terminal, after logging in.

1. Help me get privoxy to auto-start during init

2. OR Help me figure out how to figure out how to get privoxy to auto-start during init. On Gentoo, all of the init scripts are listed on the screen during init as they run, and you can even run through them interactively by pressing I during startup. I have no idea how to do this on Ubuntu. I modified the kernel line to remove the splash screen, but the information Ubuntu puts on the screen during init is quite haphazard. How do I figure out what's going wrong with the privoxy init script?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Privoxy Is Not Allowing Connection To Any Website?

May 15, 2010

I am running karmic on a laptop. I recently changed iptables to drop all new incoming packets (not the related or established ones) on all ports. I was not running a proxy, so this worked fine. More recently I got v 3.0.13 of privoxy with apt-get and looked through the config file. I changed the default port in the privoxy config to 8080 and kept the ip at Then I changed the Firefox settings to use a HTTP proxy at with port 8080. when I try to run privoxy with the command: privoxy /etc/privoxy/config , the terminal outputs no errors. Then when I try to access a webpage through firefox the page will not load, but firefox doesn't display any reason for it. I don't really even know if privoxy is running because when I check the logfile (after having uncommented the logfile line in the privoxy config file) it is blank. I don't know much about networking, but I was wondering if someone could tell me why this is happening? Well that was a bit dumb of me. I just had to allow new packages in from localhost.

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Debian :: Privoxy Is Refusing All Connections?

Feb 3, 2011

Since I cannot upgrade Adblock Plus anymore because iceweasel is too out of date for the new versions, I am trying to give privoxy a try. I am following the howto Block Ads & Fast Caching w/Privoxy +Squid without success. I am always receiving the error:The proxy server is refusing connections Iceweasel is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct.

I added these lines to /etc/privoxy/config
enable-remote-toggle 1
enable-edit-actions 1

Moreover, I have edited the /etc/hosts file to block urls providing adverts and anything I wanted rejected.

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Debian Configuration :: Privoxy Not Working

Mar 5, 2016

I am at a loss as to what to do to get Privoxy working. I have tried it using Ice Weasel and Konqueror and end up with the same problem: after I set the configuration in the browser, I cannot access anything on the internet.

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Ubuntu :: Starting Processes At Boot Time - Don't Start Privoxy?

Apr 27, 2010

I installed and configured privoxy - everything worked nicely when I run it manually by

/etc/init.d/privoxy start

After restarting the computer privoxy wasn't start automatically. I checked the links in /etc/rcX.d - are o.k. I installed sysv-rc-conf - shows that for runlevel 2 - 5 privoxy is running. I changed /etc/rc2.d/S20privoxy to /etc/rc2.d/S99privoxy - to start that process at the end. I installed Boot-Up Manager. Privoxy is marked for start automatically. I added in /etc/rc.local line: /etc/init.d/privoxy start

Privoxy still doesn't turn on at boot time and every time I must start it manually. Could you tell me how could I repair this ?

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Networking :: Privoxy Corrupt Software Downloads?

Jun 14, 2011

Have seen this post and was wondering why would that be so.

Quote:Originally Posted by DaveG

you do not want to download software through the privoxy filters - they could corrupt the data.

Privoxy is supposed to either block or allow specific adverts, why would that corrupt a single file, like an .exe or .tar.gz?

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Debian Configuration :: - Privoxy Default.action Syntax?

Sep 15, 2010

So I was reading this thread on internet privacy and decided to 'upgrade' my system. I installed privoxy and tor and chained them from squid so it looks like this: iceweasel >> squid >> privoxy >> tor. All is working well except when I go to edit my privoxy default.action file I get a fatal error. I've got version 3.0.9-1 The original line in the newly installed default.action file. #+hide-referer{forge}

I edited it by simply removing the #. +hide-referer{forge} Then:su -c '/etc/init.d/privoxy force-reload'And I get this in the logfile.Sep 14 16:41:36.260 Privoxy(7f4fa64756e0) Fatal error: can't load actions file '/etc/privoxy/default.action': first needed line (361) is invalid: +hide-referer{forge} I've even copy/pasted from the manual and to no avail.Have I been looking at to much text for the last two days?What am I missing?

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Fedora Servers :: Way To Specify Privoxy To Not Filter Specific Site

Nov 7, 2009

I am running a basic squid + privoxy combo for web caching/filtering proxy and it works fine. I'm basically running a stock config w/ a few minor edits to allow the relevant hosts access etc.now I am trying to find an easy way to specify privoxy to not filter a specific site (which it breaks). I have tried wading through the privoxy manual + google but I find the config file incredibly complicated. Are there any experts out there who can tell me: what is the easiest way to tell privoxy to 'pass through' a specific website?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Privoxy To Start Up During Boot On 11.3 Kde4?

Aug 23, 2010

I am completely fed up trying to do it. I had no problems with 11.0. It refuses to start up during boot like tor. I added tor to the kde start menu and it works just fine after boot. Privoxy refuses to start up during boot. I have to go into SU mode in terminal, then it works. I need to be able to start Privoxy the same way. I tried everything from chown / chmod commands, and it made no difference. I have it set for 777, and my name along with root. I also added the group privoxy to my user ID. I need the computer to disregard that it is a root program.

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Networking :: Transparently Chaining Squid And Privoxy For A Local Machine?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm trying to setup iptables to send web (tcp?) traffic through Squid and Privoxy transparently (to save having to setup everything per browser and hoping they honor their settings). I know I have done this before but I can't find the old config nor remember the exact options needed to do this.What I am wanting specificially is for Privoxy to grab the data as it leaves the browser, do its thing then pass it on to Squid before sending it down the line, then doing the same incoming (Privoxy -> Squid -> requesting app).

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Install DansGuardian - Getting Error

Jan 22, 2010

I cant able to install dansguardian I get the following error..

karthick@Learners-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get update .....
Reading package lists... Done
karthick@Learners-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install dansguardian tinyproxy fireholReading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
aggregate dansguardian firehol tinyproxy
0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.
Need to get 727kB of archives.
After this operation, 3609kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue [Y/n]? y
Err http: [URL] aggregate 1.6-4
403 Forbidden .....

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Ubuntu :: Installing The Dansguardian Webmin Module?

May 13, 2010

I have installed squid and Dansguardian on Ubuntu Server 10.04. I have also installed webmin. I see that there is a Dansguardian module for Webmin, and I have downloaded it to the server, but I am not sure how to install it. The file was downloaded from [URL]I don't know what to do with the .wbm file.

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General :: Ban A Certain Site To A Certain IP In Dansguardian?

Nov 25, 2010

I will just ask on how will I ban a certain site to a certain IP address on the network? I am using Dansguardian Web filter.

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Server :: Dansguardian Through Webmin?

Jun 2, 2011

linux i have configured squid with dansguardian but not able to block the sites and url.. i am accessing dansgaurdian through webmin.. please help me out in the above (with screen shots)

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Software :: Looking For GUI Tool For Dansguardian?

Apr 20, 2010

I was wondering if there's a GUI tool for dansguardian.

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