Ubuntu Security :: Stop ISP From Tracking Net Usage?
Feb 19, 2011
I've been reading an interesting article about the fact that ISPs are able to collect net data from web users. What I think It's missing in the article is that in some locations it's compulsory for ISPs to collect and save all your networking data (For example, in Spain, where I live, it's compusory to store people's activity on the net for a period of 6 months (minimum) to 2 years (maximum). In the article they state that Witopia can do the job of encrypting your browsing activity and therefore mantain your privacy. Do you know any open source or, at least, free alternative to Witopia? What do you think about the article and about the ways of safeguarding your privacy?
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Apr 19, 2011
How can I keep a record of the memory usage of a particular software?The software I have in mind is firefox. All I want to do is to record the memory and cpu usage in regular intervals of time.htop (top) revels that firefox runs with many PIDs. So, is there a single command to keep track of the complete PIDs of firefox. If there exists a command to check the total usage at an instant I can write a script to run it periodically..
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Jan 8, 2011
I had been running "Etch" and upgraded to "Lenny". Now my mouse is NOT tracking correctly. When I move the mouse and then press and release the 'ctrl' key to show where the mouse pointer is the circle indicators are not where the pointer is. I therefore cannot make any selections from menus as 'lenny' thinks the mouse is somewhere other than where the pointer is. Also are there keyboard hot keys that i can use to access the menus?
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Oct 22, 2010
Where did the option of "Encrypt.." from the right-click menu go in 10.04?When I was on 9.10, I could just right-click a file/folder and select to encrypt with a GPG key.. How do i do this with 10.04?
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm using mint 10 - ubuntu 10 derivative. I'm a programmer with 10 years experience with linux comfortable (but not a genius) with the command line. Adept with vim. My security knowledge is woefully low.
My bandwith usage has gone way up. To make a long story short, I am suspecting an intrusion of some sort on my machine. Currently I'm using a router with wireless turned off. I'm running iftop and the Rx total for today (still high) is showing 333MB.
For starters, I have two questions:
1)What should I be looking for in /var/log?
2)Any recommendations on software that might help here?
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Oct 26, 2010
My IP is being spoofed by someone and I suspect it is being used for malicious purposes(possibly illegal ones). How can I stop someone from using my IP? I'm using a dynamic IP but obtaining a new IP seems to be useless. Changing my wireless password will probably just as useless I guess.
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Apr 2, 2010
i am having a problem that i would call a bit "important" with my server. so, from last 3 weeks the used space of my hard disk (RAID I) started growing up. i have 2 x 1 tb HDD working on RAID I and i did not install anything those weeks. the space just started changing from 90 GB till 580 GB. now the situation is stable there but i think it's not normal.
the bandwidth usage is low (like 120 gb in 2 months) and i am running 6 counter strike gameservers, a forum, a very little website and some local stuffs... a friend of mine told me that my server could have been hacked but i am afraid it did... some useful informations: when i reboot the server the used space goes down again to ~100 GB and then it starts going up again. i cant really find where all those files are located:
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Apr 5, 2011
Can I, with only the use of IPTABLES, limit the incoming bandwith for a protocol? We have for example servers that have a FTP and HTTP server running and whenever HTTP has a lot of connections open, the other uploads/downloads get a timeout. I know I can limit the number of connections but prefer to limit on protocol level. Is this possible using IPTABLES and if so, can someone indicate how to proceed or provide a link? If it's not possible can someone point me to the right tool for the job?
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Feb 12, 2010
After I've booted my machine I can browse the internet over my wireless network just fine, but when I start Evolution email it prompts for my admin password beforeonnecting to ISPCan I automate / avoid my respnse to this password prompt ?
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Sep 28, 2010
When I installed Ubuntu (Lucid) on my new computer, As well as the login password I was asked for a keyring password. I gave one, but I am not sure exactly why I need this password. It seems that it was required to let me access the wifi - even though this has its own security code. I found I could stop the system asking for it every time I tried to connect to the internet using wifi by checking a button in the network setup, but when I registered for Ubuntu One, I was again asked for it - twice, once when I registered and again when I set up Tomboy notes sync. Now I get asked for it again every time I switch on.
I would like to know why the keyring passwords are needed in addition to the login password for a single user computer, which mine is and also how I can stop it asking for this password when I switch the computer on. One suggestion I have seen is to make the keyring password the same as my login password. If that is the case, then how do I change the keyring password?
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Apr 29, 2011
Does anyone know any common apache 2.2 exploits and how to stop them? I am setting up a web server and want it to be secure as possible. I currently have a basic lamp server on a ubuntu server.
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Nov 9, 2010
Im using ubuntu and i run a game server. Ever since i posted my server i have an IP address trying to join my game on a different port everytime, seems random and its nonstop for a week since its been up.
[INFO]/[random 5 digit port] lost connection NONstop
I port scanned them and i think its not a person but some service or server type buisness.
I use a linksys router, i couldnt find anything on blocking IP's at the router from the outside.
Is there anything i can do to stop them before the get to this server to login?
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May 30, 2011
i have 1 question no more because i got many ddos attack and my load is 95++ what is the best program to stop DDOS Attack ?
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Mar 15, 2010
I had 2 accounts on a single system. Other users are able to see my data. how to stop other users to access my personal data.
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Mar 13, 2009
I am trying to give access to ONE single user to start and shutdown tomcat server. The problem being, when I enter syntax: username ALL= /etc/init.d/tomcat5, /usr/local/tomcat/webapps, PASSWD:ALL This gives the user access to start and stop tomcat but also gives user access to start and stop other services within /etc/init.d - such as httpd etc... What is the proper way to give user access to start and stop service, and limiting that power to only one service....
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Jan 25, 2010
If I enable Wi-Fi on my laptop and use a public Wi-Fi hotspot at an airport, will a firewall such as UFW be enough to stop hackers accessing my personal files which are NOT transmitted over the Wi-Fi connection?
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Sep 1, 2010
I want to know what are the ways to monitorize and control/stop flooding on my server, because I am heavily flooded. At this moment I am doing all this manually (when I see that my bandwidth is lowering or some applications are freezing), my main working tool being iptables.But I want something automated .
Another problem : if I am flooded with packets having real ip addresses , with a simple iptables command I cand resolve the problem easily. But, the problem is, in most of the cases, I am flooded with packets with spoofed ip adresses (e.g. ), so the only thing I can do in this situation is to block all incoming packets (which ruins everything).Do you have a solution to this ? The flood monitorizing (and controlling) tool may be with/without interface, only to be effective.
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Mar 15, 2010
I was trying to get the status of memory usage and disk usage using sigar in windows and ubuntu. done this in windows by just copying the sigar library into jdk library. But i was unable to do so in ubuntu. I've copied the library to java-6-sun library but still can't run the program.
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Oct 20, 2010
Ive been running ssh to log into server for long time. Recently a x-win app reported that it suspects a man in the middle attack (MiMA), so I want to tighten this up, but it seems to me if there is a MiM, then the initial key exchange is vulnerable to a substitution. This is on solaris, but since its a basic concept I'm ot getting, it shouldnt matter,
Here's the gist of what I read:
- create users key pair,
- enable host authentication (ssh_config file on client and sshd_config file on remote host)
- start an ssh session and accept the remote hosts key (and I assume the remote host will take client users key and store some where)
1. What's to stop the MIM from making a substitution of keys during the initial exchange?? Shouldn't the keys be initially transfered in a more secure fashion??
2. Does the server just accept new keys from any existing user who want to create an ssh session? So if some one knows a username and password (such as the owner of an application they know is running) couldn't they just create their own keypair and have the server accept them?
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May 6, 2010
Is there a way of tracking updates without booting into the system. I am still on Karmic because of an annoying 'black screen at boot' bug. However i've got Lucid on a test partition waiting when the bug is fixed to upgrade my main system. I do not want to boot into my test system to check if there are any updates but track them online in some way to see when it's worth to boot to upgrade.
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Apr 20, 2011
I do not believe the firewall connection tracking is enabled. I have Centos 5.6 with 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5.centos.plus kernel. I went into the kernel .config and I see CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK=m. But when I do a lsmod I do not see this module.
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Jan 4, 2010
In the "software sources" windows under the "Updates" tab I have checked "Pre-released updates" and installed all the updates. I no longer want to track the proposed updates and have unchecked that item. Now am back to just security and recommended checked. How do i get it to downgrade the packages that it has modified when I had "Pre-released" checked? I want to get back on the stable "Recommended Updates". It seems to have changed what it looks at for updates but did not downgrade the packages.
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Aug 5, 2010
I'm using Ubuntu 10.4 box with Apache2 web server. I have a site with several Domain Names. How do I set up tracking?
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Aug 21, 2010
Is there a linux compatible program for tracking a stolen laptop? I tried Prey, but I can't get it installed and working. Something that works for the non-uber geek?
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Dec 10, 2010
I'm running into a problem where my system is running out of disk space on the root partition, but I can't figure out where the runaway usage is. I've had a stable system for a couple of years now, and it just ran out of space. I cleaned some files up to get the system workable again, but can't find the big usage area, and I'm getting conflicting results.For example, when I do a df it says I'm using 44GB out of 58 GB:
[root@Zion ~]# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
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Nov 15, 2010
Is there any way to monitor one process' CPU usage and RAM usage over time on Linux? I am trying to change to a cheaper VPS and need to work out what level of CPU and RAM I need!
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Jun 20, 2010
I was recently looking into using tail -f to monitor some text files like so: tail -f /var/sometext However, when I did some testing, it doesn't seem to work. What I did was I created a new file and ran: tail -f /home/name/text Then, I opened the log in vim and did some editing, saved it, and it seems that tail is not "seeing" the change.
The weird thing is, running echo "hello" >> /home/name/text seems to work fine (tail sees the change). I read somewhere this has something to do with file descriptors and new inodes being created when saving a file.
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Jul 10, 2011
i want to performance a test of a network, without using connection-tracking.
how to disable connection-tracking,
i used the following iptables commands to disable connection-tracking,
iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -p tcp -j NOTRACK
iptables -t raw -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j NOTRACK
but it is not working, when i see /proc/net/ip_conntrack, this file shows the existing connections.
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Feb 18, 2010
Fresh install of debian lenny / mostly default load
VLC 1.0.5 install
cd rom
dvd rom
vlc plays cd (no audio but can see tracking of song) but not dvd
fstab (cannot edit -permissions and don't know how to effect the proper permissions)
/dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
/dev/hdb /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
someone recommended changing to
/dev/cdrom1 /""
Don't see how that would fix audio but anyway cannot change fstab.
checked advanced input / codec in VLC
dvd = dev/hdb
cd = dev/hda
Totem -plays the dvd but quality / volume is not there, prefer VLC. Soundjuicer plays the audio with sound nicely. Just would like VLC to do it all.
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Dec 10, 2010
I've been trying to find a source tracking website similar to Freshmeat so that I can keep an eye on version updates.
I need one because I am trying to build myself a Linux distro from scratch and it would really help if there was a single source where I could see software updates, and download from.
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