I was recently looking into using tail -f to monitor some text files like so: tail -f /var/sometext However, when I did some testing, it doesn't seem to work. What I did was I created a new file and ran: tail -f /home/name/text Then, I opened the log in vim and did some editing, saved it, and it seems that tail is not "seeing" the change.
The weird thing is, running echo "hello" >> /home/name/text seems to work fine (tail sees the change). I read somewhere this has something to do with file descriptors and new inodes being created when saving a file.
am facing a problem with tailing a log file. Logs of application located in one folder:applog_20100101_0200.log <--log until 2 am january 1applog_20100101_0456.log <--log until 4:56 amapplog.log <-- current logApplication can change log when ever it wants to. I need to monitor this log, what i do:tail -f applog.logBut when app changes log my tail just stops. How can i tail applog.log all the time with out stops?
I had been running "Etch" and upgraded to "Lenny". Now my mouse is NOT tracking correctly. When I move the mouse and then press and release the 'ctrl' key to show where the mouse pointer is the circle indicators are not where the pointer is. I therefore cannot make any selections from menus as 'lenny' thinks the mouse is somewhere other than where the pointer is. Also are there keyboard hot keys that i can use to access the menus?
Installed Fedora 12 in vmware and during the installation of a professional program versioned 2003, following error encountered.
tail: cannot open `+124' for reading: No such file or directory gzip: tmptarfile.tar.Z: not in gzip format tar: This does not look like a tar archive tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors extract error, installation cannot proceed.
Checked the google and tried ncompress and export_posix2_version=199209, but the problem persists.Is fedora compatible to this program, MEDICI 2003 ver?
I am trying to use tail -f and play a sound everytime a new line appears. I tried this: for i in tail -f myFile; do aplay alert.wav; done; Which kinda worked, the output is:
Playing WAVE 'alert.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono Playing WAVE 'alert.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono Playing WAVE 'alert.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono
But after 3 times it stops, and I would like to print the tail -f result and not the aplay result. How could I achieve that?
I am running a script with nohup and this generates a lot of logs.
In order to view the log I use tail -f nohup.out
The problem is that the info supplied by this command is not always the latest//sometimes I need to use the command again order to view the latest info added to the nohup.out file.
Fresh install of debian lenny / mostly default load
VLC 1.0.5 install cd rom dvd rom vlc plays cd (no audio but can see tracking of song) but not dvd fstab (cannot edit -permissions and don't know how to effect the proper permissions) fstab /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 /dev/hdb /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 someone recommended changing to /dev/cdrom1 /""
Don't see how that would fix audio but anyway cannot change fstab.
checked advanced input / codec in VLC dvd = dev/hdb cd = dev/hda
Totem -plays the dvd but quality / volume is not there, prefer VLC. Soundjuicer plays the audio with sound nicely. Just would like VLC to do it all.
Following script name is 123.sh and I need to put this in the background if I do 123.sh -bg this will not bring me back to the prompt but echoes what ever I put (using echo hello >> /tmp/123) in to the /temp/123 file. the only way that I have found doing this is to do "nohup 123.sh &" to put this in to the background. Is this okay or is there any better way of doing this?
#!/bin/bash # file name is 123.sh tail -f /temp/123 | while read line
On my CentOS 5.4 box I run dns, ssh, and smtp servers. This box also has to be able to resolve and browse websites. So basically it needs iptable rules for
TCP 22 25 80 443 UDP 53
My question is, which of these services work nicely with connection tracking? I'm a little confused about how connection tracking works. For example say this iptables rule for smtp
Code: iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 --sport 513:65535 -d $myip --dport 25 -j ACCEPT versus
Code: iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 --sport 513:65535 -d $myip --dport 25 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT So with connection tracking what exactly does it do that my first iptables rule does not do?
Also for centos is that port range correct? 2.6 Linux kernel randomly chooses a port 513-65535 when it connects to an external smtp server or say browses a site.
I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 over the weekend and wanted to tail the logs whilst doing so stuff. When I browsed to the folder after getting an error trying to tail, I noticed that the messages file does not exist.
I do not believe the firewall connection tracking is enabled. I have Centos 5.6 with 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5.centos.plus kernel. I went into the kernel .config and I see CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK=m. But when I do a lsmod I do not see this module.
I was using Opensuse on Virtualbox earlier today. I issued the tail -f /var/log/messages command on Opensuse 11.3 to see the messages. Then I logged in from my Mac into Opensuse 11.3. I noticed that Opensuse was displaying realtime messages of the things happening. For eg, I entered a wrong su password and it displayed that too. But no such things were happening on my Fedora 13 installation. So is there any way if I could get some realtime messages on Fedora 13 too like the one on Opensuse..?
tail -f <filename> is not working as planned on my Ubuntu 9.10, it doesn't show the appended data.tail -F works, but it does not append the new line, it reopens the file with the message: "tail: <filename> has been replaced; following end of new file"
i want to performance a test of a network, without using connection-tracking.
how to disable connection-tracking,
i used the following iptables commands to disable connection-tracking, iptables -t raw -A PREROUTING -p tcp -j NOTRACK iptables -t raw -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j NOTRACK
but it is not working, when i see /proc/net/ip_conntrack, this file shows the existing connections.
I have had update problems for a very long time in my desktop e-machine. Maybe since 5.3. Usually something about Gwenview and other things. And, while --skip-broken got other packages updated, sorry, an incomplete update just isn't acceptable. Because of this I stopped using Centos for a long time. Yesterday, I got ambition and gave it another try. I had a lot of yum upgrade failures when upgrading 5.4 to 5.5, using --skip-broken.
I decided to fix things or delete Centos completely. But, I like the idea of free R****t. I realize this may have been posted, but I had no luck finding it via Google, So I started Googling. I soon found the --disablerepo option, and playing with repos, got most of the failures to upgrade. But, still hung up on a lot of stuff, like 11 packages or more.
Next, I learned about yum-prioroties and setting repo prorities. Yum-priorities was already installed, but I did go in and set the priorities. Since Google has a lot of information on this, I will not repeat here. You go into the repo config files and add a priority number to each repo listing. Here is a script to display repo priorities that I found online, sorry, I lost the author:
Is there a way of tracking updates without booting into the system. I am still on Karmic because of an annoying 'black screen at boot' bug. However i've got Lucid on a test partition waiting when the bug is fixed to upgrade my main system. I do not want to boot into my test system to check if there are any updates but track them online in some way to see when it's worth to boot to upgrade.
I've been reading an interesting article about the fact that ISPs are able to collect net data from web users. What I think It's missing in the article is that in some locations it's compulsory for ISPs to collect and save all your networking data (For example, in Spain, where I live, it's compusory to store people's activity on the net for a period of 6 months (minimum) to 2 years (maximum). In the article they state that Witopia can do the job of encrypting your browsing activity and therefore mantain your privacy. Do you know any open source or, at least, free alternative to Witopia? What do you think about the article and about the ways of safeguarding your privacy?
I've been trying to find a source tracking website similar to Freshmeat so that I can keep an eye on version updates.
I need one because I am trying to build myself a Linux distro from scratch and it would really help if there was a single source where I could see software updates, and download from.
I've introduced myself to OpenCV a bit now and can do some of the most basic things with it. My current goal is to have a solid color object (say a red ball) and have a camera be able to find that object. Anybody know of any resources to start learning how to do this? Any tutorials/books? Or is there something I should be searching for instead of color detection and tracking that will give me things more in the right direction?
Quote:Originally Posted by qweasd cannot wait. I upgraded to 13.1, but now I am planning a clean install, with the intention of making the new system even more stable and better documented. This time I really want to keep track of ALL the changes I inflict to the stock configuration files in /etc, anyone knows of good way to do that? I was thinking git, but may be it's overkill. I guess, I could simply make a list of files I changed...es,What I do is that I have /root/orig and /root/local. Orig contains a copy of every stock file Pat ships that I make a change to, and I keep my changed copy in /root/local and then copy it into place.
Code: root@slack:~# tree /root/orig /root/local /root/orig
I'm running ubuntu 9.10 with the latest networkmanager (from ppa)I thought this could be wrong credentials setting, so i've tried a huge amount of setups (user: phonenumber, password: phonenumber, avp:telenor, seems to be the general consensus for how it should be)Is there something I'm missing or is there any way I could tail the output as NetworkManager tries to connect (hopefully seeing something like "wrong password" etc.)
I am looking for a basic online expense tracking system that is:Web-based. Runs on LAMP, etc.Stable, reliable, etc.Open source.The end-user uses a web browser to enter the date of each expense, amount, vendor, etc.Print a periodic report and hand it over to the acccountant.
Is there a good way to set up internet tracking on an openSUSE 11.3 computer? I don't want users visiting porn sites or any other nonsense, and if they do, I want to know about it. Is there a good program that the administrator can set up to report this kind of thing or at least track it? Obviously, this would need to track all websites visited regardless of the application/browser used, and would need to be completely inaccessible to users. I don't want them having the ability to turn it off or circumvent it somehow.
In the "software sources" windows under the "Updates" tab I have checked "Pre-released updates" and installed all the updates. I no longer want to track the proposed updates and have unchecked that item. Now am back to just security and recommended checked. How do i get it to downgrade the packages that it has modified when I had "Pre-released" checked? I want to get back on the stable "Recommended Updates". It seems to have changed what it looks at for updates but did not downgrade the packages.