Ubuntu Security :: Malware-gen In Class Files With Latest Java?
Apr 4, 2011
I browse with Firefox and I had been running a pretty vanilla install of Ubuntu 10.4 (with a few things like tomcat and mysql) I supposed the repos kept everything (like java) up to date.
Some time ago I replaced OpenJDK with SunJDK.
java -version is "1.6.0_24"
which java is /usr/bin/java
Yesterday, for the first time, I downloaded and ran an Avast! scan. It complains of "Malware-gen" in several class files in what I think is the java cache. Does anyone know how this could be?
If you are interested, Java SE 6 Update 24 is available. The Check Java Version link in my signature will tell you if you are up to date or not. The Update Java Version link in my signature will tell you how to obtain and install the latest version. The 32 bit version install directions are on the left side of that page and the 64 bit instructions are on the right side.
Just remember to remove the current version before installing the new one as it says in the instructions. The remove instructions are below the install instructions. Also, in Step 9 - "Now you'll want to tell the system, that there's a new Java version available." See the note below it that says if you get an error upon entering the command once, enter it a second time. I have to do that and sometimes forget. Just thought I would mention that. These instructions are already setup for version 6 update 24, but they can be modified for any update and they will work. I have been using these instructions for a couple of years and they work.
Can a virus survive a reformat, running bootrec /fixmbr (both from the install CD), and then installing Ubuntu? Reformat meaning from the windows disk recovery console, using the format command for all partitions. Likewise, would a virus be capable of surviving just the first two steps alone without installing Ubuntu, just re-installing windows?
If one were to have an MBR virus on Windows or Linux, how abouts would you find or remove it without doing an entire disk wipe? And before someone goes "Linux is immune" take into consideration vulnerabilities on the user end.
I was on funnyjunk.com yesterday, looking at funny pictures. I clicked the next button, and a page popped up displaying that the website had malware hosted by hit.d1.net, however when I had Windows XP the MacAffee Siteadvisor Displayed that there was no malware. Is this Real or Fake? Just wondering if it is one of those fake spyware alerts, like from windows.
I realize that FF 3.6 was referred to near the end of this thread? Most Ubuntu based distros (Mint, Gosalia, Ubuntu, Xubuntu) are shipped with FF 3.5.8, are there any reported problems with this version of FF? Mint does offer Opera, I really don't care about installing Wine to gain access to IE6, you open the browser, there are two critical updates that shows, but on three occasions, I left the desktop for an hour, and the two updates still never applied. I have installed Clam AV, is there a malware scanner for Mint, too? I do want to be secure, but don't wish to run two AV's, have four separate malware scanners, and scan every piece of everything the way you must do in Windows. With Windows, you spend more time scanning than browsing. I don't want to have to do this with Mint, too.
is it possible for malware to survive a full reformat (ie... dd /dev/zero,urandom,zero?I'm for some reason worried that my android based phone, PS3, XBox 360, Routers, and/or TV can somehow be infected with malware as they were hooked up to my network..Is this possible? And does Factory Resetting or Hard Resetting clear all data on the device and reset it entirely? If so, how does that work? Is there a specific storage chip on the device that cannot be written to and only read for when a hard reset is requested?
I'm aware that this sounds outlandish but I've got a severe paranoia for some reason and would like peer advice on how to resolve this and get some peace of mind.
So I downloaded a movie from megaupload and a pop up came up with [URL]....that bounced me to[URL]..but that webpage did not display. Normally, on Windows, I would have an anti-virus that would likely give me some sense of good or bad websites. On Ubuntu, I am not quite sure. Do I need a malware scanner for the firefox browser? I have the standard package from the 10.04 distro with the latest updates...
today is my second week using ubuntu , my question is how can i insert malware block list on ubuntu? as my regular win user i always put the list in dirrectory x: winblows system32 drivers etc hosts[URL]
In Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, I have downloaded and installed texlive (2011). They have issued the following warnings:
1. "To the best of our knowledge, the core TEX programs themselves are (and always have been) extremely robust. However, the contributed programs in TEX Live may not reach the same level, despite everyone�s best efforts. As always, you should be careful when running programs on untrusted input; for maximum safety, use a new subdirectory."
What does this exactly mean? The installed program has already created own directories and subdirectories (e.g. /usr/local/texlive/2011/bin/i386-linux). Am I supposed to create a new subdirectory in home to write files and run latex program? Exactly how do I know that the downloaded and installed program is not malicious?
2. "Finally, TEX (and its companion programs) are able to write files when processing documents, a feature that can also be abused in a wide variety of ways. Again, processing unknown documents in a new subdirectory is the safest bet."
what is implied by "a feature that can also be abused in a wide variety of ways".
I've had to do some code in java, a language I'm very much unfamiliarly with so please excuse my incorrect use of terms. The basic outline of my problem is I create a class object as a local within a swing button function it works fine. If I create it as a global ( with I think I need to do ) within main, then prototype it with the other swing objects at the bottom of the file when it is called it causes a host of problems. I think the easiest way is to show it.
I am looking to write a function to return an MD5 hash in Java but I don't want to us the MessageDigest class as I am using the J2ME framework which doesn't include it.
I have been using the new ocr app 'cuneiform' that has appeared in the Lucid repo.It is command line and works very well.However, the rest of the household would like to use it and desire a gui front-end.Mepis has this and it is called YAGF. Works well.We are told to install only from trusted sources.how can I check the integrity of this .deb and freedom from malware before installing it?
Alright running a ubuntu based webserver. The app will be accepting user uploaded files from my client's clients. My client will then need to download an access the files. I'm looking for a solution to scan for windows malware at the time of upload so I never expose her machine directly to her client's uploads.
A forum that I visit with Firefox has a message that says the following: Quote: I've detected a bestlifeusa.ru script that tries to run of this server, I've reported this, but I'm pretty sure most of you get this one too, I was just protected so I'm fine - you may not be so lucky, so I'm asking you guys to get your system checked immediately.
If you use firefox - install the No Script extention after you have cleaned your system for all worms, viruses and spyware. And make sure that the bestlifeusa.ru script can't execute on your system from this site. If you don't have any "anti script" "no script" "script stopping" system installed with your browser, you will likely not notice this script, I suspect it's a spy-script that spies on you - and you most certainly have it! I think the measures recommended might be Windows oriented.
I have Debian Testing, Kernel 2.6.32-trunk-686 and Java version: java version "1.6.0_16" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_16-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 14.2-b01, mixed mode)
If I open web page with Java application (in Opera, Iceweasel and Google Chrome), for example this page: [URL] I get error message (image in attachment). If I click in the Details, I get this text: Java Plug-in 1.6.0_16 Using JRE version 1.6.0_16-b01 Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM User home directory = /home/johnnycage c: clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this help message l: dump classloader list m: print memory usage o: trigger logging q: hide console r: reload policy configuration s: dump system and deployment properties t: dump thread list v: dump thread stack x: clear classloader cache 0-5: set trace level to <n>
load: class AppletGui not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AppletGui ..... Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AppletGui
Code: Select all import java.util.*; public class FindDupes { public static void main(String[] args) {   Set<String> orig = new HashSet<String>();   Set<String> dupe = new HashSet<String>();   for(String a: args)   if(!orig.add(a))     dupe.add(a);
  orig.removeAll(dupe);   System.out.println("words " + orig);   System.out.println("dudes " + dupe); } }
for some reason it will compile but not run on debian lenny complains it can't find the main class but it compiles and runs without problem on Fedora 12.
I was thinking of physically removing the hard drive and use the computer only with a liveCD for security. But is disabling the hard drive in the cmos just as secure, or does software exist that can still access the hard drive?
second time clamav detects the malware on laptop underubuntu:winnow.compromised.ts.jsexploit.5.UNOFFICIALwinnow.spam.ts.domains.158.UNOFFICIALgspace.js: winnow.malware.cm.miscspam.387929.UNOFFICIALwhat does this mean, is it serious and what is the origin of this infection?
Originally Posted by smokerSuch things can happen on linux. But try googling for actual occurrences.Greetings SmokerWith no prejudice sir: I've got a personal list of at least 75 such occurrences, just this year alone in Linux-OS's... If the Blacks wants to mess-up your OS, they do it as easy as microstuf could nuke any target Windows-98 OS today... Linux is web-page secure, only... You may think Linux is impervious to hack-attack, but it's definitely Not!.. It's just that you haven't been extremely noisy on the internet about how humanity should change its bad-attitudes towards Life and Love, before it's too late... In and from your "safe little box" you are 99.99% safe from the Blacks, IF your are silent and compliant to "North American peasant control policy".. but start doing a little "Al Gore and Greenpeace style bitching noise", and very quickly you'll discover just how unprotected your Linux powered PC really is... Ask Greenpeace and Al Gore about the max-attacks to their computer systems... I had to reinstall the OS about a hundred times this year.. Seems the big money world didn't like that I published, that "to save humanity from its impending early extinction, Money needs be extincted and replaced with something conducive to life and living and love".. They Freaked!, and slammed my PC's repeatedly, hard... Sure, Linux is reasonably secure, but it ain't perfect.
Malware Potentially Implicated in 2008 Fatal Plane Crash in SpainQuote:Investigators looking into the crash of Spanair Flight 5022 at Madrid International Airport on August 20, 2008, killing 154, found that the airline's central computer system used to monitor technical problems in its fleet was infected with malware, according to this news report. The central computer system should have warned the airline that Flight 5022, an MD-82 aircraft, was having repeat mechanical problems.[URL]
I want to ask how i set Linux class path for mail.jar and mysql-connector.jar. I have set the class path for java with the command.
when i do java -version it's work fine.
Also if i want to know that what shell i am using how can i find it.Also what is the command for showing class path variables or how can i see my JAVA_HOME class path.Means after setting the class path for above two files how can i see that these files have added.
When i write echo $CLASSPATH or echo $JAVA_HOME it shows nothing no error but again shows the prompt.
One thing more i want to run a java program on Linux it is in a package (named asteriskproject). It consist of 10 java files. I have run this program on windows using netbeans IDE.For this program i need to set my Linux class path for the above mentioned files, and this is my first time that i am running any program on Linux. So i want to ask how can i run my program. Simply put this asteriskproject directory in any folder and run the main file using javac. Is it right way to run the program that consist of package ?
working on a script to update .Jar file, I have tried jar xf to unpack and jar cf to repack it is giving me java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError exception at main class. I also tried jar uf, which is also not working for me Basically my jar file requires to update date, which i do from "winrar" Manual it works fine, but now to remove "Donkey work", i want to make an script which does this all automatically, and the last stage is to update jar file which is not happening.
First you'll want to remove the old JRE or openJDK (if you have it). When JRE is installed from the repositories, do it like this: System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager
Query: sun java Tick all installed packages and choose complete removal. When it's installed manually in /opt/java, see the instruction at the bottom of this column (under the header Removal). If you don't have JRE, then you'll probably have openJDK. That one should be completely removed as well. That can also be done with Synaptic Package Manager (query: openjdk).