Ubuntu :: Scripting In 10.04 Substantially Different?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a script which I designed on 9.04. It worked for 9.10 and now it does not work on development release. For some reason it only works every 20th time. It will reset itself until it finally works. Then when it does work, the cat command does not process the "/t"s in the code.my script is mythicalLibrarian, you can find references here:[URL]I Need some help. The following code is supposed to auto-install mythicalLibrarian and it works on 9.10, but not on the development release. The following code will create the



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Hardware :: SSD Drive Create Substantially Less Heat Than HDD?

Aug 21, 2010

I used to have heat problems in summer time (it's winter now) and regular breakdowns of hardware due to ambient temperature going well over 40C. I am tempted to replace 3 HDD in my PC with SSD drives and I wonder if the inside of my machine will be substantially cooler, or if the SSD tolerate heat better than the HDD.

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Programming :: Firefox Scripting Add-on (Scripting HTML / Javascript Inside Firefox)?

Sep 17, 2009

Is there a firefox add-on to script HTML and/or Javascript directly inside firefox

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Ubuntu :: Sed And Shell Scripting ?

Feb 22, 2010

I have recently put together an install script to make my life a little easier.

The server is using lighttpd and I wish for the auth mod to be enabled.

For the line:

I require the script to call the servers external IP and insert it in place of

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - GUI Scripting Languages

Aug 5, 2010

There is a scripting language made for Windows called AutoIt. It can do things like, for example, if a user highlights a word and presses a certain hotkey, it can copy that word into memory, open up firefox, go to google.com, paste the word into the text box, and click the button to search. What are some of the easiest scripting languages in Linux to learn that can do this?

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Ubuntu :: Where To Start Learning Scripting?

Jan 5, 2010

I have been using Ubuntu for about a year now, for my Home PC I have completely switched but still have windows on my wife's and work computers. I am in the data storage industry and have a good basic understanding of unix and linux. For my own learning I want to start learning some basic scripting where I can create simple things that make life easier like to become a beginer UNIX or linux admin..what should i start with...I just seem to be so overwhelmed cause there are some many things you dive into..I see so many types of scripting shells I don't know where I should start to learn the basics

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Ubuntu :: Scripting / How To Make Deb Files

May 9, 2010

Where I can look to find in depth how to make .deb files? and maybe something on scripting with ubuntu.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting Gives Bad Substitution

Feb 18, 2011

I'm trying to get the substring of a string in bash. Here is the code:
#! /bin/bash
INDEX_OF=`expr index "$LOCAL_HOSTNAME" 1`
echo $INDEX_OF

It's supposed to get the current hostname, assign it to variable LOCAL_HOSTNAME, get the first occurrence of "1" from hostname and assign value to INDEX_OF, the get the substring from variable LOCAL_HOSTNAME (starting at index 0 through INDEX_OF) and asign it to SERVER_HOSTNAME. No matter how much I've tried it keeps throwing Bad substitution error at the substring. I've searched and it says it has to be bash... but it is bash, both the sh script and the running shell. The LOCAL_HOSTNAME and INDEX_OF variables are ok.

Here is the output:
I've also tried to get the substring without the INDEX_OF but it gives the same error: SERVER_HOSTNAME=${LOCAL_HOSTNAME:0}
test.sh: 7: Bad substitution

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Ubuntu :: Pointers To Learning Scripting?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a project for my computer class, and I was a bit ambitious with my ideas and am wondering if I made a smart choice. I need to learn sooner or later anyway! I'm a beginner when it comes to scripting but I'd like to learn more advanced stuff. When I say basic I really mean basic among all basic. To give you an idea I only know some simple HTML and Python. The idea I proposed for my project goes as follows:

The challenge we were given is to create a spreadsheet of data from a website given to us. Points are given for creativity and simplicity in how we go about doing this.After taking a look at the site (or rather, html files given to us), and with having dabbled with Python before, I came up with what I thought was a pretty good idea.The pages of the "site" are just numbers. They go from 001-117 .html in terms of filenames. Their source code has some sort of table set up, and the information we are pulling off are easily found by the tags that precede them (the info, btw are the periodic elements).

The tags are pretty obvious, and state pretty much what they are labeling. My python knowledge is almost nonexistent but I figured that would be something Python would be capable of. Why do I post this here? I'm relatively new to Ubuntu too but keep hearing about bash scripts and such. Would this be even better? (Perhaps it's silly but I'd like to use Ubuntu to accomplish this)

Or is there an even better scripting method/language I should be using? Could anyone give me some pointers in how I could accomplish this? I'm really hoping to learn a lot from my first "real" scripting experience!

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Ubuntu :: Scripting To Convert .wav To .mp3 Files?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a set of 5 files:

Tell-All -- Disc 1.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 2.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 3.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 4.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 5.wav

on which I need to perform the following actions:


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Ubuntu Servers :: General Information On Scripting?

Mar 1, 2010

I am willing to learn. I purchased and am currently reading The Official Ubuntu Server Book, and I think I have found my first side project. First, the book said Ubuntu Server is pretty much coded with a scripting language called Python. I want to define the different init levels of my server. I want to define like init 5 to have a GUI interface, just for kicks. A GUI might come in handy when doing certain things in Ubuntu Server, I just don't know, simply because I've been working on the command line. So my first question is, do I need to learn Python to script in Ubuntu Server? I have very little experience coding let alone scripting. The book has example of Upstart scripts, but I was wondering if the language is Python?

So I guess my question is a general question to scripting If I were to focus my time in learning Python as well, would I be able to customize/utilize more of Ubuntu Server? I'm not exactly sure what to learn/read as well to this. I'm trying to broaden my horizons, and I've decided to experiment with Ubuntu Server.

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Ubuntu :: Scripting Timezone Changing Process?

Mar 25, 2010

I have worked on redhat/fedora for last 5 yrs but now working on ubuntu as well. I have around 200 ubuntu VMs on which I have to change the timezone.I know I can do that using "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata",But doing it manually on 200 machines is not what I really want to do.Hence I am looking for a way to script this process.On fedora, its simple,change the "ZONE" entry in "/etc/sysconfig/clock" and copy corresponding file from /user/share/zoneinfo to /etc/localtime. Hence I can script is easily.But in ubuntu, with "dpkg-reconfigure tzdata", I don't know how to script it.

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Ubuntu :: Loop Commands In Bash Scripting?

May 15, 2010

What is the difference between For and While when creating loops in bash scripting?

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Ubuntu :: Image Manipulation In Bash Scripting?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a bash script that inserts some text onto every image at a certain place within a directory.

Heres what I have (from a German friend who appears online once in a blue moon), this is the line that resizes to a maximum of 800 either width or height and puts in the text 'text goes here'.

convert ${bild} -resize "800x800>" -strip -family Arial -pointsize 16 -draw "gravity southeast fill rgba(255,0,0, 1.0) text 10,10 'text goes here'" ${dstdir}/${bild}

Now, I would like to know how to place a PNG image (a watermark, so to speak) over all images within a directory in a certain place, so how would I go about modifying this line to place an image instead of the text?

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Ubuntu :: Scripting For A Real Stock Ticker?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm a business student and we have a stock ticker in the atrium of our building that was being run off of an old 386 computer that bit the dust. Unfortunately, the individuals who wrote the program that updates the ticker (with selected stocks only, from a student run portfolio) are long gone.

Basically, I'm looking for way to display certain stock quotes updated every few minutes on a real-life ticker (green lettering, scrolling side to side) with selected stocks, including the changes in stock price (arrows as well).

I've looked into programs like SMTM, but I'm not quite finding what I need. I don't have much scripting knowledge but I figured this could be done relatively easily, perhaps with GREP?

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Ubuntu :: Shell Scripting Command Doubt?

Jan 1, 2011

How do i find out if a particular item is a file or a folder through the terminal ls -la gives 'd' before the permissions for every folder and '-' before every fileLike i want to write a script that backup data if it is a folder and deletes if it is a file

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Ubuntu :: [Scripting] Remove Content Of One File From Another?

Jun 22, 2011

I've been puzzling over this for a while and have not been able to reach a solution, so turning to your good selves for advice! I currently have two files, let's say they look like this:*File A*



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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting: Making A Text File

Jul 12, 2010

I am tying to write a script that asks for user input and saves it to a text file using awk so example #!/bin/bash read a awk #saves to file

I had a working scripted last night, deleted it by mistake and for the life of me can not remember how i did it.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting - To Copy A List Of Files

Dec 6, 2010

I'm writing a bash script to copy a list of files and do some stuff to them. Basically, I have the code written that does what it needs to do, but I can't quite understand why it works. I was hoping someone could clear up my understanding a bit.


The first line generates a list of files. I wrap each line in quotes because they usually have spaces in the directory names.

The second line changes IFS, and I understand what IFS itself does. What I don't quite get is what the separator becomes with that echo statement. If I'm reading that correctly, the backspace will remove the newline and essentially the result is nothing? I found this solution on a web page somewhere, but it was years old and there was no real explanation.

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General :: Need Man Pages For Scripting

Apr 20, 2010

Does anyone know of any man pages that would provide me information on commands in shell scripting like while or case? I have a test tomorrow where we have to write shell scripts and we're allowed to use the man pages, but not allowed to look at previous scripts. I don't feel like memorizing a bunch of commands if I don't have to.

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General :: What Is Shell Scripting?

Feb 15, 2011

What is shell scripting? what is 'bash'?

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Programming :: Which Is Best Scripting Language?

Jul 23, 2009

I want to know which is the best scripting language right now and what you guys think its going to be the best or most used in the future, that is, in about 5-10 years. Take into account system administration and applications. This are the languages i had in mind, add more if you think other scripting languages are better or worth considering.

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Ubuntu :: Adding Strings To The Front And End Of Variables In Bash Scripting?

Mar 3, 2010

How do you add strings to the front and end of variables in bash scripting? for example, if I have


in as the contents of my variable, I want to add "l" to the front and "k" to the back of the contents.

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Ubuntu :: Start Learning GUI Bash Scripting But Can't Find The Right Tutorial?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to start learning GUI bash scripting but I can't find the right tutorial. I'm interesting at creating menus like ex. IPTRAF or MC (midnight commander) but all i find is tutorials for KDE & GNOME. The idea is that I want to create programs that don't need X sessions.

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Ubuntu :: Scripting A Permanent CTRL / CAPS Swap In Gnome?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a bash script that I use to configure a vanilla Ubuntu (10.10 Maverick) installation to be exactly the way I want it. I make extensive use of gconftool-2 to configure the desktop, set up shortcut keys, etc.

Now, I'm trying to swap the CTRL and CAPS keys. I have found two ways of doing this: In Gnome, go to System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layout -> Options and make the change in there. This works well, but I don't know how to script this; the setting doesn't seem to be stored in the usual place as I can't find it with gconf-editor. Add the line setxkbmap -option "ctrl:swapcaps" to my .bashrc file. That works too, until I suspend the machine & then resume it. At that point the CTRL and CAPS behaviour return to normal, until I cause .bashrc to be run again by opening a new shell. This behaviour has been reported as a bug in RedHat. Edited to add: JeffG on [URL] suggested adding the call to setxkbmap to my gdm.conf file in the script section; that resulted in a failure to load X on startup.

switching those keys that is both permanent, and can be scripted?

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Ubuntu :: Scripting - Copying Files Listed In A Text File ?

Apr 15, 2010

I've got a text file with a list of .gz files, these .gz files are in various sub directories of one parent directory and I've hacked this little script together to copy them from their current location to a new one and spit out any it can't find to "/home/user/not_found" but for the life of me can't get it to run properly!

The shell script as it currently looks:


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Fedora :: Dong Some Scripting V. Name That Command?

Oct 10, 2010

trying to execute a command and it's arguments in a new gnome-terminal window...

...but i don't want the parent program to wait for the new process to end.

-e and -x don't seem to accomplish this...

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Fedora :: Getting 0 For Both Conditions In Shell Scripting?

Jun 8, 2011

if [ -z $str3 ] ; then
echo " $? = $? "



$? = 0
$? = 0

why we get 0 for both conditions? I am using FC15.

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OpenSUSE :: Kde 4.5.1 Python Scripting Is Broken?

Sep 3, 2010

Kde 4.5.1 from 03/09/2010 2100h. python-sip is 4.10.xxx and 4.11.xxx is neded to let things work

python-kde4 and python-kdebase4 wont install

nothing provide python-sip - 4.11 needed by python-kde4-

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General :: What Is Purpose Of Bash Scripting?

May 15, 2010

What is the purpose of bash scripting? Is it just for file manipulation?

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