Ubuntu :: Scripting / How To Make Deb Files

May 9, 2010

Where I can look to find in depth how to make .deb files? and maybe something on scripting with ubuntu.

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General :: Make Simple Website In System Using Bash Scripting?

Apr 3, 2011

How to made a simple website in linux using bash scripting.

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Ubuntu :: Scripting To Convert .wav To .mp3 Files?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a set of 5 files:

Tell-All -- Disc 1.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 2.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 3.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 4.wav
Tell-All -- Disc 5.wav

on which I need to perform the following actions:


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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting - To Copy A List Of Files

Dec 6, 2010

I'm writing a bash script to copy a list of files and do some stuff to them. Basically, I have the code written that does what it needs to do, but I can't quite understand why it works. I was hoping someone could clear up my understanding a bit.


The first line generates a list of files. I wrap each line in quotes because they usually have spaces in the directory names.

The second line changes IFS, and I understand what IFS itself does. What I don't quite get is what the separator becomes with that echo statement. If I'm reading that correctly, the backspace will remove the newline and essentially the result is nothing? I found this solution on a web page somewhere, but it was years old and there was no real explanation.

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Ubuntu :: Scripting - Copying Files Listed In A Text File ?

Apr 15, 2010

I've got a text file with a list of .gz files, these .gz files are in various sub directories of one parent directory and I've hacked this little script together to copy them from their current location to a new one and spit out any it can't find to "/home/user/not_found" but for the life of me can't get it to run properly!

The shell script as it currently looks:


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Programming :: Execute Multiple Sql Files Using Scripting?

May 19, 2010

My query is i have a.sql , b.sql , c.sql files which needs to be executed using "$ db2 -tvf a.sql"; "$ db2 -tvf b.sql"; "$db2 -tvf c.sql" , script with which i can execute all these sql files in a single shot.

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Software :: Reading Files In Shell Scripting?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to read the fields of a file and manipulate them, record by record. Lets say using awk :

awk -F":" `{print $1 $2 $3 $4 $5}' TrackMsgFile.0806`

This prints my fields on screen.But I dont want to print these fields while reading the records instead store them in some variable and manipulate them as per my logic. Does "awk" or some other shell command provides something for this ?

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General :: Scripting Copying Files From A NTFS Partition?

Jan 22, 2010

I record my lectures at school using my mobile phone then send them over wifi to my laptop and use a program to do volume correction all in windows. However, I want a exact copy of that folder in my home folder on my ubuntu install on a separate partition.I've been manually copying them over so far but I want to make a script that I can run to copy all new files over. I know a little bit about scripting, mounting the drive and actually copying files is easy, its figuring out how to determine new files and copy only those that I don't know how to do.

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General :: Scripting To Move Thousands Of Files Into Folders

May 25, 2011

Our client has a website (Joomla 1.5 based) to promote participation in and report results of a 10k race for runners in Scandinavia...

The race is scheduled for late June and will be covered by at least 5 still photographers at various points along the race course.

There are to be about 5,000 runners, each entered under a shirt number like bib_1000 through bib_5999, and this means there will be a significant number of digital jpg files submitted by the photographers...

The client has in place some software which will "automagically" resize, watermark, and rename the individual files in the form:

And so on with a possibility of as many as 10 or 12 images in the aggregate with the same alpha-numeric "shirt number" at the beginning of the filename.

Our presentation software does a great job of handling thumbnail image generation and displaying a slideshow in a lightbox of all files within a given folder on the webserver.

And now finally the question...

Given a folder containing 25,000 or so *.jpg files, how can we write a script that:

1. parses the filenames to unique "shirt numbers"
2. makes folders with each "shirt number" as the foldername
3. moves the files from the root of the original folder into the appropriate "shirt number" folder.

Note that the order of my list above is not important, and if you know of a better way to organize the task we are fine with that.

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Programming :: Bash Scripting - Output As Multiple Files?

Jan 26, 2011

I have wrote a 1 line command that parses a file, locates the IP Address in the file and then trims the output the way I want it, and then sorts numerically and by uniqueness and then >> appends to output.txt

I can get all the IP's into 1 file "output.txt", but what I am really looking for is some type of way to create a text file, for each IP it finds labeled xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.txt and also put that ip address into that file..

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx = the ip address it finds

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Programming :: Compare Two Files Using Perl Or Shell Scripting?

Mar 8, 2010

I want to compare the following two tab-delimited .txt files (both were subsets of the original files) by comparing Columns 3 and 4 simultaneously. It is easy to compare C3 because both C3s are just numbers. But how to compare C4s?Basically, in File1, "G,G" = G in File2, "C,C" = C in File2, "A,A" = A in File2, "T,T"= T in File2.In File2, A/T in Column4 just equals "A,T" or "T,A" in Column4 of File1. C/T in Column4 just equals "C,T" or "T,C" in Column4 of File1, and etc.


C1C2 C3C4
ih508- 7244977"A,A"


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General :: Shell Scripting: Getting Multiple Input Files For An Application?

Sep 21, 2010

I am running an application called QuantiSNP [URL]. The binary file is "quantisnp2", called upon in the "run_quantisnp2.sh" supplied by the authors. I am only able to run the application for single file processing (e.g. 1 input file for 1 sample; I can't run the batch file processing because I don't have the necessary BeadStudio report files, which has different formatting for the input files).

The difficulty is that I have 300 samples (300 unique sample IDs) and 3 input files for each sample for a total of 900 runs of this application. I am wondering how would I be able to automate this process as a shell script instead of basically manually changing the sample ID and respective input files every time a run completes? I bolded the single file processing shell script command line options below that need to be changed for each sample/input single file processing run. The command line option "--sampleid" is for the name given to the processed output files corresponding to the sample of interest and there are 3 input files for each sample.

/home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp/linux64/run_quantisnp2.sh /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/MCR/v79/ --config /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp/config/params.dat --levels /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp/config/levels-affy.dat --outdir /home2/jason/QuantiSNP/quantisnp_out/ --sampleid sample1 --gender female --input-files /home2/jason/files/sample1_input.txt

Note that each sample has 3 input files, for a total of 3 runs of "quantisnp2" for each sample. e.g.

sample1 /home2/jason/files/sample1_input.txt
sample1 /home2/jason/files/sample1_input2.txt
sample1 /home2/jason/files/sample1_input3.txt


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General :: Shell Scripting - Compare Strings From Two Different Simple .txt Files?

Jul 29, 2010

what command is to be used to call strings from other files to the script and then comparing strings from two different files in the script to check if strings are matched then return the result to another script.

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Programming :: Firefox Scripting Add-on (Scripting HTML / Javascript Inside Firefox)?

Sep 17, 2009

Is there a firefox add-on to script HTML and/or Javascript directly inside firefox

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General :: 'make Menuconfig' To Make These Files Modules Rather Than Compiled Elements?

Feb 25, 2011

I need to modify fs/open.c and fs/read_write.c to make my modifications. I cannot find any options in 'make menuconfig' to make these files modules rather than compiled elements. I'm thinking these cannot be modules because the file system won't work without open.c and read_write.c. Is this correct - I cannot compile fs/open.c and fs/read_write.c as modules, only as compiled elements? Or, is there some way for a module to overwrite these routines when the module is installed and re-enable the routines when the module is removed?

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General :: Scripting - Cp A List Of Files Which Starts With - Or Space Without - Or Space?

Oct 14, 2009

I have a list of files in a directory which starts with - or have space.

I need to copy them back without the space or -?

linux1[sim]% ls linux1[sim]% cp ./-* ./*

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Fedora Shell Scripting \ "Find In Curent Folder For Files, And It Copy First File He Find With Name Gived By User?

May 18, 2011

shell scripting in Fedora14I want a script"Find in curent folder for files, and it copy first file he find with name gived by user, if name already exist then echo error message and finish"command usage " bash scriptname copyASname"

smthing like Code: #!/bin/bash
for files in /home/user/*


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Ubuntu :: Make An Iso From The Files On A Cd?

Apr 25, 2010

just wanted to know how i can make an iso from the files on a cd.

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Ubuntu :: What Files Make Up The Terminal

Feb 1, 2011

I am looking at writing my own distro am and trying to get a hang of the basics. I know linux basics with some more advanced stuff mixed in and currently run the latest version of Ubuntu. My question is what files make up the terminal in Ubuntu?

I would like to take these, get a GRUB together and make a version of Linux. I know this could be insanely complicated but its all part of my learning curve. So back to my original question what files make up the terminal? My first experiment will be a dos-like terminal if I can figure it all out.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Make Files Executable?

May 28, 2011

I cant make files executable anymore.using chmod or from file properties.. it isn't working.
AS far as I remember, I didn't make any changes in the user settings and my account has the administrator rights. For an un-executable file, say a jpg or a txt, it can be done.but doesn't happen with a .sh, .py or any other xecutable. chmodi-ing shows no error, but the file isn't executable. Through the GUI, when I check the box , its immediately unchecked again.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Alsa .deb Files

May 14, 2010

I have two PCs. One is my work PC, the other for the kids. I want to create the .deb files on my PC, burn to cd, copy the .deb to the PIII, and install the .deb files using sudo dpkg i package.deb I have also done some googling on how to make a .deb file. It seems that instead of make install, I should use checkinstall. Is this feasible ? How should how I modify the Alsa instructions ?

I got this from the Alsa site: Make a directory to store the alsa source code in:


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Ubuntu :: How To Make Files Read And Write

Jan 12, 2010

i know that chmod +x makes a certain file executable but how do i make a file read and write.

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Ubuntu :: Make A SFX File That Will Extract It's Files?

Jan 17, 2010

OK, So I'm trying to make a SFX file that will extract it's files your home folder, But I can't seem to figure out how.

First you have to make an archive,

rar a Zipper.zip txt.txt
Then you have to make the sfx.
rar s Zipper.zip

But they still get extracted wherever the sfx volume is.

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Ubuntu :: Make Executable .sh Files Run Automatically?

Feb 19, 2010

How do you make executable .sh files run automatically without prompting me on whether I want to Run in Terminal, Display, or Run?

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Ubuntu :: Need To Make Bash Script Files

Apr 16, 2010

I need to know what is the best method for teaching yourself how to make bash script files

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Script Files Executable

Jun 1, 2010

I would like to make lisp files executable. Ie. i can go like this on the command prompt


and it would invoke a .sh script on hello.lisp which would cause the file to execute.

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Ubuntu :: Make Files And Folders Hidden?

Oct 1, 2010

is there any way to make files and folders hidden?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Make CD Of Downloaded Files

Sep 1, 2011

I've downloaded 4 versions of Ubuntu and Kubuntu but I've had no success in making a CD. Downloading them at the same time should not have been the problem as I've done it before. This was done after a fresh install of 9.04 Jaunty I had a problem with previous installs I have of an upgraded lucid 10.04 Could several partitions cause a file corruption, I know I had a file problem with Ubuntu one across several partitions.

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Ubuntu :: Make Bash Script Files?

Apr 16, 2010

I need to know what is the best method for how to make bash script files

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Ubuntu :: Make Files Visible On The Desktop?

Mar 13, 2010

I recently switched from Ubuntu to Kubuntu (fresh install of the OS, not just installing KDE), and I'm more than a little lost. When I download files to the desktop, they don't appear on the Desktop. I can see that they're in /home/andrew/Desktop through Dolphin, but the icons just aren't there. I was able to successfully put an icon for Firefox, but the icons for these files just aren't showing up. I can't help but think it might just be due to a setting, but for the life of me I absolutely can't find it and I've been googling to no avail. how to make files visible on the desktop?

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