Ubuntu :: Image Manipulation In Bash Scripting?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a bash script that inserts some text onto every image at a certain place within a directory.

Heres what I have (from a German friend who appears online once in a blue moon), this is the line that resizes to a maximum of 800 either width or height and puts in the text 'text goes here'.

convert ${bild} -resize "800x800>" -strip -family Arial -pointsize 16 -draw "gravity southeast fill rgba(255,0,0, 1.0) text 10,10 'text goes here'" ${dstdir}/${bild}

Now, I would like to know how to place a PNG image (a watermark, so to speak) over all images within a directory in a certain place, so how would I go about modifying this line to place an image instead of the text?

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Debian :: Image Manipulation In BASH?

Nov 7, 2010

I would like the ability to manipulate a jpg (bmp, gif and raw would be nice as well) while in BASH. To be more specific, I would like to either add a water mark or a little section as a footer on the bottom of an image.

I will be using this as part of a shell script to alter files in a directory on my webserver.

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Ubuntu :: Looking For Jpeg Image Manipulation Program?

Jan 20, 2010

Looking for jpeg image manipulation program

I was wondering what is available in the Linux world that would allow me to combine two or more jpegs into one grid-based image. I want to upload some images to an online auction and would like to combine them beforehand.

Haven't looked through Synaptic Package Manager yet.

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General :: Column Manipulation In Bash Script

Mar 19, 2010

I have a text file and I need to replace the 3rd column of that file from row 3 to the end of the file with a column which I have stored in the different text file. For e.g the original file is like given below:

a.txt nobla 6 gadf 72.500 1.600 1.800 .850 5.250 8.540
A# rad ang ht prf bk sd dia type blade
1 0.3081 9.00 1.9235 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1613 1
2 0.6509 194.00 2.0316 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1613 4
3 1.0128 8.00 2.1457 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 1
4 1.3748 192.00 2.2598 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 4
5 1.6986 7.00 2.3619 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 1
6 1.9347 120.00 2.4364 -17.51 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 5
7 2.1327 190.00 2.4988 -17.34 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 4

So lets say I wanna replace column 3 from row 3 to row 7 with a data from another file which is given below:

So the final output file should be like this:
a.txt nobla 6 gadf 72.500 1.600 1.800 .850 5.250 8.540
A# rad ang ht prf bk sd dia type blade
1 0.3081 54.00 1.9235 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1613 1
2 0.6509 239.00 2.0316 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1613 4
3 1.0128 53.00 2.1457 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 1
4 1.3748 237.00 2.2598 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 4
5 1.6986 52.00 2.3619 -17.50 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 1
6 1.9347 165.00 2.4364 -17.51 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 5
7 2.1327 235.00 2.4988 -17.34 18.00 -3.00 0.6250 1616 4

And I will post the code whatever i have tried soon. I started with awk and cut commands..but never got it to work and also tried PASTE command too.

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Programming :: Text Manipulation With Bash For Snort Alert

Nov 26, 2010

I have a little problem about string in Snort alerting. I understood about Snort alerting saved in /var/log/snort/alert and Snort will add a new entry if there was a attack from anywhere. Then here's my problem. Because it has a lot of file on it, all I want to do is parse that string in snort alert then make into simply log files with it. I'm getting confused with Snort alert and parse that file.

Here's the simple algorithm; Snort get the alert <- parse the alert with my parameter which I've configured with bash (ip address, dest, kind of attack and time) <- then sent that parse alert into new text (let's called snortsent.txt) <- after ten alerts then clear the text then waiting again until the Snort alert go on -> back to snort alert. Here's the sample of my snort alert: (/var/log/snort/alert)


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Programming :: Bash - Reading Csv Delimited File To Array And For Further Manipulation?

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to do this:

1. Read csv delimited file line1 and store all values in array

2. Use the values stored in the array and replace values in other text file with them

3. read line2 in the cvs file and repeat the process

4. Do above for all lines in the cvs file

for example:

file1.cvs content:

text1,text2,text3,"text 4"
a1,a2,3,"a 4"

file.txt content:

some text $array1$ some text
some text $array2$ some text

1. read line 1 - text1,text2,text3,"text 4" put each value in array X[] lines that contain spaces in cvs will have double quotes

2. read x[1] and replace value $array1$ (in file.txt) with x[1]read x[2] and replace value $array2$ (in file.txt) with x[2] and so on

Can above be accomplished in BASH and how?

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Programming :: Reading A Bash Variable In Bash Scripting ?

Nov 26, 2008

I have a config file that contains:



Now in my bash script, I want to get the output /home/user instead of $HOME once read. So far, I have managed to get the $HOME variable but I can't get it to echo the variable. All I get is the output $HOME.

Here is my parse_cmd script:


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Fedora :: Text File Manipulation With Standard Commands In BASH - Remove The Stock Code

Oct 10, 2009

I need to do some text file manipulation which I think should be done with standard commands in BASH. I'm looking at comma seperated text files (stock market data). It comes in the form of date, stock code, open, high, low, close, volume. What I need to do first is move all data with same stock code sequentially into individual files.

While doing this since the stock code will now be the file name I need to remove the stock code. Next I need to filter out overlapping data from different files with the same date. ie. where two files contain the same date on the one line only one line will be added to the combined file. I think there must be a tutorial out there for basic text manipulation like this, I just haven't found it yet.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting Gives Bad Substitution

Feb 18, 2011

I'm trying to get the substring of a string in bash. Here is the code:
#! /bin/bash
INDEX_OF=`expr index "$LOCAL_HOSTNAME" 1`
echo $INDEX_OF

It's supposed to get the current hostname, assign it to variable LOCAL_HOSTNAME, get the first occurrence of "1" from hostname and assign value to INDEX_OF, the get the substring from variable LOCAL_HOSTNAME (starting at index 0 through INDEX_OF) and asign it to SERVER_HOSTNAME. No matter how much I've tried it keeps throwing Bad substitution error at the substring. I've searched and it says it has to be bash... but it is bash, both the sh script and the running shell. The LOCAL_HOSTNAME and INDEX_OF variables are ok.

Here is the output:
I've also tried to get the substring without the INDEX_OF but it gives the same error: SERVER_HOSTNAME=${LOCAL_HOSTNAME:0}
test.sh: 7: Bad substitution

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Ubuntu :: Loop Commands In Bash Scripting?

May 15, 2010

What is the difference between For and While when creating loops in bash scripting?

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General :: What Is Purpose Of Bash Scripting?

May 15, 2010

What is the purpose of bash scripting? Is it just for file manipulation?

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Programming :: Scripting The Email With Bash?

Jul 8, 2010

I need to find a way to download the attachment from a daily report e-mail to me. The kicker is it will need to be down with a cron tabbed bash script.For example, which linux based CLI client is best suited to be scripted?

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General :: How To Set Incrontab In Bash Scripting

Mar 7, 2011

I have a question;

Is it possible to set incrontab in bash script? I tried to set normal crontab and it works like a charm but unfortunately not "incrontab"

I have two bash files; test-incrontab.sh and addlinetocrontab.sh and here are the contents of these files respectively;



As you can see there are two enteries in each file. One for normal crontab and other one for incrontab. When i run "test-incrontab.sh" like following;


crontab works perfectly and i can see cron job set but for incrontab it just does not work. No error either!

I am only getting this back "table unchanged"

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Programming :: Bash Scripting: How To Keep Leading 0 On ' And '

Jan 27, 2010

I'm trying to put together a script that will quickly run through an archive directory of log files that are named by day of the month 01.gz, 02.gz, 03.gz.... 31.gz. The script uses gunzip -c | grep | wc to count up the total number of hourly occurrences of a filename and outputs the results to stdout.

The only snag I have left is the octal limit when it gets to 08 and 09. I've seen examples using perl and awk, but this script uses a number of nested for loops and if statements that I don't want to have to rewrite in a different syntax. I found that I can use num=10#08 to set that variable to a base 10 instead of a base 8, but then I lose the leading 0 again when it passes the number to the next filename variable.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting: Making A Text File

Jul 12, 2010

I am tying to write a script that asks for user input and saves it to a text file using awk so example #!/bin/bash read a awk #saves to file

I had a working scripted last night, deleted it by mistake and for the life of me can not remember how i did it.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Scripting - To Copy A List Of Files

Dec 6, 2010

I'm writing a bash script to copy a list of files and do some stuff to them. Basically, I have the code written that does what it needs to do, but I can't quite understand why it works. I was hoping someone could clear up my understanding a bit.


The first line generates a list of files. I wrap each line in quotes because they usually have spaces in the directory names.

The second line changes IFS, and I understand what IFS itself does. What I don't quite get is what the separator becomes with that echo statement. If I'm reading that correctly, the backspace will remove the newline and essentially the result is nothing? I found this solution on a web page somewhere, but it was years old and there was no real explanation.

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Debian Programming :: Bash Scripting For Jessie

Aug 25, 2015

You are probably using systemd (check it with ps --pid 1) and therefore /etc/init.d isn't considered for autostart. Here can you find some information about systemd and autostart [1]. As far as I know systemd isn't intended to start applications with systemd. I recommend you to use the autostart feature of your window manager or desktop environment or at least the .xinitrc.

[URL] ....

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General :: Bash Scripting - Grab First And Last Number?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm trying to get an output of a file in numeric order. Basically I need the starting number and the ending number in sed this into anther file. The test2.lis file I'm just awk'ing for the first row and if its out of order put it in order so I can grab the first and last numbers. I'm sure I can do this all in an array. The first sed command gets rid of blank lines and outputs it to a file. Then I head and tail for the first and last number then I want to sed those numbers into a file that exsist.


The error I get is:

sed: -e expression #1, char 24: unterminated `s' command.

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General :: Bash Scripting / A Command That Can Stop Others?

Mar 31, 2010

i would like to ask something very simple i hope for most off you but i couldn't find anything in other questions so specific...

So...i need a command to stop another command.

more specific i have to run airodump-ng and i want this command to stop after some seconds (or minutes) automatically....

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General :: Combine Bash Scripting With Apache?

Apr 3, 2011

how to combine bash scripting with apache.

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General :: Bash Shell Scripting Request?

Feb 27, 2011

I am working on a simple script that should take two command line arguments, a [number] and a [name]. The first thing the script should do is check to make sure that no more and no less than two command line arguments have been entered when calling the script - an error message should be delivered if the condition is not true.

If two args have been entered, then the message 'processing "scriptname"' should appear, where scriptname is the name of the script being called. The script should then write to the screen "Hi [name]!", and should write this phrase [number] of times. For example, the command $ myscript 2 joe would produce the output: I have read the manual many times looking for examples, and I am very close by virtue of my own efforts. Further, I have searched these forums and others for good examples, which have also gotten me very close. Still my script is not completing the objective, and I am wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. Script:


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Software :: Bash Scripting And Integer Variables?

Jun 6, 2010

Are there numerical variables (like type int in C) in the shell script language of bash? Say I want a counter to increment each time a loop is traversed.

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Programming :: BASH Scripting - Creating A Map Tree?

May 7, 2011

looking to write a dependency map tree that creates a tree structure of object names . This tree will be written to a file and read back to create the tree structure of files . how to write this using bash ?

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Programming :: Bash Scripting: Menu From File?

May 29, 2011

I have a file called list.txt with on word on each line that changes in length. I'd like to make a menu, each line being its own choice. I pieced together most of it the only thing missing is a failsafe for typing a number out of range

p=`cat list.txt | awk '{print$1}'`


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Programming :: Bash Scripting - Pointed In The Right Direction?

Jul 6, 2011

I've been using Ubuntu for about 6 months now, but haven't had a need to start scripting until just recently. I know programming basics, but that's about it.Anyway, I have a program that I would normally run in this manner (note that I didn't create a permanent alias because I've been moving the program around a lot):alias dx='python /path/to/dxProgram.py' dx A_input.dx B_input.dxSo, you see, program dx takes two input files, and 'A' must come before 'B'. I have a folder full of these types of files that I'd like to loop through with this program. They're named as follows:



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Ubuntu :: Adding Strings To The Front And End Of Variables In Bash Scripting?

Mar 3, 2010

How do you add strings to the front and end of variables in bash scripting? for example, if I have


in as the contents of my variable, I want to add "l" to the front and "k" to the back of the contents.

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Ubuntu :: Start Learning GUI Bash Scripting But Can't Find The Right Tutorial?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to start learning GUI bash scripting but I can't find the right tutorial. I'm interesting at creating menus like ex. IPTRAF or MC (midnight commander) but all i find is tutorials for KDE & GNOME. The idea is that I want to create programs that don't need X sessions.

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Debian :: BASH Scripting - How To Use Variables With Filename Spaces

Jun 25, 2015

I am trying to create scripts to move files over from one directory to an ftp server and there is this one file with spaces that bash is see each word as being a file, here is the variable i am trying to use:

Code: Select allLOCL = '/mnt/cifs/"File name with spaces"/'
cd  $LOCL
ls -l

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General :: Bash Scripting Auth Check For Pop3?

Mar 30, 2010

I need to make a bash scripting, based on a password and a user,that connect to pop3 server and see if it login,if you can,return ok, otherwise return ERR .

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General :: Bash Scripting - Removing Strings From MP3 Filenames

Oct 5, 2010

I've been surfing and searching the net quit a while now to make my own script, but I haven't been really successful ever since I want to make a script which can remove strings from my mp3 collection (file names).

For example:
101-bob_sinclar_feat_sean_paul-tik_tok_(radio_edit).mp3 --> bob_sinclar_feat_sean_paul-tik_tok_(radio_edit).mp3
10-Young Jeezy-Lose My Mind (78 Bpm) (Repack).mp3 --> young_jeezy-lose_my_mind.mp3

Now the problem is how can I remove the strings like:
101 & 10 (dynamic)
(%%% Bpm) (dynamic)
(Repack) (static)

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