Ubuntu :: Script At Session Boot Dont Load After Reboot

Nov 18, 2010

I've put a script in the "startup application preference". He load fine when i close and open my session, but he didn't load if i reboot or wake up before opening my session.That's the command i've write in the "startup application preference" : sh /home/myname/intuos.sh(The only thing my script do for now are reversing the button on the mouse of my Intuos4)I don't think my script are badly write, since he work manually.

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Fedora Networking :: Web Pages Dont Load Completely ?

Dec 14, 2010

I am using BSNL WLL (Wireless Local Loop) on my Fedora system to connect to the internet My modem is Huawei ETS-1201, I use wvdial The problem is that, on every linux distribution I tried, Webpages dont load or load incompletely randomly This happens most during peak net traffic. I tried to edit the /etc/ppp/options file to set my MTU and MRU to 576

But, It does not seem to be working. There is no such problem on Windows and I can connect flawlessly I takes several retries to connect to a site. I sometimes become frustrated with this and switch to Windows But as you all know, Windows is not the right OS for people who want more from their computers.

Below my specs:
Intel Core 2 Duo E8400
WD 320GB 7200rpm HDD

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Fedora Installation :: F15 Upgrade - Cold Boot Error "Your System Last Boot Fail Or Post Interrupted Please Enter Setup To Load Default And Reboot"

Jun 30, 2011

I just upgraded to F15 and it went well. But at the next and each subsequent cold boot the BIOS reports "Your system last boot fail or post interrupted Please enter setup to load default and reboot". The board is an asus P5N-D. I press F1 to blow past the error and all is well until the next cold boot. Restarts are fine, no errors at all.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04.1 Dont Boot In Graphics Mode

Feb 4, 2011

I had been using Ubuntu 10.04.1 in a Macbook pro (triple boot: Mac, Win7 and Ubuntu). Now I am not able to boot in to Ubuntu in graphics mode. It just freezes after the Ubuntu logo appears. It happened once before and I re-installed the OS. Now I have the same issue. I can boot in recovery mode and get into my account.

When I tried startx command I get the error below:

(there is more stuff splashed on the screen, but the above two are the only errors I see)

I thought of reinstalling the OS. But this may happen again and re-installing the OS every month wipes out all my configurations and files in my account.

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Ubuntu :: Make Kde Not To Start/memorize Previous Session After Reboot?

Aug 25, 2010

i am one gnome-user, but need to set up kde/Kubuntu/Mint 9 KDE on my wifes computer. So, i have few questions:

1) how to make kde not to start/memorize previous session after reboot?

2) in gnome-power-manager i can read Battery Health (mAh, Design Capacity...)-something like that in KDE? In KDE Power manager i have no such readings.

3) is there some cleaning tool as for gnome ubuntu-tweak?

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Ubuntu :: Command Can Enter Into The Terminal Or Over An SSH Session - Delayed Reboot

Jan 29, 2011

Is there a command i can enter into the terminal or over an SSH session to make an Ubuntu system reboot a few hours later? Sometimes I want to reboot my server and it should take place in the middle of the night when I'm asleep.

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Software :: Gedit Keeps Reverting To A Previous Session After Reboot

Jan 20, 2011

I usually save my gedit session each dayas I'd have many text files open at once. In Ubuntu Tweak I set it to remember my open applications after I reboot. Lately I've noticed that gedit keeps reverting to a previous session after reboot

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSUSE 11.2 And 11.3 Resume Session After Halt/reboot?

Sep 16, 2010

Once I halt my desktop machine and then boot it back up, applications previously open will open automatically. Is this some sort of KDE4 feature? Or what process is responsible for this? And is there some sort of file constantly updated about open programs and once I reboot, this file is read by KDE during the boot-up and those previously open programs will be started automatically?

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OpenSUSE Install :: After Installing 11.2 Computer Dont Boot

Jan 25, 2010

Well, in first place let me tell you that my HDD boot sector or i dont know what is damaged, so to boot i made a boot usb with the grubdos utility, so anytime i want to boot in win7 i have to plug my usb and select win7 from it.Today i finished downloading the opensuse iso, then i mounted the image with poweriso and initialized the install, and it asked me to restart my computer, after that when i boot from my usb pendrive it goes directly to the opensuse install, but it just showme the blackscreen and nothing happens.

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Server :: Heartbeat Dont Start Automatically On Boot-up

Mar 22, 2011

I have configured heartbeat+DRBD on a SLES10 SP3 cluster and that's working fine except when both nodes are down and I turn on only one node. When this happens, the heartbeat don't starts automatically (the service status says it's unused, so the services, IP address and partition don't start automatically too).
I can turn on the heartbeat manually (service heartbeat start) and get the services, ip address and partition initialized too, but I'd like to make it starts automatically because it's possible to have one node broken and the person that will turn on the other node can forget to manually starts the service.

-When the heartbeat is unused on the first node and I turn on the second node, the heartbeat on the first node starts automatically and everything is fine.
-The command "chkconfig heartbeat on" was executed.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: System Dont Boot Without A Graphic Card

Sep 7, 2010

I have an cent os system,that i installed on my server. I have installed it with a graphical installation.(with graphic card) Now the system doesnt boot without a graphic card. I want use my server without a graphic card.

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SUSE :: Failing To Load The Gnome Session - GTK Warning - Cannot Open Display

Apr 27, 2010

I am using SLES 10 SP3(x86_64). I was trying to install gtk/wxwidget through yast.

After that i rebooted my system, now system is failing to load in GUI mode.

If i can give the log of last few lines are as follows

Then it asks for login, only shell is available for me. How to login to gui mode..

I tried using the command gnome-session it gives error (gnome-session: 4101): Gtk-Warning **: cannot open display:

Also i tried using init 5, but again it prompts the my servername.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.3 Will Not Load After First Reboot During Install / Fix It?

Oct 26, 2010

11.3 will not load after the first reboot during install, after the reboot the screen just goes blank and that's all.

This is a single setup no dual boot, from openSUSE-11.3-DVD-x86_64, on brand new Latitude E6510 laptop.

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Fedora Installation :: Laptop Doesnt Load After The First Reboot After Install?

May 10, 2010

I have laptop ASUS X51RL with Intel pentium dual core inside processor. As mentioned here:I tried to install i386 FC12 on it. When the instalation was completed, there was a message to reboot. So did I, and while the BIOS was still loading, of course, removed the DVD in order not to repeat the instalation. Fedora started loading with the three varioants of the blue color bars and suddenly on the screenappeared a long message finishing with the words: "kernel panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt " and that was all - the system stopped untillo there and never loaded For the last 2 days this is about my 12th attempt to get linux. Before I had tried about over 6 times with ubuntu, finishing the same way after the first reboot, 1 time knoppix and 2 times Debian. Only debian succeeded to load succesfully after its instaltion was complete, but I didnt linke it and a friend of mine strongly recommended me FC12. So what am I supposed to do??? I guarentee, my hard disc is not corruted as I read 1 hundred times on google, I had benn running windows 7 before I started trying to get linux and everything was OK... the install DVD is also OK, I tested it in the same beginning of the instalation and the test was successfull.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Fresh Install + Update & Reboot = Unable To Open Session?

Sep 14, 2010

I just reinstalled my OpenSuse 11.3 with the GNOME desktop. As soon as I was done installing and I was on a fresh desktop, I installed the Yast updates that were available, rebooted, and now I can't login to any of my User accounts. Whenever I try to login, it tells me that it is "Unable to Open Session".o any of you know how I can fix this without having to reinstall all over again

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Load Session "gnome"

May 5, 2011

I recently upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04. I am able to log into and use LXDE desktop, but at the GUI login when I try to log into gnome-shell or Open Box, the log in fails. With Open Box I just get a black screen. When trying gnome, I get error "Failed to load session "gnome." When trying KDE Plasma I get music and then black screen on which I can control the mouse cursor.

Attached is my hardware info and xsession error file. I am using a Samsung SyncMaster 175v monitor. Version 10.10 worked well, with not issues, and was fully updated. I followed the upgrade directions, I believe.

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Ubuntu :: Reboot And Select Proper Boot Device Or Insert Boot Media In Selected Boot Device And Press A Key

Apr 16, 2011

Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I got this error after: Reducing my Windows 7 partition by about 100gb. Creating a new partition (100gb) and copying my Ubuntu partition (10gb) to the new partition. After it was copied, and pasted, the original partition was deleted. I now had two partitions a new 100gb Ubuntu partition and a 600gb (or so) Windows 7 partition.

All of this was done using a bootable USB with Ubuntu 10.10 and GParted partition editor. Now when I boot I get the "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key." error.

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Ubuntu :: Permissions In A Live Session On Boot From CD

Jul 19, 2010

Have problem with HD too full so I have booted from a live CD hoping to copy my document and data files onto an external drive.

Have a problem with a couple directories on my HD. They have a X on them and when I try to copy them I get an error message that I do not have permission to read them. Same thing happens when I go to open the directory to see what files are in there.

I can get the permissions changed in live CD session so I can copy them to the external drive.

No luck doing it in a regular boot to my HD as it will not allow me in due to the HD being full. Even in terminal I can't access the directories in question because the seem not to exist but yet when I do a df command they show up.

P.S. This problem occurred after I updated to ver 10.4

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Ubuntu :: Boot Straight Into A Terminal Session?

May 15, 2011

I'm using a low spec machine and want to run it 'headless', so I don't need a GUI and want to conserve resources.How do I boot straight into a terminal session, rather than a GUI?

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Ubuntu :: Laptop Boot Failure - Invalid Enviroment Block - Unable To Load Default Boot Entries

Mar 3, 2010

Have been running ubuntu for sometime now and love its functionality...However since a recent update have the following issues..When I power on the laptop I get the toshiba logo followed by grub loading with the message ' invalid enviroment block" "unable to load default boot entries". When I then try to run the laptop off a LiveCd, the ubuntu splash screen appears with the loading process bar (horizontal line) displayed..however it then appears to display a black screen with no further activity..Now all of this is via an external monitor as my laptop screen shows no activity right from the very start with just a blank screen....so am really stuck here wondering if its a harware/software issue or a combination of both...

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General :: Application On Server To Allow Network Boot Of Windows Pc's Force Boot Img Load

Apr 6, 2011

A colleague of mine was studying at the University of Vienna and saw an application which was based on linux whereby other pc's booted from it and if on the server they had set it to force a clean install on that PC it would download and install a windows image. Does anyone know of the app or could point me in the direction of a similar app.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Kde Session Manager For Kde3 And 4, And Now Only Will Boot To Run Level 3

Oct 28, 2010

I lost my kde session manager (for kde3 and kde4), and now Kubuntu 9.10 only will boot to run level 3. This occurred when I used the synaptic package manager to remove all the kde 3 desktop, to then allow an upgrade to Kubuntu 10.04 version, due to a error message about that kde3. I was able to log into either kde 3 or 4 before this, so what do I type in that text mode run level 3 to fix this issue, and to have my KDE session manager back working ? Or do I now need to install a fresh Kubuntu 10.04 with only KDE 4.?

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Ubuntu :: Lost Kde Session Manager For Kde3 And 4, And Now Only Will Boot To Run Level 3?

Oct 27, 2010

I lost my kde session manager (for kde3 and kde4), and now Kubuntu 9.10 only will boot to run level 3. This occurred when I used the synaptic package manager to remove all the kde 3 desktop, to then allow an upgrade to Kubuntu 10.04 version, due to a error message about that kde3. I was able to log into either kde 3 or 4 before this, so what do I type in that text mode run level 3, to fix this issue and to have my KDE session manager back working ? Or do I now need to install fresh 10.04 ?

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Ubuntu :: Session Manager / Select As A Startup Session?

Nov 1, 2010

Is there a session manager I can use with 10.10? I would like to try Openbox but am not sure how to select it as a startup session. I would like to be able to choose between kde, gnome and openbox.

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Debian :: Add User To Login Boot Session

Nov 12, 2015

I'v debian with xfce, how can I automatically insert my user at login screen?? ...and what's the name of the program that start the login screen and maybe change it??

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Debian :: Xfce-session Does Not Start After Boot?

Dec 15, 2010

This morning I did a minimal install of Debian to test out xfce and lxde, purely out of curiosity.I tried LXDE first. For various reasons I wasn't entirely pleased, so I removed it and installed xfce4 in a vanilla openbox session. Upon reboot, I was greeted with the CLI. I generated a new xorg.conf file to see if the transition to xfce had altered it, but was greeted with the CLI again after another reboot. I manually started X with 'startx' and noted that the xfce session manager was installed. The xdm session manager, however, was not.Installing xdm fixed the problem, kind of. I am now greeted with an xdm login screen rather than an xfce session login screen. What can I do to have xfce-session be my default login screen?

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General :: Error, "failed To Load Session "Gnome"" At Start Up?

Jun 11, 2011

How do you resolve the error, "failed to load session "Gnome"" at start up?

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Ubuntu :: Gnom Doent Boot Only Xterm Session And Failsafe Gnome?

Mar 31, 2010

my when i boot my ubuntu 8.10 i get only xterm failsafe ,however failsafe Gnome does open , i have tried several solutions from the web such as deleting .profile file and some other solutions but none works.here's my .xsession-errors file

/etc/gdm/Xsessin: beginning session setup...
/etc/gdm/Xsession: Executing default failed ,will try to run x-terminal-emulator

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Ubuntu Installation :: Boot To The Parted Magic Graphical Session The PC Hanged?

May 24, 2011

The problem is when I boot from the lubuntu CD & select Try Lubuntu or Install Lubuntu the computer hangs. Xubuntu 10.04 was aready installed & I could easily boot to it. I thought may be some partition table error is causing that issue & I deleted all the existing partitions with Parted Magic Cd in Console Mode.

NB: When I tried to boot to the Parted Magic graphical session the PC hanged then too.I am totally confused. Cant understand what is going wrong here. I am now left with a broken system.

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Slackware :: Script - Telnet Session Is Opened And Then Some More Commands Are Forwarded To That Session?

Apr 12, 2010

hypothetically speaking, can i write a script in which a telnet session is opened and then some more commands are forwarded to that session?

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