Ubuntu :: Save Pdf On NTF Partition?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a partition with NTFS file system, i us it with ubuntu and windows. When i read a pdf with evince or adobe reader i can't save it on the partition.i must save the pdf on ext3/4 and then copy it on the ntfs partition.How can i save directly the pdf on that partition?

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Software :: Create Backup Partition With Dd And Save Backup On NTFS Partition?

Oct 24, 2010

I create Backup partition with dd and save my backup on NTFS partition. i want recover this backup,what should i do? can i use boot cd and use dd command for recover it?

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Ubuntu :: Save /home To A Folder In A Partition

Feb 5, 2010

I have a dual boot machine. I have changed "My Documents" in Windows 7 to my G partition to the folder "G/Windows data" I have just bought a Buffalo networked 1TB LinkStation backup drive for our two desktops and notebook, and the backup software is useless for Linux and Windows 7 - won't install with anything later than XP! So I will want a linux program to backup the two folders in Drive G to the LinkStation every day, automatically - if that is possible. I now want to change my /Home drive to another folder in the G drive called "G/Ubuntu data"

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Debian :: Save A Document In A Mounted Partition?

May 9, 2010

I am trying to save a document in a mounted partition but its says I don't have the permissions to save the file. It says this for any partition. I am only able to save it in my home directory. How to I solve this. Basically I am trying to access a file in linux in windows xp. So I need to save the file in fat 32 partition which it is not allowing me to do.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Copy / Save File In Extended Partition

Feb 3, 2010

I recently installed Jaunty in my departmental machine which is having 70 GB harddisk and 512 MB RAM. Before installing I partitioned the Hard disk by using Gparted of Live CD into Four compartments namely

1. Primary partition of 30 GB of file type ext3
2. Extended partition of 39 GB which I divided again into two logical Partition of 20 GB and 19 GB. Labelled it as D and E
3. 1 GB of swap partition

I installed the Jaunty in primary partition, gave the mount point as /The problem is I am not able to copy or save file in the extended partition namely D and E

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Ubuntu :: Permissions - Save A File Into The Partition And Get An Access Denied Error

Oct 10, 2010

I mount a partition to a directory and ls -liah tells me that everyone has read/write/execute permissions on the whole thing, but I try to save a file into the partition and I get an access denied error. First of all this doesn't make sense because ls is telling me I do have access.

Then it gets weirder. I run sudo chown -R me:me directory. The command exits without error, but then when I go and look at the directory again with ls, it still shows up as owned by root and I still have the same problem. This is particularly strange because I am still able to change permissions normally in the operating system filesystem. It just won't work on the mounted partition.

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Ubuntu :: Make An Image Of Windows Partition To Save Time And Effort When Wanting To Restore?

Aug 6, 2010

Am quite new to Ubuntu (10.04) and have recently reinstalled XP. I want to make an image of my windows partition to save time and effort when wanting to restore this. I read the Ubuntu documentation on Drive Imaging [URL]..community/DriveImaging and am wondering if I've done things ok?

I've booted using the Live CD. Windows is on sda1 and is a 50GB partition. I have a hidden ntfs partition on the same hard drive at sda9 of 10GB. The first time I tried this I got an error regarding my output file saying "Not a directory". I'm assuming that was because I hadn't mounted sda9. It also reported an error saying permission denied on sda1. I then mounted sda9

sudo mount /dev/sda9 /mnt

I then changed to root as I thought not being in that was why I was getting the permissions error.

sudo -s
I've then done the following;
dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=1024 | gzip > /mnt/sda1.bin.gz

The terminal window is just showing a flashing cursor in the bottom left corner under the above command line input. Is the fact that my mount partition being smaller than my windows partition going to cause a problem or will gzip solve that? My Windows install occupies about 7.5GB of the 50GB partion.

I'm not sure if dd is just taking a long time to complete the task???

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Unable To Save Files By Right Clicking And Save As

Jan 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 dual booting with Windows7.My ext3 /home is mounted as F: in windows.I share a firefox profile between them so that when i am in Windows my firefox uses the same profile as it does when in Ubuntu.It all worked great until recently. I am unable to save files by right clicking and save as. In the config i am unable to set a directory to save to. It neer asks me where to save to. Just nothing happens. some off my book marks are all messed up as well, my rss feeds have the same post on some random website every time i log on and i have to manually refresh to get the correct feeds back. I am unable to delete the random bookmark.

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Ubuntu :: Xrandr Doesn't Save Changes - How To Make It To Save Changes

Jun 16, 2010

my mediacenter is attached to an beamer with the optimal resolution of 1280*720 ubuntu 10.04 doesnt offer me this revolution (on my intel 915 graphis controller). this means i have to add this resolution to the possible resolutions. first i used cvt


cvt 1280 720 60

and got this result:


# 1280x720 59.86 Hz (CVT 0.92M9) hsync: 44.77 kHz; pclk: 74.50 MHz
Modeline "1280x720_60.00" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync

then i added this to xrandr


xrandr --verbose --newmode "1280x720" 74.50 1280 1344 1472 1664 720 723 728 748 -hsync +vsync



xrandr --verbose --addmode VGA1 1280x720

now i can select and use the new resolution - until next reboot. after an reboot 1280x720 is again not available. even if i work with sudo - the resolution isnt there....

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Software :: Iptables-save Can't Save Settings?

Jan 29, 2009

Config a CentOS iptables.I issued some iptables rules.the rules were effective at once.Then, I came with a "iptables-save", but the "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" file hasn't been updated, it still loads the defaults rules with CentOS after reboot.

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General :: Save Iptables When Iptables-save Doesn't Exist?

Apr 14, 2011

I'm working on a Soekris net4801 that is running an unknown distro of Linux. The kernel is 2.4.29, and iptables is v1.3.4.

I can't work out how to save the iptables. I searched the whole system for files/folders containing the name "iptables" and got 3 results:


I've tried iptables save, iptables-save and iptables save active.

"iptables save" and "iptables save active" give me an invalid argument error. "iptables-save" isn't a valid command. "iptables --help" gives me a list of valid switches, none of which have to do with saving.

how I can save the iptables?

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Debian :: Libgdu-WARNING : Partition /org/freedesktop/UDisks/devices/sdb7 Is A Logical Partition But No Extended Partition Exists

May 27, 2011

I installed Debian stable and I see these errors in the xsession error file

/etc/gdm3/Xsession: Beginning session setup...


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Ubuntu Installation :: Os_prober Calls The Vista Partition The Windows Recovery Partition

Feb 20, 2011

Two days ago I repartitioned my laptop HD and added the latest Ubuntu (2.6.35-25-generic) to the existing Vista and existing Ubuntu (2.6.32-28-generic via upgrades from 9.14(?)). Prior to this install it was using Grub with menu.lst from the old/upgrade Ubuntu. After the install the boot menu labels the partition with Vista as the Windows Recovery partition and the recovery partition item is no longer present.

At first I wondered how I could get Vista to boot. I found that SuperGrub cd would boot it OK. Then, it dawned on me that the boot menu item was not the recovery partition, but instead the Vista OS partition mislabelled . Vista loads just fine from it. The recovery partition is no longer listed as it was with Grub/menu.lst. SuperGrub will not boot the recovery partition, showing an error "missing BOOTMGR".

'os-prober' produces--
root@Toshiba:/home/deh# os-prober
/dev/sda2:Windows Recovery Environment (loader):Windows:chain
/dev/sda7:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS (10.04):Ubuntu:linux


I edited boot/grub/grub.cfg so the boot menu item is labelled correctly, but suspect that it will revert back when there is an upgrade.

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Ubuntu :: Delete Snow Leopard Partition - Format Swap Disk Partition To Something Else

Feb 23, 2011

I had a drive with a partition layout like so:

~50gig Windows 7 - NTFS
~100gig Ubuntu - EXT3
~100gig Snow Leopard - HFS+
~100gig Extended Partition
-- ~100gig Swap Disk - exFat

I wanted to delete the Snow Leopard partition and format the Swap Disk partition to something else. exFat was causing major file size bloat on small files. QT sdk bloated to like 11 gigs or something ridiculous like that. Anyways, I loaded up an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS live cd and gparted then deleted the Snow Leopard partition. Gparted said "Mission Accomplished" and tried to rescan the drive, but never found it. At this point I restarted the computer, a dell laptop, which didn't boot with an unable to find a bootable device error. The ubuntu live cd doesn't see the drive anymore. gparted scans for drives indefinitely and fdisk -l has no output.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Manager: Unable To Resize Partition To Use Free Space BEFORE Partitio?

May 29, 2011

I have around 30gb of free space in my partition table immediately before the Linux partition. I want to resize my linux partition to take up this space.

I tried booting with live cd, sucessfully umounted the hard drive but found I could not resize the partition. On clicking the 'edit size' button, partition manager recognised the free space before the partition but when i reduced this, the 'ok' button was greyed out. (it was not greyed out for the windows partition so I could, in theory, increase the windows partition to take up the free space but this is not what i wanted to do).

I am pretty sure that I had managed to unmount the drive correctly as the padlock symbol had dissapeared (I took the attached screenshot, which does show the lock symbol, after rebooting into my normal system).

Anyone got any ideas as to why it wont allow this? There is no reason why i can resize the partition to take up the free space BEFORE it is there?

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Ubuntu :: Ext4 Partition Recognized As Part Of Original NTFS Partition In Fdisk

Jul 18, 2011

I just installed ubuntu via the windows executable and I couldn't mount my NTFS partition. I found this a little odd and I checked fdisk and it seems to think I don't have an ext4 partition as my entire internal HD is displayed as NTFS.

Here's the fdisk output:

When i try to mount the NTFS partition /dev/sda2 i get the following output:

I can't make heads or tails out of this. Anyone know what's going on here?

Windows recognizes that 30GB were taken from the NTFS partition for my linux install. It reads the max partition size as 465GB. fstab reports the NTFS partition size as 488GB.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Format Windows Partition To Be The Home Partition And Changed The Nfts To Ext

Sep 1, 2011

i have instaled ubuntu 11.04 wubi on my pc with windows 7. i installed and everything was going ok i navigate on ubuntu already. but the problems star here i went on my ubuntu to the partition section and i format my windows partion to be the home partion and changed the nfts to ext, i did the upgrades but i forgot that theyr running yet and i restart my computer when it boot again it gaves me an error:

try (0,0) : nfts5 : wubildr
try (0,1) : ext2 :

and the windows7 says that i have to instal again. so i went to another pc and i made a cd boot and a pen boot. i burned the iso (downloaded from the ubuntu oficial site the 11.04 32 bit version) image to the cd and pen drive prperly, i adjust my boot options to star from usb or cd rom and nothing im struck.

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Ubuntu :: Cant Install - Partition Manager Wont Allow Me To Shrink The Windows Partition To Fit

Sep 4, 2010

Trying to install Ubuntu (any atm) on my father's HP destop. When i install, the partition manager wont allow me to shrink the windows partition to fit ubuntu in, and when i go to gparted to do it manually, it says that there are damaged sectors. is there a way to force ubuntu to install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A New Partition In Front Of A Windows Partition Without Trouble?

Oct 25, 2010

This is my partition table:

/dev/sda1 1 4255 34178256 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 4256 4437 1461915 5 Extended
/dev/sda3 * 4438 9964 44395627+ 7 HPFS/NTFS


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Ubuntu Installation :: Add Unallocated Space To Storage Partition And Not Boot Partition?

Apr 20, 2011

using onboard windows disk management i have made 75gb unallocated to add to the aforementioned ntfs data partition. but, after resizing extended partition, will i need to fix grub even though i will be adding the unallocated space to a storage partition and not the ubuntu boot partition?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Partition Multiple Distros To Share One Home Partition

May 11, 2011

I was wondering what the best way is to partition multiple distros to share one home partition.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove Partition And Go Back To Just Full Windows Xp Partition

Jun 4, 2011

I have an Acer Aspire Netbook running a dual boot with Xp and Ubuntu Netbook Version (Lucid Lynx if I am not mistaken?) Anyway I plan on selling this netbook and I need to remove the Ubuntu Partition and go back to just a full Windows Xp partition with it's recovery partition also.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 Wubi - Windows 7 Partition Along With The Lenovo Recovery Partition

Aug 1, 2011

I tried installing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my girlfriend's lenovo using a live disc. First we tried it out to show her the wireless would work fine (her previous lenovo was not ubuntu friendly at all). She's interested in keeping her windows 7 partition along with the lenovo recovery partition, so I tried doing a dual boot install. I manually moved the cursors setting the disk space on each partition, and we allowed Ubuntu to do the rest. Much to my dismay, the installation failed.

I've done some reading over the internet, and I think in our case it would be best to use a Wubi installation. We're interested in using 10.04, so where can we find a wubi installer of Ubuntu 10.04?

Also, any ideas why the installation might have failed? The iso was downloaded off the ubuntu main site, and we burned it using infrarecorder.

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Ubuntu :: Reconfiguring - Reinstall Hardy Heron On A New (smaller) Partition From The Free Space Partition

Jun 15, 2010

Currently, my partitions are set up as such:

83GB ext3 free space
~10GB ntfs HP/Vista Recovery Partition
~93GB Ubuntu (Hardy Heron)

I tried to just have two partitions (recovery and ubuntu), but because of the different file systems, and the placement of the hp recovery partition, it has to be right in the middle. This is basically what I want to do:

1) Reinstall Hardy Heron on a new (smaller) partition from the free space partition.
2) Once it's working properly, format the rest of the hard drive (getting rid of the recovery partition) and create a single ext3 partition.
3) Install another distro on this new partition.

Does anyone foresee any complications with all this slicing and dicing of my hard drive for which I should/could prepare?

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Ubuntu :: Used Gnome Partition Editor To Format As A Single Primary Partition Of The Full 500 Gb Drive?

Jan 18, 2010

So I tried adding a new, 2nd hard drive to my Ubuntu 9.04 desktop for some additional storage and only managed to kill my system so that it won't boot up anymore (I just get a blinking cursor after the BIOS does its thing).I could sure use a little help getting back to a functioning system, and then adding the second drive. I tried following the instructions from this link to add the 2nd drive:

(So the forum rules won't let me post the link, neato. Here it is with spaces added):
h t t p s : / / h e l p . u b u n t u . c o m / c o m m u n i t y / I n s t a l l i n g A N e w H a r d D r i v e


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Ubuntu :: Change Sda2 Partition To Ntfs - WARNING: The Kernel Failed To Re-read The Partition Table

Mar 27, 2010

I want to change my sda2 partition to ntfs type. i have installed GParted but it is returning a strange type of error. Here is the error dump file...


WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Device or resource busy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes until after reboot. WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda (Device or resource busy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes until after reboot.

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Ubuntu :: Tell Kernel To Reread Partition Table While One Partition Mounted

Feb 5, 2010

Is there a program that will reread the partition table and update the kernel even if one of the unmodified partitions is mounted? I installed my system on one partition, then I added another with free space. Now I want to format the second partition, but the kernel doesn't know about it yet. I tried sfdisk -R /dev/sda, but it refuses while the root partition is mounted. Is there anyway I can avoid rebooting?

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Ubuntu :: How Much Room To Leave For Home Partition / Root Partition

Feb 7, 2010

I have finally been convinced to partition my 500GB hard drive from a two partition setup with root and swap to a three partition setup with root, swap, and home. I found a nice tutorial about how to do this, but here is my question:

A) How much space do I leave for the root partition and the home partition?

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Ubuntu :: Can Copy Laptop Partition To External HD Partition That Is Bigger?

Feb 27, 2010

I can take apart my computer and fix a problem and then re-install the partitions. Hopefully I won't have to re-install, but I want to make backups just in case

-HP laptop with a windows (NTFS) and an Ubuntu (ext3) partition ~ 500GB total
-Iomega 1TB external hard drive partitioned into a 500GB NTFS storage, 250GH BLANK ext3 Linux Backup, and 250GB BLANK NTFS Windows Backup.

I want to copy my windows and linux to their respective 250GB spaces on the External HD.

1.) Can you direct me to places on the net that describes this in detail?
2.) Can I copy a partition while running that partition?
3.) Will copying C:/ in windows over to the external HD copy entire partition?
4.) Can I copy a Laptop partition to a external HD partition that is bigger?
5.) Do I have to use partition manager software or can I do this from terminal/cmd prompt?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Size Of A Mounted Partition Is Smaller Than The Partition Itself?

Mar 23, 2010

I have Ubuntu server 8.04. I have 4 hard drives of 149Go each. Size of a mounted partition is smaller thant the partition itself :

- first drive is the system

- I mounted the 2nd drive (ext3) on a folder, but the Size is 941.89 MB instead of 149Go

- same for drive 3 monted on another folder, but the Size is 941.89 MB instead of 149Go

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