Ubuntu :: Reuse System Install CD?

Feb 8, 2010

I know this sounds like a noob question. But can you use a linux install cd multiple times? Like could I use one CD to install Linux on multiple computers? Also, is it better to burn the image at a slow rat, or does it not matter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Backup Apt Archive For Reuse After Clean Install?

Apr 13, 2010

I do several things, involving a lot of different software (coding, image manipulation, drawing, video editing, etc).And where I live, internet is utterly slow, so instead of actually benefiting of the quick Ubuntu install, I am doomed to spend countless days re-downloading my packages each time.Before my last format, having gained a slightly greater understanding of how Linux works, I saved all the content of apt archives, so synaptic would pick the packages already downloaded from there.But it does not! It re-downloads every package.What should I do to have synaptic recognize packages that are already there?

Note: I am NOT looking to create a mirror repository, aptOnCd and whatnot. I also DO NOT want to install packages by hand, one by one or all together.All these solutions are certainly valuable (and I've tried a good bunch of them), but then I have to update manually my mirrored repository and/or install updates manually. Furthermore, it leaves me with two directories with packages, apt archive and ~/my-repository, which is just messy (in my view at least).

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General :: How To ReUse Ubuntu APT

Feb 1, 2010

When we use ubuntu apt-get,the first process is downloading the required files into a temporary folder/var/cache/apt/archives.Installation will be done only after thatCan we able to migrate these files into a different system so that we can install those applications without using internet.

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Slackware :: How To Reuse A Kernel

Oct 13, 2010

I've just upgraded my slackware 13.1 box to the latest stable kernel. Really impressed by the improvement on boot time and graphic card driver for my old Intel chipset. So I intend to use this newly built kernel to another computer of mine, which is running slackware 13.1 too. I want to keep this computer as clean as possible by installing no build tools, experimenting stuff, etc..., just binary packages for a neat, minimal box. So I'm thinking of copy the new kernel files (System.map, vmlinuz, config) to /boot as directed here in the slackbook.

But as I also notice that there are new files installed under /lib/modules/linux- (the new kernel), I'm afraid that I'm missing some other files of the kernel installed somewhere in the system. So are these files all the components of the new kernel, or do I need to look at some other places to grab the whole cake?

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Software :: Reuse One Ssh Connection In A Shell Script?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm writing a shell script that does multiple scp's and ssh'es to the same host. I would like to know if there is a way to write the script such that in the beginning an ssh connection is established. Then scp transfers files over the already open ssh connection. After which, terminal commands are executed on the host. A final scp transfers files again over the ssh connection. Then the ssh connection is terminated.The whole point is *not* to have:

scp the_file host
ssh host 'execute-some-command.sh'


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Ubuntu :: WUBI - Reinstalled Windows - Partition Is Intact Can Reuse It Without Loss

Jun 10, 2010

I installed ubuntu under windows. i reinstalled windows, though the linux partition is intact. howcan i reuse them without losing data ?

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Server :: 522 SSL Connection Failed - Session Reuse Required

Jan 21, 2009

I have a problem with vsftpd (latest version available, 2.1.0pre3) SSL. I've configured it to a nonstandard port, 65440, disabled connect_from_port_20 and run it as a normal user, from home directory. I can't use the SSL feature, every time I connect, it only reaches the login process. After logging in, I get the following error (when data transfer would start for LIST command):

522 SSL connection failed; session reuse required
My vsftpd.conf looks like this


# local_umask=022




# You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home
# directory. If chroot_local_user is YES, then this list becomes a list of
# users to NOT chroot().
# chroot_list_enable=YES
# (default follows)
# chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd.chroot_list


# chroot_local_user=YES


The client side is a Total Commander 7.02, there hasn't been any problem with its SSL yet and this only occurs when trying to connect to my vsftpd.

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Fedora Installation :: Reuse The /home Partition On Multi-boot Systems?

May 5, 2009

Having already borked my system once while deciding to nstall Fedora 10 under the influence of a false sense of bravado, alcohol induced, I thought I should ask for a little insight before trying things again. Once I get my system fixed and before consuming alcohol that is.Short version:I thought Id be smart and mount the /home partition I use for openSUSE as /home for Fedora, I mean that why I made /home it own partition right? Well, thatwhen the alcohol took over and I thought I be rilliant(not so much) and just use my SUSE username for Fedora too, since, you know,e already got all my files and settings stored there.

Thus my request for the answer on how to correctly use the same /home partition across multiple OS installations; with the preferred goal of retaining access to email folders, various files, games (WINE) and such no matter what distro I�m using. Would it really be as simple as just not using the same user name for more than one distro? What addtional issues does that solve/create

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Debian Configuration :: Saving Configuration And Packagelist For Reuse?

Nov 14, 2010

I have problems with the system harddrive. I would like to install my Debian on to a new HDD with the same configuration and packages. How do I get the configuration to the new Debian. What files/directory do I need to copy? How do install the same packages?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Moving A Moderately Complex System From An Old System To A New System

Sep 25, 2010

My problem is that I need to move a moderately complex system from an old system to a new system. The old system is a core 2 duo running on an asus p5k-se (p35 chipset) M/B, Nvidia 8500 gt, 3 x sata II hard disks, 1 x sata dvd, 1 x ide hd, 4GB ram. It runs opensuse 11.1 kde 4 as a desktop system + samba server, apache server, database server + other non-opensuse software. In addition some of the opensuse software is not the default 11.1 versions as later versions were required. The nvidia driver is from the nvidia repo. There are several file systems, some under LVM.

The new system will be a core5 760, asus p7p55d-e M/b (p55 chipset), nvidia 240, 3 x sata II HD, 1 x sata dvd, 4GB ram and possibly 1 x ide HD. This M/B also includes USB 3 & sata III. I have no USB 3 devices but this may eventually change. I have no plans for sata III and believe that it may be better to attach any sata III SSD to the sata II bus.

What I would like to do is to move the hard disks from old system to the new system. What I would like to know is, if the system is left at 11.1, is the system likely to work with the new hardware. If the answer is no, if the system was upgraded to 11.3, would the transfer of the hard disks then work? In order to upgrade from 11.1 to 11.3 using the DVD i believe I should get rid of all non-default repos. I assume that I should also get rid of anything that was installed from them, e.g. the nvidia driver and any software versions installed manually outside RPM. Also is there any default 11.1 software that should be removed either before or after the upgrade to 11.3

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Programming :: Reuse Socket Fails "Address Already In Use" Or "Connection Refused"?

May 14, 2010

Problem: can't restart programs which use socket to communicate.

Symptom: Restart Listener dies "Address already in use".
Restart Caller dies "connection refused"
System: Ubuntu 10 (and 9)


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OpenSUSE Install :: Boot 11.4 On Dualboot Nvdia G7600 Based System - Fresh Install "system Console Stolen At Line"

Apr 22, 2011

I tried to update one of my home machines with a fresh install. This is far from new to me so I did not expect any problem. But I was proven wrong. First: did install the system as usual. First anomaly: system blocked during the install process but did restart it flawlessly one I tried to eject the DVD from the player. It needed actually that intervention to retake working. It then went to install and froze during the first system start. I rebooted with failsafe settings, it then correctly configured. I reached a beautiful desktop. I performed the updates from the update repository and I joined the nvidia proprietary driver repository (which updated to the G02 driver).

I then rebooted the machine and now I am in trouble. In normal mode the system (dual boot Opensuse, XP) does not boot at all and freezes immediately after hitting enter as before. In safe mode it goes further but does not reach X anymore. It blocks with the following line statement: "system console stolen at line 266". I then tried "startx". But the system goes into a scrolling loop that does not allow me to read the output. how to get at least the error message of the loop? I read some line passing by that the system might have an X11 authorization problem.

Athlon Phenom X4 905e
Nividea G7600 graphic card
Former system installed and running flawlessly: 11.1

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installation Stopped At: System Probing - Searching For System Files

May 18, 2011

I'm new to openSUSE, this is the first time i try to install openSUSE version 11.4. on my IBM Thinkpad T43 (on which SUSE Linux version 8.0 has been running before without problems). I have downloaded the ISO images and successfully burned the ISO images on a blank DVD. Having placed my openSUSE DVD in the drive and rebooted my laptop I can see the boot screen.

I then select installation with arrow up/down and press enter. Choosing language and keyboard layout works fine, as well as accepting the license agreement. However, when it comes to 'System Probing' the installation stops at 'Search for system files'. The cursor shows a little turning disk but the rest of the screen is blocked.

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Crash When Wont To Start System On Runlevel 5?

Aug 30, 2010

I use release 11.2 and this one works very well. I try new release 11.3 and my system crash when I wont to start system on runlevel 5. There is Sempron 2 GHz CPU and nvidia fx550 graphics card. Keyboard PS2 does not responds but mouse on USB work well. When I start "safe" boot option system work well. What I can to do ? What I must change

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OpenSUSE Install :: Transfer Users From Old System To New Installed System?

Jul 19, 2010

we have a server running with Suse linux many years. Meanwhile we changed server hardware about 4 times, mostly also updating to newest Suse version. We used to copy group, passwd and shadow to a backup medium, installed the new system and restored those files onto the new system and all was running fine. Now, some weeks ago we installed 11. on new hardware and after restoring those 3 files after rebooting the system hangs when starting GUI. I can boot into runlevel 3 and login with no problem, but when I boot into runlevel 5 mouse and keyboard are frozen. Also when starting GUI from runlevel 3 with startx mouse and keyboard immediately freeze. If I restore the files group, passwd and shadow as they came from fresh new installation I can reboot and login in runlevel 5 without problems.

OK, if I compare the userlist, as it is generated bei installation,there are some usernames I formerly not had in older Suse versions. I don�t know if this can make problems? I tried to edit the files, to combine the system users from 11.2 with the list of local user names from the old system but without success, again the mouse and keyboard freeze.So some questions arise:1) Why now mouse and keyboard freeze in xsystem, when there are changes in the user list (but only in runlevel 5)2) What is the correct way to save and restore users and groups from old to new system. I googled several hours but did not find a smart way. Maybee someon can point me to a link or a howto where I find the solution

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can`t Install Suse 11.3 - Every Time System Shut Down In Install Process

Jan 30, 2011

I tried to install suse 11.3 but every time the system shut down in the install process it never finish

I think that the FAN does not work

I have an Acer Aspire 5720z

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OpenSUSE Install :: Clean Install 11.4 Dual Boot System Grub Error?

Apr 27, 2011

I did a fresh install of SuSE 11.4 (WIN7 TOO) and changed my Larger HD1 to the first HD. I was installing and got this error first: the boot loader is installed on a partition that does not lie entirely below 128GB The system might not boot if BIOS supports only lba24 (result is error during install grub mbr) status loc dev/sdb6

I continued with the install and then got:

Yast2 error occured
while installing GRUB ver 0.97 (640k lower/3072k upper memory)
[minimal bash-like lineediting is supported? for the first word, TAB lists possible command completition anywhere else TAB lists possible completion of a device/filename]
grub setup --stage2=/boot/grub/stage2 --force4-lba (hd0,5) (hd0,5)
Error 25
disk read error
grub> quit

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OpenSUSE Install :: Cannot Install KDE \ Exception Caught During Write: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception?

Sep 7, 2011

I am trying to install openSUSE 64 bit with KDE on my netbook and I am having some issues. I can't get the install started. I tried creating a live usb by using the SUSE Studio Image Writer, but I get an error saying: Exception caught during write: ystem.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is deniedat ImageWriter.DriveAccess.Write(Byte[] buffer, UInt32 len)at ImageWriter.MainWindow.WriteToDisk()(This happens when I try to make the usb)I tried Googling it but I couldn't find anything so I tried creating a live usb using UNetbootin but when I boot from the usb, I get an error saying: Could not find kernel image: gfxboot.I have a 2 gb usb with FAT file format. Also I am only in High School, I want to try out different Linux distros so tell me if I did something wrong.

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General :: Getting All RPMs By 'yum Install Pkg1 Pkg2 Pkg3' To Install On Offline System ?

Jun 12, 2011

I need to somehow do a yum installation (or equivalent of) on a system that is offline with no access to the internet. (I do have access to another Linux system that has internet access, but the Linux installations on both systems have different packages installed and enabled.)

Let's say the command to enter is 'yum install pkg1 pkg2 pkg3' (the documentation for some applications I need indicate the installation instructions this way, and not as the actual RPMs I need). Is there a way for me to run that on my offline system?

e.g. one way I can think of is to run that command on the online system, somehow if possible take note of what RPMs get installed, then transfer them to the offline system via USB and install all the RPMs via rpm command.

The problem with my above idea is that the two systems have different packages enabled, so even if yum on the online system shows a few dependencies being downloaded, I could run download and install all these RPMs and their dependencies on the offline system only to find several more missing dependencies, and dependencies of those dependencies.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Build A Multiseat System (Build A Six-headed Six-user System LG #124)

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to build a multiseat linux system(Build a Six-headed, Six-user Linux System LG #124). I am posting some outputs output of lspci | grep VGA

00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)
02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G98 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)
ls /dev/input/mouse*
/dev/input/mouse0 /dev/input/mouse1 /dev/input/mouse2
more /proc/bus/input/devices


I am having trouble in configuring xorg.conf. I am running Suse 11.3 desktop on my PC. Also, I have one onboard nvidia graphics 6150SE and I have put one nvidia 8400GS 512Mb in the 16X PCIe slot for the additional seat...

So kindly tell me what should I do now or what things are missing ?? For any further info abt my PC plz tell me to post outputs(specify the commands for the same..)

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OpenSUSE Install :: Update System - Without Having To Download / Install Every Dependency Manually?

Dec 13, 2009

how to update my system online (for example my firefox 3.0 to 3.5) but i can't figure out how this possibly works. I tried the "online update" using Yast2 but apparently (according to Yast) there is nothing at all to be patched on my system. I tried to click on the Firefox-3.5.5 rpm in the repository web-interface and open it using "install software" but the process aborts because of unresolved dependencies. Is there an easy way to update software without having to download/install every dependency manually?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Multiboot System, But Last Bootloader Install Doesn't Work?

Feb 16, 2010

I've got a multiboot system with Windozin the first drive and first partition like everyone recommends. I have several distro's and just let them install their bootloaders, but always on hd0 mbr. I installed Debian 5.0.1 this way and it wouldn't boot, so I got SGD to "fix" it, which it said was successful, but all I get is a partition doesn't exist when I try to boot. I put Debian on /dev/sdb3, I loaded Linux Rescueand mounted sdb3 and verified that its menu.lst had the right boot numbers (hd1,2). fdisk even showns /dev/sdb3 as boot as shown by the asterisk under the boot column. Should I do a complete reinstall of grub, maybe using one of the other distro's as the holder of grub? At one time they did all the grub launching as each addition was made

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Problem - No Valid EXT4 File System?

Sep 16, 2010

I just trying installing OpenSuse 11.2 on a Dell Dimension 4500 2.0 Ghz with 512 mb memory and 40 gb hard drive.During the installation the following error was produced: "System Check for partition /dev/sdb1 contains no valid Ext4 file system". After the install process was completed, the keyboard and mouse were not useable

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OpenSUSE Install :: System Error Code -3030 When Trying To Format Of SSD During Install

Sep 27, 2010

I am not able to install 11.3 x86_64 on an OCZ 120 GB Agility 2 SSD. I receive a system error -3030 when it tries to format the drive. If I use go into rescue mode and either format or partition the drive, the installer crashes.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Broken System After Install Of Kernel Sources And Restart?

May 29, 2011

I had recently installed the kernel sources so that I could compile the VirtualBox kernel module to use well but I had not restarted afterwards. I had been using my system problem free until tonight when I decided to restart. I had no internet connection and through ifconfig showing only lo and ifup eth0 returning "device eth0 is not accessible", I discovered I had a bigger problem than at first thought. Then I discovered that no PCI devices other than video were working, and so I referred to /var/log/messages and discoverd a line stating that "/lib/modules/ : no such file or directory.

All other entries in that directory were some version of

Unfortunately I had to end up reinstalling because witho

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OpenSUSE Install :: My System Wont Boot After Kernel Install

Jan 31, 2010

I was installing the kernel-pae, in the middle of the installation it said it couldn't resolve some dependencies. it ask me to ignore or cancel I chose to cancel there after my system froze.

Now I cant boot any more I get the following:

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OpenSUSE Install :: Install Rdesktop To Connect Windows System?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm newbie to opensuse. I want to install rdesktop to connect windows system from opensuse linux system. I have downloaded rdesktop rpm from net and installed with YAST. Error occured, the error states that "rdesktop cannot be install due to missing dependency". Now what to do to install rdesktop.? Is there any way other than rdesktop to connect windows system from opensuse?

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Re-install Suse On A Dual Boot System

Oct 22, 2010

Gnome is falling apart and I've had a lot of nagging problems that I couldn't overcome.I'm thinking of wiping the OpenSuse partitions and doing a clean install without wiping the windows partition.I initially setup using the 11.0/XP dual boot FAQ in the How To forum.I have my Home directory backed up on an external HD. Might try KDE next go-round or KDE & Gnome as separate users. I have 11.2 i586 installation DVD.

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OpenSUSE Install :: After A Fresh Install Of 11.4 X-system Comes Up With The Wrong Screensize

Mar 15, 2011

After a fresh install of Suse 11.4 X-system comes up with the wrong screensize 1680X1200.
Instead I need 1600x1200. How can i set permanently the screensize I need ?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Install The Codecs For System, The One Click Install

Apr 4, 2010

Iv tried everything to install the codecs for my system, the one click install, the manual provided for by openSUSE but no luck. All the files were installed correctly but alas no file will play. I need a solid answer. I have 11.2 GNOME on a 32 bit processor

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