Ubuntu :: Removing 9.1 And Making Dual Boot

Jan 7, 2010

I have my pc setup with 2 hard disks, my main HD is running Win XP and the second HD is loaded with 9.1, the disk I loaded 9.1 on is a 40 gig HD, I wanted to try out 9.1 as a clean install before mucking around with dual boot. I really like 9.1 and now I want to change the way I am setup so I can run a dual boot. Right now the way it is I go through GRUB to choose either linux or win, it defaults to Linux, I removed the disk the 40 gig drive the other day and when I do I can't boot up, I get an error message telling me something like Grub not found (Duh right I took the HD out) I want to reset my comp so the 40 gig drive is visible to win and do the dual boot with 9.1 inside of windows.

My questions are this.

1. How would change the current boot config. so that windows loads and I don't have to use GRUB to choose my O/S.

2. How would I go about removing 9.1 from the 40 gig drive and leaving it blank so I can utilize it for windows.

my main concern here is getting the pc set back up so I can boot into windows without using the GRUB menu, I'm on my work pc and getting some greif from my boss on this. I'm worried that if I just remove 9.1 from the 40 gig drive that I won't be able to load windows, like when I physically removed the HD from the pc.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Rearrange Boot After Removing XP Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am ready to reclaim the disk space that is currently being used by XP in my dualboot scenario. Per the Gparted scan below, my hard drive is currently being sequenced as sda1 (NTFS data only, which I mounted in Ubuntu and write my working documents to), sda2 (XP operating system/boot drive). Ubuntu is on sda3, with home on sda4. I'm currently running 9.10.

I would like to eliminate the contents of sda2, and migrate sda1 contents to ext4. Question is, what are the best steps. I have good backups of everything, and sync my NTFS data to a NAS.

My grub.cfg looks as follows (am running 1.97)


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot To Single Boot, Removing Windows?

Sep 4, 2010

I've got a win7/ubuntu 10.04 dual boot running on my system. I did the usual of installing 7 first, then ubuntu and using it as the default boot option. I now want to get rid of win 7 and expand the ubuntu installation into the free space. My current hdd structure is in the attachment. If I just boot a live cd and gparted to remove the win 7 partitions and expand the ubuntu installation into the free space, will that work or will it have a massive panic? how to I get grub to silently boot after without offering me any boot options?

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Ubuntu :: Partition For Making Dual Boot?

Jun 16, 2010

I am already using ubuntu 9.10 for over six months but now i want make my system dual boot with windows as well. How do i do it. there are no partitions on my HDD all current space is dedicated to ubuntu only.

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Ubuntu :: Making A Dual-boot Installation?

Sep 22, 2010

Basically, I just installed Ubuntu 10 on a laptop into a dm-crypt'ed logical volume. That seemed easy enough. Is there a good method for making a dual-boot installation with both Linux and Windows on fully-encrypted partitions/volumes?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Everything On Dual Boot?

Mar 3, 2010

Can i even format without removing windows in the progress? If not, what would be the best way to just remove everything i have on the computer to get it as close as possible to a new computer? I don't have windows install CD because the laptop had Vista pre-installed. So i must be careful what i remove or my brother won't buy the laptop I'm mostly concerned about killing the GRUB and making me unable to start the computer.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Grub On Dual Boot Box

Mar 22, 2010

I've recently installed Vmware on Vista and I am using that to run Linux. I prefer this method over duel booting as I can quickly switch between the two OSes. So here is what I would like to do.

1) Remove swap partition (not needed).

2) Remove Linux and format partition to NTFS for windows use.

3) Remove Grub.

What I don't want to do.

1) Reinstall Windows Vista (Lots of programs installed).

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Ubuntu :: Removing Dual Boot Windows?

Feb 17, 2011

So I made my netbook a dual-boot machine about 2 months ago - it came with windows 7 and I added ubuntu. I've been running Ubuntu on my desktop machine for a while, so I'm pretty comfortable.

Now I'd like to completely get rid of the windows partition on my netbook and make the whole thing ubuntu. However, I've downloaded and installed so many programs and packages and libraries that I don't want to have to do it again. Is there a way to remove the windows partition (basically expanding the ubuntu side) and keep my programs/settings/libraries/packages/etc on the linux side? Or do I have to erase the partitions and start over with a fresh install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Windows 7 From Dual Boot?

Feb 2, 2010

Am running Karmic and Windows7 dual booting with separate hard drives. I want to remove Windows 7 and leave Karmic on it's single drive. I am concerned that I will cause a boot problem if I just 'unplug' the Windows 7 drive.

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Ubuntu :: Removing Windows Vista From Dual Boot?

Jun 25, 2010

Today I've decided that I would like to remove my useless, freezing windows install from my Ubuntu laptop and only use Ubuntu... booting windows XP from a virtual box whenever I need to use a Windows application with poor Wine support. Any safe way I can go about doing that? I tried googling this, but all I found was the opposite, remove ubuntu from windows... which is quite sad. Anyway, windows is using up a ton of space that it doesn't need to. It takes me 5 minutes to even get it booted and after using Ubuntu, I have no patience left for the program. What should I do?

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General :: Making A Dual Boot System

Apr 15, 2011

I have purchased a 500Gb seagate external hard disk.I partitioned it using the xp disk manager. I have now 320gb primary NTFS partition for accessing & storing data through XP & kept 144Gb of unallocated space for installation of Redhat Enterprise Linux 6.0. I have the dvd of RHEL 6.0, now please guide me through the process. I know I have to boot from my dvd drive. But i don't know how to manually allocate & partition the swap, and how much to mount under '/' & under'/boot'.. And also how to set it up for the dual boot.

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General :: Removing Windows From Dual Boot Using Wubi?

Mar 7, 2011

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 using Wubi inside of Windblows and I want to remove Windblows completely.What filestem does Ubuntu use and how do i delete the NTFS partitions and redistribute the free space once partition removed?I only installed through Windblows cos I couldn't get a decent cd burnt to install from there.Just noticed that it looks like the installer has locked up again becuase there is no mouse action. If it has locked up again, i think it may be the cd drive playing up. If i replace it temporarily with a newer drive will Ubunutu kick up a fuss when i out the old one back in. I don't intend using a cd-rom anyway. i just want to use it as a domain controller and file server.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing And Installing(Later) Windows Vista In Dual Boot?

Feb 1, 2011

I have installed vista(Preloaded) and Ubuntu 10.10 in dual boot in my laptop. Now i want to get rid of vista, and want to have only Ubuntu, also i want to assign all space to Ubuntu. I have two query's

1. How could i cleanly uninstall Vista from my system? (I Used WUBI to install Ubuntu)

2. Can i install Vista in future? (As my Vista was preloaded, Vista didn't recognize the hard drive on which Ubuntu is installed)

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Debian Configuration :: Removing Windows From Dual-boot Config?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm currently dual-booting Squeeze & Windows XP on a machine i use frequently.

In my experience on the desktop, i now see no reason to have Windows XP as a boot option, & wanted to try & avoid a full re-installation of Debian in order to remove XP (merging it's partition with / ).

I have a checklist that i put together, but wanted to be sure this was all correct before going forward.

1. Perform full back-up of all data.

2. Boot into Debian, through GUI -

System Tools > Disk Utility

- Select HDD (80GB Hard Disk)
- Select windows partition ( /dev/sda1 )
- Format /dev/sda1 to Ext4 Filsystem

3. Boot Live CD

- Use gParted to extend /dev/sda2 (was 38GB, will extend to 78GB)

4. Remove XP from the boot menu.

( Note: My ~ folder is on the same physical drive as / (same volume), but i actually store all Media on a separate physical drive which is formatted in NTFS. I plan on reinstalling XP using a virtual hard disk, & sharing that with the virtual machine.Here is a screenshot of my Disk Utility - [URL]

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OpenSUSE Install :: Removing Grub From Vista / SuSe Dual Boot?

Dec 12, 2009

I dual booted opensuse along with vista. I installed opensuse in extended partition, with grub and gave the option as "boot from extended partition". Now everything is fine. I am able to boot into suse as well as vista. Now how can I restore my vista bootloader? I want to uninstall openSuse. When I try restore mbr from hard disk. There is absolutely no change!

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Ubuntu :: Removing 10.04 Dual Booted Partition?

May 30, 2010

Well the title says it all.I dual booted Ubuntu 10.04 with windows 7 just for an experiment.It was fun while it lasted but my 3d programs dont like it. So all the threads I found are about people that did it wrong but I dont want to get that far. So it is a fresh start. How to I remove ubuntu 10.04 and Grub.

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Ubuntu :: Safely Getting Rid Of XP On A Dual Boot/dual HD Machine?

Feb 3, 2010

I have XP on my IDE hard drive and Ubuntu on my USB hard drive (which is really an IDE drive with a USB adapter and external power souce). We've used Windows once in the past month, so we decided to jettison it. Two questions: 1. Can we simply delete all partiitions on the IDE hard drive and reformat or will this cause problems? 2 Is the write-speed gain worth switching the drives out, putting the Ubuntu drive in my IDE slot and my freshly wiped drive on the USB adapter?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 / Win XP SP3 Dual Disk Dual Boot

Jun 5, 2010

I am quite experienced user of Ubuntu desktop / server distributions. Recently my desktop 9.10 disk failed and I decided to reinstall using 10.04. My configuration is a dual disk dual bot system. I have XP Pro SP3 on one disk and Ubuntu 10.04 on second. XP has own, untached MBR ubuntu got Grub 2 installed on the same disk as Ubuntu. Ubuntu disk is booting first in BIOS. Grub 2 detected both system, however I can boot only to Ubuntu. When I am trying to boot XP I got black screen only. Looks like booting is stack in BIOS stage, because crt+alt+del reset system.

I read Ubuntu forum, search Google and did not come with any solutions. My XP MBR is OK. I can boot directly, choosing XP HDD in BIOS as a starting disk. All entries in grub.cfg looks fine to me. I made 3 different clear installations of Ubuntu. Each with the same result. I reinstaled Grub2 with no effect. I wonder if this may be a hardware/Grub 2 compatibility issue. I am using quite old components.My motherboard is Assus P4C800 Delux. I have 5 HDDs 2 CD. Exactly the same configuration was OK with 9.10/XP dual disk dual boot using Grub legacy.


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Ubuntu :: Dual Boot With Dual Laptop Harddrives?

Aug 13, 2010

I currently have a dual boot on my 160gb hdd, but even that feels cramped. i was wondering...I have a spare 40gb harddrive compatible with my laptop. could I just install the windows 7 installation there?

assumably i'd swap in the appropriate windows 7 hdd whenever i'd want to load windows 7 at Grub.

what do you guys think?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Disk Error On /boot With Dual Boot On Dual Disk

Dec 30, 2010

I have a (slightly complicated) dual/multi boot system.

I keep getting boot errors (when choosing ubuntu from the grub2 menu)

Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /boot

If I switch off and restart, ubuntu will then start without issue.

My setup is like this ....3 disks, one with 10.10 clean install - so Grub2, separate partitions for /, /boot and /home, one with windows 7, one with windows XP and 10.04 wubi (this is my old disk which I will trash once I'm happy with my upgrade to 10.10 & 7 on separate disks.

I installed 7 and 10.10 with ONLY their disks installed. After both were working, I added all disks and rejigged the grub2 menu (using update-grub and StartUp-Manager).

This problem only seems to occur if my previous boot was not 10.10 ( I will investigate this further). It's as if something (grub2 ?, the bios ?) is remembering part of the previous boot and not using the grub2 menu completely.

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Ubuntu :: Making Default Os On Boot?

Feb 14, 2010

i recently installed crunchbang to try it out, but it made it the default os on boot. how do i make ubuntu the default again?

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Ubuntu :: Removing The Boot Partition?

Nov 28, 2010

I have only Ubuntu 10.10 on my system. I made a separate partition for /boot folder (/dev/sda1/) which is 100 MB in size. Now I want to install windows 7 on my computer, I wish to convert this partition to the system reserved partition in windows.

I googled a bit for the problem & found exactly opposite process (in ubuntu documentation), where one can create a new /boot partition after installation. I wanted to know whether it is safe to use the same process for removing that /boot folder. Or is there a method for making a new /boot folder using the Live CD/USB?

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Ubuntu :: Won't Boot After Installing And Removing KDE?

Feb 21, 2011

So I decided to try KDe, because why not? They have Kookies.[URL]However Terminal gave me an error, saying dependencies about odbcinst1debian2, saying that it depends on odbcinst but is not going to be insalled. So I went into Synaptic and manually removed these, then did the long command.Things got removed, reboot.Now Plymouth boots, but it stops at five orange dots (not moving) and then nothing. No login menu. I held down the power button and rebooted three times, all stuck at Plymouth.Yeah I can reinstall Ubuntu, I have the disk, but there are many configs that I did, that I do not remember.

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Ubuntu :: Making A Boot Flash Drive?

Apr 30, 2010

i am trying to make a windows XP boot flash drive for one of my copmputers. i delete all the partitions on my flash drive and run "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/dev/sdb" and ubuntu can read it and its got all the contents of the CD but windows machines say i need to format it and no computer can boot off of it. did i do something wrong?

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Ubuntu Servers :: 10.10 - Making NMBD Run At Boot

Jan 10, 2011

I cannot, for the life of me, get nmbd to run at boot on Ubuntu Server 10.10. On all other variations I've run, it's just automatically running. How does one go about this?

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Ubuntu :: Making Extra Boot Log References?

Feb 3, 2011

I have 10.10 64-bit on a Fujitsu T900. the hard drive has windows seven as well (64-bit). The win7 is the orginal from the manufacture. the boot log originally had (in this order): Win7, Windows Vista (about 100 MB not sure why but can't remove), recovery partition. I put ubuntu on after those three. Some times when the computer goes into suspend mode from ubuntu it will not wake up after wards. the only option it to power i down manually. when it comes back up there is now a second reference to ubuntu in the boot log. this has happened several times. there are now four valid references to ubuntu in the boot loader. I need to remove three of them, but i'm concerned that removing them will compromise ubuntu. Also I'm not sure where the boo log in windows seven is.

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Ubuntu :: System Does Not Boot After Removing Xorg

Dec 15, 2010

Running Ubuntu 10.10 on a Sony Vaio VGN-NR430E laptop.My system had been running noticeably slow lately, so I decided to poke around the system monitor and see what was eating my resources. Xorg peaked at around 50% cpu, so I decided (in a rash decision) to remove it. Went to Syanptic Package Manager -> completely remove all "Xorg server" packages ( was alerted that Xorg itself would have to be reinstalled for this to happen, "OK" ). After Syanptic finished, I looked back to the System Monitor and saw Xorg still there, still eating CPU. Out of frustration, I selected "End Process".The grub loader still works so I can switch between kernel versions and "recovery" mode, but a normal boot simply takes me to a black screen. I tried sudo apt-get update from Recovery mode, only to get an error when connecting to the repositories.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Removing Evolution From Synaptic Vs Just Removing The Applet

Feb 27, 2011

what i did was, remove evolution mail from synaptic, what i wanted to do was just remove the indicator applet from the task bar. i read a bunch of bad stuff about removing evolution from synaptic vs just removing the applet.

im worried. did i break anything or put my security at risk. after, i used a command (older) (sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop)to install ubuntu desktop. because i thought that it would fix evolution. then i went to synaptic and installed a package called evolution. i rechecked evolution in applications menu. however, i notice that i have both a checkable evolution and two evolution icons. nothing 'seems' broken. im not sure if it ever was. and evolution calender pops up as normal, as does the the installed plain evolution. they both seems to be an exact copy of the other.

all i really wanted to do was remove the indicator applet. did i make a serious mistake. since ive had ubuntu, ive reformatted a lot because i was worried i made a mistake of some kind. however now im into the more "make a mistake and fix it stage' as im pretty happy with my current desktop and have worked hard to customize it. the command, sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages removed the mail icon. i still am worried that i broke something, or put my security at risk. also, now i have two mail icons. evolution mail and calendar, and another just called evolution.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Copy Minimal CD To USB To Making It Boot?

Feb 27, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 64bit I can't find netinstall image but find minimal CD. Please advise how can I copy it to USB stick to make it boot?

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Ubuntu :: Removing Keyring Password Option On Boot?

Apr 14, 2010

I want to remove/disable keyring. I want it to still save my passwords but not ask for a master password on boot. I am using 10.4 but it probably works the same...

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