Ubuntu :: Prompt Disappears When Switching User?

Sep 6, 2010

My normal prompt looks like: username(at)ubuntu + current directory. (Odd format, it doesn't really look like that, but I was told I needed 15 posts to post an URL).Whenever I change user with "su username" (at least when changing from root to normal user), this prompt completely disappears. All it says on the left in front of the input "$". Also the history doesn't work, and the tab key doesn't complete anything, but rather acts as the normal tab in an editor. do I fix this? It is very annoying. Sorry for the stupid question, but I've searched around for an answer, finding none.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Gnome Panel Disappears When Switching To Another Workspace

Jul 16, 2010

Linux 2.6.34-12-desktop x86_64
Gnome desktop

I updated from v11.2. to v11.3.I have 4 workspaces defined. The Gnome panel shows only in the first workspace! When I switch to another one, the panel disappears. As you may imagine, this is rather inconvenient. Once I am in another workspace other than 1, my only option is to reboot since there is no way to navigate anywhere. How do I set up the Gnome panel to show in all workspaces?

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Debian Multimedia :: Password Prompt Locks All App-switching In Gnome

May 5, 2015

I often need to login into various accounts. In Debian 7 I always was able to copy and paste passwords from text files if I was asked for an input, but now the textfield for password input locks the whole system and I can't do anything else before I have supplied the password. Is there any way of restoring the old behaviour to make password input forms (like the request for GPG key passwords in Evolution) just being an addintional app-window instead of an input request, that locks everything else? I want to be able to open the proper file with the login data when prompted for it.

I know I could theoretically solve this issue by using a general system wide main key which would supply all individual login data, but I want to memorize some often needed phrases by actually typing them when I need them. I just want the possibility to open text files for copy and paste when I'm prompted for a password if this is something I don't even want to remember.

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Ubuntu :: User Switching Stopped Working In Lucid?

May 1, 2010

User switching doesn't work for me anymore since upgrading to Lucid. When I choose "Switch From <user>..." in the logout menu on the top-right of my screen, it jumps to the login screen (gdm) but it doesn't show any usernames as it should.I wish I could get a screenshot of gdm but I'm not sure how.

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OpenSUSE :: KDE 4.3.5 - Switching User Session

Jul 10, 2010

I installed KDE 4.3.5 on my existing Gnome desktop and i have two users using the computer. Now from Gnome I am accustomed to switch between session very easy and the sessions continue to run. If I use the Switch option from KDE it just looks my screen and does not switch. Is it possible that I miss some programs? I installed it with Yast and used the group option. I am pretty sure that I missed something during the installation.

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Ubuntu :: USB Devices Not Mounting When Switching Users / Logging On With Different User

Feb 28, 2010

I have an external USB drive that is NTFS. It mounts fine under my account and my wife's, but only if I fully shut-down the computer between switching. While switching users or logging out then in with a different account it will not mount the drive. I am not sure what to do... but we both access data from the same drive.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound After Switching User Or Locking Screen?

Oct 30, 2010

My problem started when I updated Ubuntu 10.10 developer release (or whatever it's called ) to Ubuntu 10.10 Final. When I switch user or lock the screen and log back in, my computer makes no sound. I know it's not muted since I can see that in the volume control. The only way I can fix it is by restarting my computer

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Ubuntu :: Unity Desktop Graphics Offset After User Switching?

Jun 27, 2011

When switching users or logging out and then back in, the unity desktop will be shifted to the right, so that the clock, power button, etc. is off-screen. This does not happen every time, but seems to be about 50% of the time.It looks to be shifted about the width of the toolbar on the left, so that there is a blank column the width of the toolbar, then the toolbar. So, maybe some screen position data is not being reset at log out

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Software :: User Agent Switching In Firefox?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm trying to watch TV shows off of ABC.com, ABC.com is sending back the following warning:


Platform not supportedYou appear to be using an unsupported operating system or Web browser. In order to use our video player, we require:Windows XP/Vista with Internet Explorer 6+, Firefox 3
Mac - Firefox 3+, Safari 3+

I think that this is bogus, and I probably need to switch my user agent so that it shows the correct version of firefox, but shows my OS as Windows XP/Vista or Mac. Here is the output of about:config showing all of the user agent strings:




As I understand it, these strings get assembled into the user agent header, which looks a little bit like this:


Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100106 Firefox/3.5.7 I pulled this from Wireshark, after changing the user agent values above... obviously the changes that I'm making in Firefox aren't affecting what's going out over the wire. Right now, I'm in 'press and guess' mode... if someone can give me a better idea of how user agent strings are actually set in Firefox, what the individual values are, I might have a slightly better shot at figuring this out. This is, of course, only the first part of the problem. If ABC is using something proprietary to send out their video, I may still be out of luck...

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Software :: Sudo Is Not Switching To Root, Running As Same User Instead?

May 15, 2011

Take a simple requires-root option, such as:

[Leo@chessman ~]$ cat /etc/shadow
cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied


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General :: Saving Current Setup When Switching User On Centos?

Jul 15, 2010

i'm using centos 5 and i want to save my setup when switching the user.when i switched user from user1 to user2 and then i logged in user1 back without shutting down, i couldn't see any working window on user1. But since it's working on the CPU, i guess it's working but i cannot just see the window(such as terminal in my case) i was using. i have been using scientific linux which have "save current setup" when logging out. but centos seems not to have that check box!i want to know whether centos can contain the setup for each user when switching user.

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Ubuntu :: Added New User But Can't See The Shell Prompt?

Apr 8, 2010

I just added a new user to my ubuntu by:

useradd -gdevelopers -d/home/peter -m peter

when peter logs in (after I created a passwd for him) he doesn't see the shell as I do:


ALSO, he can't user the TAB to move inside a folder (when you type cs /home/p and use tab to get /home/peter)

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Ubuntu :: How Is Super User In Authentication Prompt Determined

May 3, 2010

How is the super user determined for the dialog box that pops up when trying to perform administrative tasks, "An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. Authentication as the super user is required to perform this action."? Does it always ask for the password of the default user created during the OS install, or should it prompt for the current user's password if that person is an administrator?I use likewise-open for windows domain authentication, so I typically log in as a windows user that likewise-open has added to the list of users on this system. I have given this user sudo access and added the user to all the same groups as the default user, yet whenever I perform an administrative task in gnome I am prompted for the password of the default user. Is this normal? It seems like the behavior would be to ask for the current user's password if that user is an administrator, and if so what determines that the current user is an administrator?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Preference Dialog For Gdm User Prompt

Sep 14, 2010

I have one Ubuntu 10.04 machine that is configured this way.I want GDM to prompt the user to enter their username via a text field, and then a password, instead of displaying a list of users to choose from.One way to configure GDM's appearance is to run the following from a terminal: gksudo -u gdm dbus-launch gnome-appearance-properties.If I remember correctly, there is a different dialog to run than "gnome-appearance- properties" that allows changing whether GDM prompts for a username or displays a list. But I do not know what it is.

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Ubuntu :: User Settings Doesn't Prompt For Authentication?

Aug 15, 2011

when I click on "Users and Groups" the dialogue box shows up, but I'm unable to make any changes because I'm not prompted for authentication (the "add", "delete" etc., buttons are grayed out). I'm using 10.10.

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Programming :: Cannot Prompt User In While-read

May 15, 2011

I'm facing a problem in a - at least I though it would be - simple BASH script. I use 'awk' to find matching lines in a file, and then use while-read to modify each line matching the expr casted in awk. It looks like this:


function foo() {
awk '$NF~/^./{print $NF}' FILE.TXT|while read line; do
bla bla bla ...


However, each time the execution hits the 'read choice' line, it doesn't prompt - as well as pause the excution - the user for a choice: it just passes it. This problem just happens inside the while loop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Lucid Shows Blank Screen / When Switching User With Ati Card & Desktop Effects

May 4, 2010

Lucid is not in testing but it's released.It seems it works now, with all desktop effects activated and switching users and closing sessions.The only thing I still don't know is which screensaver can I use if removing gnome-screensaver?

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 - Change System Display User Name On Prompt?

Sep 22, 2011

Choose Menu System->Administration->Users and Groups

I am able to see my Users Settings as follows:

User name: mike

Then why I still see the following prompt line? code...

If my understanding is wrong, then how can I change it in this way?

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General :: No Password Or Username Or Grub Prompt On Ubuntu Mac User?

Jan 30, 2010

I have bought a Mac Laptop however it has a username and password which I don't know. I've looked all over to see how I can overcome this lot's of people have said to enter at Grub prompt to take you to recovery, however I have no Grub prompt and Mac is not booting from cd rom.

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Fedora :: Prompt End User To Install New Versions?

May 30, 2011

Does Fedora Now Prompt End Users To Install New Versions? If so, what a terrible idea and how do I disable it? So, I get a late night call from one of the people I support with their PC. You know, the basic PC user who barely knows enough to be dangerous. I'm sure we all have friends like this, who we help out and keep Linux running for them. Anyway, he says Fedora prompted him to upgrade to Fedora 15 (from 13) and of course, he says OK. He usually says OK when fedora asks to update his software.

Now things are hosed, he can't get on-line and worst of all, he's running F15 with Gnome3 and can't find his way around or do the things he's used to doing. Why on earth would fedora prompt to upgrade to a new version via the net? (..btw - he said it took forever.. ) I'm sure this exact scenario will be played out 1000s of times and peeps like me will be wasting lots of time straightening things out after the fact. Seems to me Fedora should not prompt for full version upgrades. It's trouble waiting to happen and that kind of thing should be user initiated by someone who actually knows what they are doing, so as to avoid the scenario that just played out with me.

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General :: Run One Command As Different User Without A Password Prompt?

Aug 4, 2010

I need to run one command as different user with out a password prompt.

I did this

one localhost= (two) /usr/bin/whoami

This work but it prompts for password. Is there a way that can be done with NOPASSWD option ?

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General :: F1-F6 Console Doesn't Prompt For User/password?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm running Debian Wheezy and I don't know why, but whenI switch to console F1(Ctrl+Alt+f1) I can't enter login information. It's like Debian didn't have completely starting and wait always.The F1 console looks like this:

[screen content]
Starting enhance syslogd: rsyslogd.
Starting system message bus: dbus.


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Ubuntu Security :: Scripts Or Applications Cannot Install Without The 'sudo' Prompt And User Input?

Feb 12, 2010

Would it be safe to say that if I build a restricted user: "Desktop" or "unprivileged" user I will be ok? From what I understand - most scripts or applications cannot install without the 'sudo' prompt and user input.

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General :: No Prompt For Root Password After Attempting To Enter Single User Mode?

Jul 13, 2011

I followed instructions to enter single user mode by adding single at the end of kernel line but after that it doesn't ask for root password but brings up the sh# prompt. Isn't that supposed to be insecure? I understand for this the grub password can be applied but even after adding "single" it should ask for root password..or it should not..??

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Programming :: Bash Scripting With Sudo / Password Prompt And Accepting User Input?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm creating a bash script to do some tasks for me. I would like the script to be run at a set time of everyday. My first question is if it is possible that if one of the commands in the script requires sudo, is there a way to get around it with out making sudo not require a password. Such as, is there a way to include the password in the script? If that is the case, I can always just set the file as read only by sudo. I've been looking for a way to do this, with no success. if I have a command that wants input, how do I give it to the program. For example, if I want to make a zip file that is encrypted, the command would go as:


zip -r example * -e

now how would I get the script to insert my wanted password.

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Fedora Installation :: Boot Prompt Information Read Automatically From Isolinux.cfg Without User Intervention?

Oct 4, 2009

building an install cd or dvd media that will automatically install the Linux software on a client pc. There is no network connectivity so the client can only be loaded with Linux from CD or DVD media. The crux of the matter is that I can not automatically install the Linux software on client WITHOUT typing linux ks=cdrom:/ks.cfg at the boot prompt.

I want to avoid any user prompts and just have the software install with the RPMS that I need for this client pc at the boot prompt. Actually, when the boot prompt commences, I would like the software install to start with no user intervention. I've tried several different methods in isolinux.cfg, but the OS always wants boot prompt for the cdrom. Can the boot prompt information be read automatically from the isolinux.cfg with out user intervention? I'm looking for the same behavior as a LIVE CD that kicks off with no boot prompts after a few seconds. Here's a copy of my isolinux.cfg

default linux
prompt 1
timeout 600
display boot.msg
F1 boot.msg
F2 options.msg
F3 general.msg
F4 param.msg

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General :: Create A New Mysql User And A Mysql Database At The Shell Prompt?

Aug 7, 2010

How do I create a new mysql user and a mysql database at the shell prompt?

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Red Hat :: Command Line Prompt But Not The Correct Bash Prompt?

Feb 2, 2011

I'm running Red Hat Linux 5.4 on HP DL580 server with 16 processors and 64 GB of RAM. I'm connecting to the server remotely through SSH. after entering the password, it takes time to return the command line, if I click ctrl+c during this time, I'll have the command line prompt but not the correct bash prompt (I have to run bash to pass to my correct prompt).I tried to install Apache on the server, ./configure took 4 hours to finish instead of 1 or two minutes, Oracle installation same behavior. Server Disks are mirrored using RAID controller.

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General :: Get Away From The # Prompt And To The $ Prompt?

Mar 19, 2010

I'm logging on my server via PuTTY but I'm getting the bash # prompt and I can't call the few commands I know i.e.: lynx

How do I get the more familiar $ prompt?

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Ubuntu :: Conky Disappears After A While On 11.04

May 24, 2011

When I run Conky on Ubuntu 11.04, then after some time it suddenly disappears (isn't drawn anymore on the desktop). With 'ps' I can see that the Conky process is still running, it just isn't drawing itself anymore. I don't know what exactly triggers Conky to disappear. Does this have something to do with Unity?

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