Ubuntu :: Persistent Crashing On Lucid?

Sep 22, 2010

I am having persistent crashes on my Ubuntu system... Running Lucid and having sound issues and random crashes when playing SC2..Eventually had an initramfs error... which magically cured itself on a reboot... eveything seemed fine for an hour then another crash.I have attached a photo of the screen that is on at the moment. I keeps trying to do the last command and refreshes every minute.

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Ubuntu :: Persistent Crashing On Lucid

Sep 22, 2010

I am having persistent crashes on my Ubuntu system... Running Lucid and having sound issues and random crashes when playing SC2...

Eventually had an initramfs error... which magically cured itself on a reboot... eveything seemed fine for an hour then another crash...

I have attached a photo of the screen that is on at the moment. I keeps trying to do the last command and refreshes every minute...

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Installation :: Run Persistent Ubuntu From USB?

Jan 5, 2010

I am currently running Windows 7 and would like to "play around" with Linux and learn how to use it, but am not willing to entirely "jump ship: as of yet. Thus, I would like to be able to use my USB key (32 gig) that is persistent. I have had no success in being able to get this to work; I went to http://www.pendrivelinux.com/ and attempted several different times and the only one I could get to work was not persistent.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Do A Non-persistent Install

Feb 13, 2010

I would like to make all directories except /home non persisent this way any changes are undone by a reboot. (this will be used by kids)Where do I start?I've worked with Linux for years, but never tried this.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Persistent USB Usage

May 28, 2010

I would like to know if I can update a live USB version of 10.04I am, unofficially, running ubuntu 10.04 live USB version from a partition on my 250GB USB HDD at work.All the apps I use are web bassed except for zeacom and groupwise which I run from a virtual machine I created using virtualbox ose, this machine is one the network running AD and novel and also MS office and uniflow printing

Everything at the moment is running quite well: I tried this a while ago (9.04 or earlier) but I tried enabling update manager and this killed the boot for my live USB and I don't what to risk toying with a system that is running well but I also want to be up to date.

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Ubuntu :: Does Empathy IRC Have 'persistent' Setting?

Jun 13, 2010

I was able to check a box that would keep me logged in to an irc chatroom, even when the dialogue was closed. With lucid, I'm trying to find a similar setting for Empathy.Right now, whenever I close the window, it appears I quit that chatroom.

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Ubuntu :: Persistent Changes To Gnome Menu

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to make persistent changes to the Gnome menu. I know I can make user-specific changes, as defined by Alacarte, but that's not what I need for this machine. I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 with Gnome 2.30.2.

Per freedesktop.org specs I created an entry for a new sub-menu under Applications called Social Networking. I simply copied an existing menu entry and made the appropriate changes.
For example:
<!-- Social Networking -->

Next I created a .desktop file in /usr/share/desktop-directories/ called Social-Networking directory.
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Social Networking Applications and Utilities

Now, I'm stuck. I can't seem to figure out how to make an application's menu appear in the Social Networking sub-menu. For that matter, I can't even get the Social Networking sub-menu to appear under Applications. I assuming it will appear once I "associate" an applications's menu to the sub-menu, but I'm only guessing right now. I've logged out and back in; I even restarted my machine. Though I am not new to Linux, I am new to Ubuntu and Gnome.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Routes Are Not Persistent

Sep 1, 2010

I have a ubuntu 10.04.1 install with openvpn, so I have some routes in my /etc/networking/interface file. But for what ever reason when it boots the routes don't come up and I have to restart the networking before they come up. Once I do that all is well. Any idea's why it's doing that?

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Ubuntu :: How To Create Persistent Live USB

Dec 31, 2010

I'm attempting to create a persistent live USB. My flash drive is 32 GB, so I plan on creating a 8 or 16 GB ext casper-rw partition for my persistence (as described here.) I would like to have the remainder of the space available as an NTFS partition. However, most of what I'm reading indicates that only FAT32 is possible for a bootable Ubuntu USB.

I've been told that if I simply installed to USB drive as if it were a regular old HDD, it would be bootable and I could simply format the rest as NTFS. I'm wondering if this is true and why all these utilities I've found (Linux Live USB Creator, Universal USB Installer, etc...) insist on FAT32. Persistent (>4GB) bootable usb, with the rest of it a windows-recognizable NTFS partition?

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Make The LiveCD Persistent

May 8, 2011

I followed the instructions at [URL] but whenever I boot with the "persistent" option, the Ubuntu splash screen will take forever to boot, and It's not reading the CD! How do I fix this? By the way, I'm booting 10.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How Stable Are The Lucid-proposed And Lucid-backports Options In The Software Sources Settings

Oct 11, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 how stable are the lucid-proposed and lucid-backports options in the software sources settings?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Procedure For Updating From Lucid Beta 2 To Lucid LTS?

Apr 30, 2010

What's the procedure for updating from Lucid Beta 2 to Lucid LTS? Is it just "apt-get upgrade"? Or would I be better off with a clean install?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install On A Hardisk As Non Persistent OS

Jan 16, 2010

I want to ask, its is possible to install ubuntu in a harddisk as a non persistent environment? i mean, i want my ubuntu is always clean everytime it is restart, like a live usb.

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Ubuntu :: SSH Or VPN For Persistent Tunneling Of All LAN Traffic From Router?

Mar 23, 2010

I am currently setting up a old box to serve as a general, quality router/fileserver that should give me fine control over my network traffic. This router will serve as the bridge between several local users and the Internet, along with quite a few machines.Traffic is expected to be heavy, in the sense of multiple powerusers using the Internet to the fullest, not from one machine doing anything insane like Torrenting. The connection profile will reflects lots of up and down, not necessarily a huge number of persistent connections.Due to security concerns, the need to build an encrypted tunnel between a SoHo LAN and a dedicated server is unescapable. I'm trying to determine whether I can pull this off with a simple SSH tunnel on the box serving as the local router, or if a VPN (either PPTP or L2TP) is a more appropriate solution.Proxying won't work, because not all apps can easily be socksified across the Windows, GNU/Linux, and OSX platforms that the users will need. For this reason, I have to pull this off strictly at the router level.

I'm not all that familiar with the specific details of each protocol's performance as far as their latency, efficiency, overhead, and fault-tolerance are concerned. I'm less concerned with a protocol taking up CPU as I am with useless bytes and latency it might be introducing to the link. I don't know the low-level nitty gritty of how each protocol encapsulates its traffic.If there is an existing package for this, it would be great, but at this point I'm simply trying to figure out which protocol is more appropriate before I begin digging in the wrong direction. The biggest concern, of course, is that the chosen protocol aggressively re-establish sessions should the connection suddenly drop, which will be a concern given the SoHo line I'll have to work with. The actual outbound server is no concern, as it has four cores and a Gbps line.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Thumb Drive With Persistent Changes?

Mar 27, 2010

I've just installed UNR version of Ubuntu on one of my thumb drives and was wondering what I needed to do to for making it have persistent changes? I've seen the different tools and the usb creator they have on Ubuntu already but I want to do it myself from scratch. What files do I need to edit to make the drive persistent? I made the bootable thumb drive using UNetbootin.

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Ubuntu :: How To Make Time & Date Persistent

Aug 26, 2010

I've noticed that every time this desktop is turned on the date & time are as they were the last time I used it, and then have to put in the correct date & time again (this is why I chose the word 'persistent' within the tittle). When I try to change those have to write in the password for the date as well as for the time as if 'login-in' once were not enough! What I want to know is how to put in the date & time and receive the correct amounts the next time I turn the unit on again, as it should be? Do I've to open a terminal & do it with administrator's authority/credentials?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Use The Data From The Persistent Casper-rw?

Oct 25, 2010

I am trying to make a usb installed ubuntu(with persistent) unchangeable. The usb needs to use the data from the persistent casper-rw, but in the same time not be able to change the casper-rw. I have tried installing ubuntu on a SD-card, and then simply lock the SD-card. So fine so good, but it just wont bootup then - it says "Aufs mount failed".

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Create Persistent Live Usb Of 11.04

Apr 1, 2011

I have tried to create a persistent live usb thumb drive using Startup Disk Creator, but have not had any luck. I have tried running Startup Disk Creator from Linux Mint 9 xfce (currently installed on my machine) as well as from live sessions of ubuntu 11.04 Beta1 and xubuntu 11.04 Beta1. When using Startup Disk Creator in Linux Mint, I am able to set the slider to choose how much reserved space I want, but when I reboot, the USB stick does not load, I get an error message about an unknown name in the file. When using the live sessions of ubuntu or xubuntu, the section with the slider to choose how much of the usb stick to devote to the persistence file is greyed out. I get the same result whether I choose the xubuntu iso or the ubuntu iso as the source disc image. I have used the same USB stick and Startup Disk Creator to make persistent live installs before - is there something about 11.04 that does not allow persistence?

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Ubuntu :: Make A New Persistent Live Usb For The 64 Bit Machine?

Feb 18, 2011

Currently got a 32bit laptop and im running Ubuntu desktop 10.10 with the 32 bit version, If I upgrading my machine would i need to make a new persistent live usb for the 64 bit machine?

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General :: Ubuntu NR - Install Vs Live-persistent

Nov 11, 2010

I have an old EeePC 701 4G netbook that I'm about to reconfigure for a friend who needs it to read PDF files, surf the net occasionally and do few other things. I'm going to install Ubuntu Netbook Remix, version 10.4.

Now, the 701 only has four gigabytes of internal storage, and I'm unwilling to spend money on it to expand its memory. When installed UNR takes up about 2.3 gigabytes, which leaves a bit more than a gig available for user data, and that's not much at all.

However, I could copy the live files off the memory stick in the main drive and use the remaining space for a casper-rw partition. Then it'd be only a matter of editing the bootloader in order to have a system that saves changes. This way I could fit the system on only 700 megabytes.

My question is: is there any drawback to running a persistent live off the main drive as the operating system? Something that would make me prefer eating up two thirds of the drive with the system, rather than just a fifth of it?

I imagine upgrades would eventually take up a lot of space, as they'd essentially copy a lot of the system in the live partition, but this is easily solvable by not performing them. I don't think the intended user would miss them, since she'll only really need three or four apps.

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General :: Ubuntu Live-cd Persistent And Also Read-only?

Mar 18, 2010

I have already a ubuntu live-cd running with persistency on a USB stick but I would also want to be able to launch it, loading all the saved preferences in the casper-rw partition, but without any modifications on those settings.The idea is to have on the start menu 2 options:1- start ubuntu saving changes (on the persistent partition)2- start ubuntu not saving changes (not persistent, but loading the previously changed settings)This way, I could save preferences incrementaly, but only when I opted for the option 1.

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Red Hat :: VNC - How To Make Non Persistent

Mar 17, 2010

I have VNC set up on my server - connecting is fine - however there is no way to log out from the actual session over VNC (can only disconnect the VNC session itself). What I'd like to be able to do is logout and be presented with the login screen - is this possible ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Changes To Network Adapter Persistent?

May 12, 2010

I have a crappy cat5 cable that only works at 10BaseT settings on any nic. I have a gigabit nic which I configure using;Quote:ethtool -s eth2 speed 10 autoneg offProblem is that this setting doesn't stick after a reboot. How do I make the change permanent?

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Ubuntu :: Video Projects On 3TB USB Drive - Persistent Rsync?

May 30, 2010

I have a slow 3TB usb drive that I keep my video projects on, but when I'm working on a project I want to have the files on my main HD so that the video editing is less painful. So here is my question: is there a way to have a folder on my main computer that syncs files *as they are needed* to my main drive, then when they are edited sync them to the USB drive again?

So if I have a folder with 100 clips on my USB drive, can I sync just the directory listings to the local folder, then when I add a video to my project file and it is read by the video editing software, then just that file is synced to my local folder? Then, when I close the terminal with this app running, or some other signal the local folder is destroyed (all of the files are synced to the USB drive once they are changed).

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Make Persistent Iwconfig Settings

Jul 6, 2010

ubuntu is capping my wireless connection at 1Mbps, so everytime I boot up i have to type this:

"iwconfig wlan0 rts 2347 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 frag 2346 && sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 9MB"

How can I make these settings persistent?

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Ubuntu :: Lost Persistent Home Media In Live?

Sep 7, 2010

I partitioned a 32 gB flash drive to one 8 gig and one 24 gig partition. Both fat32. I wanted to be able to access the 24 gig partition from XP.I installed a persistent 10.04 on the 8 gig partition.All ran well for about 3 weeks. Today during boot up I noticed that it had stalled at "creating live session user". I left it there for several minutes and then powered down to retry.Several attempts to boot left me at the same spot.I looked at the boot up messages and noticed this error... "unable to find persistent home media".I don't have a ton of save info on the live user account but I would like to be able to fix this type of problem.

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Ubuntu :: Startup Disk Creator / Can't Make Persistent USB

Oct 1, 2010

I have enjoyed setting up a live USB stick to boot Ubuntu from and it works very well but I can't make my settings persistent. The option to do that in Startup Disk Creator is greyed out, the Stored in Reserved Extra Space is just not available.

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Ubuntu :: NumLock Pad Stopped Working - Preference Not Persistent

Dec 17, 2010

I have an HP laptop with a separate numlock keypad. About six months ago, I noticed the number keys were not pressing numbers. I eventually googled it and found that there's a setting in Ubuntu to set the numlock keys as cursor movement.

System > Preferences > Keyboard Preferences > Mouse Keys > DESELECT "Pointer Can Be Controlled Using the Keypad"

I did this and the numlock keys worked. However, a few reboots later I noticed the behavior was back. Again I googled and deselected the checkbox. I noticed again today that this unwanted behavior has returned. Why aren't my preferences persistent?

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Ubuntu :: Grub2 Persistent Partition Don't Have The Right File Or Syntax?

Jan 4, 2011

I've read and read & am still no smarter. I've tried to make a persistent partition(one that mounts whenever I boot/login). Either I don't have the right file or syntax, I've given up and need help. Please tell me exactly which file to edit and the proper syntax to put there. The partition on my machine I want to do this for is "sdb2" uuid "02f5852a-c3e2-47e8-b1dd-93592f1f87ee" label "archives"

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Ubuntu Installation :: Create A Persistent USB Accessible From Windows

Mar 24, 2011

I want to create a combined portable Ubuntu / USB stick.For this I intend to install Ubuntu to my 16 GB USB Drive. I am going to install some rather big programs (Matlab, Maple...) and therefor, I think the 4 GB persistent space in different startup-USB creators are to small.Because of this, I want to install Ubuntu to the USB drive, to get full functionallity. Also because of the small USB Drive size, I dont want to create two different partitions. For USB Drive use, I want to be able to save files larger then 4 GB (ie. not FAT32).

How can I create a fully functional Ubuntu USB, that can also be accessed from Windows? I understand that NTFS and Ubuntu is a bad mix, FAT32 have file size restrictions, and Windows cant accesss ext3/4.I saw someone talk about installing Ubuntu using the 'install in windows' to bypass Ubuntu-NTFS problems, but the link was broken, and I could not see how it was done. Also this [URL] talked about making the home folder accessible, but the linked site is now down.

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