Ubuntu :: PDF Annotator - Can't Comment And Mail To Co Worker

Sep 15, 2010

Have spend I while searching the net for at PDF annotator for Linux, but can't seem to find any. Most of the forum and blog post I found on the subject suggested different programs, Common for these though, is that they don't do annotations in the pdf, but rather import the pdf as a background for writing on top and then saving your notes separately. This have to problems:

1. You can't comment a pdf and mail it to your co worker.
2. You can't switch between programs freely...

As far as I know the pdf format has capabilities for annotations/comments. So anybody know how to take advantage of this, for note taking? My use for this would mostly be notes on slides during lectures etc.

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General :: Windows - Visual Annotator For Large Images

Sep 11, 2011

I have a few hundred images of 30000 x 10000 pixels in size. Each image has lots of text (rendered as pixels) on it. I'd like to translate all text to another language. I speak both languages, and it's fine for me to translate each phrase manually. I need an image editor which can open these images quickly (faster than Inkscape, which needs about 60 seconds to open such an image), lets me zoom and rotate by 90 degrees, lets me erase (i.e. change the color of a selected rectangle to solid white), lets me add text, and lets me save the file as quickly as possible. I'd like to minimize the time I have to wait for the software to load, render and save images. Which is the best program for that on Windows? On Linux?

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Server :: Apache 2.2.15 Using Worker MPM?

Mar 23, 2011

My inquiry is, we had this website which worked fine on apache version 2.2.15 using prefork mpm. We wanted to test this using worker mpm, so I compiled apache with the worker module and checked it was working but when we try to load the web page, we got a blank page. We are using fedora 11.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Apache - How To Change To Worker

Mar 27, 2010

I have installed openSuse and set up a as web server have apache2 running but need to change the MPM to worker. How is this done, I am new to OpeneSuse and Unix/Linux I know where to change the worker settings I just need to enable it over the prefork default. I know how they work I just need how to change to worker.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Apache - MPM Worker Not Working

Mar 28, 2010

I desperately need to get my apache server on OPenSuse to use the worker MPM I have tried simply placing worker in the quotes of the apache file /etc/sysconfig/apache2 but when I stop and start apache in the task monitor it is still showing the httpd2 processes to be prefork. Also there seems to be a problem on restart saying it cant find MPM.

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Debian :: Webserver Setup With Apache Worker And PHP?

May 26, 2011

I need to setup a web server with apache (worker) and php. What is the cleanest way to this with Debian Squeeze?

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Programming :: Worker Class For Program Coordinator?

Mar 9, 2010

Here's what I'm trying to do: I'm attempting to create a Worker program which is to be called in a Coordinator program. The worker program needs to add two numbers from the argv and return the sum of those numbers. Basically my problem is some sort of syntax and I'm fairly new to this scripting stuff. Here's what I have:

# Worker class for the program Coordinator
int worker(int argc, char *argv[] {
int sum = 0;
sum = atoi(argv[1]) + atoi(argv[2]);
printf("I am child with PID %d", getpid());
", sum);
fprintf(atoi (argv[3]), sum, 4);
exit(sum); }

Here's the errors:
~$./worker 2 4
./worker: line 4: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./worker: line 4: `int worker(int argc, char *argv[]'

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Debian :: Possible Bug In Comment

Dec 17, 2010

Just upgraded from Lenny to squeeze, and noticed that the comment in /etc/fstab, and it says that I should use vol_id to find my UUID, but shouldn't it be blkid? My system can't find vol_id?

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Hardware :: Comment On WD HDD

Aug 18, 2010

Has any folk used following WD HD before?

WD Caviar Green
SATA Hard Drives
1 TB, SATA 3 Gb/s, 64 MB Cache WD Caviar Green 1 TB SATA Hard Drives ( WD10EARS )What will be your comment. I never used WD HD before only Seagate HD. I like this WD HD because it has 64MB cache. Its price is more or less the same as Seagate and other brand HDs of same storage capacity.

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Ubuntu :: Comment The Bold Line (env Command)?

Sep 13, 2010

I have this line in my in a .sh file:



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Ubuntu :: Photo Slideshow Application With Comment Ability

Aug 30, 2010

Well I use Shotwell Photo manager for all my photos and I love the app but I can't comment on the photo for a slideshow. So I want to put around 300 or so photos in a slideshow and put comments on them but I dont want to import each photo individualo to OO presenter.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Comment On Bad Translations

Nov 3, 2010

I've been using openSUSE for some time now 10.x to 11.3, there is always badly translated things. In this case the timezone shows "Ciudad de Mexico" as "Ciduad de Mjico"Just for the comment, other users could find more stuff in the subject

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Add A Comment To Specific Line With Sed?

Jul 15, 2010

how can i add a comment to specific line with sed?

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General :: Get Rid Of Surplus Comment Lines With Sed?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a large text file and I have some comment lines in it beginning with $.

Now here is the challenge there are some lines where there is actually a written comment after $ (with some blanks between)

Then there are lines with only $ on it - with maybe some trailing spaces.

I would like to delete these dummy lines...

Lets say from

$ This is valid comment


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General :: Comment On Partitioning Strategy?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm planning to partition a new hard drive to dual-boot Mint+Mepis. I've read partitioning tutorials and posts, and want to check my understanding--I'd appreciate input from an experienced person.For 500GB hard drive, dual-boot Mint+Mepis:

--Mint: / root partition for OS; /home partition for ease of upgrading
--Mepis: same as Mint
= four partitions

/swap partition to be shared between Mint+Mepis
/shared partition for shared data
= two partitions

Total = six partitions

Since four primary partitions are allowed, I should use three primary partitions and one extended partition containing three logical partitions.Is that correct?If so, what should go where? I assume there's an optimal strategy--Should each /root of Mint+Mepis go in a primary? What should go in the other primary, and in the three logicals? Or maybe I don't need three primaries?--use two primaries and four logicals?

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Programming :: Is There Pseudocode Comment Convention?

Nov 18, 2010

While writing pseudocode is there a convention for writing comments within the pseudocode?

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Fedora :: Is It Safe To Comment Out Old Entries In GRUB?

Aug 8, 2011

I recently installed F15 on my laptop. Earlier today I updated a little bit more than 500 different things, and then rebooted. Upon seeing the GRUB menu, I saw that one of the updates added a newer menu entry for Fedora- the newer one's version was a fraction higher than the older menu entry.Anyways, is it safe for me to comment out the old entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst?

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General :: Find Pattern And Comment Out 2 Lines After It?

Oct 14, 2010

How do yo find a pattern with sed or awk and then:

- add a # at the beginning of the line containing it

- and add a # at the beginning of the following 2 lines, too?

Say, I want to comment out the line containing "which 0launch" and the two lines following it:

if [ -x "`which 0launch`" ]; then
exec 0launch http://rox.sourceforge.net/2005/interfaces/ROX-Filer -S

Expected result:

#if [ -x "`which 0launch`" ]; then
# exec 0launch http://rox.sourceforge.net/2005/interfaces/ROX-Filer -S

I need this because I do not want to comment out every line containing "fi", just the "fi" of this specific if statement.

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Debian :: Dist-Upgrades Halt With Comment Can't Respond To?

Jan 28, 2010

This n00b is having a weird situation during dist-upgrades that I've never seen before. It's puzzling my more-experienced pals in an irc channel, too.

Sometimes--not every time--while running a dist-upgrade outside of X on my Debian Testing machines, I get an informational text display (a comment box?) that always ends with the text "(END)". The display freezes there, and I am given no opportunity to respond and let the upgrade procedure continue.[URL]..

I've tried pressing escape, the space bar, enter, arrow-keys... nothing changes (I get system beeps with each keystroke). If I Cmd+C, I get a root prompt back, but any characters I type are not displayed as I type them. For example, I can type # "shutdown -r now", and the machine will shutdown --but the characters are not displayed as I type them.

If I immediately restart, go into a regular X session, and run synaptic, I get the same comment--but in a window with a "Close" button that I can click. The upgrade will then continue [URL].. This has happened on at least 3 different boxes, all running debian testing. Under gnome and xfce... Probably with 4 different packages in the last 3 weeks?

This morning it happened on a new debian testing install, and just now it happened -- with the identical package -- on an older debian testing install on a different box.[URl]..

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Programming :: Search For A Word In A File And Then Comment It Or Delete It?

Aug 9, 2009

I want to know that how can i search for a word in a file and then comment it or delete it. I know this command works.

sed 's/word/#word/'g inputfile > outputfile

But the lines in my input file are as under:

zone "abc.com" { ---- This line can be comment
type master; ----- This line repeat again and again in the file
file "abc.txt";
allow-query { any; }; -This line repeat again and again in the file

I want to know how can i comment a certain zone.

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SUSE / Novell :: Use The Usermod Command To Add A Comment To /etc/passwd?

Oct 3, 2010

I need to add a comment to /etc/passwd using usermod, but everytime I do it tells me that I can't modify a user in the LDAP database without DN. What is DN?

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Ubuntu :: Document Management App - Record The Category - Bank Statement - Date - Comment

Dec 29, 2010

I'm trying to clear a bit of space in my overstuffed filing cabinet by scanning all my bank statements, credit card statements, insurance, important post etc. into my computer.

I've been looking for a very simple document management system, where I can record the category (bank statement etc.) date, comment, etc.

I don't want to make these accessible via the internet and I really don't want to hand them all to Mr. Google, via googledocs, because he already has enough info about me without reading my bank statements.

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Programming :: Insert A Comment In Html File Based On Its Contents?

Jun 10, 2010

I have multiple HTML files in a folder. there is a <h2> tag like this:


<h2>some text</h2>

in each file. I want to write a shell script/batch file to add this tag in <head> section of each file:


<!-- TITLE= "same text from h2 tag" -->

Note that <h2>some text</h2> in some files has 1 or more linebreaks and so I couldn't capture tag content using a simple grep or...
for example:

<h2>first part of text
second line of text</h2>

The line break shouldn't be shown in <!-- TITLE= "same text from h2 tag" -->. The script has to capture tag content & skip line breaks.

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CentOS 5 :: Change Or Add Text To The Login Page In Comment Line

Feb 16, 2010

I have installed the astercc box it is running by centos 5.2 and i want to add some text to the " login page " i dont know how its called but when i start the pc when everything is been loaded it ask for the user and password And in top of it i want add tekst there,

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CentOS 5 Networking :: IP Tables Comment Module Causes COMMIT Fail?

Feb 12, 2011

IP Tables Comment Module Causes COMMIT Fail

:CHAIN_X - [0:0]


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OpenSUSE Install :: OpenFATE - #310836: Add An Option In YaST To Comment Out An Entry

Nov 20, 2010

I agree that this is a problem in making every NTFS partition a boot selection option in your grub menu.lst file during the installation of openSUSE. Someone should consider asking help from please_try_again in the openSUSE forums on how to find a bootable Windows partition and add that fuction to the openSUSE installer. Here is a pointer to the findgrub article here.

Looking for Grub and Windows bootloader in all partitions.The basic situation is that there is normally is only ONE booting copy of Windows, so why would you create three or four menu entries due to the number of NTFS partitions found on a hard drive? Finally, just as indicated by Jean-Daniel Dodin, If one of those partitions in the restore partition and a user boots it, it could be all over for the user copy of Windows, for the openSUSE install and for ever getting this user to try openSUSE again.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mail Gets Delivered To Var/mail And Var/spool And Squirrelmail Is Not Pickiing It Up?

Mar 12, 2010

i have a VPS running Ubuntu server 9.10 i have installed postfix and courier folloiwng a tutorial on How to forge.i have installed also squirrelmail When i ran squirrelmail , i tried to send a mail to myself to see if it was working. Mail appear in the Sent folder of Squirrelmail However, the INBOX was still showing no messages when i logged in to the server, i see that mail was delivered in var/mail/info (my username). so, my question is: why mail gets delivered to var/mail and var/spool and squirrelmail is not pickiing it up?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Evolution Mail / Send Mail Saving To Current PC But Not To The Other PC?

Apr 20, 2010

I use Evolution mail and use 2 PCs When I send mail it saves it to my current PC but not to the other PC so instead i want it to save the sent to the email server i'm using.

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Ubuntu :: Get The Mail Applet To Light Up Green By Sending Myself Mail In Lucid?

Apr 30, 2010

in Lucid ive been trying to get the mail applet to light up green by sending myself mail. Does this applet only light up when IMs r received or does this also work with evolution and if so what might i have done wrong in evolution, ive tried it with evolution open and evolution closed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Courier Mail 556 Address Unavailable - Cannot Recieve Mail ?

May 6, 2010

My courier server cannot recieve mail.

My freebsd installation has worked for quite some time w/o problems.

I'm using ubuntu as a replacement and have tried using the same settings from my previous server.

I keep getting the following error.


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