Ubuntu :: Opening Many Programs And Placing Them In Specific Monitors / Workspaces?

Jun 16, 2011

I am fairly new to Ubuntu and was wondering if anybody knows of a way to open up a number of programs and placing them in specific spots programmatically. Basically, I'm trying to avoid having to open my IDE, multiple terminal windows, browsers, etc... and then having to place them all in the exact position I want when my machine boots up. Ideally, I could say:Program A, is placed on Monitor 1, workspace 1, at position 0, 0, with height and width 600 x 400. Program B, is placed on Monitor 2, workspace 2, at position 600, 500, with height and width 1000 x 600

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Ubuntu :: Opening Specific Applications On Corresponding WorkSpaces?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a lot of application scheduled to load at startup (GoldenDict, Tomboy Notes, Evolution Mail, Liferea, etc.) and I'd like some of them to appear on the workspaces different from the default. I have Ubuntu 10.10 with Gnome and Compiz effects. Is there a way to do this without a lot of mess?

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Ubuntu :: Crawling Online Database And Placing Specific Data Into A Table?

Jun 12, 2010

I want to download some specific information(age of the building, value, square feet, etc.) from a county auditor's website:[url]

For every property in the county and ultimately match it to a .dbf file I already have containing geographic information for each parcel.

The website only displays information for a single address at a time in response to a query form asking for either the parcel ID# or street address. I have a table of all the county's parcel ID#'s and valid addresses-about 350,000 or so of them.

I imagine there must be some way to automatically crawl the website inputting the information from my tables into the form and gathering specific information in some sort of format that could then be matched to corresponding information in my .dbf file.

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Ubuntu :: Dual Workspaces On Separate Monitors With Nvidia Propriatary Drivers

Feb 25, 2010

I need a seperate workspace on each monitor and I use nvidia propriatary graphics drivers (I have a Geforce 9500 GT Graphics Card. It has one dvi port and one vga using both for my monitors.) The only problem is whenever I try to save the settings I apply something like twinview or the seperate x workspaces with the second monitor enabled It applys it but this is what happens in sequence (It may be only twinview that does this but i'm not sure not at my home computer right now):

1.) Picture cuts out to a blank screen on main monitor
2.) Pictures turns on in the second monitor (Its a seperate workspace from the main monitor)
3.) 3 to 5 seconds later the picute cuts out to the second monitor
4.) I'm left with two blank screen monitors and no way to turn the GUI back on other than a complete restart of the computer.

I need help on both of these issues. If it helps any one monitor is a CRT (The one on the right) and the one on the left is an LCD (The LCD is the main one). I also have Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit Karmic Koala if that helps. Lastly I have the latest propriatary graphics driver from nvidia (185 I think.) I also installed the driver from nvidia via Jockey (I think thats the name of the default driver installer for ubuntu..?) That is my situation and as you can tell its a pretty complicated one.

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Ubuntu :: Alt Tab Programs On Different Workspaces?

Feb 1, 2011

I have been told it is possible to alt tab programs on different workspaces. The people that have done this on kde 3. How do you enable this on kde 4? I would really like to use this feature.

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Ubuntu :: Apps Launch In Specific Workspaces?

Jun 14, 2011

I can't remember the name of the GUI app that I used that allowed me to specify which workspace specific apps would launch in when I start up my computer.

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Ubuntu :: Workspaces - Program Go To A Specific Workspace Using Compiz?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm trying to make every workspace its own workspace basically including the bottom panels and their windows, e.g firefox, gimp etc... I want every workspace to to truly be its own workspace. If I open a window in work space 2, it should stay only appear in workspace 2. 1.How would I do that using compiz? I'd love to be able to have my virtualbox windows, go specifically to workspace 3. 2.Whats the best way to have a program go to a specific workspace using compiz?

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Ubuntu :: Prevent Programs From Automatically Jumping To Different Workspaces?

Jan 16, 2011

is there a way to prevent programs from automatically jumping to different workspaces? Example: I have DeVeDe running on Workspace 2 and I switch back to workspace 1....DeVeDe completes its job and then it pops itself into workspace 1 and I have to manually move it back.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Not Opening Programs?

Aug 12, 2010

was a regular windows user for ~10 years now, but my current pc wasnt installing windows for some reason so i switched to linux to try it out. I've been trying to run a few small games here and there to keep me entertained, and wine just isnt agreeing with me ... Any program i try to open with wine, it says "opening _____________" in the taskbar, and then NOTHING HAPPENS! This is really irritating me, becuase if i got an error message i could try to figure out whats wrong, but when NOTHING AT ALL happens

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Ubuntu :: Opening Programs In A Window?

Jan 21, 2011

how to make a program open in a window, much like the -w command you can put in a launcher under gnome. Alternatively if someone could guide me on how to install gnome in lubuntu i could just give that a try too..

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General :: Multiple Monitors - Make Open Programs Appear In Taskbar ?

Aug 4, 2010

Normally when a program is open an entry is placed on the taskbar in order to easily find it, which is useful when a lot of programs are open. In Ubuntu 10.04, when I moved a program to the other monitor (I'm using 2 monitors) the taskbar entry also moves to the taskbar on that monitor.

Now I switched over to Ultimate Edition, which is Ubuntu 10.04 with a lot of stuff added to it. When I drag a program to the other monitor, the entry in the taskbar disappears, but it does not reappear in the taskbar of the other monitor. So now the only way for me to find a program on this monitor if its hidden behind other windows is to use alt-tab.

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OpenSUSE :: Opening Windows On Specific Monitor

Mar 28, 2010

I have a multi-head system (three monitors). Using KDE 3.6 I was able to specify that new windows were to open on the monitor on which the mouse cursor was located. I don't recall where the setting was configured but I can't find anything like it in 4.3. Is there somewhere I can set this option or is it no longer available?

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Ubuntu :: Is It Possible To Write Script For Opening Multiple Programs?

Jan 27, 2010

I'm wondering if it's possible to write some sort of script so I can have an icon on the desktop which opens a combination of programs I use together frequently.Specifically, I would like to have an icon called "keyboard practice" which does the following:

1) Open QJackCtrl and "click" on Start;
2) Open the Hexter softsynth and make the Jack connections between it and my speakers;
3) Make the Jack MIDI connection between my MIDI keyboard and Hexter.

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Ubuntu :: Disable The Screen Programs Opening Text In 11.04?

May 31, 2011

Well title say it all how do you disable the screen programs opening text in 11.04 so you do not have to hit the enter key twice to get by the two pages of text to actually be running the program you started.

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Ubuntu Security :: Opening Privileged Programs From User Desktop?

Apr 13, 2010

How do you open a program, in this instance "Zenmap", from the desktop in a user account when it requires root privileges? Is there a way to be prompted for the password, the same way, for instance, you're prompted when mounting a new file system or making a change to the system? I tried entering 'sudo /usr/bin/zenmap' when creating the shortcut, however that didn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Konqueror Opening Up Links From Skype And Other Programs

Jul 16, 2010

I would really like to stop Konqueror opening up links from Skype and other programs. It's becoming annoying because I have Chrome set to be the default browser, but for some reason when I click on a link it opens in Konqueror.

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OpenSUSE :: Wine Not Opening Some Windows Programs?

Jun 17, 2011

Some windows programs won't run after I have installed them with Wine. They either won't run or they make the screen go to a black painting screen (screen goes black and you can paint over it with your mouse to make the desktop reappear). I have tried changing the windows version and made no difference. I have even tried opening it in a virtual window and made no difference (Window opens then closes)

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Ubuntu :: Opening File Manager Endlessly Creating In Programs Bar. Can't Stop It?

Mar 8, 2010

When I turn on my computer I am greeted by an unending stream of "Starting File Managers" appearing in the programs list. This cannot be stopped, though none of the file managers actually open. They just sit there filling up my programs bar and wasting my cpu slowing down computer. It also means I cant upon my own folders, or see what programs I have open.If I run terminal, type xkill and click on one of the buttons in the programs list, that kills them all, and I can see my programs again for a bit, until it fills up again. The panel disappears and appears again, with all the spawning messages gone and any other programs I have open remain there. Its just the randomly spawned "Starting File Managers" that don't come back.

My CPU fluctuates. Its around 60% to 90% load, when it should be idle, but is instead opening all these windows.When I view the processes the most CPU intensive (when I sort) is Gnome System Monitor at 6% and then Gnome panel at 5%,gconfd-2 is as around 2%, compiz.real, dbus-deamon hover around 1%. And everything else is generally at 0%.So somewhere, a hidden process is using about 70% of my CPU load. Which isn't shown in system-monitor. Maybe because its an admin process and I can only see simple user processes. I dunno.There is something else though. I have a process with no name appearing, its blank. And it keeps disappearing and re-appearing. So you can hardly select it hard enough to kill it. I managed to kill it once and it said error, process (large number, 10,000 or 100,000) does not exist. So can't be killed.When I do an xkill the console writes:

anthony@Anthony-Acer:~$ xkill
Select the window whose client you wish to kill with button 1....


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Ubuntu :: Opening Mathematica Via SSH X-window Sporatically Quits All Programs And Logs Out?

Jul 27, 2011

I use Mathematica 7.0 through my school's SSH server. This involves:

-loading their font server via "xset fp+ tcp/c1.ucalgary.ca:7100"

-connecting to the SSH server via "ssh -X useruser@servername.ca"

-entering my password Then I choose to run Mathematica via ". use mathematica 7" then to load the GUI "mathematica".

Sometimes, and only sometimes, the screen goes to the error in the attached picture, stays there for about 5 seconds, brings me to the login screen. When I log in again, all of my applications that were running, open folders, and my terminal windows are closed.

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Debian :: Become Very Slow, In Loading Programs, Opening Documents?

Jun 26, 2010

i have debian Sid, for past 1 to 1.5 months, i have observed that it has become very slow, in loading programs, opening documents etc. Where should I start looking?Info:-System :- HP DV5 1215Tx Laptop, 2.1 ghz c2d , 500gb WD 5000 bevt harddisk, Nvidia 9600 GT, 2 gig ram .kernel version 2.6.32-4-686Drivers : I use NVIDIA drivers, version 190.53.Network:- I use wired DSL WIFI available but Not in use, nor is bluetooth etc.System is not connected to any other network .Use :- internet, music, movies.Display manager :- KDE 4.3.4Desktop effects :-None, Disabled.My question is , where and how should I start looking?PS I am a linux user for quite a long while.It has been my Only OS for about 4~5 years.But for last 1/2 years because of my studies, i have been out of 'touch' with its commands etc,but willing to dive back in and to stuff on my own, looking for direction here.

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Ubuntu :: Set Certain TTY's To Show Specific Programs Upon Login?

Jul 7, 2010

Can anyone imagine a way to set certain TTY's to show specific programs upon login?

If I were to log in under my normal account, it'd be cool if I could set one up to load top upon authentication, maybe watch tail /var/log/syslog on another, and so on.

I know they require authentication, but would there be a way to say on startup if isTTY and TTYnum=y and if user=x execute script z?

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Ubuntu :: Specific Location For Installed Programs?

Jan 9, 2011

Yesterday, I downloaded qt and gcc by using "synaptic package manager" tool.Where does those programs intstalled?Well, in windows the programs are installed in c:Program Files folder. Similarly, is there a specific folder that the newly installed programs are placed?

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Ubuntu :: Find Programs Installed On Specific Date

Sep 4, 2010

Is it possible to find programs that were installed on a specific date or within a specific date range? If so, how?

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Ubuntu :: Launch Some Programs At The Boot (in Specific Places)

Nov 11, 2010

My wish is to launch some programs (chromium, pidgin and xchat on the first virtual desktop and the terminal, the file manager and geany on the second one). I also wish them to have the same size and place than they've had the last time I used them (just to keep them always at the same place). My researches haven't been successful for the moment cause the only idea I found was lxsession-edit which doesn't do exactly what I want..

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General :: Kill All Programs On A Specific Display?

Jul 31, 2010

how to kill all Programs on a specific X display? In example, I need to kill all Programs on Display :1. How is this possible?

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Debian :: Some Programs Not Opening. Just "starting" And Then Disapear?

Mar 30, 2010

Can't seem to open certain things. For example Synaptic Package manger. It just shows "starting" etc and then nothing. Same thing with partition edd root terminal.Terminal runs fine (and i can su root from there) as do other things such as firefox,em monitor,update manager add/remove applications. apt-get still works fine. Just want to mention i have 500 megs of ram. Any ideas? Are there logs dumped somewhere for this kind of thing? Synaptic package manager still runs using dpkg from the terminal.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 1 PC, 5 Monitors, 32 Users\ Only Able To Get One PC And Five Monitors?

Sep 18, 2010

I know it can be done, I just need to know what the hardware is called. There is a community center in the area and I might have a chance to help out. Due to not enough funding the center was only able to get One PC and five monitors. What I hope to be able to do ( and know its possible ) is get the hardware to make each monitor is own terminal with keyboard and mouse.

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Ubuntu :: Placing A Picture On Top Of Background?

Apr 11, 2010

Too Many Snags with Advice, newbie getting too many people upset,

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Ubuntu :: Placing Applications On Panel In 11.04

Apr 29, 2011

Want to move/place applications to the panel, in 11.04. Can't seem to locate where/how to do it? Should be very simple and I bet my face will be red.

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Ubuntu :: Synaptic - Apt - Not Placing Correct Command On Launchers ?

May 21, 2011

After a recent update on my Xubuntu 11.04 any new applications I install don't sym-link correctly.

For example if I install a game, we'll call it "game", normally you could just type


In terminal which is the same command assigned to the launchers in menu. Now that fails and the only way to launch is with full path e.g.


I'm not sure what changed because applications were installing and launching correctly until now.

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