Ubuntu :: No Countdown For Grub 1.99 RC On Natty

Jul 22, 2011

Since earlier today, I am stuck at startup on the grub page, I have no countdown and I have to press a key to keep going. I only have Ubuntu on my PC and didn't use to view grub.I am obviously running update-grub in between each of the modification and trying to restart...

here is my /etc/default/grub file:


Still no chances, any insight why my grub.cfg doesn't not seem to change and be configured correctly during update-grub.

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Ubuntu :: Increase Grub Boot Countdown

Feb 15, 2010

How would i go about to changing that to 30? I have two testing servers using the same monitor and mouse, so i have to log onto those first, if i want to have access to my files. On the server at startup. (I have set up a basic samba server)

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Ubuntu :: Edit Grub Countdown Time In 10.4?

Apr 19, 2010

Previously I could don "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst" to edit in grub the countdown timer from 9 to eg: 2 seconds. I don't know how to do that with 10.4, as there is no file /boot/grub/menu.lst anymore.

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Fedora :: Does Not Countdown In Grub / No Autoboot?

Mar 7, 2010

My fedora does not autoboot. I get stuck at the grub selection green. I have the choice of one kernel and I have to press enter before I can continue to boot into the OS. Is there a way to fix this? /etc/grub.conf, menu.lst and /boot/grub/grub.conf are all identical. I have tried different timeout # as well as default=saved. Still nothing works and fedora does not count down.

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Ubuntu :: Skip The Grub Menu In Natty?

May 6, 2011

how to skip the grub menu in Natty? The way I used to do it in /etc/default/grub no longer works.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Files Missing In Natty Narwhal (11.04)

Jan 14, 2011

A couple months ago, I created a dual boot between Windows 7 and Ubuntu 10.04 using wubi. I then upgraded to 10.10. What would usually happen is I would start up my laptop and it'll go to the Windows boot manager, letting me choose between Windows 7 and Ubuntu. If I would choose Ubuntu, it would go to a GRUB boot manager. It would let me choose between several different ways to boot Ubuntu, mainly that there were different options that were all the same except they had different numbers in the name, i.e. Ubuntu, whatever, or something like that.

A couple weeks ago, I updated to 11.04. At first it worked good, but then a couple days later I updated a bunch of packages. It tried to CAT a GRUB file and failed. It gave me an error code, but I ignored it. Yesterday, I updated again, but since last time failed, it told me to do a partial upgrade. This I did, and it was successful. But now, everytime I go to GRUB and try to select any of the options, it tells me "Error: File not Found" and I cannot boot into Ubuntu. There are recovery versions for each choice, and using these I can boot into Ubuntu in low graphics mode and I can also get to a command line prompt.

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Grub Menu After Natty Upgrade

May 4, 2011

I upgraded to Natty yesterday and my system boots into it ok but I don't get a grub menu (and so no other options like recovery mode which I really need right now). I tried purging grub and re-installing it on /dev/sda but still no joy. Here's the info from the Boot Info Script. I've also tried uncommenting GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 in /etc/default/grub but that doesn't help. How I can get the menu back?

Boot Info Script 0.56 from 8 February 2011
=> Grub2 (v1.99) is installed in the MBR of /dev/sda and looks at sector 1 of the same hard drive for core.img. core.img is at this location and looks for (,msdos1)/boot/grub on this drive.
=> Windows is installed in the MBR of /dev/sdb .....

Devices which don't seem to have a corresponding hard drive: sdc
StdErr Messages:
unlzma: Decoder error
unlzma: Decoder error

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgrade - LVM Grub (No Such Disk)

May 5, 2011

I've had this problem on a couple of Ubuntu server upgrades and am keen to get to the bottom of it. Basically, with an Ubuntu 10.10 server installtion where LVM has been used, running through the do-release-upgrade process works perfectly until the reboot stage. Then grub complains with "no such disk" and dumps me out to the grub shell. From here, I can see (from ls) the following:

(hostname-swap_1) (hostname-root) (hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,1) (fd0)
I can enumerate the filesystem on (hd0,1) which seems to contain the /boot filesystem and the filesystem on (hostname-root) seems to contain the / filesystem.

If I execute:
linux=(hd0,1)/vmlinuz-image-2.6.38-8-server root=(hostname-root)
It boots, but into busybox saying that the target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init.

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Ubuntu :: Grub Error 15 After 11.04 Natty Narwal Installation

Jun 6, 2011

Story: Installed 11.04 Natty Narwal from a live cd on my 2 year old HP Elitebook. The installation completed successfully according to the Live Session. I restart... Quote: GRUB Loading stage1.5 GRUB loading, please wait... Error 15

I have 2 other operating systems on the hdd, that I was previously managing with grub which was stored in the boot directory of Ubuntu 9.04 (on the partition that I formatted to install 11.04) What I have on hand:


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Ubuntu / Apple :: Macbook 8,1 - Natty / Grub 2 Does Not Install?

Jun 20, 2011

I am able to install 11.04 (64bit) on my MBP, but after installation I cannot boot into it.[URL]...


This information will not work for iMac (11,1) users installing recent versions of Ubuntu (e.g., Maverick). The presence of the bios-grub partition that the Ubuntu installer creates by default (e.g., sda3) causes a conflict that prevents syncing the GPT and MBR partition tables. Deleting sda3 does not help since grub2 requires that bios-grub partition, nor will it use either sda or sda4 aborting with the error: "This GPT partition table has no BIOS boot partition; embedding won't be possible!". So installing Ubuntu with the bios-grub partition fails and installing without it fails. See "Single-Boot". And this seems to be the problem, as trying to re-install grub from the live-cd results in that error message. Looking at this forum there are a lot of people running ubuntu on the same laptop, so my question is: How??

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Beta - Grub Error On Natty Upgrade

Apr 11, 2011

My current setup was:
4 x 500 gb hard drives in (software / onboard controller) Raid 10 (1 +0) with Windows 7 x64 as the primary OS
1 500 gb hard drive with Ubuntu 10.10 installed

After upgrading to Ubuntu 11.04 Beta, I hit the Grub Error. I have removed the 5th HDD but still getting it on boot into Windows 7. I am currently in the process of copying all files from my raid via a 10.10 flash drive boot (fortunately was able to mount my raid's partitions).

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Ubuntu Installation :: Natty Upgraded Now Grub Boots To Memtest?

Apr 29, 2011

The upgrade finished, did a y to reboot and it boots to memtest, no sign of the grub screen at all.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Stuck At Natty Grub Rescue Prompt?

May 6, 2011

I have tried to follow the different possibilites discussed here [URL]

But I am not getting anywhere.

Btw, this is not my screenshot. Mine shows GNU GRUB version 1.98-1ubuntu5.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Option To Not Install Grub On Natty/11.04 CD Removed?

May 13, 2011

In previous versions, there was an 'advanced' button where you could select NOT to install grub. I can't find that in the latest Natty release iso's. Is it no longer an option? And if not, WHY? I find myself reloading Natty quite often on a test partition to play with various parameters in my attempt to get it working as needed. But I'd really prefer to have the option to no reload grub.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB Lost Option To Boot Into Ubuntun Natty?

May 28, 2011

I installed Maverick alongside Windows 7. Then I upgraded Maverick to Natty, removed and reinstalled the latest kernel and ubuntu-desktop using Synaptic Package Manager. But now GRUB does NOT show any option to boot into Ubuntu Natty.

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Ubuntu Installation :: GRUB Boot Menu Not Showing After Natty Update?

Apr 28, 2011

When I first boot up. I get the GRUB command line. What happened to the boot menu? And I can boot up into my Windows partition just fine. But when I try the other partitions i get "Unknown file system" or when I try to boot into the other ntfs drive, I get "BOOTMBR missing", but yet it does not mean Windows, because i can boot that just fine. I can't find my Ubuntu partition. How can I get the GRUB boot menu back?

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Ubuntu :: After Natty Narwhal Update It Goes Straight To Grub Command Line

Apr 29, 2011

I upgraded from Meerkat to Narwhal. After all the files have been downloaded and installed it rebooted. Once it rebooted it went straight to the GRUB command line. After couple of hours of research, I ended up at

My root was at (hd0,1). So therefore I put this in at the GRUB prompt.

set root=(hd0,1)
linux /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro
initrd /initrd.img

I did what it said and it got me into Ubuntu. Nice! It asked me to: After successfully booting into the system the user should run sudo update-grub I did. Next it asked me to review (/boot/grub/grub.cfg). That's where it is hairy, my file has multiple root settings and with msdos settings. That doesn't seem normal.


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Ubuntu Installation :: Grub Menu Lost After Dual Booting With Natty?

May 16, 2011

i have lucid lnyx installed as my main system and added natty on a seperate drive. after installing, the new grub detected lynx & i was able to boot into each without any problem. after doing some tweaking on natty (changed run level), it didn't boot properly so i reverted to the old config via rescue disk. after rebooting, the old grub menu didn't show & it loaded lynx automatically.

i tried the suggestion from another post changed the hidden menu and updated grub but it didn't detect natty (below).

------ update-grub ------
Generating grub.cfg ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-31-generic
Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-31-generic
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-30-generic


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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Reinstall Deleted GRUB Bootloader (Natty)

Jul 11, 2011

I got a system crippling virus on my windows installation. My recovery disks gave me the same problem. So I installed Win 7 enterprise using a disk my dad got from his work. The installation went smoothly. When I started my computer after it went straight to Win 7 without the GRUB bootloader (not the case with restore disks). Could somebody please help me with this issue because I cant stand using Windows for anything other than games much longer.

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Ubuntu :: Conky Countdown With Leading Zeroes?

Jun 5, 2010

I found a script that counts down to a date and time and after modifying my .conkyrc file I want things to line up nicely, so, now I need leading zeroes on the output, like one timer I have says "4m +2w 5d 20:0:0" and I want it to say "04m 02w 05d 20:00:00" and on a slightly separate issue, it doesn't seem to be counting the minutes and seconds correctly, but that can be dealt with later, the current script is


#Script Name: howLong.pl
#Author: Nathan Handler <nhandler @ubuntu.com>


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Ubuntu :: Getting A App That Is A Countdown Timer Usable For Basketball

Jul 17, 2010

I'm looking for an app that will provide a large (full screen and clear) display countdown clock, basically so I can use my laptop in public to show how much time remains in a basketball quarter. I'm the official timer.If it counts up like in soccer rather than down, that's fine too. If the app can also show the score, that would be great, but it is not a requirement. We don't use a shot clock, so that is not required either.

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Edit The Os Selector Countdown

Dec 14, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.4 using wubi from XP. For some reason wubi didnt increase the countdown time on the windows os selector. My P.C. came with a recovery partition, so the os selector has always poped up on startup, but the timer was set to 5sec.(probably to avoid annoyance). Is there a way to edit this so I can have more time to select my option? This is the windows os selector and Ubuntu is on a separate(second) hard drive.Ubuntu version: 10.04 LTS- the Lucid LynxWindows version: Xp servicepack 2Machine: Hp Pavilion a1677c

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Ubuntu :: Crashed My Natty Desktop With Metacity - Never Get GRUB Screen That Allows To Boot Into Recovery

Jun 4, 2011

I seemed to have crashed my X desktop and I never get a GRUB screen that allows me to boot into recovery. Long story short, I accidentally used metacity --replace (out of habit) when I lost my window decorations. This caused the panel and dash to crash and I couldn't get a terminal. So I forced a reboot and now I boot into a black screen every time. GRUB doesn't even give me my normal recovery mode option. After my BIOS posts it just shows me the purple splash screen then blackness. I have a LiveCD standing by but don't know where to go from there.

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Ubuntu :: Logout Delay - Countdown: Will Be Logged Out Or Shutdown In 60 Seconds

May 23, 2010

When I click logout or shut down I get a countdown saying I will be logged out or shut down in 60 seconds, then it counts down. I can click the "shut down now" button, but I find this behavior incredibly irritating. When I click logout I would like to logout NOW.

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General :: Shell Script - Countdown Timer

Feb 16, 2010

I'm looking to write a shell script that is a count down counter for my brothers birthday, hopfully something that when the big day comes it pops up and says " happy birthday"

something that wont get screwed up if the computer is restarted...

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Fedora :: Install A Gnome Countdown Screenlet?

Apr 14, 2011

I cd to the directory, Run Python setup.py install.

[mitch@mitch ~]$ cd LostCountdown
[mitch@mitch LostCountdown]$ python setup.py install
python: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[mitch@mitch LostCountdown]$ ls
icon.png LostCountdownScreenlet.py Screenlet.package sounds themes
[mitch@mitch LostCountdown]$

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Fedora Installation :: USB Show Countdown But Doesn't Boot

Jun 15, 2010

I created a Fedora 13 x86 live image on USB using [URL] I've set it to boot using the USB and when it does I see the 10 sec countdown (or the options if I press a key), I tried all the options to boot the image but the screen just turns black for a few seconds and then the the monitor goes into "power saving mode" and nothing happens (I waited like 10 minutes). What's going on? I am trying to install fedora into an empty (secondary) HD, in the main HD I only have a win XP, and I don't want to burn a cd/dvd that's why I am trying to boot the USB.

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General :: Add Countdown Clock To Gnome Desktop Using Centos5 & F14?

Apr 10, 2011

I am going to allow myself a few cheeky ones next weekend. So I though it would be nice to have a clock on my desktop reminding me of how long to go. Is there a countdown clock I can add to my Gnome desktop? I am using Centos5 & F14.

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Ubuntu :: GRUB 2 : Difference Between 'grub-pc', 'grub-efi' And 'grub-coreboot'?

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to know if there is any differences on how to install and to configure GRUB 2 in the different architectures (BIOS/IBM PC-Compatibles, EFI/MacIntel and Corebbot)? Does the Ubuntu installer automatically recognize the different architectures and install the appropriate GRUB 2 package ('grub-pc', 'grub-efi' or 'grub-coreboot' according to the arch)? Or does it just install 'grub-pc'? Is the location of GRUB 2's configuration files different depending on the arch of the computer? Or are they all located in '/boot/grub/', '/etc/grub/default' and '/etc/grub.d/', no matter the arch of the computer? Are the files' structure and options to configure GRUB 2 ('/etc/grub/default' and the scripts in '/etc/grub.d/') different depending on the arch of the computer?

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General :: Edit Grub Menu From Initial Grub Screen - Possible To It's Own 'e' Option Or 'c' From Grub Command Line?

Nov 20, 2010

my Setup is Fedora 14 x64 + radeon hd 4830 i've downloaded .run package from ati site with latest driver for x64 systems. installed it, but didn't edited grub.conf becouse i didn't understood anything there (probably didn't spent enough time to get things understand) Now i've lost possibility to enter my Fedora system. during boot it lost it's modern blue boot screen (with filling drop), it was replaced by standard old boot screen with triple-color stripe. after this boot screen monitor start blinking going on and off. and on last step i'm getting "Fedora 14 boot bla bla bla something" on screen. nothing works except Ctrl+Alt+Delete. system reboots showing successful daemons shutting sequence. How can i edit grub menu from initial grub screen is it possible to it's own 'e' option or 'c' from grub command line?

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