Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Reach Nameservers Via Router

Feb 3, 2010

This has probably been beaten to death, but I can't find anything that fits my exact situation (maybe I'm using the wrong keywords, sorry).


eth0 - external NIC, DHCP IP from ISP
eth1 - internal NIC, static
DHCP running on eth1
IPTABLES set up to masquerade on eth0

I have a computer connected up via server's eth1. It's IP is (/etc/init.d/networking restart) gives me a DHCPOFFER and everything, so DHCP seems to be working fine.


can access internet I can ssh into (even though it seems to take longer than usual)

can ping server (well duh, I ssh'ed in from the server) cannot access internet for DNS on the internal NAT I'm using the same DNS servers as the router, so the server's



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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Reach Guest OS In VirtualBox From OSX Host

May 18, 2011

Recently I've been unable to load web pages, hosted on my Ubuntu Guest in Apache, from my OSX Host. In fact, I can no longer even ping the Guest OS from the Host. In the past, when I did ifconfig on the Guest, I got an IP of 10.0.1.n. Now I'm getting default NAT Address. The thing is, I didn't change any settings recently. What I did do is run software update for OSX, Ubuntu, and updated VirtBox.

Current Versions:

VirtBox 4.0.8 r71778
Host: OSX 10.6.7
Guest: Ubuntu 11.04

why I can no longer access my Guest OS from my Host? I spent hours on this last night, to no avail. What would cause the Guest IP to change from 10.0.1.n to As I say, I manually made no config changes.

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Reach Client Pc On Certain Ports

Oct 16, 2010

I have a simple home network with a windows and fedora clients. I'm running fedora 13, but I"m having problems connecting to the pc on certain ports from my windows pc. I can connect from windows to fedora using VNC, and even connect to my postgresql database. However, can not get connected to my Apache Tomcat or JBoss server. When I first installed the OS I went through and configured the firewall but have since disabled it (stopped service). However, I still can't get to the app/web servers.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Unable To Reach Vps Ip From Same Physical Machine

Jan 15, 2010

i have sun Virtual box installed on my centos as my host os and centos as guest os.The ip on Sun virtual box virtual interface is10.0.2.15 and the ip on the physical machine is i try to ping the ip from my vps on centos to my physical machine it pings but it does't work when i try to ping my vps ip from my physical machine.Please recommend the route enteries i need to do in physical machine

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Debian Hardware :: Don't Get Disconnected But After It Freezes Can't Even Reach The Router By Its Ip?

Apr 18, 2011

For some time my wireless was working perfectly but now if I do something that uses more bandwidth - the connection freezes. Takes a minute when using torrents @400kb/s. Wireless starts to work for some time if I reconnect to router but stops again if the load is same. I don't get disconnected but after it freezes I can't even reach the router by its ip. Any ideas?02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)

Subsystem: AzureWave Device 1089
Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ 17
Memory at d1800000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]


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Fedora Networking :: How To Setup Nameservers

Jun 30, 2009

I finally get rid of all panel solutions on my server in order to install nginx. Everything is working correct with nginx. I defined my nameservers via my domain manager as

ns1.domain.tld ip1
ns2.domain.tld ip2

Now my question is how can i define these nameservers to my server via ssh and after defining nameservers do i have to do anything else ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Randomly No Nameservers Defined On 3G Wireless

Jan 16, 2010

I have a Huawei E220 3G modem and I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. The modem picks up on USB, and the connection works, sort of. With random times, I can't get on the internet, and when running:


mtr -n -c3 -r

it tells me:


Could not get fd's flags: Bad file descriptor
No nameservers defined

Network Manager Applet 0.7.996 is reporting my wireless connected, and applications like Skype is working perfectly. I just can't browse.

When I restart a couple of times, and my internet browsing capability starts working eventually at times. The behavior is very random.It appears that when I fiddle with USB devices, like unplugging my external hard drive, and plugging the USB modem in and out, restarting, it helps. Also, when plugging in my USB 3G modem, an icon pops up on the desktop, mounting the USB device as a USB flash drive. The device has on-board memory, but can I disable this / prevent it from mounting?I also disabled IPv6 by setting:


GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="ipv6.disable= 1 quiet splash"
in /etc/default/grub

What I also did was to "hard code" DNS by adding:


prepend domain-name-servers,;
to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf

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Ubuntu Networking :: Change The Sequence Of The Nameservers Or Insert A New One & Again It Works For A Few Days?

Aug 5, 2011

I have configured opendns on my adsl router. So was the first nameserver in Network Managerbut I often faced name resolution issues, so I configured as the first nameserver, as the second & as the third.Problem is with the above configuration everything works well for a few days then again name resolution stalls. And again I change the sequence of the nameservers or insert a new one & again it works for a few days. I am tired of doing that again & again.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Router

May 19, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04LTS 64bit. The desktop running it does not connect to my router or the internet. My mac laptop does. When I installed windows on this desktop, it too could connect. But after reinstalling ubuntu, I cannot. I tried upgrading to the latest ubuntu, but that just bricks my computer. Here is my ifconfig:

~$ ifconfig -a
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1d:09:95:39:76
inet6 addr: fe80::21d:9ff:fe95:3976/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Wireless Connect With Router?

Apr 23, 2010

I have had a router die on me and have bought another (maybe a bad buy!) The new router is Linksys WAG120n. Ethernet is fine. Laptop wireless adapter is Atheros AR5009 802 11a/g/n. I have setup a wireless connection but it is not connecting to it. I have checked the router settings and these seem to be OK! I'll try to give any details required.

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Ubuntu Networking :: 3com Router - Unable To Config

Jun 8, 2010

Under ubutntu 10.04 I'm unable to acces the config page the browser just won't open th page (and I have Internet as I'm writing this right now).

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wireless Router

Aug 12, 2011

Firstly, the actual problem I'm having is that when I start my computer (netbook) up in the morning and try to connect to the router (wirelessly) it just... doesn't work. I've used it before, at full signal strength, and it was completely fine. It never disconnects me or anything - but if I shut down my computer, like I do overnight, when I start it up again often it's hardly getting a signal at all (or so it says) and when it tries to connect it makes the connecting animation and occasionally flashes to a circular thing like firefox's loading animation. Eventually it just fails.

I try restarting my computer, but it doesn't seem to help. The last time, I had to wait until the signal looked "full" again, then delete the settings in "edit connections" for that router and only then would it let me log in again, even though I was using the same password from the same computer (even in the same place). That only seems to help when the connection looks "full" though, and even then, not always. Normally I'd try resetting the router, but I can't because it's locked in the next room (I rent a room here and the guy with the key is rarely around) but honestly I don't think the router is causing this, for a few reasons:............

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Resolv.conf -- Systems Ignore Secondary & Tertiary Nameservers?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a number of CentOS servers with latest 5.xI have 3 nameservers in the resolv.conf files. All 3 nameservers test out fine when checking for domain lookups.I'm having some trouble with ns1 and shut it down.l None of the CentOS machines fail over to the ns2 & ns3 entries. Basically everything stops resolving even though the other 2 nameservers are alive and well.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Detect Router - Tries To Connect But Fails?

Apr 24, 2010

Ubuntu 9.10 comes with rt2870, the driver for my Zonet ZEW2545, and I have had to blacklist rt2800usb in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf in order for rt2870 to work. My network adapter is able to attempt to connect to my router, but after 10-40 seconds it tells me I am disconnected again. This adapter works fine on windows.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable Get Internet Connection / Ping Router

Jun 7, 2010

when I was still at my university room where the connection would work after a few reboots. After moving back home the connection worked on and off for a day before not working at all. NetworkManager is telling me that I am connected and have an ip address, etc, but nothing is able to get an internet connection. I am able to ping myself but am not able to ping my router. Everything works fine on M$ and other PC's on the network, it's just my ubuntu 10.04 that is playing up.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Router Recognizes Bridge But Unable To Obatain An Ip For The Box?

Sep 1, 2011

My router recognizes my bridge (ubuntu but am unable to obatain an ip for the box?

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Fedora Networking :: Unable To Ping Router

Jun 9, 2010

i have Fedora 13 dual booting with Win XP and i cannot ping my router in Fedora. just reinstalled and i'm still unable to ping my router.everything looks like it was installed correctly except in the ifcfg-eth0 it has IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=yes dont think this should have a value of yes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Unable To Reach Lucid From Dual Boot Vista?

Jul 22, 2010

I run Lucid on ext3. I really miss not being able to reach Lucid from my dual boot Vista.I have installed the latest fsdriver. I have also tried this:[URL].. which does not work. (Is it because fsdriver is still in the system?) I also tried these methods but to no avail.[URL]. The problem seems to be related to fsdriver not being able to handle ext3 with Inode size = 256. Going back to ext2 for only the home partition seems complicated?

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Fedora Servers :: Unable To Reach Web Services Through Domain Name

Jan 29, 2011

i have installed apache and bind on my server and i've also registered a dynamic domain through dyndns as jan27.dyndns.biz. i am able to successfully host my own webpages using this method.

then i registered a domain name (lets call it "blah.com") through namescheap.com and have registered my nameserver to my ip address. after reconfiguring the my external zones in bind and restarted my services, i am unable to reach my webpages through the new domain name.. www.blah.com and blah.com would lead me to a opendns.com page but interestingly ns1.blah.com loads my webpages successfully.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Access HDD Connected To Belkin Router / Enable This?

Jun 21, 2010

I have an external hard drive connected to my router. From Windows I can access it, but from Ubuntu I can see the hard drive, but when I try to access, I'm asked for a password. However my network does not have a password neither the hard drive.
What must I do?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Computer Unable To Find Wireless Signals Despite Right Next To Router

Apr 4, 2011

just switched from Windows Vista to Ubuntu 10.10 on my Toshiba laptop and I'm loving it, except for some wireless connection problems. About 70% of the time, my computer is unable to find any wireless signals whatsoever, despite being right next to the router. When it does find the signal it connects fine and runs great, but most of the time it doesn't show any signals at all. I can't find any pattern to when it does or doesn't find the signal. My result for the "sudo lshw -C network"


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Fedora Networking :: Configure Router - Unable To Ping Between Two Pc's

Dec 15, 2010

I have a router which have 4 ethernet ports(eth0,eth1,eth2,eth3,eth4 ) & One ADSL Line & One USB, I need to configure My router eth3 as a WAN & eth0 as a LAN using iperf, I am going to findout test a my Application(using iptables) whether my application is correct or wrong As of now I configured like server pc1(>eth0(gw)( -->pc2( For eth3 as a WAN and eth0 as a LAN. But I am not able to ping between two pc's.

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Networking :: Unable To Open Port In Router Or Firewall?

Jan 26, 2010

I am trying to make a vnc connection from pc #2 to pc #1. Pc #1 is a debian pc behind a zyxel router (P-2602HW-D1A). Pc #2 is a windows xp pc another place at the internet.I have configured the zyxel router to forward incomming trafic on port 5902 to the local ip-adress of the debian box. The debian box is running a vnc server, listening on port 5902.But i dosn?t work.I have tryed to scan the zyxel routers ipadress on port 5902 from the internet, but the scanner says that the port is closed.The vnc server on pc #1 is working fine on the local network. I can connect to the server from a pc on the same side of the zyxel router.Is it deffenitly a router problem, or could it have something to do with debians own firewall?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Ethernet Connection - Unable To Connect To The Internet Or My Router

Dec 5, 2010

I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 using the wubi installer to dual-boot my machine. Under ubuntu, I am not able to connect to the internet or my router. Everything works fine under windows. I have tried to find relevant information in the forums, but nothing seems to work for me. I have tried disabling ipv6, setting a static ip, but no go. ifconfig shows no IP, dhclient results in no DHCP offers and pinging my router's IP results in Network is Unreachable.

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Networking :: Linksys WRT54G Dd-wrt Unable To Route When In Router Mode?

Sep 18, 2010

Problem Summary: - Linksys WRT54G dd-wrt NOT able to route when in Router mode

- Linksys WRT54G running dd-wrt v24 firmware
- LAN Subnet:
- WAN Subnet:
- Linux FC13 configured as a IPv4 router
- WAN ISP/Public IP


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General :: Unable To Reach The Internet - Light On Mobo Where The Ethernet Cable Is Plugged In Is Steady Yellow

Aug 2, 2011

I used my computer this morning, but when I returned this evening, I am unable to reach the internet. Also the light on the mobo where the ethernet cable is plugged in is steady yellow.

My limited experience would tell me it is a hardware failure, but it seems so strange with nothing happening during the day. How might I best diagnose the problem?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't Reach Some Hosts

Aug 31, 2010

I have a problem reaching some hosts on the Internet, namely newegg.com and djangoproject.com. On the same machine and network connection using Windows 7 the host names resolve properly and I can connect to them. The host names are resolving in Ubuntu, but I cannot connect to them.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Reach Any Computers On LAN

Mar 12, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu on my laptop but I'm having a small problem. The network is working fine except for the fact that I can't reach anything on my LAN (can't even ping the router), but everything on the outside works just fine. I can even visit my webserver if I type my public IP.

Where should I begin looking for faults?

Here, enjoy some data. I'm using my wlan0 interface, not sure whether eth0 works or not.


$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 U 2 0 0 wlan0


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Networking :: BIND - Remove "Authoritative Nameservers" In UDP Message?

Jan 28, 2011

We have our Microsoft AD DNS servers replicating to our Sidewinder - which uses BIND for its DNS server. We ran into a situation where reverse lookup requests to the Sidewinder returned back a truncated UDP packet to the DNS client. When we added another DNS Microsoft Domain Controller, it added that name in the authoritative nameservers section of the UDP message which put it beyond the 512 byte limit. It was at about 500 bytes before we added the domain controller - then it moved to 529 which caused BIND to set the truncation flag bit in the UDP header causing the DNS client to come back in TCP mode to get the full message.

Microsoft DNS doesn't send back the "Authoritative nameservers" section in its UDP responses to reverse lookups - they probably learned that the hard way and took it out and only send back the Question and Answer section. Is there a way to modify BIND to not send the "Authoritative nameservers" section in its UDP responses and only the Question and Answer?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Reach Any Host With Either Interface

Mar 30, 2010

I am running a server that needs both a wired and wireless connection with static IPs, with wireless as the default link. I'm using the SMCWUSB-G for wireless. I was running Debian for a while and had some routing tables set up as in [URL].... Everything worked until I recently switched to Ubuntu Server 9.10. After the switch a weird behavior showed up: if wlan0 is down, eth0 works fine. But if wlan0 is up, I can't reach any host with either interface (even nameservers or the gateway I am supposedly connected to). ifconfig indicates that nothing is wrong. It's really not clear what is causing this problem. It seems like something has to be wrong with both the wireless hardware/drivers and the routing tables in order for turning wireless on to interfere with "ping -Ieth0".


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