Ubuntu Networking :: Share Files Across Separate LANS Using 2 Routers
Dec 22, 2010
I have 2 routers, each are assigning IP with DHCP on. One router is plugged into cable modem second router is downstairs plugged into first router. Wire runs in WAN of second router. Each router has its own IP subset. First router assigns IP's to 192.168.1.xxx second router IP's to 10.0.0.xxx
I know I can use the second router as an AP with DHCP OFF. BIG BUT though is my wifi verizon phone got no IP assigned when running like that and wirelessly connecting to the second router. Laptops were just fine. SO, I reconfigured second router with its own subset IP being handed out. Now verizon phone is perfect.
How can I share files between connected PC's using it this way?
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Jun 14, 2010
So I have 3 home routers, 1 belkin and 2 netgear. I have my ISP internet connection coming into my belkin, which I then have the 2 netgear routers (from their WAN) plugged into Belkins LAN ports. Now the Ubuntu computers I have on Netgear LAN 1 and Netgear LAN2 can get to Belkin just fine (at, but I am unable to access a computer on LAN1 from a computer on LAN2 and vice-versa. My Belkin is, my Netgear1 WAN is and Netgear2 WAN is I have the netgears both assigning DHCP IP's from range of to on their LAN ports.
Now, I have set Netgear LAN1 port 80 NAT'd to go to one of my computers on it. I try to access from a computer on Netgear LAN2 network and it say host unreachable.What am I doing wrong?
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Jun 27, 2010
For some simulation, I am trying to configure a setup of 3 ubuntu desktops (one of them with multiple network cards) to behave in the following way:
Each one of them should be a separate network not seeing the others (including multicast addresses) They need to have internet access through the machine with multiple network cards. So from the point of view of each machine they define a LAN in which it is the only device and have internet access through the gateway machine.
What do I need to do to configure these machines for the above setup?
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Jul 8, 2010
When I try to copy a file from a shared folder of other laptop, the whole of data passes through the router.This affects the internet bandwidth within the network. Is there a way to access the shared files without necessarily going through the router and also without affecting the internet connectivity.
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Feb 18, 2010
Have you ever created a VPN connection between two LANs which are geographically far away? For example LAN1 is and LAN2 is If I am in LAN1 I would like to be able to ping and get packets back.
I am trying to do it with OpenVPN. I can connect two computers from both LANs using their virtual IP but I can't do that with their private IP. I think the solution must be in creating a bridge or using the "push" command of OpenVPN, unfortunately I haven't found clear information within the internet.
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Feb 23, 2010
I am using Endian firewall in order to connect two LANs but I am getting many problems and I don't know how to solve them since there is no much information about this software on the internet. Do yuo know good webpage about this powerful program?
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Jan 27, 2010
I have set up OpenVPN server using a bridged configuration. My networking "powers" aren't that advanced, so I did this by following the openvpn tutorial for bridged servers. I have tested this with several clients connecting to my server from different locations and it works very nicely (including broadcasts).
My server's LAN IP address is, and my LAN's mask is 24. Clients connecting to my server get assigned IP address that also fall within that subnet (i.e., the 192.168.2.x pool contains both physical machines in my home and "virtual" hosts). This is what the OpenVPN walkthrough specifies:
I was wondering if it would be possible for the VPN to fall within a different subnet (such as 10.0.1.x). I would also like to do that without adding another physical NIC to my server, or changing my physical IP address. I would imagine this is possible, since that's how hamachi does it.
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Sep 4, 2010
GNU/Linux gods, guides and superbrains.Don't be moddest. I'ts YOU i'm taking about!I'll be your humble problem-describer-pixie / solution-testing-smerf :
Andreas Vinther, 1977, from Denmark
I'm trying to establish a connection between two seperate ADSL LANs (coming into the house, but from separate ISPs) to a situation where all hosts on either LAN will be able to reach any host on eiher LAN WITHOUT having to use an excess of plastic routers around the house, and please no Wireless bridges. WiFi will only be available as Access Points.
I've heard that Debian does this kind of static routintg / RIP stuff quite well. And I just happen to have one lined up in the right place, that haven't got at snowballs chance in hell of running WINXP or above. But it kills at textbased datamanipulation/forwarding/rerouting/dropping/scanning ... so I'vew made up my mind. That is what I want to do... Now how do io get around doing stuff like that.
The Debian box is connected to both networks: Hostname: AsusAnd
( - TDC network)
and to
( - Profiber network)
Needless to say, but both netmasks are hence the /24 The respective router's LAN addresses are and My Debian are locked to the following IP's (reserved DHCP):
eth0: via DHCP from
eth1: via DHCP from
So far so good - Now here we go ! This is not a scenario where i'd like to always want all network-packages to travel the shortest path, nor NESSESARILY use the other ISPs gateway if the first is down or slow, although that'll be super nice.
I suspect that'll involve router-protocols like RIP. I'll be super pleased to get some guidelines there as well, as i suspect it'll be quite easy to implement once everything else is in place. Although RIP isn't our main goal, it probably comes as a close second. I think we all would like as stable and fast a connection as possible.
I was actually so naive that i thought if i added two static routes to the two routers x.x.1.1 and x.x.15.1, that my problems would automatically be solved by my Debian box, and that it would automatically act as a gateway when the routers send their packages for the other net. As long as i was connected to both LANs at the same time.
Note: I haven't changed or tweaked the Debian kernel to do routing. this is a simple stable install from the net-inst.iso of Debian 5. I'd like to keep it that way unless there's no way around it.
my routers have static routes to each other (WITH PROPER CABLING), configured as follows:
(On router with LAN
[static route] to with nmask going throuhg gateway ( Taken from above info ) - metric around 2
Similary on my other NIC directly cabled to another switch ---and-then-to-another---> Router
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Jul 18, 2011
The goal is to make connection calls (ssh, ping, ...) possible from one LAN (LAN-1) to a number of (at the moment two) separate smaller LANs.These smaller LANs (LAN-2a, LAN-2b, ...) have exact same specifications (same IP range, same number of nodes, ...)!The idea is to use a Fedora box (release 14 with and implement an appropriate iptables routing/forwarding.The Fedora box has three network interfaces:
- eth0 (aaa.bbb.ccc.m) on LAN-1 (aaa.bbb.ccc.0/24)
- eth1 (ddd.eee.fff.n) on LAN-2a (ddd.eee.fff.0/27)
- eth2 (ddd.eee.fff.p) on LAN-2b (ddd.eee.fff.0/27)
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Nov 20, 2010
I am having a heck of a time trying to find directions on networking my two computers together in order to share files. I have two machines running Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop & Netbook remix.
They are both connected to my wireless router to connect to the internet.
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Mar 23, 2010
I've setup sharing on ubuntu to my windows 7 PC and it recognizes folders all folders i set to share except on my partitioned 2nd hard drive. I'm thinking its because its password protected, how do i remove this security? it shows the folder but i cannot access it
On my windows 7 it gives me: windows cannot access \usernamemovies check the spelling of the name. otherwise, there might be a problem with your network.
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Apr 11, 2010
I just installed mediatomb so i can share files from my pc to ps3 when i try to access my slave hdd's i get this error msgs "Error: could not list directory /media/Geimsla 2 : Permission denied"
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Jun 20, 2010
I have set up our home network with an E2000 Linksys router and we have a wireless printer on this Network 2 windows 7 pc's, 1linux (Ubuntu 10.04), 1 iMac (snow leopard), and 1 Windows Xp pc.
This might be an easy question or a tricky one but if anyone knows how to make it so that we can share files between computers and also so that they can all access the printer on the network.
So far the only ones that can see each other on the network are the Windows pc's but i am still having trouble even making it so that the Windows pc's can share files.
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May 17, 2010
I cannot, in any way, share files between my Windows 7 and Ubuntu PCs. I have tried everything out there and nothing seems to work. I don't get why! I have samba installed, I have installed the apache2.2 packages and I have checked the network file sharing.
I can create shares with folders and I can see all the windows computers on the network (but can't access any of them).
I cannot view my Ubuntu computer from the Windows computer either.
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Sep 22, 2010
Recently, I've again been trying to get file sharing working on my home network. I made some progress last night, getting so far as having all the shares on my Windows XP desktop visible to a netbook running Ubuntu 10.04 & connected wirelessly. But I ran into some snags.
Here's what I'm working with:
-a desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate
-a desktop which dual boots Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit and Windows XP Pro SP3
-a netbook which dual boots Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10 and Ubuntu 10.04.
Everything connects wired except the netbook, which connects wirelessly. The router assigns each a specific internal IP address, so in effect all have static internal IP addresses, tied to the MAC addresses of their network adapters.
I have Samba Server Configuration Tool installed on both the desktop (Ubuntu 9.10) and netbook (Ubuntu 10.04). Versions are 1.2.63 in both Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04.
Here's as far as I got last night:
-Shares on the Windows XP machine were accessible from both the Windows 7 machine and Ubuntu 10.04 on the netbook, with no password required.
-I configured Samba on both machines to be part of the same workgroup (named PENGUIN) as the Windows 7 machine and the desktop when it's running Windows XP.
-I set up a share in Samba on the netbook while running Ubuntu 10.04. The share is visible on the network from the Windows 7 machine, but I couldn't access it. I was asked for a username and login. I had no idea which one to use, but no combination I tried worked. Windows kept saying it couldn't find a "path" to the share.
-In the Nautilus "network" item on the netbook, I can see the shares on my Ubuntu 9.10 desktop. But I can't access them. Again, I get asked for a username and password, and I have no idea what to enter, or where the username and password can be set.
-I set up a share on the Windows 7 machine, allowing read-only access to everyone. But it doesn't show up on either of the Ubuntu machines, at all, in the "Penguin" workgroup. So I'm not sure how to proceed.
Do I need to explicitly configure the IPv4 settings on each machine to a static internal IP? As I stated, each machine gets a predictable address assigned by the router, so in effect the machines do have static IP addresses. However, I'm not sure that's all the same to Samba.
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Oct 8, 2010
I want to share certain files/folders with other computers in the network. Now I know how to do this in two ways: using the GUI and modifying the smb.conf file, but the GUI may not be available (e.g. connecting to the server using SSH) and the smb.conf file takes a little bit of time to modify (and from what I have noticed by using the GUI, the smf.conf file does not get modified). Is there a way to share files/folders using only the CLI and without the need of modifying files?
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Oct 15, 2010
Have been using Ubuntu for 18 months now - its great.Just added a second PC - both hard wired to a wireless router.Have been trying to use NFS to share files with no result.I want to share all files in "home" on PC called "Dimension".
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Sep 1, 2011
I live in an apartment that is shared with others. We all connect to the internet through the same router. I have files I would like to share with others but have been unable to figure out how to make folders public, or how to view public folders of others and get their files.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have a centos server (5.6) and trying to share files to a mac osx. When the mac is mounting the share the first time in a while it goes really slow to browse the folders. Once it has been done the first time, the browsing goes much faster the second time you browse. If the mac unmount or shutdown for a while and then remount, it is really slow again to browse the shares.
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Jan 31, 2010
I am trying to get write access to a share on xp machine via automatically mounting
the share via the following /etc/fstab entry .... after doing a sudo mount -a ... I can view the files on the 'C-share' but can not write them back to the server
//WINBLOWS/C-share /media/C-share cifs,rw
This used to work and allow share files to be read and writable before some ubuntu updates.
I am currently running ubuntu 9.10.
PS: if I connect via places->network ... the files are readable and writable ... but I need this setup to be automatic with a mount for someone else.
What needs to be added to the above fstab entry
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a Buffalo Drivestation (model HD-CELU2, 1tb) attached to my network.From my ubuntu desktop I can go to the menu, select "connect to server", put in the ip and share info, and it mounts perfectly.I can open the share and browse eadwrite, but when I try to mount it from a terminal or within fstab, it will still mount, but I cannot see any files that are on the drive. I have about 12gb of data on it, but like I said when I mount it using "mount -t cifs 192.x.x.x/share blah blah blah" I do not see any of the files.If I do a df I can see that the drive has files on it based on the free space available, but if I do an ls nothing shows.
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Jun 26, 2010
I have 3 home computers. Two of them are dual boot Windows and Ubuntu. The third runs only Ubuntu. I want to share files and two printers among the three machines. What is the best approach to doing this.
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Jan 20, 2011
can i use the wifi on my 2 netbooks to share files between them ?
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Jan 23, 2011
I have a Netgear ReadyNAS NV in the basement, that I want to use to serve up video files over my network to a TV in the living room.
Now, I have a lot of files that HandBrake encoded and it gave the files an m4v suffix. Even when the files are in a codec that the TV can handle, it refuses to load them because of this suffix... so I want to rename them all.
This is fairly simple for files on a local filesystem. I can simply cd into the directory containing the files, and do something like the commands below.
$ for a in `ls`;
> do
> stem=`echo ${a} | cut -f1 -d"."` ;
> mv ${a} ${stem}.mpg ;
Although there are a few smb commands available (smbstatus, smbget, etc.), I've not found any commands like smbls or smbmv.
Are there any special commands or utilities around that can do the kind of thing I'm trying to do?
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Apr 7, 2011
In ubuntu 10 when i want to share a folder just go to that folder right clic>sharing options. Activate: share this folder Allow others to create and delete files in this folder Guest access (for people without a user acount)click on Modify share button in other computer I go to Places>Network doble clic in the computer with share folder, double click in the share folder, and I can access to the files
If the share folder is in the internal hard drive all runs good, but if I share a folder in a external drive, when i go to places>network doble clic in the computer icon, i see the share folder BUT when I made doble clic on to open it 'Unable to mount location Failed to mount windows share'
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Apr 1, 2011
I connect to multiple wireless system each day but when I encounter a Linksys-n router the computer will recognize it and connect but does not go online.
Does this give any clue for why it will not connect?
System wireless is: Toshiba Satellite M115-S3094 with Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG (802.11a/b/g), Ubuntu 10.04
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Apr 8, 2011
My first one is the network: Our routers' ethernet ports are all in use and I cant get one of them. So Im asking you what I need to buy. Our router now is a speedport w701v. The new router should have wlan and good working LAN. It shouldnt be very expensive... give me some tips what I should look for (because Im very new with router...) and maybe give me a link where they tested many routers (and where I can trust the results).
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Sep 1, 2010
I have 2 routers both with 5 network cards (both different subnets). On both machines I have the following configuration: Eth0 is the internet conection, Eth1 is the conection to the other router and the other network cards are for the subnets.My current Ip tables script allows all the subnets of one router to see each other but not the subnets of the other router.
In the new situation I want not all but specific subnets to see each other (no problem here)The issue is that some of theese subnets are subnets of the other router. For example the subnet of eth2 router1 should be able to connect to eth 3 on router2. This is were eth1 comes in play. My plan was to configure iptables so that in above example eht2 would be forwarded to eth1, which will forward to eth1 on router2.Then the iptables configuration on router2 will forward it to the network card of the correct subnet.
eth2 (router1) -> eth1 (router1)
eth1 (router1) -> eth1 (router2)
eth1 (router2 -> eth3 (router2)
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Mar 12, 2010
I would like to configure my system to do the following. Previous versions of ubuntu did some of this but now I cant seem to get this working.
1.Browse other Ubuntu systems on the local network by default. Avahi is install on my systems but they cant see each other.
2.From the GDM screen log into another PC. I had this set up in the past so from my laptop I could log into my server almost like terminal services. How do I set this up again?
3.Share files on the local network easily. How do share file with other pc on the network if I don�t want to use samba? What happen to NFS in Ubuntu?
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May 31, 2010
I just switched over to ubuntu 10.04 LTS Netbook Edition from Windows XP and I am wondering how to setup a home network and share files with other computers in my house? I tried going to Preferences -> Personal File Sharing. But the options for 'Share Files over the Network' is grayed out. The message is "This feature cannot be enabled because the required packages are not installed on your system."
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