Server :: Common Share Drive In Samba?
Aug 13, 2011
I am using Cen OS 5. I have configured Samba server on it. I create a accounts suppose tom and 2nd is jarry in my samba server and map it in my windows xp computer as P drive (Private Drive) where the users can access their home directories. When tom tom enter into own account he can access his own home folder and same position with jarry. I want to create a common share drive using samba where all samba users can keep their data with their respective folders normally s drive i.e share drive. They can create file and folders and even all users can access the files of each others. Like tom can access jarry files and jarry can access tom files or folders to share their office work with each others.I want to know is it possible in samba to create a common share drive where all users share their files each others.
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Mar 15, 2010
I have the follow environment
PDC SAMBA + OPEN LDAP (ubuntu 9.04)
Linux (File Servers) + Windows machines all working well
I'm trying to set up a share drive on my new server using ubuntu 9.10 with samba (v 3.4) and ldapclient and the shares are not working when I defined Valid Users for share folders, that keep me ask me about my user and password, on the logs I have:
[2010/03/15 10:24:10, 1] smbd/service.c:676(make_connection_snum)
create_connection_server_info failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
This is my smb.conf
workgroup = FLOWCONNECT
server string = OSLO SAMBA FILE SERVER [code].....
I have the same set up on my File Server (Ubuntu 9.04) which use samba 3.3 is working fine.Someone know if has some different setting between samba 3.3 (ubuntu 9.04) and samba 3.4 (ubuntu 9.10) that could cause this problem ?
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Apr 18, 2011
Below is my samba config. Is there anything that appears obviously wrong?
Why can't I map a drive?
from a windows 7 x64 workstation:
The network path was not found.
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May 29, 2009
I have a server which currently has a samba share for a printer and my home directory. Both have been working fine for a while now. I have a drobo (which is like a little USB RAID machine) connect via USB to the linux box. While trying to share it via samba I get weird messages from my windows machine (see screenshot). I have tried to share multiple folders on this drobo and no luck, all the same result.
I also tried a symbolic link, no good.
Here is a screen shot
Here is my smb.conf file:
path = /home/savona
read only = no
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Sep 15, 2010
I managed to install samba and it's GUI. I tried to share a directory within the pictures folder (at home/mark/pictures/share) just as a test. I had everything set up right, but it was inaccessible from a windows XP machine on my network. After some digging I found the problem lay with the permissions of it's parent folder. I right clicked on the parent folder then clicked properties, then clicked on the permissions tab. I changed the permissions for others and it's working fine.
I'm having the same problem now but with a share on a NTFS drive called storage. I cannot change the permissions for the shared folder or any of it's parents by right clicking. Any changes I make revert immediately back to their previous setting. Is there any way to change the permissions to allow read access to everyone?
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Jun 12, 2009
The file permissions on the folder are RW for user,group and world.(umask=0000) My main problem is with SELinux, I've tried to audit2allow and that seemed to work, all I had to do then was chcon the directory and files to type samba_share_t but the tool fails with Operation Not Supported. Am I to assume you simply cannot share files from a mounted ntfs drive under SELinux? Because I've just spent 2 hours trying and I've just about ready to just give up and just go back to windows when I need to share those folders. There's no way i can copy the folder contents to my Linux partition, far too big for that. Has anyone EVER been able to do this? Do I have to disable SELinux to do it?
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Sep 6, 2010
so after searching and reading, and searching some more, im stuck. i cant seem to get a mounted thumb drive to give write access. first thing to know is that, im using a seagate dockstar with a primary thumb drive[sda1] booting debian and samba.
i guess you could say im still in the testing phase, just trying to make sure files can be shared, mounted and accessed by users. the problem is stated as the title. i have successfully shared a folder in sda1 with rw access, but i cant do the same for the second drive[sdb1].
for sda1 with rw access, here are the smb.conf settings:
path = share
available = yes
valid users = mark
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May 25, 2010
I have a LAN of about 70 computers that I would like to share media files between. I have gotten to the point with Samba that I can view the files without a username/password from client PC's. I would like to make all the folders read only except for one which will be writable for everyone. The thing that I am having a hard time with is allowing a couple of administrators (on Windows 7 machines) read/write access for all files/folders. I am completely new to Ubuntu and Samba so please make explanations thorough. Here is /etc/samba/smb.conf file:
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Jan 9, 2010
I've setup a samba server on a centos 5 machine and am trying to connect to it via a windows 7. The problem I'm encountering is that the only share I am able to connect to is the tmp share. It doesn't matter if it is a protected share or not, I always get a "network path could not be found error" when trying to open the share from windows.
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Jun 17, 2010
Fairly new Linux user, running Fedora 12, attempting to set up a simple Samba share to share files with a Windows box. I've gotten to the point where I can connect from the Windows box, and see a home directory and the directory I'm trying to share. The home directory is accessible and works as expected, but when I try to access the other directory I get "The network path could not be found."
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Jun 11, 2010
I have a Samba Share which is mounted on various linux systems throughout the network. Whenever any of my user access those files using vim, Gedit it works fine and get perfect permissions to read/write those files. but whenever they try to open with any php IDE (quanta plus, geany, eclipse-pdt) they get error while saving those files. I dont think it is a permission or samba issue because we are able to edit/save those files using normal editors..
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Apr 24, 2009
This is my first post. I am not all that new to Linux. I have done lots of reading on the OS but always felt a little timid when it came to trying out stuff.Here is my problem I have a stand alone samba server I am trying to setup to share all my digital photos and other doc. I can see the share from other machines. On the windows machines you can see the users home directory and the share itself in an folder icon. Whenever I try to access the share it asks for a passwd. I enter the passwd and the share folder is visible when I click on the folder I get and error message.
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Apr 27, 2010
using OEL 5.4, which uses Gnome 2.16 interface I can see my share from Windows, but whatever I do, I get messages that my share is not accessible. The whole user thing is quite complex, dont understand what user I should use on Windows, what password, what user should have what rights on linux.
I'll post smb.conf tomorrow ... The problem is that Windows lacks any decent error message, stating what kind of error message. Is there no Samba client for Windows?
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Jul 14, 2010
I want to share a same directory so that it can be accessed by both Linux clients & windows clients. how can i do this? i want to share that directory with both NFS & samba services. Is it possible to do this?
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Jan 6, 2010
"My network" is behind a firewall inside a larger windows network with AD. My network has a Debian Server with samba 3.2 running. There are 50 users on my server. Users has accounts on the win-server, but is only using this to read mail. How do I mount a windows share on my Debian server in a way that all my users can read and write there?
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Mar 19, 2011
I have set up a computer to use as a file server using Samba. I attached a 1TB hard disk to it and had the system to mount it automatically. I have 4 user accounts which will be able to access this network share. An administrator account is called "server". I'll call them user1, user2 user4. This is the folder structure:
backup files (accessible only to "server" user)
music1.mp3 (read only files for all users)
I don't know which groups I should create. I'm having a hard time setting file/folder permissions. And I wanted to know how to set Samba so that it won't ask for a password when accessing public/group files, but asks for it when accessing private user files.
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Mar 25, 2011
I have Samba installed at home. It is sharing some folders through the network..
The problem is that I can access and map those shares with Windows machines... But if I try clicking on the linux server name in the folder tree in order to expand it and show every share available I get an error message saying that the server is unavailable and gives me this: "The procedure number is out of range".
I know the server is available as I can ping it and open the shares (if I type the full address). Is there anything to do with IPC$ share?
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Feb 2, 2010
I have created a samba share and mounted the share with /etc/fstab on another machine. This share is supposed to be a fully public share i.e. i have different share where different permissions are set but on this particular share i intend to have full read write and execute rights to all the users on my mounting machine.
The problem is that I get only owner and group rights for write on directories that i create due to which all my users can create files in my mount directory but when they create a folder they cannot create any file inside that folder.
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Nov 3, 2009
I have recently installed Fedora F11 with a Samba server. The smb.conf seems fine but I cannot see any of the files in the share from a Windows machine. I am probably missing something unbelievably simple but driving me nuts!
I can see the machine and share from windows
When logged in as the user fred I can see all the files in Linux - most are owed by fred.
# x_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest
fred = fred
workgroup = Workgroup
server string = Samba Server Version %v
netbios name = MachineName
hosts allow = 127. 192.168.0.
comment = Main Documents
path = /mnt/documents
read only = no
browseable = yes
valid users = fred
The other thing I find a bit odd is that
service smb restart
does not effect the way that the windows machine sees Samba. It appears that you need a full restart to get the changes to show properly.
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Nov 11, 2010
I've began to work on getting my access control, set up properly on my server, and want to create a "my documents" folder for each user I add. I do not want it being part of the home directory and have read everything and still can't seem to get it to work. I've got a second drive that is mounted at /private on my server, with a folder that is underlying on it call users and groups. Then from there is has the exact unix username that I set up in Users and Groups. Ex. /private/user/gary . With Samba, I added the following code:
[My Documents]
guest ok = no
comment = %u's Documents
I've tried using %u,%U,%S, and the normal username and of all of them, it will only work with the username. I've even used force user. added root to the valid users list and it still gives me access denied or the multiple connections to a single share with multiple user names prohibited but nothing is mounted on this share. On Webmin, it doesn't show any connections to the share. I'm rather at a stumped state in which is frustrating me, because I want to have this so when I go from my desktop to my laptop I have "My Documents" On either unit. Security on the server is set to User because I've searched to see if I can't find a way to make shares visible by a guest but read only to them and when I access them from my log in to make it read write using the "Share" option.
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Feb 19, 2010
I'm trying to set up a test system for Windows 7. I've been having trouble getting it to map drives on the domain where I work, so I wanted to set up a test system with a similar setup so I can play around with settings without mucking up our network. Only problem is I can't get it configured to even work with XP, which does work on our domain.
When I type \server in the Run box I get the explorer window showing all of the test shares I've set up. But when I try to access them, it says the network path could not be found. Here is my smb.conf file:
workgroup = MAJOR
netbios name = VPN
realm = MAJOR.COM
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Jan 11, 2010
so i found an older computer i want to play with as a file server. ubuntu server edition, installed gnome GUI (to make things easier for now, i plan on removing it later) and used [URL].. to configure my 1.5tb harddrive so my windows machines can access it. i had everything working but than a fatal crash made me start from scratch (os and all) now i am unable to access the samba share from a machine running windows 7, but i can access it from a machine running windows XP using the same login and password i set up for windows 7.this makes me believe it's a problem with windows 7 and not samba.
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May 5, 2010
I'm trying to set up a Samba share that's available over the network to a group of users in our institution. Our infrastructure is based on Novell Netware (slowly migrating to OES), and thus our authentication is managed by eDirectory. All our other shares are managed by Netware, but this one lives on a standalone Ubuntu server.
I've succeeded in setting up the share, and users can access it without a problem. The trouble is that currently it only works by treating all users as guest users and giving them the same privileges over the share. Is it possible to get Samba to authenticate users against eDirectory via LDAP? Would I have to get Ubuntu to authenticate against eDirectory, then Samba against Ubuntu, or can Samba do it directly? I've not really worked with LDAP before so I'm unsure where to start.
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Feb 20, 2011
I wanted to setup a Samba share on a box running Ubuntu 10.4 and share it to Windows 7 computers throughout my house. When I browse the Network (thru Windows), I can see "Media Devices" that correspond with the locations of where I will put the media. The problem is that I have been unable to copy the media to the Ubuntu server because I cannot see the Ubuntu "computer" from Windows 'Network'.
All computers are on the same Workgroup
Running the following command line from Windows returns no errors and lists the samba share:
Using the testparm command on my smb.conf returns only one error (which previous googling seems to indicate is not an issue). The following is what was returned by the command:
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Mar 24, 2010
I need to allow my Windows users to be able to check off "Read-Only" or "Hidden" attributes on our Samba share. Currently its not allowing me to do so.
After searching online, I set the map readonly, hidden and archive option to "yes". Then my entire files were hidden.
I'm having a hard time understanding the concept of the "map" option in smb.conf
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Jan 12, 2011
In my work I want to build up a Linux based network, where windows and linux clients are going to share a Thecus network drive.Each client will have specific permissions for accessing the samba shares. I have installed Ubuntu SRV 10.4 with gui and webmin.
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Jul 7, 2010
Client OS :- Windows XP
Server OS :- Centos 5.4
Service :- samba or smb
Actually i want to take a back of windows xp's users data which on d: or etc and that backup i want to store in samba share which i made on my centos 5.4 . To do this we need to mount samba share as local drive then any script or any software can detect that share easily in that drive.
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Dec 4, 2009
I am using samba t share my files.I am sharing /media/MEDIA folder. it is a ntfs partition mounted with ntfs-3g with write/read access from linux.I can see and browse my shares and also create files in the root of this partition, ie /media/MEDIA, but in its subfolders i do not have write permissions.
another interesting thing is that i have permission to create directory and delete files everywhere and in any folder, subfolder but when trying to create files i get not enough free disk space the way i dont know if this config file is correct, i find as template in internet.
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Mar 21, 2010
I'm running Ubuntu 9.1 server on an PII Compaq. Read an article "Samba: How to share files for your LAN without user/password" [URL] and some others and can see and pull up files, can't change or delete. Here is my smb.conf:
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options most of which
# are not shown in this example
# Some options that are often worth tuning have been included as
# commented-out examples in this file.
# - When such options are commented with ";", the proposed setting
# differs from the default Samba behaviour
# - When commented with "#", the proposed setting is the default
# behaviour of Samba but the option is considered important
# enough to be mentioned here .....
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Nov 13, 2010
my samba server is working properly but i want to mount it permanently on linux (red hat) client.i have tried /etc/fstab and also autofs service but both are not working for me.
1. /etc/fstab i made the following entry in it // /temp smbfs credentials=/root/pass 0 0 and when i use comman mount -a it shows "unknown filesystem smbfs" why this is so?
2. using autofs
my auto.master file is shown below
# $Id: auto.master,v 1.4 2005/01/04 14:36:54 raven Exp $
# Sample auto.master file
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