Ubuntu Networking :: Speed Test By Command Line?
Jun 26, 2010
I'm using a remote dedicated server running ubuntu server edition, and I have no idea what the upload/download speeds are.Is there a reliable method to test these speeds via the command line?
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Jan 4, 2011
anybody knows nice tool to check connection speed UPLOAD / DOWNLOAD on the server ?Maybe existing something like speedtest.net for servers ?
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Feb 7, 2011
I need to run a self-test on my external USB drive and don't want to use System -> Disk Utility.I've taken a look at the man page for udisks and curiously, there does not appear to be an option for self tests. Is there a way to run a self test using udisks directly from the command line?
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Nov 3, 2010
I'm trying to identify when WAN bandwidth is compromisedI don't want to run this continuously, but would like something that I can put in a script for testing purposes. All the speed tests I've foundhile quite adequate otherwise, utilize a GUI interface.Similarly, is there a linux-based client / server pair that I can use to test out LAN /VLAN issues?
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Mar 18, 2010
How do I do a download speed test when comparing Hosting Providers?I'm on a Macbook Pro - wondering if there's an ap for this?Also, I have accounts at each provider with a 100mb file, but I'm guessing I'm closer to one than the other? How would I make it fair?
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Aug 29, 2010
Trying to create a small script that will read user's input, test if user entered some input and if not display some message or display a text using user's input.
The script is the following but i get an error saying "[: 6: =: argument expected"
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Jan 20, 2011
I need to test network card throughput and speed between two computers, one is running Fedora and other running Windows 7. Usually I would use netperf to perform this task, however I can't find Windows build of netperf. Can anyone recommend any network evaluation tool, similar to netperf (clien/server) which has both Windows and Linux versions.
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Nov 5, 2010
Is their from the CLI a way to test the internet speed between two servers?I'm thinking some sort of ping test that can calculate it or something.
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Jul 7, 2011
is there anyway i can speedtest.net with ssh access into my server ?
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Jul 6, 2011
program to measure speed of sending file from one computer to another
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Jul 7, 2011
I want a program that can be installed in two pc and measure speed of transfering files from one to another or any data measured in Mega bit
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Feb 14, 2011
I have a CentOS 5.5 machine (hosted at a remote hosting company) where "ethtool" reports that the eth0 device is currently in 10 Mbps mode, but the output indicates that it supports 100 Mbps. But if I try using ethtool to switch the device into 100 Mbps mode, it doesn't work; after running the command to switch it to 100 Mbps, ethtool reports the speed is still 10 Mbps:
[root@sls-eb5p17 network-scripts]# ethtool eth0
Settings for eth0:
Supported ports: [ TP MII ]
Supported link modes: 10baseT/Half 10baseT/Full
100baseT/Half 100baseT/Full
The man page at [URL]..ethtool seems to suggest that this should have worked. Any reason why the reported speed of the device didn't change? Changing other settings doesn't appear to work either, e.g. if I specify "duplex half" instead of "speed 100", eth0 still reports "Duplex: Full".
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May 29, 2010
i've gotten my fedora 12 to the point where i can run python3 scripts from command line and can call up python 2.6.2 idle with the command 'idle' from command line. what command will call up python3 (3.1.2 to be exact) idle?
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Feb 5, 2010
I am writing a script to do a speed measurement from my ISP's test ftp server. To do this interactively I connect to the server, enter credentials, enable hash and download a test file. The process concludes with something like
226 Transfer complete.
1048576 bytes received in 2.87 secs (356.6 kB/s)
So I entered the credentials for the server in my .netrc file and created a little bash script as follows
cd ~/Desktop
# poiuytrewq is the limit string of the "here" document
The script executes as expected EXCEPT that I do not see the statistics at the end of the transfer. It terminates thusly
#################################################################################################### ############################################
I have tried adding another ftp command such as ls to the end of the "here" document (in case the results were clipped by the bye command) but to no avail. The ls result immediately follows the ### - no stats I am at a loss.
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Jul 17, 2010
I have two Roboards that need to communicate with one another. I have sucessfully installed Ubuntu 9.04 using the 386 kernel based on instructions found online.I can use the GUI to set up an Ad-Hoc network using one Roboard ("Create New Wireless Network"), call it Manet, and connect to "Manet" using the GUI on the other Roboard and ping/ssh between the boards. However, when I try to create the same wireless network using the command line using:
ifconfig wlan2 down
iwconfig wlan2 key off essid 'Manet' channel 5 ap any
ifconfig wlan2 up
I don't see any entry in iwconfig under "Cell". It keeps giving me "Not Associated"When I try to enter the same information on the other Roboard to try to connect to the network, it doesn't connect and under iwconfig, I don't even see any entry for ESSID. Could somebody please tell me why it works when I use the GUI and not the command line.
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May 11, 2010
For reasons that are not terribly interesting I decided it would be a great idea to remove and re-install the xserver-xorg package. Which proved to be a much larger mistake than I imagined it would be. I purged the package, and then restarted.Naturally I need to have an internet connection to use apt-get to reinstall xserver-xorg, which is where my idea falls apart.I followed the directions in the How To: Manual Network Configuration. However, after I enter the command "sudo dhclient wlan1" I get the line "wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801" twice prior to the output that the above link shows. Then I just get DHCPDISCOVER messages until I get a "No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping."
I'm connecting with WEP to a router that I know works (because I'm using it to type this on my laptop right now) and I know that the wireless adapter(RTL8187) is installed properly because it automatically connected to my network when I had xserver-xorg still installed.I'm running ubuntu 9.04.I've searched for a few hours and I'm no closer to resolving the issue.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have setup my wireless card via ndiswrapper and I can see that if I perform an iwconfig that the card is wlan0. I have attempted to connect with the router but I can't get any connection.I know the password is: ########## (10 digits long) but for the life of me I can't get it to work via command line.
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Aug 13, 2010
I'm trying to connect to a AP by command line but I can't yet. Using the network manager it's possible but I need the command lines to use in my code programming.
Here it's what I tryed:
sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed channel 6 key restricted s:'12345' essid 'cassiano-PC_AP'
and the tail: sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog
Aug 13 14:05:55 cassiano-linux kernel: [13476.935795] wlan0: direct probe to AP 00:15:af:84:29:d3 (try 1)
Aug 13 14:05:55 cassiano-linux kernel: [13476.935943] wlan0: deauthenticating from 00:15:af:84:29:d3 by local choice (reason=3)
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Sep 1, 2010
I'm running a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.4.1 on a Dell Dimension 4700 desktop.When connected to the network (jack in wall, no router), I normally navigate my intranet and the internet.But here's the issue: this particular Dell machine has an IP addresses that is radically different from all other machines connected to the same network.I have tried to edit etc/network/interfaces to force a different IP, but then I lose connectivity. I need this to follow the IP scheme of my intranet so I can set up a server that resolves by hostname. Is there anything wrong with the NIC or is this something that can be resolved via command line?
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Oct 22, 2010
i cant connect to adsl with pon dsl-provider or any command line. just network manager applet GUI works for me. i follow this guide [URL] and try about 3 hours but without success. i edit /etc/network/interfaces following this thread: [URL] but after any alteration in /etc/network/interfaces and restart network my adsl connections are not work at all and also i lost my GUI applet connections too. then i have to back /etc/network/interfaces to its original content and restart my computer to restore my connections
pon dsl-provider error is:
Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.8p compiled against pppd 2.4.5
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Dec 2, 2010
how to send a document to print on a network printer (via IP address) from the command line (not a GUI interface).
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Jan 17, 2011
I want to run OpenBox on a netbook. For those of you not familiar, it is a very simple window manager, where I can launch a terminal with a mouse click, and I can start the few apps that I need from the command line. Basically, I am trading eye candy and easy access to a lot of stuff I don't need for a more responsive GUI.
My question is...what package should I install, and what corresponding command line would be used to launch a tool to manage the wireless LAN connection?
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Jun 6, 2011
I want to connect to the internet using the command line. I'm 95% I have my wireless card installed correctly, since I'm using it right now.dhclient takes a minute or two, then finishes. It gives no output, success or failure. Then I open up Firefox and I'm not connected to the internet. What can I do to figure out what the problem is?
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Mar 10, 2010
I frequently ssh into machines to do work. In some cases, the machine is headless so there is no option to log in.Under Debian and on older versions of Ubuntu I would pull out the avahi and network-manager packages and manually configure the interfaces file to my liking and be done with it.However, I would now like to learn how to work within avahi/network manager. So, is there a doc somewhere explaining how to work with modern Ubuntu networking at the command-line level? Ie: Setting up a wireless connection, setting static/dynamic IPs, etc?
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May 14, 2010
Without Gdm (The GUI Desktop running), or an Internet connection, how does One get pppd or wvdial to connect to a wireless broadband modem?I'm SURE this can be done with any modern Distro without additional downloads...but seem to be missing some crucial step...? I've been trying things like: (scrips for pppd and chat and ln {links} ttyACM0 to /dev/modem?) the modem is definitely on ttyACM0.
ln -sf /dev/ttyACM0 /dev/modem
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Oct 11, 2010
The title about says it! I have a major problem on my laptop after installing updates. Some of my icons in the top panel are broken. So as a first step I need to reinstall a few things. The first step is to start the wireless connection from the terminal. So would someone please tell what the command is?
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Mar 6, 2011
I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, Lucid Lynx and I'm having problems implementing changes to interfaces.I have made changes to my interfaces via the GUI but when I open a terminal window and so a ifconfig I find that nothing has changed. I've opened an editor and looked at etc/network/interfaces but changes made with the GUI never make it to the config file.Does the networking GUI result in changes to the etc/network/interfaces file.
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Mar 12, 2011
I would like to Close/Open port 21 using command line. I have an FTP server and I don't want to have the port open all the time. I need only two hours by week to be open port 21 from outside to inside.So I need to know the command line for opening and closing the port 21 then I will implement this in a script into cron.hourly.
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Apr 6, 2011
I've been familiarizing myself with the command line and am attempting to connect to a wireless network but am getting stuck at the point wherein I need to put in a password.When I run iwconfig I see my card is wlan0.I definitely know my password as I can connect using a GUI. The encryption method for my network is WPA2.Could someone tell me how I could connect to a WPA2 secured network via a command line, and/or where I went wrong with what I've been trying?
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Jul 6, 2011
I wanted to run a little media server in my house, shared with my laptop only, so I could free up space on my laptop drive. I took one of my Linux boxes out of my render farm and loaded up a minimal install, command line only of Ubuntu Lucid from the mini ISO (32 bit). I had to plug in a lan cable to install, but I wanted to move my box back out to the "farm" that doesn't have wired access to my intranet.
After much research, trial and error, this is what worked for me. My wireless card uses an Atheros AR5001X+ chip, and it works with the desktop cd out of the box. I found the "just works" desktop install uses the ath5k driver that is now included in Lucid, but I'm not using a desktop or window manager. I haven't tried this on server version, if you do, let others know what you had to install to get it to work.
The things I do tell you about, I instruct you as if you are a newbie, however I have left out some things that users should know or be able to lookup easily, like if you want a static address instead of using dhcp. You may not need all of the steps or you may have to do more research and troubleshooting.
Find your wireless card (you may need to lookup what to do if it is not recognized at all)List all pci devices, only show network devices (-v verbose, -vv very verbose): >>lspci -vv | grep Network List all hardware (| less lets you pause at each page - arrow keys, page down/up to navigate, q to quit) >>lshw | less
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