Ubuntu Networking :: Registering Domain Name For IP

Aug 6, 2010

I have my home server set up as an ftp server, LAMP server, ssh server, all that fun stuff. I usually access it externally using my IP address, but I would like to get a domain name for convenience reasons. I wonder If you could recommend a site that will register a domain name for your IP, preferably for free. Or would I be able to do it myself by installing a DNS server on my server? I'm not really sure how that works. I'm pretty sure that you can only do that with local servers, right?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Possible To Operate Web Server 'without' Registering Domain Name

May 14, 2011

I'm wondering if it's possible to operate a Web Server 'without' registering a domain name, using an IP address alone.I currently have Apache & Tomcat running on one of my workstations. I am currently using these servers as development sandboxes; and I have P2P Search Engine 'YaCy' running under Apache, which is accessible from the outside to the entire P2P network.

Since my Apache server is accessible from the outside, I was thinking that I might setup one of my other workstations as a server with just my 'external' IP address & port number as a way of reaching my site, i.e. http:// I can't see any reason why this wouldn't be possible. I seem to remember several of my former companies doing this on their corporate Intranets. Also, I wouldn't be locked into registering a domain name every year; and I wouldn't have to worry about any content restrictions. If my intended audience knows where to find me; I can't see any reason why this wouldn't work. And, I don't see why my site couldn't be indexed by search-engines. The only caveat I can think of is making sure I have enough bandwidth from my ISP to support the anticipated traffic.If this will work, I assume I can setup a regular website, an online store, podcast, or provide any other type of tradional web-service this way.

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Networking :: Registering Hostname In DNS?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a Fedora 13 desktop I have at work that I want to use to back up data off my laptop, also running Fedora 13. I can ping the hostname of the laptop from the desktop, but not the other way round. I don't think I did anything to have the laptop register its hostname with the DNS server. Since my company uses DHCP, I can't just edit the hosts file on the laptop. I want to be able to use the hostname when I mount the NFS shares for the backup. I also want to run the desktop headless so Remote Desktop needs to be able to find it. Is there a way to force the registration? If I ping the laptop's fully qualified hostname from itself, I get back the correct IP address. If I do the same thing on the desktop, it tells me it can't find its own hostname. I do have the domain name configured in the dns search path under System->Administration-Network

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Ubuntu Networking :: Built-in Ethernet Not Registering?

Jun 14, 2010

The motherboard is an L7VMM2 Rev 1.1Initially everything was running smoothly, then I brought it upstairs and everything just failed. The computer would hang right before the POST memory check, and after a few reboots it would do the memory check and reboot. So, I opened it up and switched the RAM around thinking it may have been a BIOS bug or a loos connection and it seemed to work. Now it boots into 10.04 perfectly and is blazing fast for an old computer. THe only problem now is that according to ubuntu, my ethernet controller is non-existent. It doesn't show up in lspci, dmesg and the only thing in ifconfig is the lo interface. It will however recognize the USB interfaces. I upgraded to linux #33 but that didn't help the issue any. Now I'm stuck, and running out of ideas

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Networking :: TCaR For IPCOP Not Registering Traffic?

Jan 18, 2011

I am running rooming accommodation for 5 students and am trying to use TCaR addon with IPCOP to split my 400GB Iinet internet quota 5 ways. As a total beginner to LINUX I am using the threads here to help me through the install/setup process. After following the steps in another thread http://www.linuxquestions.org/questi...-linux-752598/ I have IPCOP 1.4.20 installed and running (Advproxy,PUTTY, SSH enabled ect)and the TCaR addon operating fine on the GREEN. Everyones connection is working, however when I tried to send out usage reports after an hour of use it registers all persons usage as 0mb.

I am using a Billion BiPAC 5200 modem set to full bridge and a 5 port switch running without any modification. I had set the IP addresses in TCaR(not using MAC addresses)of the students and set their profiles to give 81920MB of usage per month. Usage is set to 1 cent per MB although I will not be charging for usage. Am I not waiting long enough for usage to register? Should I be changing settings on my 5 port switch? I noticed that the addon section of IPCOP is over 900 days old, is TCaR no longer compatible/supported? I can supply any further data with regards to my IPCOP and TCaR settings

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Ubuntu :: Networking / Setup A Domain And Directory Server Similar In Function To Windows Server W/ AD And Join Other Machines To The Domain

Aug 21, 2009

I've got a home server running Ubuntu Server 9.04 and several machines running Ubuntu Desktop (9.04 and 8.04) and Windows (XP, Vista and 7). Now what I want to do is to create a domain and directory server similar in function to Windows Server w/ AD and join my other machines to the domain, but am not sure where to start. I already have file shares with Samba but now I want to setup a domain.

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Fedora Networking :: Windows Sever 2k3 Domain Controller / Use Machine With Samba As Secondary Domain Controller?

Apr 28, 2009

At the school i work in i have a server2k3 server that provides a domain to all the windows clients, aswell as a fedora server that acts as an imaging machine and webserver.

Im rather concious of the fact that if for any reason the Server2k3 server was to die there is no backup of active directory, or anything that can take its place whilst a replacement is found.

So is it possible to use a fedora machine with samba as a secondary domain controller? so it can be used as a login server, and has a copy of AD.

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Ubuntu :: Blueman Not Registering Devices

Apr 27, 2010

I have a usb bluetooth dongle I've connected to my machine. The device appears just fine and using hcitool scan I can scan for device with no trouble. However blueman doesn't seem to register the device even when I force the applet to display and try add a new device it won't scan/see any of the bluetooth devices. Has anyone come across something similar or would know how I should proceed?

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Debian Hardware :: R.A.T.5 Mouse Clicks Not Always Registering?

Mar 21, 2011

I just installed Debian 6.01a and when I click with my RAT5 mouse the clicks aren't being registered. This happens about maybe 40% of the time. There is nothing wrong with my machine physically and this is a clean install that is not virtualized. I've had similar issues with Kubunutu though blamed it on the virtual machine...now I know it's a Linux specific issue.

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Ubuntu :: Integrated Ethernet Card Died - IP Address Registering Under Ifconfig

Jul 7, 2011

it was working but after i installed updates and rebooted it could not get a ip address seems like strange timing it still registers under ifconfig it is not even working on the live usb anyway i can test to be sure it is the chip?

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Debian Hardware :: External Hard Drive Not Registering / Mounting

May 22, 2014

My external hard drive (about 2 years old) won't mount. It wouldn't mount on Windows either. Other external hard drives (sdb1) mount perfectly.

I am wondering is there a Linux way of getting the hard drive to work again? The disc spins up so it's not a mechanical failure. I'm guessing here but is there a way of flashing firmware onto the external HD if that might be the problem?

(Seagate 2TB ST320005EXD101-RK)

Code: Select all# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
# / was on /dev/sda2 during installation

[Code] .....

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Setup The Domain - How To Use Two Domain Names

Feb 16, 2011

i have registered two domain names that i want to use to connect to my ubuntu server. I was wondering how to do this i was looking at bind9 but that didn't work that great. The server is behind a router with firewall i can connect to it using the external IP address but i like to use the two domain names if that is possible.

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Ubuntu :: How Interacts With Domain Users When On The Windows Domain

Feb 3, 2010

At work, we run Windows... Windows domain, windows workstations, etc. Today my boss asked me my thoughts on running an Ubuntu lab within the mixture of our existing Windows setup.

Well, that brought several questions to mind. So I understand you can bind an Ubuntu computer to a Windows domain, seems easy enough, whether you do it through Samba or the other guide I read that I kind of forget at the moment, but anyway...

I was just curious how Ubuntu interacts with domain users when on the windows domain. For example, if we have an Ubuntu machine on the Windows domain with a local user "administrator" and that's it, would any domain users be able to log into the Ubuntu work station, similar to how it is on Windows?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Active Directory Domain Integration - Allow Domain Users To Authenticate Server And Access File Shares Using Samba

May 13, 2010

The company I work for, as usual, is Microsoft-centric. I'm attempting to integrate my Ubuntu server into the domain to allow domain users to authenticate to the server and access file shares using Samba. Here's my current configuration:


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Ubuntu :: Step-by-step Installation Including Registering Environment Variable?

Jul 18, 2010

I'm an absolute beginner trying to sue Linux. I just installed Ubuntu Linux Netbook Remix 10.04 LTS and everything's fine. I just wanted to have Java in my Ubuntu. I downloaded JDK from Sun website. There are 2 files


I searched the web for instructions on how to install but I just get confused. Can anyone provide me with step-by-step installation including registering environment variable ?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Domain- Incapable MS Windows Version To Join Suse Domain?

Jun 9, 2010

I was wondering if there is any way to enable an MS Windows client that is otherwise unable of joining a domain to join a domain controlled by (open)SUSE? Is that inability only for joining a Windows based domain but a client that runs XP Home Edition or similar domain- incapable version of Windows could join a domain if it was controlled by Linux?Pardon my newbie style, but answer doesn't have to be detailed step-by-step, just yes/no answer with some pointers would do. I am not new to linux but new to network services... search engines weren't friendly when asked this question at the search bar...

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General :: Give Domain Administrator Privileges To Root User In Domain Controller?

Aug 17, 2009

I want to give Administrator privileges to Root user in Linux Domain Controller

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Server :: Creating Domain Form Vadddomain-domain Doesn't Exist

Apr 12, 2011

iam using centos5.2.configured qmail,vpopmail. while adding domain form vadddomain<domain.co.in> At first time domain folder get created in domains directory.and also postmaster user also get created by default.And also in mysql. Now the problem is after some times or rebooting system domain get erased automatic.also in /var/qmail/users/assign file domain name get erased.

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Server :: Created Domain But Not Getting Domain In /var/qmail/user/assign File?

Apr 7, 2011

i had created domain but not getting domain in /var/qmail/user/assign file.also it error /home/vpopmail/bin/vdominfo abc.co.inInvalid domain name

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Ubuntu :: Single Mouse Click Registering As Double Click?

Mar 13, 2010

About a week ago I installed some updates. What they were I don't remember. After I did that my mouse started acting up. Now about half the time when I single click it registers as a double click. Also when I click and drag to select text anywhere it'll randomly do another click screwing up that process.

So far I think the problem is when I press the left mouse button it registers the left click and then when I release, it randomly registers another left click.

The mouse itself works fine if I take it to another PC that's using windows.

OS: Ubuntu 9.10 64bit
Mouse: Microsoft Intellimouse 3.0

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General :: When Create A New Domain On My Server It Gives The New Domain It's Own Nameservers

Jun 4, 2011

I want to host 5 websites on my new virtual server so I have created 2 nameservers that point to my virtual server's IP addresses as a glue record. What confuses me is when I create a new domain on my server it gives the new domain it's own nameservers (ns1.thenewdomain.co.uk etc) do I need to change these records so they use the nameservers I created earlier? If I do? Which particular records should I change? I'm running a Unix virtual server with a Plesk control panel.

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Server :: Connecting To A Samba (not On Domain) From Windows Domain Pc?

Jun 27, 2011

i need to allow window domain controller user to use file share of linux.windows DC user can see the share file and directories of linux file server but not able to access.

below is brief--

I have a Linux machine which is on my network but not on my domain. I have configured SAMBA FILESERVER for file sharing purpose. I have a Windows XP PC which is on the domain(windows server) that I am trying to connect to a share on the Linux box. I supply my credentials but regardless of which login I use I always get Logon Failure. I have created an account on the Linux machine with the same user name and password as my domain account but so far no luck. Can I connect from a domain PC to a non-domain Linux box? Is there something else I should be checking?

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Server :: Domain Controller On A Current Windows Domain?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm working for a smallish non-profit that has gone through some recent growing pains. We have two sites that are currently without a domain controller, and no money for MS licenses, so I was thinking of trying to add a couple of additional Linux machines (we already run Linux for web services internally, and I've set up a test case previously to see if I could get a server to join the domain, which was a success) and was trying to find out if I can get them to act as Domain Controllers without replacing the domain. The main issue that I'm having at those locations is drive mappings are not happening correctly against our DFS file servers. The one other location that had this issue had it go away when we added a local DC. The domain is a Server 2008 domain.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can Only Browse IP But Not With Domain Name

Jun 9, 2010

I haven't been playing with linux for some years.

My setup:
Private router which connects to the internet.
Host: win7 with VMWare workstation
Ubuntu 10.04 runs in a virtual machine on VMWare workstation.

Win7 works fine. Ubuntu can ping with valid ip address and firefox can load a webpage if provided with valid ip address. Ubuntu cannot ping with domain name and firefox cannot browse with domain name. Examples:
Ping google.dk results in

ping: unknown host google.dk
Writing google.dk in the address bar of firefox results in

Firefox can't find the server at www.google.dk.

peterbf@ubuntu:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=237 time=40.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=237 time=38.8 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 38.892/39.645/40.398/0.753 ms
Writing in the address bar of firefox results in a correctly loaded google page.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Own Domain With LAMP?

Jun 26, 2010

Using my own domain w/ LAMP

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Ubuntu Networking :: Browse The Domain Via VPN?

Nov 3, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.10 at work and I've installed a Windows XP virtual box machine under it, that is joind to our Active Directory domain(but Ubuntu is/will not joined). I've set up VPN on XP box and I can connect to it from Ubuntu. I want to browse network shares(that use AD for permissions) and domain sites(like sharepoint) from Ubuntu. But even after connecting to VPN when I can't browse network shares, and nautilus asks for domain user/pass and tries to open share with no success. What extra steps is needed to browse my corporate network from Ubuntu via VPN?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Join 9.10 In A Windows Domain

Feb 12, 2010

I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 in my office desktop. as a newbie in the world of linux, i really do not know much about it. I want to join my desktop in our domain. i already have the ip addresses of the DNS servers but i dunno where to put it. i've installed likewise open and try to join the domain but it displays the following errors: Manual Configuration Required:

The configuration stage 'open ports to DC' cannot be completed automatically. Please manually perform the following steps and rerun the domain join: Some required ports on the domain controller could not be contacted. Please update your firewall settings to ensure that the following ports are open to 'MARVEL2.LBPNET':

88 UDP
389 UDP
464 UDP
445 TCP

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Ubuntu Networking :: Joining Windows Domain?

Apr 22, 2010

I want to join a Windows domain with my ubuntu (for project of evening school)I'm following this guide http://ict-freak.nl/2008/10/26/how-t...indows-domain/ but when I put in the command I get this error

project@ubuntu:~$ sudo domainjoin-cli join project2010.be Administrator

Error: Unable to resolve DC name [code 0x00080026]Resolving 'project2010.be' failed. Check that the domain name is correctly entered. Also check that your DNS server is reachable, and that your system.is configured to use DNS in nsswitch.Probably need to Change the nsswitch file.it looks like this atm

# /etc/nsswitch.conf
# Example configuration of GNU Name Service Switch functionality.[code].....

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Ubuntu Networking :: Getting One Domain To Work On Two Different Servers?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a domain through google (enom) I have one website which I host web forums My friend has a website which he hosts the frontpage We're on two separate hosts We're trying to combine the websites together and my friend wants to utilize his hosting.Is it possible to get this one domain to work on two webservers without doing a redirect? For exmaple: have [URL] be the frontpage and [URL] be the forums

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Domain Name Persistant?

Jun 10, 2011

i have a question, it ought to be a simple task for most but im as noob as they get. In ubuntu 11.04 desktop, how do i change the hostname as well as setting the new domain name?. Temporarily its easy with hostname and domainname in terminal, but i want it to become persistant. Lets say i want the machine name to become computer01 and domain to become homenet.lan. Then i would change the /etc/hostname to contain computer01 only. But what i cant figure is how the new /etc/hosts is supposed to look, the old one is: localhost current_computer_name
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

But how is the new /etc/hosts supposed to look if hostname is to be computer01 and domainname homenet.lan?,

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