Ubuntu Networking :: Passphraseless SSH Not Working, Proly Misconfigured Network?

Feb 17, 2010

I'm at wits end. I have multiple ubuntu 9.04 systems at school that I am trying to set up a hadoop cluster on. On one computer everything, so far, is working fine. he other computer I've had multiple headaches with. The current headache is that I can't get passphraseless ssh up and running on it.I've tried

ssh-keygen -t rsa -P ""
cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys


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OpenSUSE Network :: Knetwork Manager Cannot Start Due To Misconfigured

Apr 29, 2010

I having problem after doing update today using zypper up.I get this error when I try start knetwork "knetwork manager cannot start due to misconfigured. system dbus policy does not allow it to provide user settings".

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Card Working On 10.04 32bit But Not Working On 10.04 64bit!

Jul 25, 2011

I had an Ubuntu Server 32 bit installation and everything was working fine. Now that I installed Ubuntu Server 64bit on a new drive in the same machine, the ethernet card is not working!! This is insane cause when I put the hard disk with the 32bit installation back and booting from it, the ethernet card is working without any problems but in the 64bits installation it is not shown at all using "ifconfig -a"

lspci output:


02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8151 v1.0 Gigabit Ethernet (rev c0)

How can I check which module is being loaded in the 32bits installation to try to load it manually in the 64 bits installation?

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Software :: Phpldapadmin Won't Run Or Misconfigured?

Mar 7, 2011

I'm building a new ldap server, my first, oh yea. I'm trying several tilities to see which I like best to work with ldap. One of those is phpldapadmin. I downloaded it and put it in the webroot but when I goto http://localhost/phpldapadmin I don't get an webpage for phpldapadmin I get a directory listing.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 Network Card Randomly The Network Connection On The Server Will Stop Working?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5721 network card on my server at work.Everything works fine for a few weeks, then randomly the network connection on the server will stop working. After it stops working, I will try to reconnect with the network manager, it shows a wired connection available, it shows the "connection in progress"animation, then the "connection disabled" icon.

I uninstalled the network manager and used manual configuration, but do you think the network manager was the issue? I can't have the server disconnecting randomly every few weeks with no way to know what the real problem is. Was there an issue with the network manager with 10.04?

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Networking :: Network Has An Intermittent Fault - File Share Network Stops Working

May 7, 2011

Sometimes my file share network stops working,and will then work again.I'm lost with this problem. The server pc is a Zenwalk pc.The other pc is a win7 pc. This error only occurs on Zenwalk. When i run puppy from the live cd the file shares are always visible,without fail.Under puppy i use pNethood. When the ping command is used there is no problem, and the pc name can be pinged.This is shown below:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Is Working But Not Working?

Aug 28, 2010

OK so I set up a server yesterday and got ndiswrapper loaded on it with the appropriate driver, I edited the /etc/network/interfaces file to contact my router with it's MAC address, WEP Key, etc... So the problem is I can ping addresses like Google and Ubuntu Forums but I can't use apt-get to install or update packages. When I try sudo apt-get update I get a whole bunch of Code: W: Failed to fetch <address>Temporary Failure resolving <address>My Wireless interface is wlan0 and also I can ping my server from my other computer running Linux and my server can ping that computer too.

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General :: GRUB Misconfigured -- Can't Boot, Can't Repair File?

Oct 28, 2009

The new GRUB2 was supposed to configure itself from the old grub, but got the kernel image partition wrong.I have booted from Knoppix live cd, but need to write to system files. I have searched, and found several suggestions that apparently work on Win machines, but RO permission for root on Linux is a harder nut to crack.

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Ubuntu :: Error: Failed To Contact Configuration Server; The Most Common Cause Is A Missing Or Misconfigured

Nov 24, 2010

I just installed ubuntu 10.10 x64 It worked okay for awhile, but now everytime I startup I get this error message:

GConf error: Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See http... (Details-1:Server ping error:IDLmg.org/CORBA/CoMM_FAILURE:1.0)

So my desktop is basically worthless (Can't vnc in, windows have no title bar, can't launch anything)

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 Network WAN Not Working?

Jan 13, 2010

I decided to bite the bullet & upgrade from V8 to V9.Now after doing so the WAN connection is not working

bcm@bcm-laptop:~/wireless$ sudo iwlist wlan0 scan | tee sb.lis
wlan0 Scan completed :


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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Only Half Working / What To Do?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm clearly missing something small. My Ubuntu machine can see the XP machines in the WORKGROUP, pull files over and even print to the printer attached to one of them. Internet sharing also works. However, the XP machines cannot find the Ubuntu system.

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Ubuntu Networking :: New Install Network Not Working

Mar 14, 2010

I have just done a new install and have no network (LAN) connection.My network card blinks as if there is activity but the corresponding diode on my router is not active.I have checked the ethernet cable by switching with a valid connection to a WinXP system; like this I know that all the router ports are good.The network configuration module does not indicate a wired connection.

I have also tried sudo ifdown eth0 and sudo ifup eth0 but receive error message: interface eth0 not configured Can anyone help as it is my first experience with linux systems.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Card Not Working / Get That?

Apr 21, 2011

I have BroadCom BCM4318 802.11B/G Wireless Card. When I first started Ubuntu a week ago it didn't work, but I fixed it after a day or two of googling it. However I made a mistake and uninstalled the Network Manager. I then reinstalled Ubuntu, but it wouldn't load the card again. I activated the driver, and restarted the computer, but then, since It was connected via Ethernet, it wouldn't reconize the Ethernet connection, but the wireless card it did, but wouldn't find a network that is supported.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Weird Network Is Not Working Properly

Apr 18, 2010

I have just recently installed Ubuntu karmic on one of my machines. The network worked perfectly until today, when it just wont connect. I have double checked that the SSID and Password are correct. It is a WPA network. I am sure it is a problem with my computer, not the network, because my brother's laptop (which I am using right now) has ubuntu 9.10 installed on it and the network is working perfectly.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Not Working After Upgrade To 10.04

Jun 22, 2010

I recently upgraded to 10.04 and now my wired network no longer works. I am unsure if it worked at all since the upgrade as that computer is rarely used, but it was definitely working prior to the upgrade. It is some sort of Realtec card, I believe. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm running 32 bit 10.04 on a 2 GHz P4.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Half Of Network Just Stoped Working?

Jul 17, 2010

i just got a new tv (using it as a monitor)along side with my smaller 19inch i use for a 2nd screen on my everyday pc i use vga for my server and 2nd screen on my everyday pc and dvi to hdmi for the 32 inch screen i had ubuntu 9.10 running perfect on my server and 10.04 on my everyday pc both linux 9.10 and 10.04 worked both ways includeing vbox runnin xp on my everyday pc for a few windows only apps when i went to shutdown to add a replcement hd and i went to turn it back on it would no longer boot properly so i decided to just upgrade so i did a clean install and set my network up just like before and it was working just fine both ways even vbox had 0 problems same as before here is the fstab and samba and fstab from both my server pc and my everyday pc now here is the problem the server pc asked to do a part upgrade so i did then asked to be rebooted and i did thinking nothing of it and i also uninstalled a bunch of stuff games video players etc on the server as i had no use for as it is a server and now i cant connect via mapped drives from everyday pc to the server here is the command i use in term

owner@intel-quad:~$ sudo smbmount // /media/G -o username=owner ,password=123,uid-1000,mask000
[sudo] password for owner:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Not Working Properly?

Sep 12, 2010

I use Ubuntu 10.04. Last night, I installed the most recent updates for this istribution, and before I shut off my laptop, my internet was working smoothly. However, today my Internet connection is behaving very strange. When I try to connect to the internet, my browser times out or cannot establish a connection. I'm able to connect to low-input sites like Google search, but I cannot connect to sites like Facebook, Wikipedia, or even the Ubuntu forums (I'm currently using a friend's laptop to post this). Pidgin and Skype work without a problem, as well as Transmission. I primarily use Firefox, but I also tried Chrome, Opera, and Epiphany; none of them worked. Oddly enough, my update manager also cannot connect to the Internet to retrieve updates.

I have restarted my router, but it still works properly, as it is running fine on my friend's laptop. I have tried 'no proxy' in Firefox, but it did not help. I also disabled IPv6 in etc/sysctl.conf by adding the code:

#disable ipv6
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1


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Ubuntu Networking :: No Connection But Network Working Perfectly?

Jun 12, 2011

If I click the network indicator and select Connection Information, I get a dialog that says "Error displaying connection information: No valid active connections found." If I click Edit Connections, it shows Auto eth0 as "Never used". Yet I am using my network connection right now. If I download something, I am getting full performance. I am surfing the net and posting this, now.What has happened to my connection info and how can I fix it?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Stops Working After A While?

Sep 1, 2011

I have a wireless network using this driver:

Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter

and everything works fine for some time. After a few hours or maybe less (if I push bandwidth to the limit) the Internet freezes. I can't even ping my router. If I disconnect and reconnect either the device or the connection via network manager , it does work for a minute only and then freezes again. If I restart Ubuntu entirely, it works again. But for a while...

It works 100% in Win7 and I have no problem at all there. But I am very annoyed that I cant have reliability in Ubuntu. I want Ubuntu as default.

It has something to do with drivers or an inner variable or buffer or something.

At least, is there any way to reset my network connection without rebooting the OS?

I tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart but it gives me: Ignoring unknown interface wlan0=wlan0.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working

Sep 1, 2011

I have not used wired network on my desktop for some time, and now it appears to be not functional. Wifi works fine.

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Networking :: SSH Not Working On Local Network?

Jul 23, 2009

Let me start off by saying everything WAS working...I have a lab environment comprised of two subnets (.1.128/25 and .2.0/25). On the .1, I have 3 Solaris 8 servers running NIS, NFS, databases, DNS, various services, etc... the network was setup on VLAN'd Layer 3 switches with the VLAN interface addresses acting as default gateways (dgw) for the two networks (on a single switch). The switch dgw was a router for outside connectivity. The servers are running ODCS OpenSSH.I was having problems with the VLANs, so I reconfigured the network so that each subnet had it's own switch as a dgw, and they route through a point-to-point static route setup as on a separate VLAN between the two gateway switches.Here's where the problems start:First, ALL the services (NIS,NFS,databases,DNS,etc) are STILL WORKING. I can ping all the addresses. Traceroutes show the proper path thru the point-to-point, etc. There are NO firewalls setup, hardware or software, network or host-based... no iptables running, etc.

The three servers are on the .1 network. I can ssh to them from hosts on the .2 network no problem. However, I cannot complete an ssh login to them from any host on the .1 network. I get a password prompt, enter the pwd, and then it hangs until I receive a "Connection timed out" error message several minutes later. The next time I log in however, it shows "Last successful login" from the failed attempt.While the connection is hung, netstat on the server shows "ESTABLISHED" to the client on the proper port. nother odd indication is that I CAN sftp to the servers from hosts on the .1 network.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Interfaces Stop Working After 5 Minutes

Feb 3, 2010

My network interaces stop working after 5-10 minutes of operation. I have 2 network cards, one static IP and the other dhcp. Sometimes I can ping my router, other times I can't.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Device RTL8139D In Karmic 9.10 Not Working

Feb 14, 2010

I love Ubuntu but so far a lot of the network devices I've tried have been nothing but problems. I'm adding a second NIC to my Karmic 9.10 desktop. It's been 2 weeks and I've tried 2 other cards already with no luck. It's especially frustrating because I thought I did my homework on this one and read that it's plug and play on 9.10 here: [URL]... This is the link to where I bought it: [URL]...


I looked around the forums and tried a few things like modprobe 8139too. The card still is not working. Was that the right thing to do with this particular card?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Connection Not Working After 10.04 Intalled

Apr 29, 2010

I just finished upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 via the Update Manager. My first noticeable problem is that my wireless connection with my home network no longer functions on my IBM Thinkpad T42 laptop.The Network Manager applet shows that it detects my home network (and those of several of my neighbors), but I have not been able to get it to connect to this network. I've been using WPA & WPA2 Personal settings for security, and the Network Manager applet had correctly picked up the password that I had been using under 9.10. I've searched the Ubuntu Forums for "wireless T42" and thought I'd found a solution in a posting that recommended using the "wcid" network manager, but I've been unable to find wcid either via the Synaptic Package Manager or the Ubuntu Software Center.

1. I've noticed that in Lucid Lynx the Network Manager applet's icon in the top panel is no longer the vertical bars symbol that it displayed in
Karmic Koala; instead, the icon is a radiating fan display. In the Network Manager's edit Network Connections window, this fan icon is shown on the Wireless Connection tab, while the vertical bars icon is shown on the Mobile Broadband tab.

2. The Wireless Connection tab shows, on the line in which it shows awareness of my home wireless network (as "Auto 389690") that this connection was "Last Used" "1 month ago". It should be saying something like "today".

FWIW, the Network Manager detected my wired "eth0" connection with no difficulty.Both Jaunty and Karmic picked up my home wireless connection without any problems. Now I have no idea what to try next.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network Stopped Working After Update 10.04?

May 7, 2010

i have lucid installed on my toshiba laptop after after an update my wireless stopped working keep asking for password and my wireless card is not detecting no wifi :

*-network UNCLAIMED
description: Ethernet controller
product: AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter
vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Not Working - How To Make It Work

May 30, 2010

My wired network is not working! This is the result of ifconfig -a:


eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1c:25:3e:fe:50
inet6 addr: fe80::21c:25ff:fe3e:fe50/64 Scope:Link


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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Network No Longer Working On Mobile / What To Do?

Aug 19, 2010

It still works fine if I boot into "good old" Windows. I must say I am SOOO disapointed with the Network Manager in Ubuntu which was great until 10.4 and has been crap ever since. I have had so many problems with my Vodafone USB and had to find an alternative method of getting it to work. Now the last straw is that my wireless LAN card is not getting recognised on startup so I have not connectivity when at home. (USb via Vodafone is no good in my area). I am typing this via an old Windows PC because my Ubuntu just does not work anymore. I have not installed anything new so what has happened - or how can I get it to work again.
I was completely sold on Ubuntu but am now considering reverting to Windows. It would be worth paying for an operating system that actually works, even if I have all the other hassles as well. A year ago Ubuntu was great - it all worked ! Not any more how can all that good work have gone down the pan - I can't understand how anyone could let all these nertwork problems occur - it isn't just me - read the threads - it's widespread.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working / Wireless OK

Sep 21, 2010

I'm not a total newbie, but run into some strange problems with my installation of Lucid.Everything was working fine yesterday. I shut down the laptop and powered it up this morning and had problems with network. I have two NICs (wired and wireless). Both are set to pick up IP settings from DHCP and both do, however when using wired network I can't communicate with outside world - can't even ping the default gateway (but pinging or IP address of the NIC no problem, so stack should be OK).When on the wireless network everything works fine (otherwise I would struggle to write this post ).What is very weird though is that I have a VMWare Player installed and using Windows VM on wired network works just great!

I noticed that when you're persistent it happens that you can ping but huge chunks of traffic are lost (e.g. packet 1-10 would pass, 11-40 would be lost, 41-59 would pass and so on).I restarted Ubuntu, tried shutting down interfaces, disabling networking and nothing helped. I don't recall performing any changes (at least that I would be aware of).Can anyone suggest something?BTW. This is not DNS issue as both IP addresses and FQDNs do not work. When I refer to using a given network (wired or wireless) the other one is down with ifconfig command...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired Network Stopped Working, Works With Win XP?

Oct 22, 2010

It has been a while and many ubuntu updates since i connected the windows laptop, it used to work fine but this ubuntu machine keeps telling me the cable is unplugged. When i boot into windows XP the network works fine and the laptop can connect through the network to use the internet. I have a very simple home network ... 3 pc into one switch. I am by no stretch of the imagination good with networking

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wired / Wireless Network Cards Not Working

Nov 30, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu - I've decided to give Ubuntu Studio a go as an alternative to Windows. However, after installing it, neither of my network cards work. I have a Intel Pro Wireless 3945ABG wireless card, and a Broadcom Netlink Gigabit Wired card. Neither work, And I'm not sure how to. I've tried searching, and have come up with the .tgz file here, but I have no idea what to do with it I'm concentrating on the wireless card for the moment, seeing as that will be the main one I use.

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