Ubuntu Networking :: Network Usage Constant - Find Out What Programs Are Using The Internet?

Jan 5, 2010

My wireless usb network adapter is constantly using ~100bytes/s even when there is nothing I can think of that needs to talk to the internet. Is there a way to find out what programs are using the internet?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Find Out Network Usage / Keep Track Of Total Network Usage?

May 24, 2010

How do I find out the network usage ie the total amount of data is transferred in or out of my computer (openSUSE 11.2 and gnome) and keep a track of the total network usage?

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General :: Find Out Internet Usage By Ipaddress?

Apr 11, 2010

We are using squid proxy server for accessing Internet in RHEL4.

How to find out internet usage by ipaddress?

Is it possible in linux?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Regulate Internet Usage - Blocking Downloads?

Feb 18, 2010

We are switching from an uncapped 512kb line to a 4MB line at the office... One catch though. The 4MB line will only be linked to a 30GB account, without the option to top up. I therefore have been asked to put something in place to regulate what the staff download at work. Basically block movie, music and torrent downloads should be sufficient, but they would also like to have a list of where staff have been in case of abuse. I have tried OpenDNS in the past, but the guys took great delight in getting around this, and did it within minutes... I can't enter a proxy setting into their browsers, because they all have local admin rights on their Windows boxes and will just disable that. How do I do this on a server level, so that they can't get around this?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Internet Usage Monitor Meter

Jul 24, 2011

I'm using ubuntu 11.04 and have a DSL connection straight from my local telephone (landline) provider.I need a ubuntu app, preferably a daemon/service (that I can start up on boot) that, in essence, can simply log to a file, on a per session basis (with timestamps of course), the bandwidth I use (download + upload bytes).

I'm not interested in logging site info etc., just want raw data usage so at the end of the month I can run some summary reports on it.Basically I was to see if my ISP is cheating me or not (and in general to control myself on my HUGE ..... + ISO download habbits)..I need nothing fancy, even a basic command will do in which case i'll be happy to write my own basj script for that...

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Networking :: How To Find Bandwidth Usage Info

Sep 21, 2009

How can I figure out what is using my bandwidth? (command line or otherwise).

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OpenSUSE Network :: Monitor Which Programs Are Allowed To Access The Internet And Limit Traffic

Nov 8, 2010

I would like to be able to monitor which programs are allowed to access the internet, but a search for programs to do this has turned up nothing. Preferably, I would like a notification to come up every time an application uses the internet. Is there any (n00b friendly) software available to do that?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 2+ Internet Interfaces - Control Application Specific Usage?

Mar 24, 2010

I currently have two internet interfaces installed, one is ethernet (eth0) and the second is wireless (wlan0). Many command line applications allow you to specify which interface should be used, but many gui apps don't provide this option or at least I haven't found it. I have some questions:

1. How would I tell Firefox to use only my wlan0 interface? If it's possible in Firefox, is this also possible with Google Chrome?

2. If a program doesn't provide a command line argument to support this, is there a standalone application that could help manage preferences for multiple applications?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wifi Is Connected But Will Not Work In Browser Or Other Internet Usage

Jul 6, 2010

The Wifi is connected to my router but it still will not let me access the Internet or any other Internet based operation. (I am running 10.04, I had just installed and and now am trying to get the internet connection running)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Programs Do Not Connect To Internet?

Mar 9, 2010

I'm having problems with programs connecting to the internet. I typed in
sudo apt-get install wine

and I get the following:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Couldn't find package wine

I KNOW there is a package called wine but it cant find it. I can't install any other programs from programs either. My gDebi package manager is supposed to automatically download and install dependencies but it doesn't do that either.

I am sure I am connected to the internet as I can browse just fine.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Some Programs Cannot Access Internet

May 29, 2010

I have used other distros on and off in the past with no trouble, but for some reason I seem to have had this problem with several versions and flavours of Ubuntu on various systems. I've never solved this problem the previous times I've had it, just given up. But this time I actually need to get this working. I've recently upgraded my computer, so my old system has been relegated to HTPC duties in my lounge. I installed Ubuntu 10.04 and I'm having issues getting internet access with some programs, while others work fine.

Firefox and Evolution haven't been able to access the internet from the start.Empathy IM has no trouble connecting to my MSN and Facebook accounts.I had no trouble downloading and installing Google Chromium browser through Ubuntu Software Center, and have no trouble accessing the internet with Chromium.On the first boot after the install, Ubuntu automatically told me to update my nVidia drivers online, and did so without error.Update Manager detects updates, but fails to download them.

I successfully and flawlessly downloaded installed XBMC Media Center and some related skins and things through Synaptic, but XBMC cannot access the internet. However it can access shared files over my LAN, including Windows 7 shares.Ubuntu itself cannot access any files on my Windows 7 computer. It can access the work group and see my Win7 shares, but refuses to mount them. Strangely, XBMC can access these shares and stream media from them fine.

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Networking :: CPU Usage In Network

Jul 8, 2011

I have two pcs connected through wifi in p2p mode...I would like to see the cpu usage of the network. Could anyone help me with tools I may use for seeing cpu usage in this network.

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Networking :: Yum Usage In Network

Nov 13, 2009

I have installed oracle enterprise Linux in my desktop.It is the free download from Sergio's blog(in 6 CD)Now i need to work with the yum in oel5 for installing packages and also i need to install the necessary packages in my client another system both are in a network.

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Networking :: Network Usage Is Overloading CPU

May 23, 2009

recently my server become a little slow and lazy, so I started a small investigation what's going on and found out, that there is some problem with network.All processes which uses network are able to use 99% of CPU time when they got any requests. First time i thought it's only a bad configured Apache but after some research I found even FTP or SSH does it if they have to do something more (for example getting data to another server using rsync).So far I wasn't able to find a cause of this. No new software installed, only updated every few days. I have another server which have the same config, same software, same hardware and is updated in same days. But this one works without any problem. I think it's probably hardware (LAN) leaving me to it's creator. Is there some way how can I test if it's really LAN or just something bad happened to the system?

Also there is another issue - maximum speed dropped down to 20-30kB/s for both download or upload.It's Debian Lenny 2.6.22-6 if you need to know.

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Networking :: Displaying Network Usage Stats

Jul 13, 2010

A small "mom and pop" WISP would like to provide account usage information to customers.Basically, when a person connecting to the WISP's web site is a customer with an IP address from within the WISP's subnets, a link would appear on the web page where customers could read total bandwidth usage (daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly totals and averages) and public IP address. Information could include the top five bandwidth URLs visited; graphs or charts of usage; and usage during specific periods, such as business hours (8AM-5PM), evening hours (5PM-10PM), night (10PM-8AM), and weekends (10PM Friday-8AM Monday).

The WISP has installed cricket (http://cricket.sourceforge.net) and rrdtool (http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool). The next trick is to grab and format the data for customers.I'm not looking for answers like "look at xyz package." Helpful responses will include a rudimentary outline to solve the problem. That is, "xyz package" might indeed be what the WISP needs, but some guidance how to use xyz is needed to move down the road.I have no experience with this type of thing. I appreciate responses from people who are experienced.

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Networking :: Monitoring Home Network Usage

Jul 13, 2010

I was wondering how do you slap a packet analyzer like Wireshark somewhere between all the computers in a house and the router, so you can tell what websites are being accessed? I mean websites, specifically. I'm not trying to monitor bittorrent, IRC or other things yet - I'll get to that later. I just want to break this insanely complex task into smaller bites for now.Also, since my ISP has bandwidth caps but does not have a means for consumers to monitor total network usage, I'd like to figure out how to use Wireshark to do that as well. This, I am assuming, is easier when wireshark is running on the pipeline going into the router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Control Bandwidth Usage On Home Network?

Dec 5, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 and all was well on my home network until a household member decided to get a laptop and jump on my network. All he does is watch videos on ....., download crap from P2P sites, and maybe even watch p0rn. Is there something I can use to control this or maybe set my router to give him the minimum resources available? Also, I want to block him from downloading junk from P2P sites or places he might get a virus. I'm on a D-Link DGL 4500 Router.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Monitor Each Application Network Bandwidth Usage?

Sep 1, 2011

is there any way to monitor each application network bandwidth usage ?I've used gnome-system-monitor, but unfortunately it just show the total network activity

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Ubuntu :: High X CPU Usage When Using KDE Programs (10.04)?

May 12, 2010

I have recently upgraded from Kubuntu 9.10 to 10.04. I am having trouble with CPU usage by the X server. When running KDE programs (for example Kontact and Amarok) my computer is becoming very sluggish. This seems to be because X is using 90-100% of the CPU constantly when there are any changes to the application (any sort of redraw, even the mouse moving across the screen). I don't experience this with other applications (I am currently writing this from Chromium with no issues at all). Below is all the relevant information I can think to include.

INSTALL PROCESS: Fresh install from Ubuntu 10.04 LiveCD. My /home direrctory is on a separate partition so that has remained unchanged from 9.10. After installing Ubuntu, I installed the kubuntu-desktop package to install kdm and the KDE desktop.

The only real change from my last install is that /var is now also a separate partition (in a bid to save my MySQL data should I have to reinstall again) but it is on the same hard drive as my root partition and so shouldn't be causing any performance issues.

MY X SETUP: Three screen setup using onboard and PCI graphics cards. This worked perfectly before and, after reconfiguring X using nvidia-xconfig works almost as well again. Except that one of my monitors autodetects at 1280x1024 where before it was a higher (and widescreen) resolution.

The issue only presents itself when KDE application screens are visible and disappears when they are hidden (either minimised or closed) As far as Ican tell it could be an X, Qt or KDE issue. But I am not sure what versions of these will have been changed in the upgrade.

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Fedora Networking :: Determine Which Programs Access Internet

Mar 16, 2009

I see from the netspeed applet that my computer is downloading stuff almost constantly. Not a whole lot, 8b - 700b per second while apparently doing nothing. Some of this is just responding to broadcasts from the router, but surely not all. I would like to be able to determine which programs are accessing the internet over that wireless card, with a view to cutting down on my bandwidth usage. Is there a program that can tell me which ones are doing what at a given time?

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Networking :: Tool To Monitor Network Usage By Process?

May 9, 2010

I have looked for and found several tools to show a system's total network usage. I have not, however, been able to find any that show this information in the context of individual processes. Do any such tools for linux exist?

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Networking :: Displaying Bandwidth Usage Information On Network

Apr 9, 2009

I have a network connection between 3 computers sharing the same net bandwidth with the same router (modem), I wanted to know how much every one of this network taking from the bandwidth, I want an easy program like switch-sniffer (see the pic) to scan the network and tell me how much every one taking from this network in real time.

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Fedora Networking :: Software For Monitoring Network Usage From Applications?

Jan 21, 2011

I have a home PC which connects through internet via a Zyxel ADSL router. I use Fedora 14 as my one and only operating system and sometimes I am seeing the LEDs of my modem blinking very fast which means that something is downloading. I want to know which application download what on my PC. Is there any tool in Fedora that can show which application uses my network?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Gathering Network Usage Of Xen / Virtual Machines?

Jun 23, 2009

I've run into a problem gathering usage for my xen virtual systems. With my old model I used to gather all network usage via my cisco devices using the the counters for each port. Each system had it's own port on the switch, and I tracked network usage accordingly. Now that I'm using xen for virtual systems, and multiple vm's share the same switch port, i'm not exactly sure what my best option is for tracking usage.

I thought I may be able to setup vlans on the switch, and bind each vm to a different vlan using vconfig... but it seems like there has to be a better solution than that.

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Networking :: Tools For Monitoring Network Bandwidth Usage Of Program/port?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a third party program (tightvnc) which I want to monitor and detect if it loses a connection with a client. I don't care if the client has the program open but isn't doing anything with it, I only want to know if the actual TCP connection is lost.

Since TCP takes forever to die on it's own I was thinking the best way to detect if a connection is lost is by bandwidth the bandwidth on the tcp port allocated to the VNC connection. Are there any tools built in to redhat (RHEL 5.2) which I could use to do this? Since I don't have full control of the operating system I would prefer to use built in tools rather then trying to get a new tool installed.

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Debian Installation :: Wired Internet - Won't Find Any Network Adapter

May 17, 2011

I just installed debian, durning the installation i opted not to connect to the internet since the large network cable was in the closet and i did not feel like standing up. Now i have finished installing and plugged the network cable in, expecting it to "just work", this is not the case. What needs to happen before the wired network connection starts working? also, the lspci output, appearantly it won't find any network adapter. I suspect this is the fault of my lazyness.


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Networking :: Network Security - How To Identify Programs And Processes

Sep 2, 2010

I was wondering if anyone might know of good reference material, books websites etc., that discuss network security issues in layman terms. I would like to set up a dedicated Linux box as a firewall and would like to have a deeper understanding of the different types of configurations that are possible. I run a dual boot system and most of the firewalls I have used on the Windows side are very confusing to me. A lot of the time they give you a pop up that informs you that some cryptically named program is trying to access the network or the internet and wants to know if I want it to or not, 99% of the time I have not idea if it is a legitimate program or not. I realize that this is probably a separate issue (knowing how to identify programs and processes that should have access from those that should not) from setting up a firewall and basic network security but I know that they are related.

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Networking :: Cannot Find The Network Storage Drive On MS Network Using Ubuntu?

Dec 26, 2010

i can not find the network storage drive on my MS network using Ubuntu.i can find other computer using xSMBrowser but not the hard drive connected to my router (LAN)i have tried samba and a few others

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Find Network Card While Setup Network Configuration?

May 25, 2010

Cannot activate network device eth0!"device eth0 does not seem to be present, delaying initialization".i cannot find my network card while i set up network configuration Now I use dual boot window 7 and fedora 9,I cannot find my network card in select network adapter while network configuration ,i have a network card Atheros AR8132 PCI-E fast Ethernet controller NDIS(620)and for wired in Accer laptop .

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OpenSUSE Network :: Mobile Internet Connection - Program Doesn't Find The HUAWEI USB Stick

Aug 11, 2010

I have opensuse 11.1 Gnome on Lenovo S10e. I'm wanting to establish a mobile internet connection. I have tried so far...*UMTSMON but when I click on it nothing happens. I have reinstalled the program several times to no avail. *WINE to run the Optus program, however the program doesn't find the HUAWEI USB stick & *Via a Bluetooth connection (use mobile phone as a modem) didn't work either Anyhow, I have tried these and some other ways to get mobile to no avail.

Also, have gone to network connections-mobile broadband-add-configure it- but what am I forgetting to do? Need a path I can take to get mobile internet working. (I even have a direct SIM card slot in this laptop

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