Ubuntu Networking :: LTSP 10.04 Stalls On Boot?

Jun 25, 2010

I've got a fresh install from the alternate CD. The thin client gets to the point where the screen fills with dots .........done, then it just sits there and does nothing else. No error messages or anything. I have a two nic setup that worked great on karmic and haven't changed any of the hardware around or anything. I'm at a loss as to what to do, I've reinstalled several different times fiddled with every setting I could think of and searched and read till my eyeballs are ready to fall out. It has become a matter of principle to me now and I refuse to go back to an earlier version.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Get The CD To Boot And Stalls

Dec 11, 2010

This is what is happening I downloaded the Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS MD5 check and everything good for burning

Burned the image and restarted my laptop for installation.

Well I get the Ubuntu logo with the little points down and looks like loading but it stalls and does nothing after some time.

Don't know what to do I'm on Fedora now but I want ubuntu.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: 10.04 Stalls In Mid-boot On 700mHz IMac?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm installing Ubuntu 10.04 on a 700mHz "lamp" iMac for a home school. I managed to install Ubuntu 10.04 via the alternate iso, but when it boots up it only goes as far as a black screen with "Ubuntu" in white lettering above four dots of which only three are colored red before it stalls. I just can't trick 10.04 to booting up past three red dots.

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Fedora :: F12 To F15 Stalls At Re-boot Using PreUpgrade?

May 26, 2011

I am trying to upgrade my F12 system ti F15 using the PreUgrade route. The initial package download goes Ok but on re-boot I can only access my old F12 system. df reports 44M avail in /boot which is on sdd1. Since I do have a multiboot system I checked that there was an "update" folder under "boot" and that it had the update versions of vmlinuz and initrd which it had. I edited "menu 1st" as described in the Pre-Upgrade notes setting the root entry to (hd0,0) as used for my working system and then did a re-boot. I selected the new upgrade entry in the GRUB menu but the system complained that it couldn't find a file. I have tried using root (hd3,0) but this does not work either. What am I doing wrong?

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Debian Configuration :: Splashy - Load Stalls On Boot ?

Nov 22, 2010

I have installed splashy from sid. Rest of the system is squeeze, and put the parameter "vga=791 splash quiet" in the kernel parameter...

Unfortunately this is not working properly. It does load the splash image as intended, but it then just hangs here, and does not load the OS unless I press enter. (I asume that something is hangning, but I cannot see the shell from here, and ctrl+f2-f6 is not working so I cannot get to any tty).

Then after boot, I can only see the / partition. But not /home. Duing a fdisk -l shows up the partitions, so they are there, just not mounted at boot?

If I press F2 at boot, before the image shows up, it does actually boot without any issues at all. It must be something with the image loading that is causing this.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Easy LTSP PXE Boot?

Sep 16, 2010

i have configured kiwi-ltsp with easy-ltsp and gone through the prebuild image setup.Client starts up with PXE all good right up to where you choose boot options, it just keeps counting down from 5sec and start over again, debug options wont start either.Has this something to do with it not being able to boot the image?

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Debian Installation :: Reinstall Stalls At Installer Boot Menu

Jan 18, 2015

I'm trying to reinstall Debian on one of my machines after an unsuccessful install of FreeBSD (it didn't jive with my ssd). Debian installations have never been a problem before on this particular setup before but now for some reason it won't get past the "Debian GNU/linux installer boot menu". The USB goes into idle mode and the menu does not respond to keyboard strokes. I've tried several debian images to no avail. Ubuntu seems to work just fine though but I don't want to install Ubuntu just because Debians having some problems. I booted ubuntu live and reformated the SSD I had tried to install FreeBSD on because there were no partition tables on it but that didn't work either. I'd like some expert input before I go do another `dd`.

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Debian Installation :: Squeeze Boot Stalls / Radeon Mobility

May 23, 2011

I have just installed Squeeze on my laptap with a radeon mobility equipped laptop. When it boots, I see the following message:r600_cp: Failed to load firmware "radeon/RV635_pfp.bin".and some others, too, but it stalls at that point, and I cannot use CTRL-ALT-F2 to get a text-based prompt - in fact, I can only seem to get it back with a ALT-SYSRQ (R-E-I-S-V-B) sequence to force a reboot. It is a multi-boot system, with a windows partition, Ubuntu partition, and the new Debian partition. The Ubuntu and Windows partitions will still boot, only the Debian stalls.

When I boot into Ubuntu, I can see the Debian partition, and can see (for instance) the /var/boot/dmesg file, but it only says:"(Nothing has been logged yet.)"So, being new to debian itself (even though, I know, that Ubuntu has a debian base), how can I make it boot without X, which is I presume, the center of the difficulty? Can I change some file on the debian partition using Ubuntu to get the debian partition to boot in text only mode, and then try to fix the radeon driver?

Alternatively, can I put the proper files for the radeon driver *from* the Ubuntu partition *to* the debian partition and expect it to load and boot correctly? I did, at one point, download and install the proprietary ATI driver files on Ubuntu, so can I put them in a proper place on the debian install?

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Fedora Installation :: CD/DVD Boot On Intel Core 2 Duo VPro Stalls?

Jun 13, 2009

I've been using Linux (Fedora) since 2005 (when I happily abandoned Windows) and loved every minute of it. No installation or other unresolvable problems. But now, I am totally stuck. A month ago, they just gave me a new desktop in the office: Dell Optiplex 960 with the Intel Core 2 Duo vPro chip. So I waited for Fedora 11 to come out, burned the x86-64 Install Media on a DVD, repartitioned the hard drive like I always do on new Windoze machines, and began installing. The install process gets to this announcement and stops:

mounting /tmp as tmpfs... done Then, after a 5-minute wait, if I push the power button on the computer for a hard reboot, then it says:

running install running /sbin/loader and then stalls for good. Then all I can do is hard-reboot again.

So, out of curiosity (and for other reasons), I tried booting the machine from other linux disks: Knoppix, and SystemRescue (www.sysresccd.org). They all stall at different points. The funny thing is that both Fedora 11 x86-64 and SystemRescue happily boot on my personal one-year-old Lenovo T61 Intel Centrino Duo VPro laptop.

I get a feeling that somehow the Intel Core 2 Duo vPro is causing the problem. I also think that there is got to be someone else out there who either had this problem, or was able to install F11 on similar Dell box. Google search did not produce actionalbe answers for me.

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Debian :: Dual Boot Installation Stalls - Timer Not Connected

Jan 25, 2010

I am new to linux and I am attempting to establish a dual boot with Windows Vista 32 Bit and Linux Debian 503 i386-netinst. When I place the install cd into the cd drive and boot from the cd a problem occurs at "Booting the kernel."

A message appears:
[0.116007] ..MP-BIOS bug: 8524 timer not connected to IO-APIC
Then the installation just "stalls" and never moves past this point.

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Fedora :: Boot Stalls At Assertion 'j->installed' Failed At Src/manager.c:1205?

Aug 30, 2011

To the point:F15 (from grub) running on a Lattitude D620Encrypted lvmThe last things I did before restarting, was to install ext2fuse, VMWare Player and then yum update.I can mount (on another F14 machine) both the boot partition and the LVM , fsck -f does not find anything on /boot or /.Escaping the plymouth screen during boot, I see:

Starting Initialize storage subsystems (RAID, LVM, etc.)...


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Ubuntu Networking :: Copy From Network Stalls

May 5, 2010

I was previously running Ubuntu 9.04, with no problems, however since installing 10.04 this past weekend, I noticed a problem today.We have a NetApp FAS250 at work, formatted as CIFS filesystem so our windows users can access it. With 9.04 I had no problem ready and writing to the shares.Today, I tried to copy some files from one folder to another and the "File Operation" dialog came up with 0 bytes of 2.8MB -- 0 seconds left (0 bytes/sec). However, no files are being copied.

I closed the dialog and tried again, same thing.After a reboot I tried to copy files off the share to my hard, same thing, the dialog would just sit there.After another reboot, I tried to copy files from my hard drive to my hard drive (different folder), that works fine, and copying from my hard drive to the network works fine. Just not from the network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install And Configure LTSP On A Server For A HP Thin Client To Boot Off?

Jul 22, 2011

I am trying to install and configure LTSP on a server for a HP thin client to boot off. The version of Ubuntu that I am using is 11.04 x86 and it is a fresh install on a dual core system with 2GB RAM. I followed a guide which comprised of these commands.

sudo apt-get install ltsp-server-standalone openssh-server sudo ltsp-build-client or if your on a 64-bit system with 32-bit machines do sudo ltsp-build-client arch i386 for editing the servers IP values use /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf after that you need to restart DHCP server sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
and update sshkeys -sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys and if you updated dhcpd.conf then you need to update you image also by typing in terminal ltsp-update-image

Everything seemed to install as it should but when I try to boot from the thin client it just times out and says no DHCP or proxy invites received. I turned DHCP off on the router and even tried another router, but I still get nothing. I am at a bit of a loose end and I hope someone on here can point me in the right direction of where I am going wrong.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Setup The LTSP

Feb 11, 2011

I just bought a old xeon server and am installing ubuntu 10.10 with ltsp, i have also bought 3 thin clients to add to it, what kind of hub or switch do i need to use with it? also is it straight through or crossover cat5 cables that i need? is there any good sites that i should look at for setting this all up, my end goal is to have educational stuff on them for my kids with internet enabled only at certain times, and have movies available from the server for them to watch.

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Networking :: Scp Sends Ok But Stalls On Receiving

Aug 17, 2010

I have set up a server using Suse, which I have done several times. This one is running 11.2 'Emerald'. It has 2 network cards. One is connected to a bt router with a static ip, and the other is for the internal network. The server is used as the gateway for the internet via masquerading. I have 2 issues, which I suspect are related. I can ssh to and from the server fine, but if I try to scp a file, it is fine sending to a remote machine, but stalls if I try the other way.

It also stalls if I try and send from the remote machine to this one. I have tried debug mode, but no 'error's occur, it just stalls.The internet connection is also very slow and sometimes stalls, so there may be a link.I am not new to linux, but this has me baffled. This server replaced a Suse 10.2 server with similar config, and that worked fine.The firewall allows ssh, so I don't think its that.

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Ubuntu Networking :: LTSP Server Install On 10.10?

Nov 17, 2010

I installed in Virtualbox many times and the clients would not connect. The config of the dhcpd.conf was the problem.Now, Everywhere I kept reading it said I had to turn off my hardware routers dhcp. Thats wrong, I have it working with it on and with one network card. Heres the nuts and bolts. Dlink 4100 hardware router assigning address block to pcs on the lan. Router is set to reserve and IP for the ltps server nic so it gets the same IP assigned every time from the hardware router. No need to force linux to an ip when it can be set in the router. Then installed LTSP from alt-cd. Once done, dhcp wont run because it conflicts with the hardware dhcp. Found out by trying to restart it and it said stop - Fail when it tried to stop it.

sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart
So edit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf.
sudo gedit /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf

Mine attached below: The subnet, as long as the 1st three numbers match the rest of lan setup it will work.(, rest of my lan is 192.168.2.x. Now notice the range is a different block than the hardware dhcp server uses. So all thin clients that connect will be assigned something and all hardware connected pcs will be assigned from the hardware router. So no conflicts. Then for the domain name server, set it to the hardware router ip. My hardware router is Set option router to the same as hardware router of Nothing in my dhcpd.conf file is pointing to the ltsp dhcp server. Nothing else had to be edited in the dhcpd.conf Next hurdle I had, after any change of the dhcpd.conf, ip's might have changed and you have to reconfig the ssh and the image. run these 2 commands.

sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys
sudo ltsp-upadte-image
sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart

Then thin clients/lan boot pcs all can connect after that.

I have since installed again at work in virtual box, booted from another vbox client and booted from a separate lan pc. Then installed again at home on AMD 3200 Athlon, 1 gig mem. Booted from my main pc PhenomX4, no problems. Pc's must have lan boot available in the bios or net boot available on the network card(most consumer add on cards do not). But most motherboard lan connection do.

# Default LTSP dhcpd.conf config file.


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Ubuntu Networking :: LTSP Server - Routing Multicast Communications?

May 16, 2010

I've just set up an LTSP server, with all its clients on a separate subnet to my main network - the main network is 192.168.1.x, and the LTSP clients are all 192.168.2.x. My LTSP server has 2 NICs, one on each network, and is merrily forwarding normal IP traffic from the clients to the rest of the network. I have a client/server application that has a server on one machine, and clients locate and attach to it using multicast protocols. The server is on the main network, and any other machines on the network can locate and talk to the server quite happily. The LTSP clients, however, cannot - I assume because the multicast communications aren't being forwarded by the LTSP server. How I can get this working?

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Fedora Networking :: LTSP - NFS Server Not Responding?

Feb 12, 2009

Currently have a problem with my LTSP server when using a gigabit switch with a megabit thin client.I am using K12LTSP with Fedora 9.The thin clients get most of the way through booting up then I get error messages saying:nfs: server not responding, still trying.I don't get this problem if I use a 100 meg switch though.I have found several forum posts on the internet which all seem to point to the following webpage with a solution:However, when I make the recommended changes It doesnt make a difference.Below is an example of the default file located at /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/pxelinux.cfg with its default settings:

prompt 0
label linux


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Ubuntu Networking :: Ltsp Server Subnet - Log Clients To The Parent Domain?

Mar 10, 2011

I have an Edubuntu server with two nics joined to the primary windows domain and I can log on with domain credentials and everything is AOK. I used LikewiseOpen 6 to join the server to the primary domain. So, on my Edubuntu server eth1 is connected to the primary domain and has a static IP. eth2 also has a static IP and is the DHCP for the thin client subnet, connected to a switch. IP forwarding is enabled.

DOMAIN - eth1 - Edubuntu Server - eth2 (SUBNET) - switch - clients

So far, so good: I can log on the thin clients with one of the local accounts specified on the Edubuntu server and with that account I can surf the net and, if I supply domain credentials, browse the primary domain. Problem I have is:

I can't work out how to log on to the primary domain with a Active Directory account directly from a thin client. If I try DOMAINuser to log on, after giving the password, the password screen refreshes and 'domainuser@11.*.21.*'s password' appears under the blank password box. The IP in that message is the IP for the subnet and not the primary domain. I feel like I'm miss-understanding some basic simple step but I just can't figure it out.

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Ubuntu Networking :: LTSP Server Doesn't Have Client Network Card Driver

Sep 1, 2010

I'm setting up an LTSP server using Ubuntu 10.4 64bit, and PXE connecting with thin clients using Atheros cards. The ltsp environment is 32bit.

Unfortunately I get an error message with "No interfaces found! Aborting..." and a kernel panic early during PXE boot.

After an enormous amount of investigation, I've narrowed it down to (probably) being the fact that the ltsp chroot environment doesn't have the correct driver for my network card (I believe it's atl1c). The correct driver IS available in Ubuntu, though, as I can successfully boot the thin client from both 64bit and 32bit live CDs and bring up the network interface.

how can I install the correct driver in the PXE environment?

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Networking :: Thin Clients On The Network All Have The LTSP Server IP While Surfing?

Dec 10, 2009

My 32-bit Ubuntu 9.10 [Karmic Koala] LTSP server has two NICs, one with Dynamic IP set by a DSL modem and the other with static IP of I also have 4 thin Clients that boot from this server without any problems and another computer with Ubuntu 9.04 running some PHP programs with dynamic IP given by the same DSL modem. When I send requests to these PHP programs from thin clients, they all give the LTSP server's dynamic IP as their IP so I cannot trace who has sent this request to response back.

I actually know this is logical. Because the requests are sent by a program that's actually running on the LTSP server rather than the thin client. But my question is How can I run a program on a thin client with it's own IP? I also should mention that the dhcp3-server service running on the LTSP server has no conflicts with the DSL dhcp on the network and I know that the 4 thin clients get the IPs ranging from through from the dhcp3-server service. Because I can ping them while they're on. but /sbin/ifconfig on them shows info about the LTSP server.

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Ubuntu :: GUI Stalls When Sound Is Out?

Jul 21, 2010

At times sound does not work and opening Sound Preferences produces only "Waiting for sound system to respond". Any time a sound would play in Firefox or Thunderbird it instead stalls the application window (or all windows) from responding for about 5 seconds.

Sometimes closing all applications and restarting clears up the sound problem and the stalling. But it usually comes back after shutting down with some applications left open. I do not restore saved applications at sign-in.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.04 LTS Stalls At 5%?

Sep 14, 2010

I can boot to run from live CD but wont install from live or full install on boot? Installation freezes at 5%? Trying to install to a HP laptop.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 9.10 Stalls During Partitioning Step

Mar 6, 2010

I have tried installing Ubuntu 9.10, 64 and also 32 bit versions, neither works. During the install, I get to the step where the installer wants to bring up and show the partitions but the partitions never appear. If I quit, I am show the Ubuntu live screen where if I bring up Gparted and choose to install on the unused partition (second half of a data drive), the install proceeds but stalls at about 15% partitioning of that space.

I have installed Ubuntu many times before, have used gparted live to resize and create partitions in the past, something seems really amiss this time. And all I can think of is that I now have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit (quad core AMD processor, 64 bit, 8GB ram; two hard drives, Win7 on the first drive, second drive is data on a partition and an empty unused partition to which I unsuccessfully try to install Ubuntu 9.10.

Is it just Win 7 messing this up? If it is Win7, that is very very disturbing.

I was not even able to get Wubi to work-- in installed, but then when I rebooted and chose to boot into Wubi I got an endless jam up of errors windows on the screen saying there was no "/" root partition.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Mount FS Stalls 10.04 Bootup

Apr 30, 2010

I have a box which was upgraded to 10.04 server. I also installed the ubuntu-desktop package and it's configured to autologon a user and then vino shares the user's desktop to the network. I do it this way because the server has no monitor/keyboard/mouse attached.

The problem I had, is that "if" one of the filesystems fails to mount at bootup. The machine sits there waiting for keyboard input on what it should do.


"File system xyz failed to mount, the device is not available or not ready.

Continue to wait;S to Skip;M for Manual Recovery"

Is there a way to influence the default behavior in the event of a failed mounting operation? (so there's no need for a keyboard to be attached.)

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 Stalls While Retrieving Files?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm installing 10.10 on a Dell laptop it appears the installation has stalled while retrieving file 26 or 64. It's been on this file for about an hour now.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mythbuntu Install Stalls Out At 85-90%?

Feb 26, 2011

Total noob here. I am trying to install Mythbuntu 10.10 on a computer with and empty hard drive using a CD.The install start fine, I make a couple of selections to tell the installer I want to use the entire harddrive, select the timezone and the install starts without any problems. Unfortunatly after about 30min or so, the installation seem to be stalled out with the progress bar at the 85-90% range. There are no obvious errors in the log.

I have successing installed Ubuntu in the past (although not on this hardware). The PC includes an IDE based DVD-R, 120Gb sata based ssd, 939 dual core processor. 8600GT video card. 2Gb memory. One possibility is that I don't have a TV tuner card installed yet. Was going to do that after I got Ubuntu up and running but perhaps the installer is looking for a tuner card. I realize I am not giving anyone much to work but I am not sure what I could post.

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Ubuntu :: Copy To Usb Stick Stalls After Some Seconds

Sep 1, 2011

I just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my workstation (MB Asus P6X58D Premium) and cannot copy large files (350 MB) to USB Sticks. If i copy one file the copy dialog hangs at ~99% and if I Try to copy 2 or more files it hangs after 99% of the first file but if the files are smaller (3-5 MB) it copies about 5 files but not more.(Its the same if i try to create a USB Startup disk or if I copy from the terminal)I tried different filesystems (ext3 fat32 ntfs) but its always the same bug.I tried 2 different Sticks with the same result but both sticks work on a 10.10 box or with win7.I read about a similar bug in natty beta 1-2 but it should have been resolved with release i think.

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General :: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop Installation Stalls?

May 1, 2010

I've downloaded Ubuntu 10.04 from the UK mirror of the Ubuntu site. When I try to install the OS from the CD it stalls at various different places. I have been able to get it to a max of 25% of installation before stalling, but more often than not it stalls when I'm trying to choose the keyboard type, or when I'm trying to setup my username / PC hostname.

I've carried out an md5sum on the iso and it shows no errors. I've downloaded the iso a second time and carried out the same check, and similarly no errors.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Shared Printer Stalls When Printing?

Jun 30, 2010

I am currently running Lucid on my system and can't seem to get my printer on a Windows XP computer to print documents sent from my Ubuntu computer. I can see the Windows XP computer in Nautilus under Network and can even access the shared files on the Windows computer with no problem. I have been able to install the Windows shared printer on my Ubuntu computer using System>Administration>Printing>Add>Network Printer>"Windows Printer via Samba" without any error messages. The problem is that whenever I send a printing job to the shared printer, the printer acts like it is going to start printing then automatically stops just right before the paper is going to be fed. I have memorized the noises my printer makes right before the paper gets fed. That is how I know it stalls right before the paper is about to be fed.

When I check the print queue on my Windows computer, its status is "printing", but it never does. I have tried this with two different HP printers (Deskjet 3940 & PSC 1410), and it is the exact same problem on both.

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