Ubuntu :: Failed To Mount FS Stalls 10.04 Bootup

Apr 30, 2010

I have a box which was upgraded to 10.04 server. I also installed the ubuntu-desktop package and it's configured to autologon a user and then vino shares the user's desktop to the network. I do it this way because the server has no monitor/keyboard/mouse attached.

The problem I had, is that "if" one of the filesystems fails to mount at bootup. The machine sits there waiting for keyboard input on what it should do.


"File system xyz failed to mount, the device is not available or not ready.

Continue to wait;S to Skip;M for Manual Recovery"

Is there a way to influence the default behavior in the event of a failed mounting operation? (so there's no need for a keyboard to be attached.)

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Bootup - Filesystem.squashfs Failed Input / Output Error Cannot Mount

May 24, 2011

i want to use linux but i am having some issues getting it to work on my system. my desktop is a p4 3.4gig with 512 DDR. When I insert my ubuntu CD it starts loading but then i get this screen/message:

Busybox v1.15.3(ubuntu 1:1.15.3-1ubuntu5) built-in shell(ash) Enter 'help' for list of built in commands (initramfs) mount:mounting/dev/loop0 on// filesystem.squashfs failed input/output error Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem/squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs if I put the same disc into my HP laptop it boots up ubuntu fine. (however it won't allow me to get online, but that is a different issue).

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Fedora :: Boot Stalls At Assertion 'j->installed' Failed At Src/manager.c:1205?

Aug 30, 2011

To the point:F15 (from grub) running on a Lattitude D620Encrypted lvmThe last things I did before restarting, was to install ext2fuse, VMWare Player and then yum update.I can mount (on another F14 machine) both the boot partition and the LVM , fsck -f does not find anything on /boot or /.Escaping the plymouth screen during boot, I see:

Starting Initialize storage subsystems (RAID, LVM, etc.)...


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Ubuntu :: Bootup Hangs When Trying To Mount NFS Shares

Jun 11, 2010

It mounts OK on the fly (mount /usr/local) but when you reboot, it hangs, presumably forever, saying that "The disk drive /usr/local is not ready, S to skip, M for manual".Pressing S or M does nothing. I then have to turn the machine off, boot off a CD, mount the HD's / partition and remove the fstab entry before I can successfully boot the OS.Having looked at various forums, I have tried some different things like removing the "0 0", putting "auto" in the options. Unsurprisingly perhaps, these made no difference.

This behaviour was noticed on 10.04, but having tested it on 9.10 it does a similar thing on that version too, although on that one you can actually enter a shell at the hang point and edit your fstab.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Mount A Network Drive On Bootup

Apr 5, 2011

My laptop is connected to my network through wifi. One of my desktops is always running as a file server for the rest of the network. Currently, to access that file server, I have to manually mount the network drive each time I boot the laptop. I have tried adding a line to fstab to have the drive mounted when the system first boots up, but since the wireless connection isn't active yet, the system hangs with an error message saying that the drive was not able to mount correctly and I have to press a key to continue.

is there any way to have the system automatically mount the network drive AFTER the network connection has become available AND, if for some reason the drive is not able to mount (i.e. I'm on the road and the laptop logs into a different network), it simply bypasses that and continues booting without displaying an error?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Mount A Network Drive On Bootup?

Aug 18, 2011

My laptop is connected to my network through wifi. One of my desktops is always running as a file server for the rest of the network. Currently, to access that file server, I have to manually mount the network drive each time I boot the laptop. I have tried adding a line to fstab to have the drive mounted when the system first boots up, but since the wireless connection isn't active yet, the system hangs with an error message saying that the drive was not able to mount correctly and I have to press a key to continue.

My question is this: is there any way to have the system automatically mount the network drive AFTER the network connection has become available AND, if for some reason the drive is not able to mount (i.e. I'm on the road and the laptop logs into a different network), it simply bypasses that and continues booting without displaying an error?

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Server :: Error During Bootup: Mount: Special Device LABEL- San_data Does Not Exist

Dec 9, 2010

why I'd be receiving this error. I have created a partition and filesystem and put the label in fstab. Everytime I reboot the server it is unable to mount the filesystem. However I am able to mount it manually.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Mount Location / Failed To Mount Windows Share

Jul 26, 2010

I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 running Ubuntu v10.04 with a wireless card.My desktop is a Dell Optiflex running WinXP.The desktop is connected via ethernet cable to a Linksys wireless router. Certain folders on the desktop are set for sharing. Up until early last week I was able to access the desktop folders from the laptop with no issues.Suddenly I am now getting this error "Unable to mount location Failed to mount Windows share" whenever I try to access the desktop folders from the laptop.I suspect an upgrade is the culprit, but not sure.

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Fedora Installation :: FED13 Kickstart - Client Failed - Loader Failed To Mount

Jun 27, 2010

I have configured the remote installation of Fedora 13 with kickstart with nfs installation method. All work ok until I boot the Fedora 13 client system.

Fed13 client system receives the IP address from dhcp, receives the loader, loads vmlinuz and initrd.img from tftp, load anaconda, configures the network and dev eth0, mounts nfs server to load kickstart file, loads kickstart file (language...) but when it tries to mount nfs server to install from Fedora 13 installation tree it fails.

First, I thought that I had an error on my NFS configuration but I was wrong. I opened tty with ALT+F4 on the Fedora 13 client and I sew this error:


Is this a bug or can I modify anything to correct this error? How?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Mount Internal Drive - Error: Mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed

Aug 5, 2010

I have 2 internal drives. One is for the OS and one is for the Data. I tried to get the Data drive to mount automatically at login using some crap I found on a linux blog. Safe to say it didn't work and now I can't mount it with the OS on the OS Drive.

It mounts from a live CD and all the data is perfectly safe. When I try to mount the drive I get this error message: "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/data" What have I done wrong and how can I make it mount again? Preferably this time at login.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Mount Partitions Anymore - Error Mounting: Mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed

Aug 24, 2010

First of all: it's been more than 12 years ago since I worked with Linux, and a lot has changed in the meantime. But I considered it a challenge to install Ubuntu 9.10 and lateron upgraded to 10.04 LTS without any troubles, until now:

Except my main partition ("/") all other partitions fail to mount. All NTFS partitions from my other OS and also 2 other linux ext4 partitions I've made are not accessible anymore. and, what bothers me the most: I deleted those 2 new linux partitions in the meantime because I couldn't access them initially because Root was the owner (Duh! root is standard disabled in Ubuntu, right?). After an attempt to try to automount all partitions following the help guides I got now big grey errors on my splashscreen while booting, telling that an error occured with e.g. /media/Backup because it is missing or it cannot be mounted, with 3 options below: waiting, skipping or using a command prompt to solve this. I always choose Skip for safety.

Now if I want to see the content of all my other partitions I got a popup telling me unable to mount e.g. /media/Downloads and the message included:


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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba And External Drive - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share - Dialog Box

May 25, 2010

I have been trying to share folders from my main PC which is running Ubuntu 10.04. I have been able to figure out Samba enough to get my a couple of folders shared, but I have been unable to share any folders which are on my external harddrive. After entering the path in my smb.conf file they appear on the network but I am unable to navigate to them. When trying to navigate to them through the network folder on the pc they are actually connected to I get an "Unable to mount location: Failed to mount windows share" dialog box. On the windows pc I am trying to share with I get, "Windows cannot acces \Josh-Desktop
ame of folder"

My smb.conf file looks like this:

That folders I cannot access are Music and Videos.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Mount / Unmount USB / Mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Failed?

Jun 6, 2010

It seems I cannot mount and unmount a USB Drive, it gives me the following error:

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: only root can mount /dev/sdb1 on /media/DAVE-1

I have changed FSTAB, and now it looks like this:

usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,user 00

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OpenSUSE Network :: Nfs Server On 11.2 - Mount.nfs: Mount System Call Failed

Apr 29, 2010

I've tried to get an opensuse box I have to share a directory via NFS. I've failed each time, but I thought that the third time, I'd enlist some help from the forums, if I could. how do I know that the nfs server and not the client is the problem? Short answer is: I don't! That's why nfs (and many netwrk problems) are laborious, you're troubleshooting needs to take place at both source and desitination. Next question, what do I have set up so far? Well, I did download the nfs server kernel stuff (two months back) and /etc/init.d/nfsserver start seems to get set up OK. No errors and the daemons nfsd, idmapd, mountd area all running. So, I *think* that part is OK. I have the share set up properly in /etc/exportfs and have "exportfs -r" it.

OK, now onto the trickier stuff: the client and iptables. On the client pinging to the nfserver box is perfect, and I have rpcbind running. the reported error is "mount.nfs: mount system call failed" though from experience nfs errors don't mean a whole lot.However, I will go off and check now and see if I need a mountd running on client-side too.Then there's iptables .... ouch, that could be a long and painful trek. I don't see any specific ports being blocked, and it's the iptables that the default v11.2 opensuse came with. I did turn them off and the problem was the same, so whether wishfl thinking or not, I'm hoping it's not an iptables issue.

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Networking :: Unable To Mount Location: Failed To Mount Windows Share

Mar 21, 2010

i'm trying to connect to the three other machines in my house but am having quite a hard time doing so. i've never had a problem in the past with ubuntu, but, with 9.1 and windows 7, things have gotten a bit harder. i'm running 9.1 and my roommates are running windows 7. i've installed, set up and configured samba and i can see the computers on my network, but any time i try to access either of the drives, it says unable to mount location: failed to mount windows share.

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SUSE :: Error Occur. "mount.nfs: Mount To NFS Server '' Failed

Feb 9, 2010

i have installed nfs server on my redhat machine.when i want to mount shared data from client(suse)machine the following error occur."mount.nfs: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: No route to host"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Windows 7 Drives - Unable To Mount Location - Failed To Mount Windows Share Error Message

Sep 5, 2010

I have recently set up an ubuntu installation on an old PC. After some fiddling with both it, and the windows 7 machine, I have managed to share all of my drives. However, when attempting to access them from ubuntu, only 2 of the 4 hard disk shares will mount, with the other 2 failing with a Unable to mount location, failed to mount windows share error message.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Mount Removable Media: "failed To Execute Child Process Exo-mount"

May 18, 2011

I just upgraded Xubuntu from 10.04 LTS to 11.04 and I am no longer able to mount removable media from the "places" menu. The message I get:

"Failed to execute child process exo-mount (No such file or directory)"

I assume some wrapper process is attempting to execute a program called "exo-mount," but no such program exists anywhere in the repositories, according to a search with apt-file. The "exo-utils" package used to contain exo-mount, but the program no longer exists in that package.

Mounting from within Thunar works fine.

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General :: Networking 2 Boxes - Error: "unable To Mount Location Failed To Mount Windows Share"

Mar 27, 2011

im trying to get a network setup i followed the instruction via gentoo wiki samba what i have done


then i did chmod 777 to the shared folders on both machines went into nautilus it sees the folder but it will not mount the folder showing the error msg:"unable to mount location failed to mount windows share" ive been searching unbuntu forums opensuseforums and google for an answer to this issue but as of right now anything that i have tried to do has failed and nothing seems to be working.

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Debian Configuration :: Error "mount Exited With Exit Code 1: Helper Failed With: Mount: Wrong Fs Type" Mounting Any External Storage Media

Feb 27, 2011

I've just made the switch from Ubuntu to Debian Squeeze and am having trouble connecting external media (be it a USB stick or an ext HD). The error I am getting when I connect anything via usb is the following:

Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Share : Get An Error Message "unable To Mount Location, Failed To Mount Windows Share"?

Jan 22, 2011

I have installed ubuntu 10.10 and the Samba addon to configure my shares to my Windows terminals.This is what I got

Firewall off (utf disabled)

Internal Sata /dev/sda1 (EXT4 FS)

External USB HDD /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/SG1500GB (EXT4 FS)

I have two shares

1. //home/test - Which I can see and access with no problems (can't write to it though even though I set the share as writable?, but, I can read from it). This is available to everyone. My windows terminal can see this folder and access it. This is on my main 80GB internal drive /dev/sda1.

2. //media/SG1500GB/Music. I set this up for everyone full access and I can see it at all my Windows machines but,I can't get into the folder. Windows keeps giving me an error stating network path not found.I also try to access it via the Nautilus (Places/Network/system/music) and get an error message "unable to mount location, Failed to mount windows share". This drive is mounted per the disk utility.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of Filesystem Failed / Fix It?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a dell desktop from idk when, its fairly old but regardless it was all running fine until about a week ago I got the infamous:

Mount of filesystem failed. A maintenance shell will now be started. Control-D will terminate this shell and start a new one. admin@ or whatever it is you get the point.

I've been trying all the possible solutions I could find and nothing seems to work. I just want to be able to use this computer. I don't care if I lose files, or have to re-install Ubuntu or any of that, if I can just get the thing running again. I've tried re-installing, and booting from the disc etc. none of which have worked. Basically, I just want to erase Ubuntu and re-install it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Sharing Folders From It To Windows - Error: "Unable To Mount Location" "Failed To Mount Windows Share"

Jun 28, 2011

I have a computer running Ubuntu 10.10. I am using it to share many hard drives connected to it. I am using Samba. I have successfully shared many folders to one Windows user. I am attempting to share other folders within the shared folders to another user as read only but have not had any success. When I attempt to connect to one of the shares from another computer running Ubuntu 10.10, logged into an Administrator account with the same username and password which I setup on the Samba share I get the error: "Unable to mount location" "Failed to mount Windows share"

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of File System Failed

Jan 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu a few days ago and its been working fine untill I got home today and It wont boot. It comes up with the boot manager to select what OS I want to load but when I select ubuntu it says "Mount of filesystem failed." ,"A maintenance shell will now be started". Then it just goes to command line with "root@user:"Any ideas why It won't boot properly? It also says control-d will terminate this shell and try again, but to no avail it just returns the same error.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Mount Root Filesystem?

Feb 15, 2010

I have a dual booting newly installed 64 bit Ubuntu 9.10 on my machine. It was all fine until today. Now when I boot into Ubuntu, I see the error Failed to mount root filesystem. I cant remember any significant changes during the last session. One thing I remember is I upgraded the system using the update manager which asked me to choose an option for grub boot loader. I opted for its upgradation. After the upgrade, I was able to work with Ubuntu for a few more sessions. Windows XP works very fine.I checked other threads which suggested running fsck, but it did not help. fsck does not report any errors.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of Filesystem Failed / Rectify It?

Feb 16, 2010

Mount of file system failed.this is the message i get wen try to boot into ubuntu 9.10 i dont knw how to rectify it

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Ubuntu :: HDD Failed / Anyway To Mount It To Recover Data?

Feb 28, 2010

It seems my 320gb HDD has bitten the dust. The timing couldn't be more ironic as I have spent a couple of days tidying the files on it to burn them to disk.

This is an ntfs drive that had indicated 4 bad sectors but up until today (backup day) was fine. I am unable to mount it and in fact it is causing some sort of conflict with the OS drive and wont let the system boot up successfully.

I am going to try using a windows based PC tomorrow to see if I can rescue the data.

Are there any 'other' tricks to try and mount it with ubuntu that I may not have tried so far? I have tried-

mkdir /media/disk
fdisk -l to establish it's name which was /dev/sdb1 when it was all working but it isn't reachable and doesn't show in the places menu or in any of the menus when using a live CD to get round the HDD clash.
sudo mount -a used in desperation after the mkdir but nothing.

I rejigged the cabling inside the PC to make the HDD a secondary master as it was a slave on the primary IDE to start with in the hope that the system would boot up normally but to no avail.

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Mount Windows Share ?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm trying to access shared directories on a WIN/XP box in my home lan and get that message.

I can access other shared directories on a Win-7 box, but not those on the old WIN/XP box.

Where to start to debug this?

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Ubuntu :: Failed To Mount Windows Share?

Mar 21, 2010

i've been trying to network with the other computers that are in the house so that we can share music and pictures and what not, but, everytime i try to view one of their computers it says unable to mount location failed to mount windows share.

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Ubuntu :: Mount Of Filesystem Failed / Resolve This?

Mar 24, 2010

I have a 64 bit Karmic system with two drives. One is mounted as / and the other is mounted as /home. I just put the video card from my system into my son's system and got a new video card. (Don't see how it's related but still...)Now I am getting the following message when I turn on the system. code...

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