Ubuntu Networking :: If Plug Into An Ethernet Network After Boot The Network Never Connects

Oct 5, 2010

I have a system running a very basic LTS install (10.04). Ubuntu has been setup with very little additional packages. No GUI. Once it's booted to a prompt for the first time I add the following packages,

cups cupsys ssh pi memtester nfs-common
aptitude safe-upgrade

At this time I don't have additional information on exactly what packages are installed. I did not perform the installs myself. I will update this thread when I get more details from my IT counterpart on how the system was setup.

This is used for a headless(no monitor, no keyboard) system running some custom applications.

Here are two problems.

1. If I plug into an ethernet network after I boot, the network never connects. I need to reboot with the network connected in order to get an IP. What is the service to "auto connect" to a network?

2. I have a network printer configured on lpd called myprinter. If I am connected to the network when I boot, I can print to this printer just fine using:


However, If I boot disconnected from the network and print to myprinter, the jobs obviously cannot print. They get spooled. Using 'lpstat -t' I can see that the spooled print jobs are assigned a job number and that myprinter is trying to connect. I shutdown, reconnect my ethernet network and boot up. All my printer configuration is blown away.

/etc/cups/printers.conf has been wiped out to look like this:


My 'good' printer configuration is copied to printers.conf.O

To recover from this, I need to stop cups, copy printers.conf.O to printers.conf, restart cups, and re-setup my network printer.

So, What causes my printers to get wiped out? I've repeated this on 4 systems with the same setup.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Wireless Connects But Can't See The Network

Jan 9, 2010

I've got a Zotac MAG HD-ND01 with XBMC live installed. This is built on Karmic Koala and runs very nicely through the wired NIC.

I configure the box using a cable. I'm using WPA2-PSK and it is clearly authenticating OK.. It gets an IP address.. the AP shows a connection to the box. My XP laptop connects to the access point OK.. just can't connect to the box via the wireless, and it can't see the network using wireless.

I have followed a number of threads on connecting Atheros 9XXX wireless [URL] but no joy.

Also, can Ubuntu connect to the AP at any speed greater than 54MB? My windows PC connects at 144MB+ . Will ndiswrappers connect at those sorts of speeds?

lspci -nn
04:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002b] (rev 01)
lo no wireless extensions.


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OpenSUSE Network :: KNetworkmanager Connects But Doesn't Show Network

Jul 29, 2010

I am using a fully up to date openSUSE 11.3 and today, I decided to upgrade my KDE 4.4.4 to Factory. The update went without a hitch, everything continued to work, including all of the items in my workspace.So now I am running KDE 4.4.95 and it looks nice. I like the new System Settings where the advanced tab is gone and everything is presented in a single window.

The only snag I have hit so far, is that Knetworkmanager no longer displays the network that I am connected to when I right click its icon in the tray. The screenshot may make clear what I am talking about.I am currently connected via a wireless network, which nm-tool confirms. However, it is not shown in the Knetworkmanager menu.

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Ubuntu Networking :: DWA-140 - Connects To Home Network But No Internet / Get That?

Jun 20, 2010

I recently installed Xubuntu 10.04 on my desktop computer that had a USB wireless adapter DLink DWA-140. I didn't have to install any additional drivers to get it to work. I put in the network SSID and the password and was connected immediately. However, when I try starting firefox it doesn't load any sites. Can anyone help me in approaching this problem. I have a DLink DIR-655 router. If I should gather more information to get this problem solved then please let me know and I will do so.
Edit: Now I am unable to connect to the network. When I click the network icon in the taskbar, my home network is not visible while it is visible under another ubuntu computer I'm running.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connects To Internet But Not To Home Network?

Aug 25, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit on an old desktop (1.5ghz Pentium 4, 20GB hard drive, 768MB RAM) a week or two ago, at the same time that I installed Xubuntu 10.04 on an even lower performance IBM tower server. The server functions perfectly and my other (Windows XP) desktop recognized it from the start, as did the Ubuntu desktop. However, I rearranged a few ethernet cables the other day without turning off the desktops and ever since my Ubuntu machine does not recognize my server, even though all of the devices are connected via ethernet cable to a linksys router and it connects to the internet without a problem. I'm a linux newbie - this is my first move away from Windows - and I don't know where to turn. Far more confusing is the fact that, when I boot from a LiveCD, the network is recognized and I can read/manipulate files on my server without a problem. Oh, and I briefly flirted with OpenSUSE KDE (not as noob-friendly as Ubuntu, so I'm back) and encountered the same problem.

Needless to say, booting from the hard drive is preferable to booting from CD every time

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Vpnc Connects But Receives Nothing?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm trying to connect to a Cisco VPN at work from Ubuntu 10.10. On earlier versions, I was able to import the config and get it working. In 10.10, though, the best I've gotten is being able to connect to the VPN, see the welcome message, and have packets sent over the tunnel. I don't receive any packets, though.

The command-line vpnc client connects just fine. I found this bug report: [URL]

The symptoms it describes are exactly what I'm seeing. The apparent solution is to "make sure in your config that LZO Compression is enabled (checked) under Advanced"; however I see neither an option for compression nor an "Advanced" tab, button, or anything on my VPN config in Network Manager.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Connects With 'auto Eth 0'

Jun 23, 2009

I got a little problem with network manager. I got two connections in it, with two different DNS-Servers, because the one of my provider is very slow I surf with opendns, but sometimes that slows down too, so I want to change if necessary. Both connections got the same fixed IP.That worked all fine, until I got my new router (it's a Netgear WGU 624). It's connected by cable and I configured it like the old one. But for some reason instead of connecting to the manually configured connections, my fedora 10 creates a new one "auto eth 0" with a dynamic IP. So every time I boot or switch on from standby my PC connects with this one and I have to manually set it to the right connection. There's no chance to edit or delete it cause those two buttons are grey and won't work. I also tried restarting network manager manually and I also tried starting it with su as root.

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Fedora Networking :: Program That Notifies When A Computer Connects / Disconnects From Network?

Jan 10, 2010

Is there any application out there for linux that can notify me of when a new IP address connects or disconnects to my network?

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Networking :: Home Network - Connects To The Internet To Also Be Able To Connect To The Slackware Server

Aug 9, 2010

I have one pc on which I have installed slackware and samba (fixed IP, mask I have another PC (also XP) which also has fixed IP running XP, and I can connect that to the slackware server easily My third PC connects to the internet and gets its IP address from the Cisco router(?) that provides the IP and mask on boot up.

I tried changing the IP and Mask on the slackware server to match the internet PC (which uses a mask but the PC mask and IP changed on the internet PC I want the PC that connects to the internet to also be able to connect to the slackware server, but I see no need for the slackware server to also connect to the internet - I will mainly use it as a file server When I worked for another company I think the IT department talked about having 2 network cards in the PC that connects to the internet

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Fedora Networking :: Networks Connects To Home Wifi Network / But It Will Not Connect To Internet

Aug 6, 2010

I know Windows forward and backward but I am so new to linux it's just wrong. I just installed fedora (like 1hr ago) on and old toshiba laptop with a WiFi PC card. Everything seems to work fine except. My Networks connects to my home Wifi network but it will not connect to internet. When it connects the IP address isn't even close to being in the same range as my other laptops and PCs. Like I said I'm new to linux but I'm wanting to learn. Any fixes for this issue? Which linus book is the best one to read for a beginner? Other then not connecting to internet I have no complaints.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Create Network Bridge / Device Hooked Up Via Ethernet Had No Internet Connectivity?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm on opensuse 11.4 (11.3 won't work with my monitor).

My computer gets internet through wireless and I want to share that internet through its ethernet port. So far I've tried using Knetworkmanager to create a network bridge between my wireless and wired connections. I created a new wired connection and shared it using the ip address settings. I was able to get both connections active, but the device hooked up via ethernet had no internet connectivity.

I also tried this command:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

but another test resulted in the same fashion (no internet on wired). I believe anything I add to /proc should have an immediate effect, correct?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Keep WiFi Internet While A PC-to-PC Ethernet Network Is Active?

Jan 31, 2011

I often use an Ethernet cable to connect my computer to another computer for various purposes. But when I do that, I cannot use the internet even though I'm still connected to a WiFi access point. I'm presuming that's because openSUSE is trying to reach the internet through the Ethernet cable, which has precedence over WiFi.Is there a way to enable internet usage via WiFi while I'm connected to another computer over Ethernet?

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Networking :: IP Routing WirelessLAN And Ethernet In Same Network

Feb 1, 2010

My hardware has two interfaces: a) ethernet - eth0 b) WirelessLAN - eth1.After power on, eth1 gets associated to WirelessLAN access point.

The ethernet interface of Hadrware and test PC is directly connected to Wireless LAN access point through ethernet cable. Hardware is associated to Wireless LAN access point through eth1 interface.Now, when ethernet cable is connected to hardware, I can ping from test PC.When I removed ethernet cable from hardware, I cannot ping from test PC.I think access point should forward the incoming packet from test pc to hardware's eth1 interface wirelessely. Where am I wrong? Is it related to Kernel's routing table? If yes, how to detect removal of ethernet cable from hardware and change routing table dynmically?

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Networking :: How To Get It To Connect To Wired Ethernet Network

Mar 4, 2011

Just installed Scientific Linux 6. Does anyone know how to get it to connect to wired ethernet network?

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Networking :: Why Ethernet Is Used Only In Local Area Network?

Dec 25, 2010

One question that weight a lot of points was about ethernet... the professor asked why ethernet is used only in local area network? resuming i wrote that ethernet is used only in LAN because it is shared and so for big network there could be a lot problem in using the shared channel.. for istance using protocol such as CSMA/CD, if a big network has a lot of hosts, they could wait a long time before sending...is it right or am I wrong?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Use 3G USB Modem Dongle And Ethernet Network At Same Time

Feb 24, 2010

I currently have a computer sitting underneath a router/switch on a Local Area Network that I want to connect to the Internet using a 3G USB dongle modem. If I am connected to the ethernet and then enable the modem connection, only the ethernet LAN side works. If I enable the modem and then enable a (disabled) ethernet connection, only the ethernet LAN side works. If I keep the ethernet disabled and connect using the modem, I can get out onto the Internet, but obviously not the LAN. I need to be able to do both.

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Ubuntu Networking :: No Network Interfaces (neither Ethernet, Nor Wireless) Detected?

Mar 2, 2010

Problem:I got a new Acer Aspire 8935G notebook, installed Ubuntu 9.10 on it and everything is fine, except the fact, that it wont detect any network interfaces (or how to call it So there are no ethernet or wlan connections available in the network-manager..

lspci gives me following lines:
joe@IGNAZ ~ $ lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev


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Networking :: Can Use 2 Ethernet Cards For Green Network In Ipfire?

Jul 5, 2010

Ok, so I've gotten tired of my router, and I've decided to make my own using IPFire as the OS. Right now I'm looking for ethernet cards that I can use for the green network, but I don't know if I can use 2 for the same network. I'm trying to get 4 ports at 1000 Mbs, and the only thing I've been able to find so far that's within my price range is a card from startech that has 2 ports, but would I be able to use 2 for the green network?

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Networking :: Ethernet Cable And Wireless Network Won't Work In Ubuntu 9.10 / Sort It?

Feb 20, 2010

I'm a new user of Ubuntu, so i'm not that familiar with this OS. My wireless network is detected but when I'm entering my 128 bits WEP key, it doesn't connect at all. I have no clue where to start troubleshooting.

Here's some of my specs if that's of any help:
Computer is a Sony Vaio laptop model VGN-SZ370P
My wireless card is from Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller

The ethernet cable connection used to work before, but I fooled around with some commands and now seems to be disabled...

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Ubuntu Networking :: Realtek8111/8168B Ethernet / 10 4 1 Not Finding Wireless Network

Oct 9, 2010

I installled Ubuntu 10.4.1 on a brand new computer with a Realtek RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller on a Foxconn G41MXE motherboard. and I have been unable to connect to wireless network. I have gone through the wireless trouble shooting guide to no avail. When i "check for device recognition" i get the following (note the is no CLAIMED UNCLAIMED ENABLED OR DISABLED)

udo lshw -C network
description: Ethernet interface
product: RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller


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Ubuntu Servers :: Back Up Windows PC As It Connects To The Network

Mar 22, 2011

I have a little home server with Ubuntu 10.10, actually it is already backing up my web hosting daily via a cron.daily script.. But I would like to do the same with my Windows laptop, which would it be the best way to do so?

since the Ubuntu pc is (almost) always turned on it would be no profit to have it mount the Win PC at startup, indeed I could have a cron.hourly script to check if the Laptop is connected to the network and to back it up once a day, thus by checking a small text file with written the date of the last backup BTW how do I check if the Win PC is connected to the network? How do I mount it via samba? Do you suggest to backup stuff simply moving files, via tar (as I already do with my web host) or with rsync?

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OpenSUSE Network :: HW Modem Connects But Ppp Dies W/e #2?

Mar 14, 2010

I just loaded 11.2 & Kde 4.3. Installed both Kinternet and Kppp. My modem is a USR PCI HW modem 2976. Hardware Info shows it connected to /dev/ttyS4. I configured the modem with Yast as modem0. The user access box is checked for Kinternet Both Kppp and and Kinternet will dial out.

The connect response comes back from the ISP and either of the dialers will hang and the dial tone comes back. The firewall is showing modem0 in the External section. Nothing changes if I shut the firewall off.There's nothing in the dmesg I could find. Could this be a pppd permission problem?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Knetworkmanager Connects Only As Root?

May 16, 2010

I've my OpenSuse installed both on laptop and PC.

The kNetworkManager works well on the laptop both on user account and root account. It connects to my mobile broadband fine.

The problem appeared on my PC. When I log into root account - everything seems to be fine, It connects through knetworkmanager - The cellular connection gets activated, I see X and a heart near "Activated". root account reads my DNS'es from resolv.conf

When I only log into the user account (not as root), the knetworkmanager connects - but as I've checked - it seems that it doesn't use the DNS adresses I've entered in resolv.conf (netconfig_dns_policy is set to "") so I can manually add openDNS to the resolv.conf). It just connects -

I did CHMOD the files resolv.conf and config in sysconfig/network - no luck.

The only way to bypass this is logging to root first - connect there, then switch to user while staying connected... but I think it's an annoying solution.

logs contain this when connecting from user account:

May 16 10:30:52 jaychyl-1-linux pppd[24965]: Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.4/nm-pppd-plugin.so loaded.
May 16 10:30:52 jaychyl-1-linux pppd[24965]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
May 16 10:30:52 jaychyl-1-linux pppd[24965]: Using interface ppp0
May 16 10:30:52 jaychyl-1-linux pppd[24965]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/ttyUSB0


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Ubuntu Networking :: Boot Computer And Network Manager Shos "no Network Devices Available"?

May 10, 2010

Loaded Ubuntu 10.4lucid on TransPort NX Mobile Pentium II, 328MiB,Using Netgear Rangemax wn511b. with Broadcom STA wirless driver. bcm43gx.Boot computer and network manager shos "no network devices available" Run system/administration/hardware drivers and the Broadcom STA driver shows up (only one that shows up) REMOVE and then ACTIVATE and the network manager sees it and connects fine. Shut down computer, restart and no device. I am forced to Remove and Activate each time I start the computer.Is there a way to set this driver to be found and run at computer start.

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Ethernet Driver - Atheros (on Board) Is Not Shown In Network Ifconfig

Jul 7, 2011

I have installed CentOS. I have two ethernet card (one onboard and one PCI). I am able to set ip for realtek ethernet card and my atheros(on board) is not shown in network ifconfig shows only one ethernet card (PCI) hen i gave the command lspci i got the following output

01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications AR8132 Fast Ethernet (rev c0)
03:02.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)

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OpenSUSE Wireless :: Realtek RTL8187B Connects To Network But No Internet?

Jan 7, 2010

Got a laptop with a RTL8187B wlan card, installed opensuse 11.2 on a 50gb partition. Card was detected straight away but only connects when I enter ip addresses manually, DHCP don't work.

When it is connected it always stays at a speed of 1mb/s and it cannot ping my router or anything else.

Me kernel is

Searched around the forums but no love, tried compat-wireless but it started crying about dependencies. Modprobed it too..

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SUSE / Novell :: OpenSUSE Connects To Wireless Network But Not Internet?

Mar 9, 2010

In openSuse I can connect to a wireless network. It says that it is connected, and I can open the router page ( But I cannot load any other pages. Nothing else recognizes internet either; I tried using konqueror, YAST and wget with the command line, and none of them could load anything. It is not a router problem or a wireless card problem because both Ubuntu and Kubuntu can connect, from the same computer. I know this is odd because in the only other thread I could find with this issue, it was a different distro and installing openSuse seemed to fix it.

Computer: Yakumo Notebook model 331
Network Card: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)
RaLink RT2500 802.11g Cardbus/mini-PCI (rev 01)

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Ubuntu :: Disconnection And Connects To Unavailable Wifi - Authentication Required By Wireless Network

Jun 8, 2010

When my router switches off... the wifi signals go off... then why the hell ubuntu keeps on connecting to that very wifi like hell and when doesnt connect shows the prompt to manually connect... with the wifi key already filled in... whats the use of saving the key when it has to ask the question from me either to connect or not?? and if its isnt available... just wait when its available.. and for the prompt,i have only option to cancel(because wifi isnt available at that moment if i select connect it again tries to connect like hell..which it cant) and if i cancel it wont auto-connect when wifi does get available! what the heck?

Windows has this done the right way... when the wifi isnt available.. it dissconnects silently.. and when it becomes available connects silently.. why isnt this been done this way in ubuntu??

Ive attached an image..one can see in the image that it says "authentication required by wireless network" when there isnt any.. as router has gone down!

And the second thing i want to report is that there is no way to report this bug from ubuntu... the launchpad.net talks of going through bug reporting process which is done against a definite package... now how does a user know which package would be causing this error?? there should be a more clear process of reporting such bugs to ubuntu team... which a common man using ubuntu( ubuntu says its most user friendly of all distros right?) can report..

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Didn't Recognize NVidia MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev A2)?

Oct 25, 2009

The Network manager didn't recognize my eth0 device as a maned device.In shell I can use my eth0 but not by Gnome Network Manager.My device is nVidia Corporation MCP67 Ethernet [10de:054c] (rev a2) and I'm running a Fedora 11. On previous version like, Fedora 10 an 9 this board was managed normally by network manager.Anyone already set up this board on Network Manager ?My Notebook is a HP dv2736us and I'm using a Fedora 11 64bits.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Bash Command Using Account Wwwrun Connects All The Time?

Sep 29, 2010

we got our apache server (running opensuse 11.2) hacked yesterday and I see doing a lsof -i that a bash command using account wwwrun connects all the time to a botnet [URL] and even if I kill it, it reconnects again and again. I've clean the /tmp folder, I've check the crontab but I can't find it.

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