Ubuntu Networking :: Getting Samba To "just Work"?

Mar 7, 2010

In Windows, I'm used to just anyone being able to access my Network Places, and I just deny read/write access by allowing users to change my files. In Samba, I don't want to have users, I don't want prompts coming up asking for credentials. I just want to be able to share some folders allowing only list/read permissions, and other folders allowing read/write/insert/delete permissions.

So I'm guessing the way I want to do this in linux-talk is: Create a user Give them access to folders x y and z chmod folder x, y, and z appropriately Give them no user name and chroot them to some folder, and create symlinks to the folders I want them in.

Possibly making the samba server look as a UPnP device (since it can find my router as one, strangely enough) EDIT: Super-weird. So I uninstalled Samba and reinstalled it using the software centre, and when I looked to see if I can run samba via command line, it said it wasn't installed. So I'm apt-get installing samba4 now.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Making Samba To Work On 10.04 LTS?

May 17, 2010

Just installed the new version of Ubuntu and having problems. My Dell Vostro works fine and the he Internet also works fine after giving the machine the router pass-phrase however the Windows 7 network showing but I cannot open it. the 2 daemons for Samba are running ok and I am just na bit stumped with this one.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Make Samba Work With Windows?

Feb 7, 2010

I made a Ubuntu server and it is pretty cool. I had a windows computer that I could copy and paste files to and from over the network. What you did is just find it in My Network and the files were available there. How do I make Ubuntu or Samba act like that?

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Fedora Networking :: How To Put Samba To Work

Mar 15, 2009

I have a small network at my home. I have two laptop with Linux , one with MAC and a Desktop with Windows and Linux. Also have a Network printer and a printer that is connected to the Desktop PC. I have to work with files that are on the Windows PC as also with the printer (because of colour). For what I have heard , Samba is the answer, but when I click on Samba or on Windows Network, I received a message telling there isn't anything there and I have 5 shared folders as well the printer.

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Fedora Networking :: Cannot Getting Samba To Work

Aug 22, 2010

I'm a new user of fedora, and with installing the system, I don't get samba working.

I have make a smb.conf file :
workgroup = WORKGROUP
security = SHARE
usershare owner only = false
comment = Alle Directories
path = /
valid users = marco
admin users = marco
write list = marco
read only = No
preserve case = Yes
locking = No
share modes = No .....

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Networking :: Configuring Samba To Work On Windows Network

May 18, 2010

First off I would like to install a GUI for samba. After that I want to set up my network so that router stays as the server for the network I have four windows computers already hanging off of the router. This machine which has Slackware on it is hardwired, directly connected, to the router via cat-5 cables. I have samba installed already and I just need to configure it correctly.

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Server :: Ubuntu 10.04 Samba + LDAP - Getting Samba To Work Properly

Sep 23, 2010

I'm having some trouble getting samba to work properly. I'm following this tutorial [URL] when I run

Code: sudo smbclient -L localhost I receive the following: Code: Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful Domain=[SAMBA] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE I'm lost!

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Fedora Networking :: Set Up Samba Using Command Line Terminal / Network Does Not Work

Nov 29, 2010

I set up Samba using command line terminal, and my network does not work. I have Samba username and keyring passwords all set, then I go to gui system-config-samba, and my samba user profile password is incorrect. In the past, I have used a 10 letter password, however, every time I boot the computer, I have to go back in and re-enter the password.I wonder if samba is truncating the password because it only accepts an 8 character password? I have deleted the user, and added a new username, and it is still doing it.

If I go into the gui and re-enter the password, usually I can get the network back up with my windows machine. All of the parameters are correct, I use the network to transfer files from my Windows to my Fedora drive all of the time when it works.

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Networking :: When Logon On Samba Domain The Windows XP Does Not Load Profiles From Samba?

Jan 3, 2011

I have update my linux server from mandriva 9 to mandriva 2010

I was working using samba 2.2.8 and now I have samba 3.5.3.I have transfer all passwd and smbpasswd to new linux.I have convert smbpasswd to tdbsam

when i am using win xp to logon on samba domain the windows XP does not load profiles from samba. I think that the problem is NTUSER.DAT storing in /home/user/profile

The same profile is working using samba 2.2.8 but not working in samba 3.5.3..

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Networking :: Samba Configuration - Cannot Mount Samba Share

Apr 26, 2011

Start>Run>\ gives me "The specified network password is not correct." It lists my domain as "ANTEC" which is the name of my computer, though I've changed the workgroup to WELLS. I've run:

setsebool -P samba_domain_controller on

Trying to connect to samba locally gives me this:


[tedward@hp-firegate ~]$ smbclient // -Utedafur
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE


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Ubuntu :: Setup Up Samba Properly To Get It To Work?

Mar 7, 2010

I just installed ubutnu 9.10 and just installed samba. I edited the config files to workgroup to dhome which is the work group all my windows comptuer uses to share files. I want to share files and also be able to access files off my windows computers. I got onne windows 2000 that has a username needed to be typed in to access it. the rest is accessable. In the config file. I uncommented the security= user thing. I now tried to access the network but still fails.

Here is what I can see. when I go to places and click network I see windows network and click it it will say dhome and Workgroup. when I click on the dhome folder it takes a while and then gives me the error saying sorry didnt' get a list from the server. what do I need to do to access the network?

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Ubuntu :: Samba's New Account Don't Work / Sort It?

May 20, 2010

SO i made a server with ubuntu 10.04.

I created 3 new accounts on the linux then made identical samba accounts to match. For some reason when i input the information to log into a shared directory it doesn't work. my original login works fine, code...

not sure why it doesn't work, i logged into the server with my other accounts. is there a step im missing?

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Ubuntu :: SAMBA Share Doesn't Work?

Mar 16, 2011

My SAMBA share doesnt work. i have added valid users, public (not protected by password) shares are working but intended password protected share isnt.

Windows XP says:

Code: "You might not have petrmission to use network resource.

Multiple connections to server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one username are not allowed. disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.." /etc/init.d/smb.conf

path = /home/pass
writable = yes
browseable = yes
security = user
valid users = janis

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Ubuntu :: Samba NTFS Write Permissions Only Some Work?

Jan 14, 2010

From a Win 7 client, I can copy/create/delete any files on any share on the Ubuntu Samba server so long that is part of my nix file system which is all ext4.This box also has and NTFS partition on it primarily for storage. I can copy/create/delete anything on this partition form the same Win 7 client with the exception of Quickbook save files.I have scoured the web looking for anything close to this but have yet to find anything that looks similar. Not lloking for a direct answer but if there is anyone else that has issues copying specific types of files to a Samba NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu :: Get Samba Work With No Password On Home Network?

Mar 20, 2010

Iam trying to get samba work with no password on my home network. I want to have Writeble permissions for creating files and folders and sub folders in the shared folder with no password needed.

I have this set up

# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the


I can access the /home/seb/ directory but cant write in it. And with the same permissions for the down directory I cant even access the folder from the other pc it only says "Could not display "smb://laptop/down".The file is of an unknown type"

And finally how can I clean up the smb.conf so it is readable?

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Ubuntu :: Printer Sharing Will Not Work Unless Samba Restarts

May 8, 2010

I have have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop pc and set-up a shared folder and a shared printer from the Ubuntu desktop. My shared folder works completely fine and is easily accessible by my windows xp laptop. My printer sharing initially worked fine and I was able to connect and print from the windows xp laptop. Unfortunately, after a reboot of the ubuntu computer the printer is no longer found by the laptop (the shared folder, however, still works fine).

I can get the shared printer working again by using the following command to restart Samba: -
sudo service smbd restart

After restarting Samba, suddenly my laptop can see the printer again. I don't particularly want to have to restart Samba every time I boot up my computer. I understand I could probably make a script that would restart Samba automatically after booting or logging in, but I would rather fix the actual problem than use a workaround like that.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Playing DVD Across Network With SAMBA - Won't Work?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm trying to play a DVD across a wireless network. The DVD is in one machine (desktop - address, and I'm trying to play it in a laptop (x61s - address The DVD will play fine on the desktop (open Nautilus and click "Open Movie Player"), but it won't play on the laptop. The drive (DVD) is mapped on the laptop as a Samba share, and I can see the disk and open it in Nautilus, and can see all the files within it (i.e. it appears to read fine). However when I click on "Open Movie Player", Movie Player opens but produces a window saying "An error occurred. Could not read from resource". If I try opening it with VLC then it won't open either. The VLC window gets a little wider for a few moments but that's about it. If I open VLC from a terminal then I get the following message in the terminal when I try to open the DVD from the network:

ogp@ogp-X61s:~$ vlc
VLC media player 1.0.6 Goldeneye


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Server :: Samba Upgrade To 3.5.2 - Getting ACL To Work

May 4, 2010

I upgraded the samba on Ubuntu Server 8.04 to 3.5.2 so Windows 7 would be able to log into the domain. Now Samba isn't using ACL permissions and I can't alter the ACL with the Windows security dialog. All the permissions still show correctly on the server. Did something change with Samba 3.5.2? How to get the ACL to work with Samba 3.4.3 or newer?

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Ubuntu :: Samba Server And Windows 7 - User Doesn't Work?

Feb 7, 2010

So here is what I'm trying to do: I want to share a folder and have it so that guests can access it, but only read. I also want to make it possible that I can mount it as a network drive on my Windows 7 machine and login with my linux account so that I can have write access. This is from a completely stock Ubuntu 8.10 and Samba config. Everytime I've tried I've failed to get it working.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Samba Folder Doesn't Work In Vista

Mar 27, 2011

I got ubuntu samba server on server 10.04 username:user1 , Home folder: /home/user1 This user connects from a macbook pro no problem. I followed the same steps to set up user2 username:user2 , Home folder: /home/user2 This user does not connect from windows vista. I have the correct ports open, 137-139 & 445, and can connect from the macintosh, but not vista. The error says that the username or password is in correct. If you need some log files or config files, just let me know where to go and they're all yours!

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba Does Not Work After Reboot

Jun 26, 2011

I am trying to have accessible computer by its network name (same as hostname) by ping and Samba client from other computers and one directory shared on my laptop. I simple, trivial wish I hope. Nothing extravagant. Something what every Windows user has out-of-the box, just to select a shared directory. However I struggle hard to do the same with linux. Sharing directory with samba is relatively easy, the issues I have is with my laptop network name. It is not recognized/propagated to the local network.

I cannot rely on static data in /etc/hosts. This is a laptop not a server, I move it between different networks. To achieve propagation of my network name (hostname) dynamically, so everyone in the local network can at least ping me, I was advised to use winbind (winbindd), that is to rely on MS NetBios technology There is no native linux technology to achieve this? shame! what about plain/dynamic DNS? why it is not my network name not propagated to my local DNS server/wifi/rooter?

To do that I was advised to do:
- run winbind service (winbindd daemon)
- run samba service (umm, not sure if this is necessary for network name propagation, but I also want to share data so lets keep it as an essential).
- add "wins" to /etc/nsswitch.conf to "hosts" section

Well, it seems to work on my other two computers with Ubuntu and Mandriva well. But not on Suse. Well, not completely, not permanently. It magically start working when I call "Yast -> Samba Configuration". No change here (everything is already set: Domain Name, Not a DC, Netbios Hostname, Wins server support=yes, use Wins for Hostname Resolution) just hit OK. It runs SOMETHING in the background (some scripts) for a few seconds. And then abrakadabra, everything is fine, my network name is recognized, everyone can use my samba exposed directory, smb4k sees me in the Network Neighborhood.

BUT when I restart, I am "back in square one". Pinging my name does not work, smb4k does not see me, or cannot find me even by IP! Samba sharing works by using direct IP. Not all clients support connecting by IP notably not smb4k. To use Samba properly you have to sort out network name visibility fist. I would like to make "Yast -> Samba Configuration" achievements somewhat more PERMANENT.

What exactly runs when I hit OK? No new server/daemon was started. I checked PS, nothing with newer PID appeared. And samba and winbind are started on boot, they were running indeed. No change in configuration was made. I checked all changes made in /etc - but none found! Where is winbind configuration? smb.conf? Do I need to run wins server/client, another daemon?

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General :: Cannot Make SAMBA WORK ON FC13

Jul 15, 2010

i hope some one could help me regarding samba.. i am running a FC13 acting as a samba server & an IP of I have already installed samba from the fedora core repo.. I can see my samba server on my winxp client.. but everytime i tried to access the samba share a windows message appears that says:\192.168.0. 3 Installer is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. etc. the network path is not found.I already open the port 139 & 445 for samba to pass trough the firewall.. but the problem is still the same.

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Debian :: Only Get Either Guest Or Login Samba Users To Work

Jul 10, 2010

I'm trying to get samba working on a debian/xebian box to use as a fileserver. I have a HTPC which is win 7 and a laptop which is OS X. I've installed SWAT and Samba to manage the whole settings. I'm trying to get it setup so that there's a user which has access to my ~/ and a guest user which just has read access to ~/Media/ so that the Media centre can read all the files from it without having to login.

The problem is when I have map to guest set as NEVER I can access the samba ~/ and I'm asked for a username and password which I login with fine and can access the files on both share ~/ and ~/Media. However when I set the map to guest to bad user or bad password I can access the share for ~/Media. But when I try and access the share ~/ I don't get any login box and I immediately get the error "Can't access share permission denied" or an error along those lines.

Here's my /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2010/07/10 20:39:16

# Global parameters
workgroup = MS_HOME
server string = %h server (Samba %v)
obey pam restrictions = Yes
passdb backend = tdbsam, guest
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
passwd chat = *EntersnewsUNIXspassword:* %n .....

How to get it working so I can have a guest share for my HTPC and a logged in user for my private files?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setup Samba To Work Over IPv6?

Jun 8, 2010

Is it possible to setup samba to work over IPv6?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Samba NTLMv2 And 128bit - How To Make It Work

Feb 7, 2011

How do I make ntlmv2 and 128 bit encryption work with Samba. i.e. I have a Win 2008/Win7/Vista box with standard settings i.e. forced using ntlmv2 and 128 bit encryption that I want to connect to a Linux server running Samba (RHEL6 in this case). Now if you google you it says Samba should support ntlmv2 with settings like this:

lanman auth = no
ntlm auth = no
client lanman auth = no
client ntlmv2 auth = yes

However even with 128 bit encryption turned off on the Win box it still doesn't work. We use "security = server". Is it maybe a requirement that we need to use security domain instead for ntlmv2 to work? Reading further in man smb.conf.5 "client ntlmv2 auth = yes" is "This parameter determines whether or not smbclient will attempt to authenticate itself to servers using the NTLMv2 encrypted password response." so clearly it's not affecting our samba server.

Reading even further in man smb.conf.5 it says "If this option (lanman auth), and ntlm auth are both disabled, then only NTLMv2 logins will be permited". Why is it then that you need to force NTLM auth in Win2008?

NTLMv2 is only compatible with "security=domain". This means that even if you set "lanman auth=no", and "ntlm auth=no" it will still only auth with NTLM... Here is the Q from Andrew Bartlett * "Use 'security=domain'. NTLM2 session security is not compatible with 'security=server'."

In order to use "security=domain" you need to use the net command to join the windows domain and for that you will need the AD administrator account password which you will most likely not have. However the question still reminds if you would to join the domain would the NTLMv2 work over 128 bit encystations or would you need to disable that one still?

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Server :: Getting Samba Shares To Work Across Subnet Boundaries

Jul 8, 2011

My environment in a nutshell is like this:
- I'm a member of a Windows AD domain environment that spans many different subnets.
- My client workstation (Windows XP) is part of this domain and resides on one subnet.
- The server I'm trying to get Samba working on (SLES 10) is part of the same domain but resides on a different subnet.
- I want to access shares on the SLES 10 box from my workstation.

Here is what does work:
1. I can ping the workstation from the SLES box, both by hostname and ip.
2. I can ping the SLES box from my workstation, both by hostname and ip.
3. netstat -an shows that the SLES box is listening on ports 139 and 445.
4. I can telnet from my workstation to the SLES box on ports 139 and 445.
5. Output from smbclient -L coolserver (hostname obfuscated):

Anonymous login successful
Domain=[COOLDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.8-30.4-2516-SUSE-CODE10-x86_64] .....

Enter cooluser's password:
Domain=[COOLDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.8-30.4-2516-SUSE-CODE10-x86_64]
smb: >
So, cross-subnet communication seems to be working in a general sense and I have verified that my share is present and accessible by my chosen user id.

Here's what doesn't work (from the workstation):
1. Output from net view \coolserver:
System error 64 has occurred.
The specified network name is no longer available.

2. Output from net view \coolservercoolshare:
System error 5 has occurred.
Access is denied.

3. Same output as above if I try to connect via IP.
However, when I run any of the above commands from my workstation, I see the following in log.smbd on the SLES box:

coolworkstation ( connect to service coolshare initially as user cooluser (uid=12171, gid=500) (pid 29039)
[2011/07/08 00:39:29.098422, 1] smbd/service.c:1251(close_cnum)
coolworkstation ( closed connection to service coolshare

I'm not really sure how to interpret this because those are the exact same entries that get logged when I connect to the share locally, via the smbclient utility on the SLES box, which works fine... but from the Windows box I get the "Access is Denied" or "The specified network name is no longer available" errors. I also occasionally see this in log.smbd:

[2011/07/08 01:01:19.858308, 1] smbd/server.c:240(cleanup_timeout_fn)
Cleaning up brl and lock database after unclean shutdown
[2011/07/08 01:01:33.828692, 0] printing/print_cups.c:108(cups_connect)
Unable to connect to CUPS server localhost:631 - Connection refused
[2011/07/08 01:01:33.832127, 1] smbd/server.c:282(remove_child_pid)
Could not find child 29781 -- ignoring

I don't know if that is relevant. I created the Samba user via the smbpasswd utility and my smbusers file maps the system user directly to the Samba user, both of which have the same password. Here is my smb.conf:

workgroup = COOLDOMAIN
netbios name = coolserver
domain master = no
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
wins support = no .....

My workstation and the SLES box are both pointing to the same WINS server, which services the entire domain (which is also one of the DC's and one of the DNS servers). I'm really not sure what's going on. I'm guessing it probably has something to do with the subnet boundaries or the WINS configuration or something along those lines. I just don't understand because the smb daemon seems to be logging "successful" sessions from my workstation... but then the session just insta-closes.

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CentOS 5 :: System-config-samba Doesn't Work?

Feb 24, 2010

system-config-samba doean't work from terminal neither it is shown in graphical mode, i cannot see system > administration > servers. Server is missing.

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Fedora Servers :: Samba Doesnt Work In 12 - Not Allowed To Access

Mar 29, 2010

I am fairly new to Fedora or rather use it only for some school exercises I get. I have to setup a Samba server with some basic settings and it doesn't want to work. I first tried it on the Fedora VM I got from school (version 11). It somehow worked, but extremely bad ... the Windows client had to wait for over a minute to get either access or an errormessage, that the server was not found (but when entered the ip in the adressfield on top it worked (with a minute or more to wait)). I tried updating the VM - no improvement. So I decided to download Fedora 12, installed it and the Windows client gains instant access on first glance. But when I try to get access to a specific share, it only tells me, that I am not allowed to access it Oo.

Here is my config:


I even turned off iptables and Windows firewall.

The funny thing is: I tried exactly the same config on my homeserver (copy and paste), which runs Arch, and it works with no problem. But on Fedora I cant access it from nowhere. Not from WinXP, Win7 or any Linux. Simply won't work.

I dont have any gui on Fedora

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General :: Mic Does Not Work With Skype - Samba - Adobe Flash And Fonts

Jan 3, 2011

I installed xubuntu 10.10 on my old eeepc and as usual I have problems with windows-"thing". The mic does not work with Skype and im not going so spend more time fixing it. Samba only works with manual mount so i will write a script and maybe this can be integrated in Thunar. Adobe Flash 10 only works sometimes. And of course im missing some fonts. I moved from MS to not have MS problems(or closed source problems) and i cant escape. Skype and Adobe flash are really some real shit in a technical view but they have the market. Thats the problem.

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