Ubuntu Networking :: Connect Xubuntu To Network

Jul 14, 2010

i have a computer running xubuntu that I want to connect to a computer running Debian. Can some point me in the right direction on how to set it up. There doesn't appear to be alot of options and my knowledge on networking related commands is lacking somewhat. All I need it to do is see the Debian comp and grab files from a folder on one of its HDD's.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To Samba Server With Xubuntu?

Nov 14, 2010

I am trying to connect to my samba server with xubuntu, so far with no luck.

I am trying to use fusesmb and have been following these instructions:


as well as these:


and these


the top ones say to use Applications - System - shared folders to setup smb client. Xubuntu maverick doesn't seem to have that menu point. So I copied the smb.conf from my desktop machine. libsmbclient is installed.

fuse as such seems to run since teh folder that i designated as mount point (~/Network) changes owner to root when i run fusesmb Network. But apart from that nothing happens.

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Networking :: Xubuntu 10.04 - Cannot Set Up Network?

May 13, 2010

I have just installed Xubuntu 10.04 with ease.But cannot set up the network.Have hacked /etc/network/interfaces:

auto eth0
iface etho inet static


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Ubuntu Networking :: Xubuntu 10.04 Wireless Network Disconnected ?

May 21, 2011

I have successfully installed xubuntu on my 2nd partition of hard disk through unetbootin. everything works fine except wireless network. my ethernet works good, i am tethering through my android mobile no problem....just wireless says disconnected where as it is enabled. As far I know its sould scan all the available wireless AP near me and it should appear below wireless networks, and from there I should be able to select the AP which I want to connct...

Here are some commands log

My netbook is MSI wind U135DX

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Ubuntu Networking :: Connect To The Internet Through Wifi, But Cannot Connect To Anything On Network?

Aug 8, 2011

I can connect to the internet through wifi, but I cannot connect to anything on my network. I have a printer and a NAS, so I would really like for this to work again. I have a dell laptop with a Broadcom card.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Will Not Auto-connect To New Network After Resume?

Jul 1, 2010

I recently fixed an annoying problem and I thought it would be nice to share my solution here. The problem was that after a cycle of suspend/resume, Network Manager would only auto-connect to the same network as it was previously connected to. So, for example, if I suspended my laptop at home, and then I went to school and resumed it, it would try to connect to the home network, and then just give up. It would not connect to the school network unless I explicitly told it to.irst, I'll describe the fix. If you're having this problem, you can this. Copy the following:

case "$1" in


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Ubuntu Networking :: Sudo Iwlist Scan Works But Cannot Connect To Network Using Network Manager

Jun 14, 2010

I have used ubuntu in the past but had a lot of hardware issues with it and unfortunately moved back to windows (( BUT i have tried Ubuntu again and all seems to work great except wifi My wifi connection is sort of working because when i run SUDO IWLIST SCAN it does pull up all available networks. But in the network manager icon on the panel i left click but i see no networks and can't connect to anything. I WOULD LOVE TO keep Ubuntu and use it permanently but I must get wifi working or else this won't be possible.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-manager And Wicd Can See But Not Connect To Network

Jul 10, 2010

I recently put Linux on a Thinkpad T40 I got. The wireless card works out of the box--I can see nearby networks. However, I can't connect to mine. network-manager would try (spin spin spin), fail, ask for the password, and then go back to the beginning and repeat indefinitely. This happened to me on a different computer, and on that one all I had to do was use wicd instead of network-manager. So I installed wicd, but it's not working either--it hangs at "Obtaining IP address".

I've found many, many threads with people who had the same problem, but none of their fixed worked for me.

I also tried to get wifi going manually, using this guide, but that didn't work.

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Ubuntu :: Option To Connect To NFS In Xubuntu ?

Jan 17, 2010

Wondering where the option is to connect to NFS in Xubuntu? My FreeNAS server is lonely

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Networking :: Unable To Connect To Wi-Fi Network With Network Manage

Nov 21, 2008

I'm unable to connect to a particular home wireless network under Fedora 9, although I can connect to it using WinXP on the same machine. My Fedora installation is able to connect to my college's unsecured wireless network, so it's not a driver issue I think.It seems to be an authorisation issue, as I'll describe below, but there's one other thing that's bothering me. The SSID for the network I have problems with is for some reason not listed in Network Manager's drop-down list, nor is it in the output of iwlist wlan0 scan. But I'm pretty sure it's not a "hidden" network - I don't know exactly how those work, but I helped the owner of the wifi network in setting it up, and don't remember doing anything that would make it hidden. As far as I can remember, Windows found the network automatically without having to be told the SSID. What's the best way to confirm whether it's a hidden network or not?

Anyway, I try to connect by selecting connect to other wireless network in Network Manager, and entering the SSID. As far as I can tell from the error messages below, the machine does contact the network and attempt to connect, but I'm not authorising myself properly. That may be a completely wrong diagnosis, but hopefully someone can see from the below info whether it's correct or not.I'm not sure which option to use for "Wireless Security": at the time we set up the network, it gave us a Hex WEP key of 26 characters, which is 104 bits. But none of the options in Network Manager's list match that. Here are the options it has, and the error message I get with each one:None - if I select this, it fails to connect, with no error message.
WEP 128-bit passphrase - if I select this and attempt to use my 26-character WEP key, it brings up a new dialog, saying "Passwords or encryption keys are required to access the wireless network [SSID]." It has a drop-down box labelled "Wireless Security", but this time the only option is "None", and the connect button is disabled, I can only click cancel.
WEP 40/128-bit hex - as above.
WEP 40/128-bit ASCII - The connect button is disabled when I try to use the WEP key, as the string is too long. Despite the fact that it says 40/128-bit, it actually accepts 5 and 13-character strings (40 or 104-bit). Since I've got a 104-bit hex key, I tried converting it to ASCII, but it consists of mostly unprintable characters, so I'm not sure there's any way to actually enter it into the textfield. I might have done something wrong here, so I've put my code below to see if anyone can point out a mistake.
LEAP - requires a username, not applicable here I think. Windows doesn't need one, and we don't have one from when we set the network up.Dynamic WEP (802.1x) - requires username, private key and various other things, all N/A WPA & WPA2 Personal - Brings up a dialog with the same text as for "128-bit passphrase", but this time "WPA & WPA2 Personal" is the only option in the drop-down list, instead of "None". It asks for a password, so I just enter the hex key again - now it asks for the password for the Gnome Default Keyring, which I don't think I've ever set up. Don't know if I can go any further with that, but my understanding is that since we were given a WEP key when we set up the network, WPA will be N/A.WPA & WPA2 Enterprise - as Dynamic WEP. N/A.Hopefully that's enough info that someone can help diagnose the problem. Some of the behaviour of Network Manager described above doesn't make sense to me, and I'm wondering if it's buggy.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Connect From Xubuntu To Vista

Jun 25, 2011

I've recently installed Xubuntu and now struggling to get my vista pc and laptop to connect to each other. I can ping my laptop from my vista pc. From my laptop I can run Gigolo and see my shared folders on my vista pc, when I try to connect I get the following error...

Failed to open "smb://main/downloads/".
The URI "smb://main/downloads/" is invalid

On my vista pc I can see my laptop and connect to it, however the only thing I can see shared are the printers folder. I have managed to connect to my printer (shared via my network router) and can print from this ok.

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Ubuntu :: Connect To Server User Interface In Xubuntu?

Mar 20, 2011

Where is the connect to server interface in Xubuntu that is present under places menu in ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cable Modem Networking - Can't Connect To Each Other On The Home Network

Feb 14, 2010

I just got connected to Charter Cable Internet service a few days ago and I'm having a weird problem with my home network. Prior to this my network worked fine. On my network I have a desktop running Ubuntu 9.10/64 and Virtualbox with WinXP installed, an HTPC with Ubuntu 9.10/32 installed and a laptop dual booted with Ubuntu 9.10/32 and WinXP. The desktop and HTPC are hard wired to a wireless router and the laptop is wireless. The cable modem is hard wired to the router. I have samba installed and UFW is disabled. The problem is: with the cable modem turned off or on standby, all machines connect to each other and can transfer files, etc just fine but when I activate the cable modem all of the machines can connect to the Internet but the machines running Ubuntu can't connect to each other on the home network. If I boot the laptop into Windows, it can connect to the Linux machines just fine but if I boot it into Linux, it won't connect to the Linux machines but it can connect to the Internet and as far as the desktop, Ubuntu won't connect to the network but Windows running in the Virtualbox with bridged networking can connect to all of the machines.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Connect To The Phone Via USB On Xubuntu Box To Drop Files?

Feb 6, 2010

I'd like to put a few MP3s on it but I'm not able to connect to the phone via USB on my xubuntu box to drop files onto it. It works on my company computer (Windows XP) so I know it's not a problem with the phone.

I'm still somewhat of an ubuntu noob so it may be a quick fix that I have overlooked/don't understand yet. Once I plug the phone in to the box, I tell Android to enable USB storage and mount the drive. Here's the error I get afterwards:


Failed to mount "3G Removable Volume".

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so.

Here's the settings set in Storage Device Manager:

Mountpoint: /media/sdc1
Type: vfat
Options: defaults,users,utf8,mark=007,uid=1000,user

Is there a config change I need to make in Storage Device Manager to make this work, or am I missing something else?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To WPA Network?

Jan 19, 2010

I cannot connect to a WPA-PSK network that 2 friends on Windows computers can. Please help me since I only make a little money online and need the net to earn money for food, and I don't use Windows Here's what I do:

00:12:CF:6C:57:73 -66 99 286 7 2 54e. WPA TKIP PSK suat1


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Ubuntu Networking :: DWA-130 Won't Connect To Network?

Mar 20, 2010

I managed to install the driver for a Dlink DWA-130 (is a ver. E) and it appears that the computer recognises it. It also sees nearby access points. But, when I try to connect to my home network it asks for the wpa password over and over again after attempting to establish a connection. I'm using 9.10 and installed the driver by using ndiswrapper

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Network

Apr 22, 2010

I just installed Ubuntu 9.10 today. I am TOTALLY new to the Ubuntu world, and the first thing that happened was my the OS not picking up my wireless network. I am running a compaq presario c306us.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Seem To Connect To The Network?

Apr 28, 2010

I recently picked up a belkin f5d7050b.; I know that It is working as the network icon in the applications bar at the top shows my network. for whatever reason I can't seem to connect to the network however. every time i click on it, it says network disconnected.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Ad-Hoc Network

Oct 7, 2010

I have managed to create an Ad-hoc network on my Ubuntu box as my university doesn't have wi-fi and I need my Ipod touch & wireless printer to be connected most of the time.

Now I managed to get it all setup working perfectly of which was of a relief yesterday - However today I faced a problem that is still baffling me.

I booted up Ubuntu today and managed to connect to the web via eth0 but my wireless seem to take ages to connect. Eventually it popped up with the authentication prompt where I inputted the password. (several times, it kept coming up ) However I had no success connecting then. I tried clicking on the box 'Available to all users' and the next time it tried to connect it just took an age supposedly connecting and eventually failed saying the wireless disconnected. What is strange is that my Ipod touch can connect with the same password being used almost immediately yet ubuntu cannot

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Ubuntu Networking :: IBM R51 Cannot Connect To Network?

Nov 15, 2010

I have an IBM R51 laptop which I would like to run on ubuntu (as I'm currently running Maverick on my Desktop and like it very much)I have run the liveCD and everything runs OK except for the wireless network, which although it detects my wireless network, will not let me connect. I have edited the wireless connections with my SSID, (WPA) password, etc, but when I try to connect it will not connect.I have also tried this on an unsecured wireless network with the same result.Running lshw -c network shows the following information:

description: Wireless interface
product: PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter


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Ubuntu Networking :: Seeing Network But Can't Connect?

Dec 9, 2010

Before I explain my problem:This is my first post so I do apologize if this post is in the wrong category.Also I would like to apologize for my bad English because my native language is Dutch. I know there are allot of the same topics. but I can't find a right solution for my problemMy problem:After using Ubuntu 10.04 for a while I decided to upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10. After the upgrade and restart the problems started.

I wasn't able to connect to my WPA secured network. This was because there was no network in the list to connect to. I installed ndiswrapper, and installed a Windows driver. Blacklisted the old one and yes. This worked. Then the next morning exactly the same problem. I tried to repeat the same process. To bad. This time it didn't worked. I removed the old driver from the blacklist. and tried to update. No luck at all.I searched the forums. I figured to get a list with networks. but when I click mine and enter the pass-phrase it says it's connecting but keeps asking for the pass-phrase, then eventually disconnect.lsmod

michael@michael-laptop:~$ lsmod
Module Size Used by


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Ubuntu Networking :: Can See WPA Network But Cant Connect

Mar 24, 2011

I have 2 systems running ubuntu - 1 Karmic and one Lucid - that I am having problems connecting to my wireless network with. On both systems I am trying to use the same USB wireless dongle - a Linksys Wireless G 2.4Ghz 802.11g. On both systems it picks up my network (amongst others) but will not connect. I try to connect, enter the password/key and it processes for a little while an then just comes up with "You are now disconnected...".

I have a BT Homehub (gen 2 I think) which is set up to use WPA/WPA2 (from memonry). I did try downgrading it to WEP and got connected (only tested on one machine) but dont much like using a less secure system.

So I fall upon the mercy of those who are better than me to try and guide me through this. I have looked into it on the forum but couldnt really get my head around the problem.

Give me some info on where to start and how to diagnose the issue?

Just in case anyone wonders - we have a laptop running karmic (im posting this on it now) that has no issues connecting so the network is accessible. I assume the problem I have lies with the linksys adapter and the software using it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To A Network Using DWA-140?

Apr 30, 2011

Linux-user, but this has got me scratching my head. I followed this on how to install and configure the DWA-140 to work with Ubuntu 11.04, and "iwlist scan" outputs all of the networks. When i try to connect to my network however, the icon up in the right corner with the signal bars just keeps on going until it prompts for a password to join the network. I enter the password and it goes on for some time, and then it prompts me for the password again.

I'm using a D-Link DIR-655 with the "Only N" mode active. It works fine on other computers (Windows, sigh) but not on my Ubuntu one.

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Ubuntu Networking :: How To Connect To Network

Jun 21, 2011

I install 11.04 in my laptop, and now i wana test the 11.04 in my office network.We have a server, that shared the database off our programs in a SAMBA drive. All the others workstations have windows instal and use that databses to work in the programs we have.What i'm traying to do is conect my 11.04 to that network, share files with the others PC, and work in the programs i need like in a win worksation tru wine/crossover. My main problem is that i don't know how to conect to the network and see the other workstations.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect Via USB Network Adapter

Jan 7, 2010

I have a Belkin N150 USB Wireless Network Adapter and a Belkin N150 Wireless Router. I cannot seem to get NetworkManager to connect to the internet. I have blacklisted the 9.10 staging driver and associated rt files. I have downloaded and built the ralink driver. The light flashes on the usb but I cannot connect to internet.

lsusb output:
jerry@jerry-desktop:~$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 003: ID 413c:2105 Dell Computer Corp. Model L100 Keyboard
Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:c50e Logitech, Inc. MX-1000 Cordless Mouse Receiver
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:09c2 Logitech, Inc.
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 050d:935b Belkin Components
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub

lsmod output:
jerry@jerry-desktop:~$ sudo lsmod
Module Size Used by
rt2870sta 554908 1

iwconfig output:
jerry@jerry-desktop:~$ sudo iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
eth0 no wireless extensions.
ra0 Ralink STA ESSID:"11n-AP" Nickname:"RT2870STA"
Mode: Auto Frequency=2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Bit Rate:1 Mb/s
RTS thrff Fragment thrff
Encryption keyff
Link Quality=10/100 Signal level:0 dBm Noise level:-97 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

I am not sure what the ra0 is telling me but what about the Access Point: Not-Associated statement? Does that mean that the network adapter is not connecting to the router?

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Ubuntu Networking :: 9.10 - Cannot Connect To Wireless Network

Feb 4, 2010

On my laptop HP presario, I installed Ubuntu 9.10 (Wubi). My Windows Vista connection works fine, but the Ubuntu cannot find my wireless network. My network card is the Belkin Wireless N (F5D8233-4v3). Do I have to use the ndis. On my desktop here, (wired) Ubuntu found my card without me having to do anything. What should I do. (unistall ubuntu and make do with Vista?)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To Network With DHCP

Mar 4, 2010

I using ubuntu 9.04. It was connected to the network with the manual IP Settings. Now the server settings have changed and we are supposed to move to Auto Assign IP (DHCP). All the windows machines are working fine, those are connected to network and using internet. But the ubuntu machine is not getting connected. Is there any any additional setting required for DHCP?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Connect To One Particular Network On Laptop?

Mar 19, 2010

I run Ubuntu 9.04 on a Toshiba NB205. I am suddenly having trouble connecting to the internet using my router or my cable modem for that matter. The weird thing is that I can:(1) connect to other networks just fine, and(2) my router/internet connection work fine when plugged into my desktop.I can't connect whether I'm plugged in with the ethernet cable directly from my modem or from my router, although both work fine when plugged into my desktop. Basically two green lights show up on networkmanager but it doesn't go from there to connecting.So the usual troubleshooting of moving the wires around and trying to connect like that just suggested that my laptop doesn't connect on the one router/internet connection that I happen to need.

sudo ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr xxxxxxxxx


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Ubuntu Networking :: Cannot Connect To Local Network

Mar 25, 2010

up until about four days ago connecting to the local LAN was as simple as booting Ubuntu, and letting nm-applet automatically connect on Auto Eth0 But the other day it just randomly stopped working, with no cause that I can think of. I can still connect to the internet (This is via a PPPOE connection, running through the same wired interface) so it can't be a hardware problem with the ethernet port/cables themselves. nm-applet just stays spinning in circles, and nothing ever happens. I tried deleting the auto Eth0 entry, and creating another LAN entry with exactly the same settings, but I still get the same problems. way to completely restore nm-applet settings? Or some other way to give me access to the local network?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Unable To Connect With Network?

Apr 16, 2010

I see the network applet in the panel which shows that I am connected but I cannot access the net. I found out that I had to do this in firefox

about:config --> IPv6 --> disable.IPv6 true

With this tweak I was able to connect to the net. But when I use the Update Manager or Synaptic I am not getting connected, even if I use the cli and do

apt-get update: I cannot connect. When I do

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