Ubuntu :: Munin Seems To Be Broken In 10.04?

May 1, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.04 and munin seems to be broken. Looks like the graphs are being put in the wrong directory. In the old version the png files were in /var/www/munin/localdomain directory as file localhost.localdomain-XX.png but in the new version in /var/www/munin/localdomain/localhost.localdomain/XX.png. Here is a line from the log file,

2010/05/01 21:20:13 [RRD ERROR] Unable to graph /var/www/munin/localdomain/local
host.localdomain/acpi-month.png : Could not save png to '/var/www/munin/localdom

I also tried to remove the old version and install new version by removing all related files. The new version does not even populate /etc/munin. Does not even put a default munin.conf or munin-node.conf files or put some default links in the plugin directory. As a result munin-node does not even start.

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Software :: Munin - Critical Value ?

Apr 19, 2011

I started to use the smart plugin for munin to monitor my HDD. I changed the script a bit to report the raw value instead of the value for Power_On_Hours and temperature. It all works.

However, it now reports the values for these 2 sensors as critical, even though the power on hours is 928 and threshold is 999 (I even tried 9999) and temperature is 51 (threshold is 60).

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General :: Error While Installing Munin On CentOS 5.4 VPS Via Yum

Mar 17, 2010

I was trying to install Munin on my CentOS VPS via yum, but it showed a few "Missing Dependency" errors which prevented the installation to work. I'm pretty sure all the required Perl packages listed on this page are installed on my server(went through the list one by one using cpan), couldn't figure out what's the issue.

root@spike [~]# yum install munin
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* addons: dist1.800hosting.com
* base: mirror.stanford.edu
* epel: mirrors.solfo.com
* extras: mirror.hmc.edu

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Server :: System Monitoring \ Does Munin Use Systat

Feb 15, 2010

I need to monitor resource of my server.I have found munin and sysstat, Does munin use systat? or they are different package?because in some documents I have found on net,for installing munin, systat is needed !!for example on RedHat based distor, sysstat package is needed! but on debian is not needed

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Software :: Configure An Hourly Graph On Munin ?

Jan 8, 2009

How i can configure an hourly graph on munin?

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Server :: Munin Df Plugin - Volumes Missing On The Graph

Feb 23, 2011

I'm using munin to monitor our servers. Recently I created additional partitions on one of them and I noticed that munin has not picked up the changes.

I restarted munin-node and running the plugin manually as user munin on the machine

$ munin-run df
I get all my partitions
Also when I telnet 4949 and run

fetch df
I'm getting all of them. The graph however displays only the ones that were there at the time of munin install.

How can I get munin to add the new partitions to the graph ?

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Server :: Munin: Creating Custom Trend Analysis Reports?

Mar 4, 2010

We're using Munin for trend analysis purposes, but would like to use it to generate custom reports. One way I envision this is:

* The report is created as a web-page on the munin server, such as [URL]

* The layout of the report is customized based on the project

* The report will be triggered by a cron-job, and I will be notified by email when the report is completed

Does anyone know if this type of script/job allready exists?

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Server :: Run Munin-plugin That Has A ".in" Prefix?

Aug 31, 2010

I downloaded a Munin plugin called "diskstats.in" [URL] but can't figure out how I'm supposed to run it. Have anyone here run this type of plugin before, and knows how to run it. It's written in perl, but running "perl diskstats.in" or "munin-run diskstats.in" results in error messages (let me know if you'd like the output from it

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Debian :: Broken Dependency - Mark Smartcam Package As Not Broken And Release Apt?

May 21, 2010

i'm running debian lenny - latest stable i have recently installed smartcam (mobile phone as webcam over bluetooth) from .deb package , get errors of unmet dependency , but application works like a charm, unfortunately broken dependences block my aptitude , i cant fix them either as latest stable use older versions of dependences even in backports... how do i mark smartcam package as not broken and release my apt?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache 'server-status' 404 Not Found + Munin Apache Stats?

Oct 14, 2010

I am trying to solve a problem where Apache stats aren't displaying correctly in Munin. I've ran through quite a bit of checks and tests regarding Munin setup, but I think my issue is related to Apache, but my skill set there is lacking.

first, system info:
monitored server:
CentOS 5.3 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5


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Ubuntu Installation :: Updater Says Error 'Fix Broken Packages First' But No Broken Packages

Apr 24, 2010

I've been trying to fix this problem for quite a few days now and have done a lot of searching on these forums, Linux Mint Forums and some others Google lead me to and have has some success, but am now stuck.I have posted a thread on this same topic on the Linux Mint Forums, but have had no success (if you want check it out at:URL...Originally I received error messages when trying to update involving certain repositories which couldn't be accessed (because they either didn't exist or had been moved) and I hunted these down and changed or removed them.

I have done much searching, etc. and cannot find any broken packages. I have tried many many different commands which have mostly done nothing.I seem to be in a similar boat to this person: URL...

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Ubuntu :: Package Manager Says Have A Broken Package And Wants To 'upgrade' To The Older Broken One?

Sep 1, 2011

I was having a problem with a fresh 11.04 install and the VPN software I use for work. I found the fix was to upgrade the software, so I downloaded an RPM, converted it to .deb and installed it via dpkg. The install worked and the VPN software now works, but Package Manager says I have a broken package and wants to 'upgrade' to the older broken one. How can I fix this without breaking my VPN SW again?

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Broken And Can't Log In?

Oct 13, 2010

I had just finished setting up 10.10, although it was running very slowly which was apparently due to the intel GMA910 graphics drivers. I was just installing virtualbox when system update ran and I saw it was prompting to install a new xorg.intel driver so I went ahead with it.

Now I can't log in - I get the startup sound and I get a couple of keyring password dialogs. After I enter my password all I can see is the desktop background image and a big black X cursor. It doesn't proceed any further past this point.

I am trying to set this machine up for my wife before I have to go away on business so we can keep in touch over skype. What can I do - do I need to reinstall? I hope not as I have spent ages getting her email and music etc. on there.

Should I downgrade to a different version because of the issues with intel graphics? If so, which version of ubuntu is safe to use?

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Ubuntu :: OSD Graphics Broken / What To Do?

Jan 26, 2010

I've updated my thinkpad T41 from Jaunty to Karmic and the notify OSD graphics are broken.

See the screenshot here:

(this isn't my blog, just someone with the same issue as me!!). All OSD alerts look like this.

I don't use the desktop effects on the laptop. Anyone got any ideas how to sort it?

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Ubuntu :: Apt-get And/or Dpkg Broken?

Feb 10, 2010

I installed a 8.04 server operating system on a machine and wanted to explore gbindadmin so I used apt-get to download and install ubuntu-desktop. After the downloads completed the packages began installing and the system crashed. When I rebooted the system started on tty1 again and I tried apt-get install again. I received and error directing me to run "dpkg --configure -a" and when I did that the install resumed again.However part way through error messages started flying after each package saying they could not be configured and the install aborted. I shut if of, walked away for a bit, and when I rebooted gnome's login screen came up. I tried logging in and it failed, and I can't switch to any other TTY. I can however get in using gnome's failsafe terminal. I tried dpkg --configure -a again and the failures start with saying /var/run/dbus does not exsist and cannot be configured. I tried (on a whim) dpkg --configure dbus and recieved:

setting up dbus (1.1.20-1ubuntu3.3) Warning: The home dir /var/run/dbus you specified can't be accessed: No such file or directory The user 'messagebus' already exsists. Exiting. chown: cannot accesss '/var/run/dbus': No such file or directory dpkg: error processing dbus (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing:

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Ubuntu :: How To Fix My Broken System

Jun 10, 2010

After shutting down my laptop the hard way because the system was frozen,

I can not boot anymore ,

I get the user name and password screen

but after typing the user name and password I get a black screen and cursor becomes like (X)

please tell me how to fix this or at least how to backup my evolution mails and firefox bookmarks

I am now booting via ubuntu installation disc, " try without installation"

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Ubuntu :: How To Fix A Broken Package

Aug 20, 2010

im trying to fix a broken package. i run sudo dpkg --configure -a Setting up firefox (3.6.9~hg20100817r34537+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd2~karmic). i get this message in the terminal but nothing happens. also i cant open synaptic.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Which PPA Is Broken?

Sep 2, 2010

I like PPAs. They're great. I have dozens I use. Sometimes they go down or even get deleted, and then I'm sad. Even worse, I can't figure out a straight forward way to know which one has gone down or been deleted. They all show up in aptitude update's output as [URL].. Packages". For example:

~$ sudo aptitude update
Hit http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages
Hit http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-proposed/multiverse Sources
Hit http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid-proposed/universe Sources
Err http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid/main Packages


In a nutshell, this disables each PPA one by one and tries to update. When aptitude update finally succeeds (returns 0 on exit), the name of the broken sources.list file is printed to the screen. This works, but it doesn't seem like I should have to go to these lengths.Is there any way to get aptitude to report more than "one of your many ppa.launchpad.net repo's is bad, see if you can guess which one?"

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Ubuntu :: DVD Writing Is Broken In 10.10?

Oct 17, 2010

I've just installed Ubuntu 10.10 amd64, and can't get DVD creator to work. I just slide in a blank DVD-R, and copy/paste the files onto it, and click "write on disc", the usual way... It does it, and then goes on with a checksum calculation which is almost longer than the copy itself. And then it says the copy failed, and sure enough, all files are corrupted.

PS: I don't know how it happens, but with every new relase of Ubuntu they break something with UDF DVDs.
10.04 couldn't read UDF DVDs until the RC stage, a few days before the actual release (they'd broken the /etc/fstab)10.10 couldn't read UDF in the early beta stages. And now even after release it still can't burn data DVDs.

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Ubuntu :: Xdm / Wdm Broken On Maverick?

Nov 5, 2010

I have installed a Maverick machine and was utterly annoyed by the removal of XDCMP chooser in GDM (why in the world one would do this?!). The common wisdom seemed to install xdm or wdm instead.

I did try both of them (dpkg-reconfigure gdm and select xdm or wdm), BUT none is working. The only relevant point I found in xdm log: it fails to start X correctly, where spawned X instance claims that no usable screens can be found.

At the same time, gdm starts just fine.

Was anyone successful in getting any of these running?

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Ubuntu :: Fix Broken Packages First?

Dec 18, 2010

I have some updates waiting to be installed, but can't install them because of: "Fix broken packages first".I searched the forum for answers but until now nothing seems to work.I used:

Fix broken packages in Synaptic
sudo apt-get check


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Ubuntu :: Compcache Broken In 10.10 ?

Jan 24, 2011

Possibly related this bug: [URL] , but I am using 32 bit ubuntu exclusively

sudo swapon -s
[lists nothing]
sudo swapon /dev/ramzswap0:
swapon: /dev/ramzswap0: read swap header failed: Invalid argument
NightwishFan's workaround:
sudo /usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/rzscontrol /dev/ramzswap0 --init && sudo swapon -p 100 /dev/ramzswap0

This works, but I'm not sure how to automatically and securely run a "sudo" command on every startup.

I've tested compcache on 3 laptops (Dell, HP, Toshiba) and compcache does not work on any of them. I've tried using the -u and -c options with update-initramfs. Tried specifying "xx%", "xx %", and "xxx M" in the config file.

Used 32 bit alt installer on all of the boxes. I haven't tested with 10.04 or earlier yet. A thirdhand report from the above thread implies it may not be broken for everyone, and the bug mentioned in the above thread appears to have been fixed, so...

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Ubuntu :: 11.04 - SMB Broken In Unity?

Jul 14, 2011

I've moved up from 10.10 to 11.04 today and I found that Unity cannot pass a simple SMB:// command to get to my windows servers. I finally read a thread on here stating to run natalius and magically it prompted me for password and I connected. Is this a feature of 11.04 or am I going insane?

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Ubuntu :: Sound Drivers Seem To Be Broken?

Jan 28, 2010

i tried finding a thread already on this issue but none seem to what i need to solve this issues.tried #ubuntu but people busy or no one on that knows how to handle this problem.ISUESMovie player - sound is good sometimes gets choppySkype - hear static - person called hears nothing but can hear dailed numbers when i click em...... type videos - breaks sound, reboot requiredWHILE using movie player,..... videos will play static but wont break sound. even if a movie is paused. if attempt ..... video without movie player open, movie sound is broke.im deployed to iraq and want to use skype to call home and talk to family.issues started before skype install but since i need skype, i can no longer ignore this DISTRO - ubuntu 9.04

sudo aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC268 Analog [ALC268 Analog]


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Ubuntu One :: U1 Completely Broken / Get It To Work?

Jan 31, 2010

Whats going on with Ubuntu One, in the pas few days.

The authorization is getting worse in the past few days, was asking me everytime I logged in. Now it is happen several times a day.

You cant even access the web side, you get a message saying:

OpenID failed

OpenID authentication failed: Nonce already used or out of range

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Ubuntu :: Recovering Broken Files?

Feb 3, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 9.10 on a 100 GB partition of my 120 GB hard disk. I left the other 20 GB as free space. I moved my data (about 20 GB) to my home folder. Everything was fine for two days. Then I installed a few packages with the help of Update Manager.he installation, I was asked to reboot. Upon reboot, I was always taken to the Memtest86+. It was as if GRUB wasn't detecting my ubuntu installation.Then I installed Ubuntu again by taking up 20 GB of the existing 100GB partition. I am currently using this installation. When I try to access the older installation (the 80 GB one), I find that all my data in my home folder is broken. (screenshot attached - homefolderbroken.png). homefolderbroken.jpgWhen I see the properties of the 80GB partition, I can find my data is still present (screenshot attached - data.png

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Ubuntu :: Java Installation Was Broken?

Feb 13, 2010

i was installing sun-java6-jdk,at the time due to power problem the installation was broken ,again i was install i got this msg
""selva@selva-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree[code]......

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Ubuntu Installation :: Server ISO 9.10 Broken ?

Mar 22, 2010

I've just downloaded Ubuntu server (ubuntu-9.10-server-amd64.iso) and the automatic installation fails with the following message: Failed to retrieve the preconfiguration file

The file needed for preconfiguration could not be retrieved from file:///cdrom/preseed/ubuntu-server.seed. The installation will proceed in non-automated mode.

The seed files are on the CD, in the right place, but they aren't readable even when accessed from another computer (less says 'read error').

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Ubuntu Installation :: Apt-Get Totally Broken ?

Apr 9, 2010

Today I tried updating my system, and was greeted with a rather annoying message.


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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Fix Broken Packages

Apr 11, 2010

I have a broken package and can't seem to fix it. Now, nothing can be downloaded from synaptic. I get the following error message:

Processing triggers for software-center Setting up courier-mta (0.61.2-lubuntu3) * Starting Courier mail server. Starting Courier mail server. invoke-rc.d: initscript courier-mta, action "start" failed. dpkg: error processing courier-mta (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 Errors were encountered while processing: courier-mta E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) How do I fix this?

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