Ubuntu :: Multiple X Sessions - Auto Login 2 Different Users

Oct 11, 2010

I have a small problem regarding multiple X sessions. I want 2 X sessions started automatically on boot with 2 different users auto logged in and 2 different sessions running.

On first X session I would like to have gnome running with user1
On second X session I would like to have xbmc running with user2
So far my computer logs user1 in to a gnome session via gdm on boot. But then I have to launch a tty, log in as user2 and then start xbmc in a new X session.

How to make it work? I would also love to have the second X session active after boot. I am running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Enable Auto-login For Some Users And Not Others?

Jan 18, 2010

Meaning when I turn on the computer, it automatically logs into the family account; and they never need to enter any passwords.Second, under System -> Administration -> Users and Groups (users-admin from terminal) there is a "Don't ask for password on login" option (toggle) which is desirable for this family account. However, I have never seen this option enabled, but always grayed out. Is there any way to enable this option?In short, I want:1) For the family account never to require a password on login.2) Automatically log into the family account on boot.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple X Sessions On Multiple Monitors?

Jul 12, 2010

So essentially, I have 3 monitors and i'm attempting to run 2 different window managers/sessions at once split up on the monitors. It is intended to be like this:

[GNOME/Compiz - Screen0]
- Left Monitor[code]......

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Guest Sessions (More Than Once)?

Jul 9, 2010

Is it way to have more "guest" sessions (more than one)?

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Ubuntu :: How To Run Multiple Graphical Sessions

Aug 21, 2010

I'm trying to run multiple Graphical sessions. How can I do this? I have read the forum article from 2006 but I get an error when executing startx --:2 [URL]
When I follow this howto, this is the error I get
# startx --:2
Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support at [URL] for help.
ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log

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Ubuntu :: Will It Be Possible To Maintain Multiple Sessions

Oct 4, 2010

Will it be possible to maintain multiple sessions from Ubuntu?Actually we are working on one open source application and we have setup this application on one of our Ubuntu machine and this would act as a server for other developer's windows machine. Is any utility available(preferable open source) using which we will be able to access the Ubuntu server from all 4-5 developer's Windows machines?

Our requirement will be to access the whole system including console and GUI (same like remotely access) by using different sessions so that all 4-5 developers can start work together on the same Ubuntu machine.

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Ubuntu :: Music Playback Between Multiple X Sessions

Apr 13, 2010

I use two x session, one for xbmc and the other for my desktop, that I can switch with CTRL+ALT+F7 or CTRL+ALT+F8. I start music in xbmc xsession and then switch to my desktop. When the track is finish the next track don't play, i must to come back to xbmc xession and automatically the next track is playing. I would like to have music all time when I'm not in xbmc xsession but in desktop xsession.

Ubuntu 9.10 x86_64 2.6.31-19-generic
ATI Radeon HD 4200 512MB (ATI Catalyst drivers 10.2)

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Programming :: PHP Auto Removes Stale Sessions On It's Own But Doesn't Remove From MYSQL Table

Aug 24, 2010

I know PHP auto removes stale sessions on it's own, but that doesn't remove them from the MYSQL table. So I was gonna make a cron script that ran once every hour that removed any MYSQL shopping cart item from the table if the original session_id that created it does not exist anymore.

From my understanding a session_id is an "actual" file located somewhere on the harddisk (is it not? correct me if I'm wrong), so I was going to do a simple check for each item in the shopping cart to check for it's original session file, if it didn't exist on the harddisk, then simply remove it from the mysql table.

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Debian :: Multiple Sessions With X Window

Jan 18, 2011

I have two Debian boxes, A and B. I would like that a window (for example vlc, or whatever) displays on both A and B. The process (i.e., the X11 client) runs on A. If I interact with the window from box A, it should affect the window on box B. And, if I interact with the window from box B, it should affect the window on box A.

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Software :: Multiple Sessions With Different Resolutions

May 9, 2011

I just bought a tablet, I would like to VNC to my machine with a lower screen resolution to match my tablet. Right now I use x11vnc on Ubuntu 10.10, and I was thinking to start another session using "startx" but I see there are parameters for display depth but not resolution.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Vnc4server Starts Multiple Sessions?

Jul 1, 2010

if i stop that session, and come back later, it will have me log on at the login screen, but start a new session, with multiple instances of things..now, with vino, i could just keep the same session running, and when i VNC in, it just resumes it.. This one starts a new one.. i even tried just locking the screen, and it still starts a new one...i know there is an easy fix.. lol.. i just cannot find one.. i REALLY like how it shows me the ubuntu login on my server.. that is slick, so id like to keep that, if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Desktop Sessions - Screen Goes Out Black

May 4, 2011

I want to be able to run multiple desktop sessions, but when I goto the next session terminal and type startx -- :2 the screen just goes all black.

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Debian Multimedia :: Using Startx For Multiple X Sessions

Sep 20, 2015

I have been able to log into a tty[1-6] as root or my user, and then startx -- :1, while logged in as myuser and running X on tty7, , but this somehow skips my default desktop manager (GDM3) and boot straight into LXDE (with no menus!). In /etc/X11/default-diplay-manager I have: /usr/sbin/gdm3 ? How do I get startx -- :1 to start a desktop manager?

Related 2nd question: When I did the above startx -- :1, it would start the X session in the same tty (e.g. tty2) where I was logged in when running the startx command. It used to be (in older Linux versions) that startx -- :1 would start an X session on tty8 (and the default would be :0 on tty7). Is this the (new) way things are supposed to work?

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Applications :: Writing Commands To Multiple Sessions?

Jul 12, 2010

I am using putty to connect to some servers. Is there a program that let you connect to say three servers and when you write your commands to server1, server2 & 3 also gets the command? So I don't have to log in to all three servers to do the exact same thing.

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Ubuntu Security :: Ecryptfs Doesn't Auto-decrypt With Auto-login

Jan 6, 2011

I recently installed 32bit maverick and wanted to make it login automatically. I tried enabling auto login from Admin > Login but that didnt work and I was still prompted for my password. Then I went to Users & Groups and changed the password option to Do Not ask for password at login now after I reboot, the user list is shown (only 1 user) and it doesnt ask for password after I click on my username.

However, then it gives a few errors (as i vaguely recall):

1. cannot load .ICE directory in my home directory
2. some error 256 about a gconf-sanity-2 file
3. nautilus cannot load my home directory etc

and then it gets stuck without loading anything (blank wallpaper). i ve tried navigating to my home directory using Alt F2, gksudo nautilus and my home dir contents are encrypted by the ecryptfs (there is a readme.txt file and a shortcut). i have tried to decrypt but it doesnt work... i ve also tried to start/stop gdm, and startx but nothing works. if i stop gdm, then the prompt doesnt recognize my password and keeps on rejecting the commands i enter... I think this has something to do with the home dir not being decrypted due to the dont ask for paswd option... how can i disable the dont ask for pwd without the gui (i can access my / by booting through an external usb).

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Ubuntu :: Can't Login - No Sessions Available?

Oct 17, 2010

I have Lucid Lynx 10.04 installed on my eee 900ha and I'm unable to log in to my desktop.

Earlier today I logged in successfully and I uninstalled a couple of unused programs (pitivi, evolution, fspot, and another that I can't remember). I then shut down the computer. Later when I booted the computer back up, I was greeted with the usual ubuntu login screen but I noticed that there were no options in the sessions drop-up menu. I entered my login information and pressed enter, and the screen went black, then went back to the login screen again.

I'm using gnome.

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Debian :: Iceweasel - Secure Sessions On Multiple Profiles

May 18, 2010

I'm having problems establishing secure sessions with my bank's online banking service provider. I've already contacted their local tech and together we were unable to solve the problem. I've tried deleting my cookies, session store, cache, and none of it worked. He's currently forwarding our conversation to the service provider's tech support line, but who knows what will come of it. Or even if they will offer support for an iceweasel user. I'm using Iceweasel 3.6.4~build2-1 out of the experimental repo.

I'm able to login successfully to online banking site to view my list of accounts, however if I try going any further than that, I'm redirected to an error message page that tells me a security error has occurred - the online session has expired. I get this on browser profiles 1, 2, and 3, however I do not get the error message on profile '0' (default) or on newly created profiles. And as mentioned earlier, I've tried deleting all persistent data (cookies, session, cache) on a non-working profile and the problem still exists. Let me know if I can provide any more information.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gdm3 / Gnome And Multiple X Sessions

Sep 11, 2015

Running Jessie (with a low-pinned Debian-based repositories added to my sources.list (e.g. Kali, kxstudio) for those packages not currently available on Debian (like the Kali menu of security tools). Running on a HP 15-r189nd (Energy Star) laptop.

First question: How do I get GDM3 to add root as an option during login? I can type the root user name in. I don't need it to show the root user in the user list (would actually prefer to need to type it in), but I do want to be able to start an X session as root, since some of the Kali tools (e.g. nmap) needs root to function fully. If I type in root and try to start, it just takes me back to the GDM3 login.

Second question: When I want to select my Desktop Enviroment/Window Manager in GDM3, the list appears below the little gear so I can only see half of the list (xfce not visible to select). How do I change the GDM3 appearance/settings that will change the position of the DE list?

Third question: How do I get multiple X sessions running simultaneously? What I have been able to do, while logged in as myuser and running X on tty7, is to log into a tty[1-6] as root, and then startx -- :1, but this somehow skips my default desktop manager (GDM3) and boot straight into LXDE (with no menus!). In /etc/X11/default-diplay-manager I have: /usr/sbin/gdm3 ? How do I get startx -- :1 to start a desktop manager?

Fourth question: When I did the above startx -- :1 as root, it would start the X session in the same tty (e.g. tty2) where I was logged in as root running the startx command. It used to be (in older Linux versions) that startx -- :1 would start an X session on tty8 (and the default would be :0 on tty7). Is this the (new) way things are supposed to work? Or is there something wrong with my setup?

Question 5: Once I have started an LXDE session as root, how do I get it to show the full application menu that my regular user can see? Can I just copy the config files over? Which ones? Or is there a better way?

Question 6: Gnome used to start fine. Then I ran Gnome on Wayland once, and now regular Gnome (on X?) no longer runs, but give me a "Oops! Something went wrong" error and Alt-F4 just takes me back to GDM3. Classic Gnome and Gnome on Wayland still runs OK. Should I log a bug report?

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Server :: Automating Multiple Minicom Sessions Simultaneously

Oct 5, 2010

Here's the setup: One x86 server (Red Hat 4) with two serial connections to an embedded linux device. One serial connection is to a power control so the device can the restarted, and the other is used for a console to this device. Both serial connections use minicom. People on my team VNC to the x86 server, where they find the two minicom sessions waiting for them as they are left open. I would like to automate connecting to the server and communicating over the serial lines.

Supposing I use ssh to the x86 server, could minicom be used over the serial lines without terminating the minicom processes seen through VNC? If not, is there a way to re-open those windows from within the ssh session, so a user who VNCs to the server won't have to reopen them? Could a single ssh connection control two minicom terminals simultaneously, or would there need to be two ssh connections? It is assumed a user and the automated process will *not* try to access the device at the same time; the automation would trigger during off hours.

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Software :: Multiple Concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions?

Feb 28, 2010

I currently have a RHEL 5.4 software development server. A lot of my developers are using windows desktops and they need to run interactive sessions on the server. I need to support between 4-6 concurrent users on the server. I tried doing this with VNC but I was never able to set that up for more than one user at a time.

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Debian Configuration :: Auto-login And Auto-connect To Networks

Jun 3, 2010

I press On-button, Debian boots, logs in and automatically connects to the Wireless network AND! to my local pc via LAN. It runs an ssh server, so I can ssh into debian over internet and communicate with the local pc (send a magic packet).Here are my problems:

1) I don't how to log in automatically. This and this doesn't work.
2) I need a network tool that can manage multiple connections and has a reconnect feature. With the default network manager I cannot even connect to more than one network simultaneously although I have two network devices of course.

And I guess I can run all that in console mode, right?

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General :: Launch Multiple Screen Sessions From A Single Bash Script?

Jul 11, 2011

I've written a script (that doesn't work) that looks something like this:

screen -dmS "somename" somecommand
for i in {0..5}; do
screen -dmS "name$i" anothercommand $i

For some reason, if I copy and paste this into a terminal, it creates 7 detached screen sessions as I expect. If I run it from within a script, however, I get only the first session, "somename," when I run screen -ls.

Edit: If the same can be accomplished another way (e.g. with multiple screen windows instead of sessions), I would be open those solutions as well.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Login/sessions Missing

Jun 12, 2010

Yesterday, after I logged out of Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx), I was unable to log back in. When I enter my password the screen goes blank for a second and then it returns to the login menu. Also, I have noticed that there are no sessions to choose from (e.g. Gnome, Unity, etc.). Maybe this has something to do with it.

The last thing I did before logging out for the last time was removing a package called "indicator-datetime", which I got from installing Unity. Maybe this information isn't useful but it really seemed to me like it caused my problem.

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Applications :: Route Ssh Sessions From A Single Head Node To Multiple Slave Nodes?

Apr 7, 2010

My requirement is to route ssh sessions from a single head node to multiple slave nodes. So what i want is, for a client there is just one point of entry (master/head node) to ssh into, it evaluates the load on the slave nodes connected on to internal network and routes the ssh session, kind of a ssh load balancer. what open source solution i can apply for my problem?

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Doesn't Appear In The List Of Sessions At Login?

Jul 31, 2010

When I get to the login screen on my computer (with ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, and xubuntu-desktop installed on Ubuntu), Gnome isn't in the list of desktop environments!

My temporary solution:

I have Openbox/Gnome. I also have an icon in my panel that opens "compiz --replace" so I can still use the regular WM with compiz.

Why my temporary solution isn't good enough:

It's annoying to have to have an extra icon in my panel, and to have to press it at login. Also, I don't get the Compiz splash screen when I login. Overall it's just not as impressive.

Is there any way to get Gnome back in the menu?

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Networking :: Load Balancer - Ssh Sessions From A Single Head Node To Multiple Slave Nodes ?

Apr 7, 2010

My requirement is to route ssh sessions from a single head node to multiple slave nodes. So what i want is, for a client there is just one point of entry (master/head node) to ssh into, it evaluates the load on the slave nodes connected on to internal network and routes the ssh session, kind of a ssh load balancer. Do you have any idea what open source solution i can apply for my problem?

I have tried using LVS piranha, it works well for http and https load balancing but not for ssh load balancing.

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Security :: Non Privileged User Sessions Close Immediately After Login?

Apr 16, 2009

while hardening a red hat enterprise 5 installation I have done something that causes the sessions of all user accounts except root to close immediately after authentication. in the /var/log/secure log file it will show three log entries per attempt:

<date/time><hostname> login: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user fred by LOGIN(uid=0)
<date/time><hostname> login: LOGIN ON tty1 BY fred
<date/time><hostname> login: pam_unix(login:session): session closed for user fred

Since I did a number of things and have not been able to identify what caused this.

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General :: Only Limited Users Should Login In NIS (not All Nis Users) RHEL 5.4?

Aug 1, 2011

i have a NIS master server and 4 NIS clients. out of 4 nis clients two are acting as login servers ie users will login and do all their stuffs and the remaining two are application servers. But sometimes users login into applications servers and started doing all their developer's job. i want to allow only a limited number of users tointo this application users not all the users who are all part of the nis domain.all the systems are running RHEL 5.4 on hp's proliant x86_64 based servers. Please advice me how should i proceed? enabling ip tables is not possible in my environment.

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Ubuntu :: Run Application Before Gdm (login Screen Or Auto Login)

Feb 22, 2010

I have program that work like Fedora Firstboot it's run only one time after finish installation. I have two questions to ask.

1. How can I start this application before gdm start (login screen or auto login)

2. How can I start this application in fix display resolution (800x600)

My method now is

(This is a part of script , this script execute from /etc/init.d/myfirstboot , I create symlink to /etc/rc2.d/S1myfirstboot for start it before anything)

gdm-stop # first time I use /etc/init.d/gdm stop
export DISPLAY
/usr/bin/Xorg :1 &


I don't understand why first time firstboot start the system will auto loging in but not complete yet and then my script is start and it's work does not fine I think that is another user is already login , but if I re run my firstboot again and again (by setting something that can revoke my firstboot and restart) it's work before auto login and every things is ok!

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General :: SSH Login - For Additional Users After Password-less Login Setup

Feb 10, 2010

I've set up password-less login for user1 on a Ubuntu machine to login automatically into a Fedora box using the publickey authentication method. Everything is working smoothly. Now, there is a user2 on Fedora but he does not have an account on Ubuntu.

I tried to login as user2 from Ubuntu to but got the following error :


Predictably neither scp or sftp work either. I have several questions as a result.

1.Is the SSH server rejecting user2 login because I am inadvertently using user1 keys (as I am logged in as user1) ?

2. Do I need to have a user2 account on Ubuntu and public/private key authentication setup with Fedora for user2 to be able to login ?

3. Is there a method I can use to password login as user2 from Ubuntu to Fedora (even though there is no user2 account on Ubuntu) AND still keep password-less login for user1 or do I have to have password-less login for both ?

At present the only way to access the user2 account from Ubuntu is to SSH using the user1 account and then su to user2.

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