Server :: Automating Multiple Minicom Sessions Simultaneously

Oct 5, 2010

Here's the setup: One x86 server (Red Hat 4) with two serial connections to an embedded linux device. One serial connection is to a power control so the device can the restarted, and the other is used for a console to this device. Both serial connections use minicom. People on my team VNC to the x86 server, where they find the two minicom sessions waiting for them as they are left open. I would like to automate connecting to the server and communicating over the serial lines.

Supposing I use ssh to the x86 server, could minicom be used over the serial lines without terminating the minicom processes seen through VNC? If not, is there a way to re-open those windows from within the ssh session, so a user who VNCs to the server won't have to reopen them? Could a single ssh connection control two minicom terminals simultaneously, or would there need to be two ssh connections? It is assumed a user and the automated process will *not* try to access the device at the same time; the automation would trigger during off hours.

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Ubuntu :: Make 2 X Sessions Output Simultaneously?

Sep 12, 2010

I started a new x session on tty8. This is display 1. The first session is tty7 display 0.

I can switch between them easily enough. CTRL ALT F7 goes to tty7. CTRL ALT F8 goes to tty8.

But if I try to run, say, the "import" command for screenshots on tty8, while switched to tty7, all it gives is a black screen.

The reason being, I think, because only one session is actually outputting at any given time. How do I make both of them output, so I can take a screenshot on 1 session, but use the other session to do other stuff?

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Ubuntu :: Use Two Different Keyboards / Mice And Two Different Monitors Simultaneously Using Two Different Sessions On One Computer

Apr 28, 2010

I would like to be able to have two sessions, each with their own monitor and each having their own, assigned input devices, all off of one computer. In other words, two people would be able to use two different keyboards/mice and two different monitors simultaneously using two different sessions. Is this possible, or should I look into a terminal server machine?

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Ubuntu :: Multiple X Sessions On Multiple Monitors?

Jul 12, 2010

So essentially, I have 3 monitors and i'm attempting to run 2 different window managers/sessions at once split up on the monitors. It is intended to be like this:

[GNOME/Compiz - Screen0]
- Left Monitor[code]......

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Ubuntu Installation :: How To Deploying On Multiple Systems - Automating The Install

Jan 30, 2011

I am volunteering to assist a non-profit org with their technology, I will be presenting Ubuntu to the teachers this week and I hope to have a positive response to using Ubuntu!ith that said, the org being a bilingual school we will most likely focus on using Edubuntu. While I personally use Ubuntu and have installed it over the years on multiple laptops & deskptops, I am now facing the task of installing and maintaining on a dozen laptops and another dozen deskptops!While the install is very straight forward, installing on so many systems will be very time consuming! In addition, we would like to install additional apps such as Skype, Dropbox, French Language support, Possibly Ailurus and a few other apps.

I am looking for suggestions how to best handle this? What would be the best method to automate the install across the systems?Could the best approach be to install Edubuntu and all the apps we require on one system and then create an image from the "master system" to be used for the other systems?It seems that creating a master image would be ideal as it would include everything we need but I have never done that before

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multiple USB Mics To Be Used Simultaneously?

Nov 11, 2010

I recently purchased a set of three professional mics and converters for them (they are XLR mics, so i bought three icicles to convert into the USB port)The computer sees all three microphones, but I can figure out how to be able to record on all three at the same time.Is this at all possible, or did I just waste a ton of money on converters?EDIT: I would like to add that these mics are identical, and I'm wondering if nothing else if it's possible to merge the two mount points so that it appears as one micEDIT AGAIN: I have also just installed Pulse Audio Volume Control, and it picks up both mics. How can i tell audacity to use this?

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Programming :: Make A C App Do Multiple Tasks Simultaneously?

Oct 22, 2010

I have been working on a project for a while now that involves a rather complex daemon that has to be simultaneously running different tasks. For example one of these tasks is to receive IP packets from the Netfilter queue and place those packets into one of several internal queues. While other tasks involve taking IP packets from those internal queues and processing/manipulating them and finally returning them back to the Linux network stack.

As I as I have no previous C experience before starting this project I just spawned a new thread each time I needed the daemon to be doing something else while those other tasks continued to run. Is there any other way of doing this or is this pretty much the only way of doing this? Because C is procedural I could not figure out any other way of doing accomplishing what I wanted. Should I have done it some other way or is this the correct and only way I could have gotten my C app to be running multiple tasks at the same time?

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Debian :: Multiple Sessions With X Window

Jan 18, 2011

I have two Debian boxes, A and B. I would like that a window (for example vlc, or whatever) displays on both A and B. The process (i.e., the X11 client) runs on A. If I interact with the window from box A, it should affect the window on box B. And, if I interact with the window from box B, it should affect the window on box A.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Guest Sessions (More Than Once)?

Jul 9, 2010

Is it way to have more "guest" sessions (more than one)?

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Ubuntu :: How To Run Multiple Graphical Sessions

Aug 21, 2010

I'm trying to run multiple Graphical sessions. How can I do this? I have read the forum article from 2006 but I get an error when executing startx --:2 [URL]
When I follow this howto, this is the error I get
# startx --:2
Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.
Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support at [URL] for help.
ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log

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Ubuntu :: Will It Be Possible To Maintain Multiple Sessions

Oct 4, 2010

Will it be possible to maintain multiple sessions from Ubuntu?Actually we are working on one open source application and we have setup this application on one of our Ubuntu machine and this would act as a server for other developer's windows machine. Is any utility available(preferable open source) using which we will be able to access the Ubuntu server from all 4-5 developer's Windows machines?

Our requirement will be to access the whole system including console and GUI (same like remotely access) by using different sessions so that all 4-5 developers can start work together on the same Ubuntu machine.

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Software :: Multiple Sessions With Different Resolutions

May 9, 2011

I just bought a tablet, I would like to VNC to my machine with a lower screen resolution to match my tablet. Right now I use x11vnc on Ubuntu 10.10, and I was thinking to start another session using "startx" but I see there are parameters for display depth but not resolution.

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General :: Running A Program In Multiple Subdirectories Simultaneously

Jul 8, 2011

Performing commands in multiple subdirectories simultaneously. I'd like to run a program I've copied into every subdirectory which takes *.in files in the current directory as input files. I can find the program, but how do I tell it to run when I've found it?

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Ubuntu :: Simultaneously Run Multiple Commands From Bash Script?

Sep 21, 2010

I'm trying to write a bash script that will simultaneously ping a host and execute a traceroute at the same time. I would like the results to output to a text file.

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Ubuntu :: Having OpenOffice Replace Multiple Words Simultaneously

Apr 27, 2011

I have a list of approximately 50 words that I'd like to search documents for and delete those words. I was wondering if there is some type of automated process for removing multiple words rather than me manually putting each word into 'find and replace'

On that note I guess I could write the Macro in python if there isn't anything out there that does this. However I read that open office only works with python 2.3.5 or something of that nature, and I have already installed 3.1. Is that still going to be an issue?

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General :: Executing A Script In Multiple Subdirectories Simultaneously?

Sep 14, 2010

i'd like to execute in several subdirectories that all have the same name, but I don't want to have to change into each subdirectory (there are hundreds) to execute the script. All the subdirectories have the same name ("final_alignments"), but are located in parent directories with different names. All these parent directories are in the same "super parent" directory. I've tried to do this using "for/do" and "find" but no luck so far.

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General :: Multiple Nic Cards Rhel5 Cannot Be Access Simultaneously?

Dec 18, 2010

I installed 2 nic cards in my pentium 4 computer running rhel5 to be used as a proxy server and connect 2 computers in each network card for testing . The problem is I cannot ping or use the 2 cards simultaneously . One must be deactivated for the other to be ping . The Network configuration panel indicate both card status as active but i can only ping the first to be activated . I have already set onboot=yes to both cards but still the same result after restarting . The nic cards are onboard - Realtek RTL8139 and pci -3com 3c905b.

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Debian Multimedia :: Using Startx For Multiple X Sessions

Sep 20, 2015

I have been able to log into a tty[1-6] as root or my user, and then startx -- :1, while logged in as myuser and running X on tty7, , but this somehow skips my default desktop manager (GDM3) and boot straight into LXDE (with no menus!). In /etc/X11/default-diplay-manager I have: /usr/sbin/gdm3 ? How do I get startx -- :1 to start a desktop manager?

Related 2nd question: When I did the above startx -- :1, it would start the X session in the same tty (e.g. tty2) where I was logged in when running the startx command. It used to be (in older Linux versions) that startx -- :1 would start an X session on tty8 (and the default would be :0 on tty7). Is this the (new) way things are supposed to work?

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Applications :: Writing Commands To Multiple Sessions?

Jul 12, 2010

I am using putty to connect to some servers. Is there a program that let you connect to say three servers and when you write your commands to server1, server2 & 3 also gets the command? So I don't have to log in to all three servers to do the exact same thing.

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Ubuntu :: Music Playback Between Multiple X Sessions

Apr 13, 2010

I use two x session, one for xbmc and the other for my desktop, that I can switch with CTRL+ALT+F7 or CTRL+ALT+F8. I start music in xbmc xsession and then switch to my desktop. When the track is finish the next track don't play, i must to come back to xbmc xession and automatically the next track is playing. I would like to have music all time when I'm not in xbmc xsession but in desktop xsession.

Ubuntu 9.10 x86_64 2.6.31-19-generic
ATI Radeon HD 4200 512MB (ATI Catalyst drivers 10.2)

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General :: Windows - Resize An Image To Multiple Resolutions Simultaneously?

Aug 22, 2011

I am looking for software (Windows or Linux) that can do the following: Resize one image to several provided sizes. Detects the type of the pic­ture (wide, nor­mal) and does the resize based on that. What I mean by that is that it should not break the image by shrinking it more in one direction then in the other so it looks weird. The purpose of this is my Blog. If I want to give my readers a wallpaper, I want to give them several options for the sizes so they can have it in their own preferred screen resolution. The image must however keep its original aspect ratio.

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Software :: Copy Files From One Source To Multiple Destination Simultaneously?

Aug 5, 2010

i want to copy one or more files or directory from one drive to multiple drive simultaneously. It like a cloning a disk. But i dont like clone entire disk. i want to copy/clone only certine files or folder. if any one can know how to copy one source to multiple destination simultaneously.

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Debian :: Iceweasel - Secure Sessions On Multiple Profiles

May 18, 2010

I'm having problems establishing secure sessions with my bank's online banking service provider. I've already contacted their local tech and together we were unable to solve the problem. I've tried deleting my cookies, session store, cache, and none of it worked. He's currently forwarding our conversation to the service provider's tech support line, but who knows what will come of it. Or even if they will offer support for an iceweasel user. I'm using Iceweasel 3.6.4~build2-1 out of the experimental repo.

I'm able to login successfully to online banking site to view my list of accounts, however if I try going any further than that, I'm redirected to an error message page that tells me a security error has occurred - the online session has expired. I get this on browser profiles 1, 2, and 3, however I do not get the error message on profile '0' (default) or on newly created profiles. And as mentioned earlier, I've tried deleting all persistent data (cookies, session, cache) on a non-working profile and the problem still exists. Let me know if I can provide any more information.

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Debian Multimedia :: Gdm3 / Gnome And Multiple X Sessions

Sep 11, 2015

Running Jessie (with a low-pinned Debian-based repositories added to my sources.list (e.g. Kali, kxstudio) for those packages not currently available on Debian (like the Kali menu of security tools). Running on a HP 15-r189nd (Energy Star) laptop.

First question: How do I get GDM3 to add root as an option during login? I can type the root user name in. I don't need it to show the root user in the user list (would actually prefer to need to type it in), but I do want to be able to start an X session as root, since some of the Kali tools (e.g. nmap) needs root to function fully. If I type in root and try to start, it just takes me back to the GDM3 login.

Second question: When I want to select my Desktop Enviroment/Window Manager in GDM3, the list appears below the little gear so I can only see half of the list (xfce not visible to select). How do I change the GDM3 appearance/settings that will change the position of the DE list?

Third question: How do I get multiple X sessions running simultaneously? What I have been able to do, while logged in as myuser and running X on tty7, is to log into a tty[1-6] as root, and then startx -- :1, but this somehow skips my default desktop manager (GDM3) and boot straight into LXDE (with no menus!). In /etc/X11/default-diplay-manager I have: /usr/sbin/gdm3 ? How do I get startx -- :1 to start a desktop manager?

Fourth question: When I did the above startx -- :1 as root, it would start the X session in the same tty (e.g. tty2) where I was logged in as root running the startx command. It used to be (in older Linux versions) that startx -- :1 would start an X session on tty8 (and the default would be :0 on tty7). Is this the (new) way things are supposed to work? Or is there something wrong with my setup?

Question 5: Once I have started an LXDE session as root, how do I get it to show the full application menu that my regular user can see? Can I just copy the config files over? Which ones? Or is there a better way?

Question 6: Gnome used to start fine. Then I ran Gnome on Wayland once, and now regular Gnome (on X?) no longer runs, but give me a "Oops! Something went wrong" error and Alt-F4 just takes me back to GDM3. Classic Gnome and Gnome on Wayland still runs OK. Should I log a bug report?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Vnc4server Starts Multiple Sessions?

Jul 1, 2010

if i stop that session, and come back later, it will have me log on at the login screen, but start a new session, with multiple instances of, with vino, i could just keep the same session running, and when i VNC in, it just resumes it.. This one starts a new one.. i even tried just locking the screen, and it still starts a new one...i know there is an easy fix.. lol.. i just cannot find one.. i REALLY like how it shows me the ubuntu login on my server.. that is slick, so id like to keep that, if possible.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple X Sessions - Auto Login 2 Different Users

Oct 11, 2010

I have a small problem regarding multiple X sessions. I want 2 X sessions started automatically on boot with 2 different users auto logged in and 2 different sessions running.

On first X session I would like to have gnome running with user1
On second X session I would like to have xbmc running with user2
So far my computer logs user1 in to a gnome session via gdm on boot. But then I have to launch a tty, log in as user2 and then start xbmc in a new X session.

How to make it work? I would also love to have the second X session active after boot. I am running Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Multiple Desktop Sessions - Screen Goes Out Black

May 4, 2011

I want to be able to run multiple desktop sessions, but when I goto the next session terminal and type startx -- :2 the screen just goes all black.

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Software :: Multiple Concurrent Remote Desktop Sessions?

Feb 28, 2010

I currently have a RHEL 5.4 software development server. A lot of my developers are using windows desktops and they need to run interactive sessions on the server. I need to support between 4-6 concurrent users on the server. I tried doing this with VNC but I was never able to set that up for more than one user at a time.

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General :: Launch Multiple Screen Sessions From A Single Bash Script?

Jul 11, 2011

I've written a script (that doesn't work) that looks something like this:

screen -dmS "somename" somecommand
for i in {0..5}; do
screen -dmS "name$i" anothercommand $i

For some reason, if I copy and paste this into a terminal, it creates 7 detached screen sessions as I expect. If I run it from within a script, however, I get only the first session, "somename," when I run screen -ls.

Edit: If the same can be accomplished another way (e.g. with multiple screen windows instead of sessions), I would be open those solutions as well.

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Applications :: Route Ssh Sessions From A Single Head Node To Multiple Slave Nodes?

Apr 7, 2010

My requirement is to route ssh sessions from a single head node to multiple slave nodes. So what i want is, for a client there is just one point of entry (master/head node) to ssh into, it evaluates the load on the slave nodes connected on to internal network and routes the ssh session, kind of a ssh load balancer. what open source solution i can apply for my problem?

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