Ubuntu Multimedia :: How Autoplay Dvd In 10.04?

May 2, 2010

how autoplay dvd on insertion in ubuntu 10.04?cant find the settings menu

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Autoplay VIDEO_TS Folder

Oct 17, 2010

Is there a way to autoplay a DVD when a (valid) VIDEO_TS folder is opened? Mos media players play VIDEO_TS folders but you have to start the player first and then select the folder. I am looking for a way so the media player(vlc) starts automaticly to play when I try to open the video_ts folder. A other option could be a right click option: play movie ith vlc (or something) Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Make Xine Autoplay DVDs?

Sep 8, 2010

I have just installed 10.04 on my mothers PC. I prefer to use Xine as the DVD player, sound works, playback is smooth, and, most importantly, because menus work, making it easier for her to use. I have tried setting the DVD preference as xine with custom command but instead nautilus opens the dvd as folder. It almost worked in 9.10 (a bunch of error messages pop up sometimes "the source can't be read you don't have rights etc....) and worked perfectly before that. The error messages in 9.10 only pop up when DVD autoplays I've just had a thought that this might be because she is not administrator? (can't get to her PC at moment)

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Ubuntu :: DVD Won't Autoplay Even Be Recognized - In Lucid?

Apr 28, 2010

I just installed 10.04 and am pleased w/ things, for the most part. However, I cannot get a DVD disc to play (a movie, for instance) or be recognized unless I shut down the system and restart (provided I have already launched a Web video, or something). The DVD-ROM is dead to the world as far as disc recognition goes.

Things were just great in Karmic so this is completely confusing to me.

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Ubuntu :: RhythmBox - How To Stop Autoplay When Inserting CD

Apr 13, 2011

I have Ubuntu 8.04, and Rythmbox 0.11 I am using for my home music source. I have been building a music library on my hard drive by inserting CD's, then using the "Copy to library" function. This works fine, but when I insert the CD, Rythmbox stops playing from the play list and switches to playing the CD. How do I stop this?

I can (and do) stop the player, manually go back to the play list, restart the player, then I can transfer the music from the CD to the hard drive. I'd just as soon not have it auto play. Or, alternately, is there another jukebox like player with more features that can handle the above? I find the shuffling isn't what I like, it seems to play some songs a lot more then others but I can live with that.

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General :: How To Turn Off Nautilus Autoplay Under KDE

Sep 13, 2010

why when I insert a cd/dvd/flash nautilus opens as a default file manager under KDE instead of dolphin krusader? in my system settings krusader is set as the default manager, but still nautilus somehow keeps showing up, and I'm wondering how to change that?

I keep nautilus because it's a dropbox dependancy... ok, I know there are workarounds so one could use dropbox without nautilus but I didn't bother trying that out... I don't mind keeping nautilus but I just want it to be quiet :D

I have kde 4.5.1 installed on up to date arch

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Debian :: Disable Autoplay In Totem-gstreamer ( Squeeze I386 )?

Jul 28, 2011

So back in May I built a really sweet new box for my desktop running Ubuntu and put my old one out to pasture as a Fileserver running Squeeze. Well I have a very large DVD collection (900 disks 400 or so titles) that I'm trying to get ripped to hard disk for my popcorn hour. LONG STORY SHORT. When I put a dvd into what should be headless, keyboard-less, and mouse-less fileserver to use vobcopy with it starts up Totem (gstreamer) and loads the dvd menu. ARGGG. I then have to plug in all the hardware, close it, and go back to just using my desktop because it's less of a headache. How can I disable Totem from being a poopy pants and loading every DVD I put in the drive?

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General :: Installing Cent OS Using Windows - Mount Iso File To Virtual Drive There Is No Autoplay Option

Feb 22, 2011

I downloaded centos from their official bittorrent.It contained two iso files and md5sum.txt,sha1sum.txt and sha256sum.txt and also md5sum.txt.asc,sha1sum.txt.asc and sha256sum.txt.asc.Now when I mount iso file to virtual drive there is no autoplay option.Can you tell me how to install it.I dont see any setup file?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Default Audio Player - VLC Doesn't Show Up On The List As Preferred Applications For Multimedia

Oct 12, 2010

Ubuntu insists on using movie player as the default for audio files. I would like to use VLC. VLC doesn't show up on the list as preferred applications for multimedia. I tried using custom with vlc %u but it doesn't work.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multimedia Keys On Laptop Aren't Working?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a Dell 1525 and I just installed Ubuntu on it. The Multimedia keys (previous, stop, play/pause, next) and volume control keys (mute, increase, decrease) buttons aren't working at all. Is there anyway I can get them to work?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Sound And Speed Up Multimedia Files In Natty 11.04?

May 9, 2011

so i don't know what happened, but all multimedia files are suddenly speed up/and-or with no sound (ubuntu 11.04 with all recent updates, firefox 4, adobe flash-instick etc.)

if i try to play a flash movie on for instance videos it's sped-up with no sound, if i play an mp3 song (i use exaile) the bar is sped up and there's no sound either, if i start an avi movie (vlc) it's not sped up but there's no sound though.

when i log in to the system the logging in jingle is not playing, so basically the sound just got turned off for some reason but according to the soundbar it should be on.

this problem started just recently. i don't know if it has to do with recent updates or that my log in re-started a couple of times after using a kde program (kmess).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multimedia File Format Converters?

Mar 16, 2010

Is there any multimedia file format converter which can convert .mov to .flv on Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multimedia Keys Don't Work While Locked

Mar 19, 2010

Is there a way to allow the multimedia keys to function while the system is locked?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Install Multimedia Plugin For Browsers?

Apr 11, 2010

Install multimedia plugin for browsers *and* keep firefox removed, is possible have such simple thing?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Install Multimedia Support?

May 10, 2010

I set up up Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid on my desktop. Why can I not install multimedia support for common formats following the guide here?

I've added the medibuntu repo. I'm up to the part where it says "UBUNTU FAMILY 8.10 AND HIGHER USERS ONLY" and i'm following directions for "32-Bit Ubuntu Users". This is what I get when I paste the command in terminal:


It says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove", why am I being told this? If this guide is not for Lucid than what guide is?

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Script For Unattended Setup/remove Multimedia Packages?

Nov 18, 2010

I've built a script that should meet the requirements to pass the MMCHECK script written by J. McDaniels and RedDwarf. Save anywhere, call anything, and then (must be run as root):

chmod +x <nameOfFile>
./<nameOfFile> setup|remove
function addRepo() {


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Applications Recognize Gnome Shortcuts For Multimedia Keys?

Jan 8, 2011

Recently I installed MPlayer with its default gui and its interfaces SMPlayer and GnomeMPlayer. When I'm using GnomeMPlayer it responds to multimedia keys as configured in Gnome shortcuts, even if it's minimized or running in another virtual desktop. But it doesn't happen to the other two gui's mentioned above. I have also noticed that native Gnome applications or with Gnome support like Banshee and Rhythmbox rspond to multimedia keys even when the gui is closed and they are running only in the system tray. But it never occurs in non-Gnome applications like VLC, MPlayer and others. Jetaudio wich responds to these keys in MS Windows running under Wine doesn't even recognize them.

So I came to the conclusion that only native Gnome applications or with Gnome support recognize multimedia keys because, as it seems, they receive the signal from Gnome configurations. Others applications doesn't do so. Here is my question: Is there some way to make all applications recognize the configuration of Gnome multimedia keys shortcuts? (Of course it would not be fine if they recognized ALL Gnome shortcuts because they could conflict with shortcuts from another applications. The idela would be that they recognize ONLY Gnome multimedia shortcuts.)

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Install Multimedia Codecs Under Lenny With Gnome

May 29, 2010

How to install Multimedia Codecs under Lenny with Gnome?

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Debian Multimedia :: Browsers And Multimedia Players Conlict And Crash?

May 23, 2011

Using Debian stable. 64-Bit. I can play videos and music using Totem and VLC. And I can play audio files with audacious and Rhythmbox. And I can play flash in firefox and google-chrome. But, if I open audacious and then play a flash file in Firefox or google-chrome audacious crashes as well as other multimedia players that I have open such as Totem, VLC and/or Ryhthmbox.

Would like to know if you can offer some troubleshooting steps to take so that I can play a flash file in a browser and still play an mp3 file in the audio player without having to kill those processes and restart.

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Debian Multimedia :: XF86Audio Multimedia Keys Not Working In Squeeze

Jun 23, 2011

I finally installed Squeeze on my laptop and found out that the XF86Audio multimedia keys do not work.

When I press them, they're correctly identified by xev but they do not produce the desired effect (raise/lower/mute volume, play/pause/stop/prev/next song in media players like Sonata).

Funnily enough though, they do work in Audacious, which has its own plugin to manage XF86Audio media keys.

So it's like the action of pressing these keys is not intercepted by the system and no event is triggered.

I think this might be due to a missing package or configuration but I have no idea where to look...

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Multimedia - Cannot Load Library /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so

Apr 11, 2010

When trying to access "Multimedia" from System Settings, I get an error message as follows:


Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so:(/usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12GlobalConfig28setAudioCaptureDeviceListForENS_8CategoryE5QListiE)Cannot load library /usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so:(/usr/lib/kde4/kcm_phonon.so undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12GlobalConfig28setAudioCaptureDeviceListForENS_8CategoryE5QListiE)

Possible Reasons:

* An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module

* You have old third party modules lying around.

Check these points carefully and try to remove the module mentioned in the error message. If this fails, consider contacting your distributor or packager. And then when I click OK, it closes, and that's it. how to prevent this, so I can access the multimedia settings and change them. The reason I want to see the settings, is because Amarok 2.3 won't play any songs (even though version 1.4 still works).

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Play DVDs - Multimedia RPMs Are Installed

Aug 9, 2011

Normally I find everything I need either in the documentation or forum, but it's been months, and this time I'm stumped. I'm posting the results of my latest tests, so I'm really sorry about the length of this post.

I can't play DVDs unless they've been burned by myself or a friend. I had no problems until around the beginning of April. I was running 11.2 on both my laptop and desktop. I think an update changed something. This was before 11.2 was officially retired a week or so later. I wanted to upgrade to 11.4 anyway, so I began with my laptop. During installation I wiped everything from my hard disk by creating new partitions and formatting them. After installation I installed the multimedia packages using one-click (opensuse-guide.org, not opensuse-community.org, although I did read what they said). I know one-click is not ideal, but I was curious. The result was that I still couldn't play DVDs.

I did a fresh installation, just to be on the safe side. This time I installed the packages according to Multi-media and Restricted Format Installation Guide by caf4926. But I still couldn't play DVDs, so I went through the thread Check your multimedia problem in ten steps. Then I ran mmcheck (v2.35). I tried a few times, experimented, and in the end did another fresh install.

In the meantime, on my desktop, which still has 11.2 on it, I found the file which had been changed and changed it back, so I could play DVDs on it again. It was in /etc/udev/rules.d/, 70-persistent-cd.rules. This does not appear to be the problem in 11.4 on my laptop.

I have again installed the packages according to the multimedia installation guide, and done the ten-step check and run mmcheck and these are the results as they stand:

I couldn't find a package called mplayerplug-in. I used zypper to look for it.

I tried installing the totem packages in a previous installation, but they didn't make a difference, so I left them out this time.

I deinstalled my jdk, but it doesn't seem to have made a difference, except that I get an error notification everytime I want to use LibreOffice. And I need it, so I'm putting it back soon.

So, these are my packages:

And this is what happens when I try to play a DVD using Kaffeine (since I don't an error message except from Kaffeine, and I've forgotten where my logs are):

And then comes Read error from: Error reading from DVD over the GUI.

And nothing else happens... I get no feedback from smplayer whatsoever. It opens, trys to read the DVD, and sits there. Even on the console.

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Debian Multimedia :: Streaming .avi Online | Multimedia Server

Apr 13, 2010

I want to stream .avi *divx/xvid* (because of the nice compression and quality) online and have all streams accessible through a web based library type thing. Something like Jinzora ( http://en.jinzora.com/ ) is what I am looking for, but it's buggy. I would even be satisfied with a web based library of streams that you click and open with an external program. I have searched a lot for this and the only thing I found that can do this how I want (if it worked right) was jinzora. I don't want to convert to mpeg4 or flv because of size and quality issues.

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Debian Multimedia :: How To Enable Multimedia Plugins In Browsers

Mar 15, 2011

I have Debian 6 installed. Is there a way for the web browsers (Iceweasel and Chromium) to recognize the multimedia plugins (gstreamer0.10) that were installed? about:plugins in the browser, references Gnash as the only plugin available.

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Debian Multimedia :: VLC Playback Broken By Deb-multimedia Upgrade

Jun 14, 2011

I am using debian squeeze and did an aptitude upgrade yesterday. Today I've found that VLC won't play any video; the files open and the audio plays, but the video is black. The aptitude log is below.

I note that VLC received a security upgrade a few days ago, but my suspicion is that the source of this problem is more likely to be the upgrade of libavcodec52 from version 4: -> 5:0.6.1+svn20101128-0.2. I believe this upgrade came from the debian-multimedia stable repo I have enabled.

Does this sound right, and what could I do to fix my VLC playback? This is new territory for me, and I'm slightly surprised that such an upgrade would come from the stable branch of debian-multimedia (although I know this is not an official source).


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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Install Restricted Multimedia Codecs?

Mar 7, 2010

I was using THIS guide to install restricted multimedia codecs. I got to the part where I had to switch system packages to the Packman packages. It came up with a number of dependency errors. I then had a stupid moment and told it to ignore the dependencies and break the applications. Now Xine won't even start, and Amarok seems to have disappeared on my computer. Oh and I also got a bunch of weird dependency problems when I was trying to install some of the packages from Packman too as listed on the guide. I also told it to ignore them when it couldn't find the dependencies. I'm scared I fudged multimedia up so badly I would have to do a clean install to get it back. BTW, I'm running openSUSE 11.2. I don't know if there are other specifications that matter.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Can't Install Multimedia Codec, After Installing?

Jan 22, 2011

i can't install multimedia codec, after installing i restart PC and then linux writes error kde4int i hadn't this error before, it begins after installing new monitor Samsung syncmaster B1940

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Anyway To Combine Favorite MP3 Player / Favorite Multimedia Software Into Sushi Roll?

Apr 13, 2010

Ubuntu convert for 1 year and counting and loving it more and more every day. My main PC isn't playing nice with my ipod, and of all the music software out there, I enjoy songbird the most.I dig its clean lines and iTunes-esque file management. Now of course comes the question.I connected my ipod to my computer, and it doesn't show up on Songbird. There's no add-on for ipod device support either. What gives? Is there anyway to combine my favorite MP3 player and my favorite multimedia software into one delicious sushi roll?

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Debian Multimedia :: Compile Mplayer Like In Multimedia?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm currently using Debian Testing with Debian Multimedia Sid repos. The current Mplayer (3:1.0~rc4+svn20110308-0.0) seems to be broken - I can't encode AAC to AC3 on-the-fly anymore. I'd like to compile the latest snapshot or SVN version, but what is the easiest way to compile it with the same options as the one in debian-multimedia.org?

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Debian Multimedia :: Multimedia Crashes On Squeeze ?

May 13, 2011

I've just installed Squeeze 6.01a from the xfce iso image on an old PIII which has been running Lenny with xfce without any problems. It's a fresh install after a reformat.

Sounds and multimedia apps like gxine and mplayer all worked fine on Lenny and other older versions. Now they don't - not gxine, not mplayer not even VLC. Run from the menu they all abort - and if run in an xterm they all crash with the following message -

Assertion 'pthread_mutex_unlock(&m->mutex) == 0' failed at pulsecore/mutex-posix.c:108, function pa_mutex_unlock(). Aborting.

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