Ubuntu Multimedia :: Change The Preferences For The Video In Gnome Player?
Jan 10, 2010
How do you change the preferences for the video in Gnome Player? All the tabs I see is general, audio,and display but no ' Video '. Is there any way to edit the Video preferences?
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Aug 12, 2015
I had a hard time finding out how to change -- get to-- the simple scan preferences. There is no batten on the screen to open preferences window. I found two way to change the preferences on simple scan.
1. Easy way:
I found that when you run a program in gnome an icon of that application appears on top bar. If you click on that icon a window will appear and one of the items on that window is preferences, by clicking on that you could open preferences window, and change your preferences.
2. Hard way:
Go to applications and open dconf Editor
then go to org section click on it
then go to gnome section click on it
then go to Simple-Scan click on it
now you can change things
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May 3, 2010
I'm just curious if anybody knows how to change the default settings in gnome-mplayer from it using video0 as the video input (which is my built-in webcam), to say video1 (which is my external usb tv tuner). There is no gui option for this.
My issue is not being able to use it for analog video, though it's not a huge deal because I figured out the same very thing for tvtime (video0 to video1). It'd just be another option.
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Dec 25, 2010
I want to change Weather Applet preferences which is present in the panel of GNOME /openSUSE.But seems to be locked.Please let me know as to how once can change the default settings.I have already used the weather in the time applet(works well).But i want the weather in a separate applet.
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Jun 25, 2010
I've been away from Linux for a while, so I need to get informed about some of the 32- vs. 64-bit issues concerning video players and codecs. So, what is everyone using these days?
More specifically, is it possible to play, e.g., .wmv files with 64-bit Kaffeine (my favorite player) or any other 64-bit video player? If so, then which combination of player and codec should I use?
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May 26, 2011
in software.opensuse.org site if we serch for a software the result will be like the following
KDE:Unstablelayground/openSUSE_11.4_KDE_Distro_Factory This is the stripped version of the VLC media Player. VLC media player is a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video
1-Click Install
Manual Package Download
Go to OBS Project
i586 vlc-
src vlc-
x86_64 vlc-
if i like to keep the setup(rpm) of the software which i should chose the above?
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May 4, 2010
Is there a way to control the gnome sound preferences widget via the command line? I use optical digital out (IEC95. It works fine. but everytime I reboot there is no sound, I have to go to sound preferences, hardware tab, select my internal audio device, change it from digital stereo duplex to analog surround 5.1, then back to digital stereo duplex, and then the sound works again. I would like to be able to do this via command line so I can write a little startup script and not have to do that every time i reboot.
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May 3, 2010
Since upgrading to Lucid, I haven't been able to play videos in Totem or VLC player, though I've got all the necessary codecs. The sound plays, but I just get a black screen with (very) occasional flashes of the image. However, I've found that SMPlayer DOES work.
Is there a way to make it the default, so that when I double-click the vids, it will fire up automatically, instead of my having to use right-click/open-with ? I've tried changing it in the multimedia tab of 'Preferred Software', but that doesn't seem to work.
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May 30, 2011
this happens with both VLC and Totem, when in either of those programs playing a video, if I click on one of the top menus, say View in Totem, the video stays on top of the drop down options. In order to see the options I have to hover over them with the mouse at which point they become momentarily visible. I read a post somewhere where someone had a similar problem and it was solved by reinstalling Compiz, but I've tried uninstalling it entirely, reinstalling it, etc. and none of it works. It doesn't happen with flash videos in firefox, it does happen with visualisations in Totem, and it only started happening since I upgraded to 11.04.
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Apr 11, 2011
I am setting up a MythTV environment to switch from Windows based MediaPortal (with a high number of disturbing bugs). Yet, I have three difficulties, which I want to discuss with you. They are:
- No audio via HDMI see [URL]
- Video resolution seems to change during video playback
- Channels cannot be found via DVB-S [URL]
As you can see, I have created three posts to keep discussions focused.
Alltogether I have the following setup:
- AMD 5050e CPU
- 8 GByte RAM
- Biostar TA890GXE
- Samsung LE40M86BD, connected via HDMI (and only HDMI)
- Mythbuntu 10.10 with proprietary drivers installed
- Technisat Skystar HD2 DVB-S card (two times)
Now, here is the problem:
Whenever I playback any video material using e.g. VLC, the screen resolution changes. This also applies when playback the video in a window and not fullscreen. The problem is that whenever the screen resolution changes, short time later the TV set blanks screen and show the TV set specific information "unsupported video mode".
How can I enforce to stay in the configured video mode?
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Jul 20, 2011
I have an Acer Aspire One ZG5 with ubuntu and windows, i have an HD video camcorder, when i try to se a video recorded for this camera (that it's in HD 720p), the video looks laggy, i only can see some parts of the video, the audio is good but the video not much.
The camera comes with a CD and has a program that can be used in windows, with that program if i want to see a video of this camcorder i just open it whit that player and it looks good, but in Ubuntu i don't know any program that let me see my videos good without beeing laggy. Do you know any program that i could use?
I have tried VLC, Movie Player, Banshee, and have no luck.
which program i can use to edit videos?
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a Zune and I know of the issue of not talking well w/ linux... What portable video / MP3 player works well w/ Ubuntu w/o going the route of wine or Virtualbox as I do not want to waste a day or two getting those hacks to work
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Apr 12, 2010
My problem is that i have no sound in any video player. The video works perfectly, but with absolutely no sound. I've tried switching output to ALSA, OCC and still no success. My audio files are playing perfect with any music player. In sound setting I'm using Analog stereo duplex, I have the option of choosing HDMI, but than I have no sound whatsoever.
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May 2, 2010
I recently canned Windows to transition completely over to Ubuntu. The main reasons why I haven't gone with Ubuntu completely are the poor video playback in fullscreen as well as gaming. Recently I started playing games much less frequently, so that became a non-issue, however the video playback is still very inconvenient.
The main problem I have is tearing. The two players I got to work are VLC and the Gnome Movie Player program. I tried getting mplayer to work but I was a little confused on that one. It works better on Movie Player but there are some formats it won't play the audio on even though I have the "ubuntu-restricted-extras" installed.
Anyone have some tips on better media players out there? Does mplayer do better?
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Sep 2, 2010
I'm having problems with VLC and totem.
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Oct 2, 2010
I am trying to burn a video DVD created from "Devede" with K3B. The video DVD successfully burns, and plays in my computer, but does not play in any of the DVD players in the house. I used to user "ConvertXToDVD" when I was on Windows, but am trying to find a free/open source alternative on ubuntu. I am using all default options. I have looked in the settings for both programs, and I fail to see the problem here. Even the ISO created from devede seems to match up to the Video DVD (that works in the players) I had burned with ConvertXToDVD.
In Devede I have it so that the menu is disabled and it automatically plays the first title. Apparently this is not good enough.. I thought this program was supposed to be easy to use? What am I doing wrong here? I am using the same DVD-R I have used before on my Windows machine to great success. I am getting frustrated as I have went through 2 DVDs,
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Nov 28, 2010
I am looking for a video/audio player that can pause a file, with a simple button click, so that the next-time that file is played it will resume.
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Jan 18, 2010
I am not able to see the video of a .flv format in VLC player. I tried it in the SMplayer also but of no use. I can hear the audio but no video on it. Just a black screen.
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Mar 7, 2010
I was setting up my Totem Movie Player on Ubuntu 9.10 and at first it wouldn't play dvds at all. So, I went online and entered these two commands into the terminal to play restricted dvds.
sudo apt-get install libdvdread4
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh
DVDs will now play on Totem, but now I don't have any video. I can hear sound and if click around the screen I can get it to play but I still don't have any video. I also tried both dvd drives on my computer and tried different DVDs. Still same thing.
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May 13, 2010
I have just upgraded to Lucid. While trying to watch movies (i have installed all the requisite plugins), I encountered certain problems. The following is what I noticed after some thorough search into the issue:
1. Suppose one goes to the location of a video file, say, /Home/Videos/Sound of Music.xyz , double clicking the file would open the movie player (Totem) but one would not be able to see any video, though sound is coming.
2. Sometimes, on entering the fullscreen the video started from double clicking the file is visible, but leaving full screen, it is lost again. This however doesnt happen in all cases, because mostly one sees no video if through double-clicking the file.
3. The same operation of playing, if done through the player (by /Movie/Open.. or by Adding a video file in the playlist) happens quite properly.
4. A .mkv file doesnt play for long, since the player crashes.
5. Subtitles are not detected, even after putting the settings on automatic loading of subtitles (/Edit/Preferences/Automatically.....)
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May 14, 2010
Can I just out ubuntu 10.04 on and I installed vlc and when I right click on a video file and say open with and the box is ticked to open with vlc but it doesn't make vlc the default player. I dunno what I'm doing wrong, maybe there is another way?
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm just getting started with Ubuntu 64-Bit. Basically, I have Totem Movie Player and VLC Media Player installed and every time I watch a movie in either one of them. If I tab out of them or minimize them, when I bring the media player back up the screen is black. The sound still works perfectly but I can't see the movie and I've tried several media players out and they all do the same thing. Basically I can't multitask or bring up anything else while I watch a movie or I have to restart the player because of the media screen going black.
I'm not sure if my computer specs will help but here they are:
Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid 64-Bit
Intel Xeon X3210 2.13GHz Quad
4GB DDR2-800 RAM
ATI Radeon 4870 512MB Videocard
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Jun 16, 2010
How do I make VLC media player the default video player, so that if I double click a video file VLC opens it?
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Aug 12, 2010
When I insert a movie DVD into the drive, the disk is read, a window pops up asking what software do I want to use (Open Movie Player is the default). I click use Open Movie Player and get "An error occurred could not read from resource" dialog - and the movie does not play.The file manager reads the disk without any problem, so don't think it's a bad disk (and it plays in my WinXP machine). I checked in Synaptic and it appears that Totem and all the stuff that needs to be installed with Totem is there. Is there another player or some front end for totem that I don't have? In that initial screen asking for software choice, totem is not an optio n.I've looked around in Medibuntu and it looks like all the needed files are already installed. Is there a different DVD player that needs to be installed?
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Nov 12, 2010
I'm trying to play videos from my flip ultrahd recorder and it's plays the audio fine but the video skips. It shows the video for a second then stops for 2 or 3 seconds and shows the video for 1 second and so on and so forth. Like the video is lagging or something. Anyone familiar with this problem. I also have dragonplayer and pitivi that I'll try also.
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Nov 20, 2010
I am seeking for a secure and reliable mp3 and video player. For security reason, I'm reticent about Universe repository. Any way to get my MP3 player and my video player to work without having to resort the Universe repository? Preferably can play RMVB files.
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May 20, 2011
I just reinstalled my laptop with OpenSUSE 11.4, 64-bit and I'm using gnome 3.0, I can't figure out how to change the default video player to vlc though...I've tried going to 'Applications' --> 'System Tools' --> 'System Settings' --> 'System info'Here I can choose default programs, however vlc does not appear in the drop-down menu for videos. I do have vlc installed. I can choose to play videos with it when I right-click video files. But I'd like vlc to be the default so that I can just double click the video file and vlc plays it.It is a little bit confusing as totem is set as the default video player in the above-mentioned window, but when I double click a video file banshee starts
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Feb 4, 2010
every video is flickering and not smooth why is that and what can i do about it.
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Feb 14, 2010
What do I need to play MPG Video. Totem Movie Player 2.26.1 Ubuntu 9.04
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Apr 3, 2010
I installed Flash Player, But when I go to play a video or something it says I still have to install it so go back to adobe to install but says it is already installed. Ubuntu v.9
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