Ubuntu Multimedia :: Way To Create Wmv Video Thumbnails With File Information

Oct 17, 2010

I need a way to create wmv video thumbnails with file information (name, size, resolution, duration) using Ubuntu.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: How To Get Thumbnails For Videos In File Manager

Mar 10, 2011

I am using GNOME and KDE with 11.3 and want to get thumbnails for videos in file manager like nautilus,dolphin though tried using mplayerthumbsconfig and changed engine to mplayer from phonon but no gain. For more information in only nautilus I get 3 thumbnails of three flv videos but rest flv and others doesn't show up.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Application To Read Detailed Information About Video Files?

Dec 27, 2010

Is there a utility that can be used to view file information about a video file? Example: if the file was encoded with ffmpeg, and if it is H.264. In addition, what type of encoder was used for audio?

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Ubuntu :: How To Disable Video Thumbnails

Jan 10, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10, and writing video files to a mounted disk is slow. The reason is every time the buffer is flushed to disk, Ubuntu starts making a new video thumbnail for the file.If I skip the first block that has the RIFF data, then Ubuntu doesn't realize it's a video, and the write speed is about doubled. Then I can write the RIFF data at the end of the transfer (in the appropriate place in the file).I have tried setting an exclusive flock on the file while writing; however, that does not prevent Ubuntu from reading the file while it's being written and generating thumbnails.

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Ubuntu :: Video Thumbnails Won't Load In Lucid?

May 2, 2010

I'm currently using Lucid Lynx and my video thumbnails won't load. I already modified my preferences that thumbnails would always load, and set that files smaller 4GB will load. Only the generic video thumbnails load. I already tried deleting the files in ~/.thumbnails/fail/gnome-thumbnail-factory/ but still problem exists.

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OpenSUSE :: Video Thumbnails In Nautilus

Sep 13, 2009

I tried to search about this from google and opensuse forums but didn't find any help, so I'm starting this topic.I just updated to OpenSUSE 11.1 with newest gnome and default kernel. The problem is, I don't have video thumbnails any more in nautilus. If I recall correctly, in 11.0 I had them with totem-xine, but now I can't find it in any repos. Added some additional repositories, but still nothing.

If there is not totem-xine available, how to get video thumbnails, I mean like generating automatically every time I open a folder with video files in it.

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OpenSUSE :: Video Thumbnails Possible With Konqueror In 11.3?

Aug 16, 2010

Is there a way to enable thumbnails in Konqueror in 11.3? mplayer-thumbs is missing from the repository I noticed.

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Software :: Displaying Video Thumbnails?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm using Nautilus 2.28.1 with Ubuntu 9.10.With WMV videos which were recorded using "Microsoft Windows Media VC-1" codec, even though they play okay in MPlayer, no thumbnails are ever created or displayed in Nautilus. Other video formats display thumbnails fine. I must already have the VC-1 codec or MPlayer would not even play the video.Is there anything I can do to get the thumbnails to display for this video format

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Fedora :: Missing Thumbnails From Video Files?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm not sure what ive done but now i lost thumbnails from video files in Nautilus.all video files except ogv has no thumbnails.

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Debian :: Util To Generate Thumbnails / Contact Sheet From Video?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm looking for suggestions for a command line utility than can generate a contact sheet (e.g. jpg etc) from a video? I'm mainly interested in starting from FLV files, but i guess the solution will probably work for other formats with appropriate codecs etc. So, for example, if i have a 30 minute video, every 2 minutes through it i'd like it to generate a thumbnail and then put 15 of these in a 5 x 3 grid in a single jpg. On Windows,Media Player Classic Homecinem� will do this through its ave Thumbnails� command.

Ideally i'd like to do this from the command line/script in a debian server environment, rather than a desktop GUI. It doesn't have to be a single command, if a chain of steps could do it.

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Debian Multimedia :: Convert SWF Video File To AVI Video File?

Dec 18, 2010

how could i convert SWF video file to AVI video file on linux? is there any tools ?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Create Video Chat App

Jan 11, 2010

I have been tasked with the job of finding a way to create a video chat application on Linux to use with our health software. We are basically just wanting to add a video / audio component to the system. I have been using Ubuntu a long time and have decided to use it as our platform for the new software. We currently use Emblaze VCON with our software on Windows and I want to eliminate the need for Windows completely. We supply the hardware so if I can get good quality video chat integrated into our software then I am all set.

I have been playing with some apps like vlc, cheese and luvcview. I am quite impressed with the video quality I am getting so I know Linux can give our users a great chat experience. I even tried Skype 2.0 beta and that worked great too.

I see the software working just like Yahoo or MSN does. I provide a list of users and whether they are online and when you double click on their name they get a ring and prompt to accept the incoming call from "Joe". If there is an engine already in place that we are free to use and bundle with our paid product then that would be great. I am really ignorant on GPL licensing so I want to be careful on what we do. Also, I think this method is best for the connection... I like the idea of a server which receives input from all clients and tracks their online status but when you make a call to the other person it communicates p2p style to minimize hops and server load. We will be controlling the firewalls on the hardware but not what this hardware may be behind, ie. Router - so I guess I need something that can tunnel through / around such obstacles.

I would really appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction on what I could use to do this and also not have to worry about licensing and Intellectual property violations. Btw, I don't see the need to modify the software if it can handle the p2p chat out of box and do it well. I will write the components to handle online / offline status if the "engine" doesn't handle this.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Program Create Audio To Video?

Jan 8, 2010

I have a mp3 file and would like to convert for video, the jpg will be the image of the video.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Create Video From Jpeg Files?

Apr 5, 2010

I am using the following command to create a video of a bunch of jpeg files. The problem is that some of the jpegs are portrait and others are landscape. Ffmpeg is stretching the portrait images. Is it possible to maintain aspect ratio of the jpegs... perhaps put black bars on the portrait images using ffmpeg?

ffmpeg -r .75 -f image2 -i Image%d.jpg output.mp4

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Create A Video Within Webcam's Images?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a very big image directory: One image per minute, whole a year, captured from a webcam. Now I want to make a video (15 or 24FPS) with all the webcam captures, to see how it changed during this period. I've tried automotion, but it makes a very low quality video, besides it blocks with lots of images. I've also tried dvd-slideshow, but it's not possible to make a more-than-1FPS video.

I also need to change the date in each webcam's images, because they are wrong, so it needed to overlay a little layout with the right date for each image, is that possible to manage within some application? Preferibly shell applications which supports lots of Gb of information (anyway I always could make little videos and then glue them)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Edit And Create Video DVD With Menu?

Feb 26, 2011

Does anyone have a solution that actually works for creating video DVDs from beginning to end? My requirements are pretty simple, I would think. I need to take video from an NTSC DVD (which I made from 8mm analog tape), edit it, create a menu, and burn it. It doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to work. The total project is a little over 1 hour of video. I have reasonable computer power for this.

That doesn't seem like such a difficult task, but it actually requires using up to four different mutually incompatible programs, each of which has nearly infinite options, a huge number of intermediate file types, and infinite ways to fail. If there are intermediate files to be written, I need to know EXACTLY what files and formats to use, and what packages must be installed to use those formats. I don't care if the programs are KDE or Gnome (even a command line might work if the procedure is clear-cut).

The task consists of four parts:
* Rip or import an ordinary video from DVD. (This was made by a hardware DVD recorder).
* Edit videos. Create clips, cut, past, move, fade.


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Fedora :: Create Gnome Screensaver From Video File

Feb 28, 2009

I was wondering how to create a GNOME screensaver from a video file? I don't really care what video format the screensaver creator supports because I can always transcode the video with ffmpeg or mencoder. I also, don't care if the creator uses proprietary formats such as mpeg, mpeg4, avi, etc. I do however want the program to create an installable screensaver.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Server To Create A Video Streaming Website?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to install a new ubunto server , to create a video streaming website , and live legal channel broadcasting. what all I should install in my server to broadcast my channels. Channel stream uses windows media player or flash player. Dynamic content can be managed with PHP programming language How do justin Tv or livestream , get video from users to broadcast channels ? [URL]

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Create Video From JPEGs - Use Mencoder To Add The Audio?

Jan 18, 2010

My 1st and only grandson turned 1 year old and we have taken about 1 million pics of him. I wanted to make a video from pictures taken in the past year. The first one is an ultra sound picture. The last one was taken this last Saturday. I have 153 12 MPixel pictures in a folder. They are named C001.jpg - C153.jpg (I can rename them if needed).

I had noticed mencoder or ffmpeg can create movies from jpegs. But, I didn't think about the frames per second. Would I need to make like 20 copies of each picture and then make it like 10 FPS? or something like that? Optimally, I would like to have a video where each picture lasts for 8-10 seconds or so and I would be able to add a song as audio. (I think I know how to use mencoder to add the audio).

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: New Videos Don't Have Thumbnails?

Jun 27, 2010

I had system problems and I decided to do a fresh install and I could only save my home folder and be sure that my system worked. Ever since my new videos never had thumbnails. Is there any way to make sure they do have thumbnails for easy browsing.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Covert Video File To .asf File Type?

Jan 24, 2011

I want to be able to play a video file on my pda(Tungsten T5) but from memory the only video file i have seen playable on it was the asf file that is used when it starts up/reboots. I tried other file types in the past that were suggested in maybe a manual or forum or something but they never worked/played. I think it is because of the player installed and i tried installing another player but from memory that didn't install properly or just did not play anything. So if anyone knows of a way to convert files maybe using winff or mencoder i would love that info. I have been googling and have found nothing specific to what i am asking. I do not see anything in winff to convert to asf and cannot remember ever using mencoder.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Panasonic RAW Format Thumbnails In Gnome?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a Panasonic G1 digital camera this outputs raw files in Panasonic's own format (suffix .rw2). UfRaw and RawTherapee can both read these so I can work on them in ubuntu (though ufraw displays a very overexposed image at first). f-spot has problems and displays a funny pinkish mess.

Can I get F-spot to display .rw2 thumbnails?

I would actually like to get Gnome to be able to display panasonic raw thumbnails as well. Is this possible?

As an aside it would be one in the eye for windoz as Panasonic have not released a codec for XP, only for Vista and 7 (and it seams to have a nasty hook in it according to dp review)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Photo Thumbnails Don't Display In NAS Folders

Jul 24, 2010

I have a 3TB home server storing all my files and a mix of XP, Vista & Ubuntu clients on a Gigabit network. When I access a folder with JPEG photos on the XP or Vista machines and I have them set to display thumbnails that is exactly what I get. The thumbnails load nice and fast. When I access the same folders on the Ubuntu machines with "icon view" it only displays a black icon that says "JPG" but if I copy that folder over to a local drive on the Ubuntu machines then the thumbs display just fine. Does anyone have any idea how to change this on the Ubuntu machines so they load thumbnails for networked photos as well?

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Debian Multimedia :: Thunar Thumbnails For Ogg-videos?

Apr 9, 2011

I'm running 64-bit Debian testing Xfce and can't get Thunar to generate thumbnails for video-files in ogg-format. It works for avi, mp4, flv, etc. I have thunar-thumbnailer and ffmpegthumbnailer installed.

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Totem Still Plays Nothing And Get No Thumbnails Either

Jul 25, 2010

SM player works yes, but how do i get the thumbnail previews. I did a fresh install of opensuse, i installed the updates they Yast told me to. I followed the guide precisely this time, using the command line method and encountered some problems. 4 files, asked to be broken or use obsolete at the point where i have to do the switch to packman repository. I chose use obsolete cuz i didn't want to break anything. When i tried to set an mkv to open in SMplayer the optionw asn't there, only banshee and totem. I opened Yast and it told me to install opensuse codec installer and another file can't remember) which i did. The option to open files in SMplayer, Xine etc came up then.

I'd like to get the thumbnails and I'd like to see Totem work as well. I know i don't need to, but considering that i downloaded the neccesary codecs, i expect it to work :/ or am i wrong with that assumption On a totally unrelated note, is there a way to increase the resolution of the bootloader? i'd like to be 1920x1200 to full my screen

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Debian :: Icon View / Thumbnails In Web Browser File Uploader

Aug 17, 2011

I regularly use an online imageboard website, and as such I am constantly uploading images. Being new to the linux OS, I was quite familar with Microsoft Windows file explorer and its adaption with file uploading. However, it would seem that GNOME follows a different method and uses a separate file browser to a file uploader Here is my file browser and the various options available (icon size, icon view, bigger thumbnails):

And here is what I get when I upload files to a website: My question is, is there a workaround or package available to allow changeable icon sizes/thumbnails in the file uploader? The picture preview is good, but really isn't enough for what I require

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Debian Multimedia :: XFCE Thumbnails Not Appearing In Thunar?

Aug 23, 2010

When I open Thunar, I can see thumbnails of jpegs, but notfor video,or document files. I've got the Thumbnailers package installed as part of XFCE Goodies,nd also ffmpegthumbnailers (? I think, I'm at work so can't check). I've looked for a setting to change, but can't see anything relevant. previous installations have allowed me to have beautiful thumnail icon

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Get Totem To Play Everything And Show Thumbnails?

Jul 17, 2010

restricted formats and i can play my videos with SMplayer, Xine, VLC etc but not Totem. Totem in 11.3 uses Gstreamer, and i believe i have all gstreamer plugins installed, good, bad, ugly, base etc. Also thumbnails won't show. Reason i want to use Totem? cuz it's integrated well with Gnome

THere's also this issue where everything i try to play wants to be played with banshee, how do i stop that? i tried going into Preferred applications and put it on custom, but i can't differentiate music and video, there's just a multimedia option.
I would like to have music autplayed with Banshee, and Video autoplayed with SMplayer without having to go through the right click, play with option :/

Full screen flash is aproblem in 11.3 64 bit just as it ALWAYS is in most distros i tried *sigh* there's stuttering, and i can't scroll through the video ideally.

For the sake of saving spack i have a non multimedia related question. How do i handle nzbs? in windows i use sabnzb which is cross platform, but their is only a Fedora RPM meaning i'll have to compile it for opensuse which i have NO Idea how to do. Alternative NZB handlers i can't find in the regular repositories or webpin.

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Debian Multimedia :: Nautilus - Thumbnails Blocked On Loading State

May 11, 2013

I have a problem with nautilus thumbnails since a few days. I checked they are indeed generated in .thumbnails, but all I got in nautilus is the "loading.." icon instead of the thumbnail, for all kind of files (pdf, image, video..) + a high cpu load.

I really don't see what to look at here, didn't found any trace of error in several logs/debug tool like gdb (and btw does nautilus have log abilities?)

I don't know which change could have triggered this (it used to work fine), maybe adding the i386 compatibilty with "dpkg --add-architecture i386" ? (I did this a few days ago in order to install acrobat reader)

Also I've been copying all of the home folder files from my previous ubuntu account to the new debian one, maybe I broke something in the process ?

hint0: thumbnails are displayed fine under thunar

Solved due to this post: [URL] ....

I just did:

Code: Select allln -s ~/.thumbnails ~/.cache/thumbnails

and my thumbnails are back

Debian sid + XFCE4+compiz on a dell latitude e6530

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Debian Multimedia :: Konqueror Stopped Displaying Thumbnails Of JPGs, PNGs

May 4, 2010

I just installed KDE and I had 2 minor problems with Konqueror:

1) Every time I emptying the trash, I'm getting the error message: "The file or folder /...path here.../.Trash-1000/files/...filename here does not exist.". Seems like I had deleted this file, and before emptying the trash, I deleted somehow this file outside Debian installation (probably from a live cd). Other than that, trash is working OK. I'm just wondering if there's a way to get rid of the error message. (Of course emptying the trash from command line, doesn't brings any message).

2) Konqueror stopped displaying thumbnails of JPGs, PNGs etc. (with the exception of Photobook view, which is not very convenient for large number of photos).

I bypassed this problem, installing d3lphin (since dolphin is not available for lenny), and browsing the photo catalogs with it.

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