Ubuntu Multimedia :: No Media Device Support For Amarok 2.2 / Want That
Jan 26, 2010Are you serious? You cannot connect an ipod or some other mp3 player to amarok? I've been searching online and I cannot find anything?
View 1 RepliesAre you serious? You cannot connect an ipod or some other mp3 player to amarok? I've been searching online and I cannot find anything?
View 1 RepliesI've been a Ubuntu user for the last 7 days and just switched from Vista.I've been loving it so far except for this tiny problem.
Amarok does not play media files at all.The pre-installed Rhythmbox with 10.04 works great.In Amarok,it isn't that I don't get sound. It just won't play. If I click a file, then click play it quickly goes through an amount of songs and then it tries to play all the songs in the playlist unsuccessfully.
I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx and Amarok 2.3.0(KDE 4.4.2) in a 32 bit system.
I have recently installed Amarok, however despite appearing to have transferred all my music files and folders into itself, they won't play. Only the default track, Art of Nations, keeps playing every time I try to play a track!
View 2 Replies View RelatedUpdated Ubuntu 10.04. Amarok 2.3.0. Dell Inspiron 1526.My laptop has next, previous, and play/pause buttons that I would like to work with Amarok. Amarok's default configuration appears to globally map these buttons exactly as I would like. Amarok calls the buttons Media Next, Media Previous, and Media Play. If I specify a custom mapping and hit the button, it maps the Media Next, Media Previous, and Media Play as expected. (And indeed if I try to some other command to this, Amarok warns me that it's multiply defined.) Clearly Amarok is capable of seeing these inputs.
However, they simply don't work. Outside of setting a custom key, Amarok does not respond to them, even if Amarok has focus. If I change the mapping from Global to Shortcut, they still don't work.I found some online discussions about this, but all appear to be Amarok 1.x era. The configuration settings appear very different and not relevant.Can anyone suggest on how to get these buttons working in my Amarok?
It isn't that I don't get sound. It just won't play. If I click a file, then click play it quickly goes through an amount of songs. Too quick to give a good number. For example, if I have 100 songs on my library, I want to play one. Obviously I click play and such to make it play but instead of playing it acts as if it can not read the file (even though all my songs are in the library). Got any help/tips/whatevers?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm struggling to find a way to sync my media player (Sony W995 - it just appears as a disk when plugged in, so it should be OK I think). I can kind of get something working by adding the mount point as a 'Local Music' folder. The problem is, there doesn't seem to be a way of 'syncing' to Local folders. Further more, my music collection is in FLAC format on my PC - but I need to transcode it to mp3 when syncing with my media player. Is this possible? I don't expect to be syncing the other way at all.
Otherwise, I'm stuck with manually transcoding/copying files with Dolphin
I recently put Linux back on my laptop (Vector) and I am trying to get any of the media players on it to recognize and play the music on my desktop, which is running Windows 7 Ultimate with WMP streaming music over my wireless network. I was wondering if this can be done, or if these features have yet, if ever, to be implemented.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm using OpenSUSE-11.4+KDE and have not been able to access my Sansa Express drive. I can pull it up part way, but it acts as read only. I'm not sure what settings I may need to make in the Partitioner to fix this.If I boot into a LiveCD of LinuxMint10-KDE and plug it in it is instantly identified as a "Media Device," and I have access into the MTP section of it I believe.
I prefer using Banshee, but will use Dolphin to manual drop files it I can get the Sansa drive to operate as with Read+Write. I've seen this device listed here at "plug and play" [URL]../HCL:Gadgets#Media_Players
It's caught in some sort of shitty limbo. Amarok 2 is still incomplete and sucks *** but that leaves Amarok 1 undeveloped and unimproved for ages and it sorta sucks ***. I still can't get Amarok 2 to recognize media devices. Why isn't that already in there. Of all the things that can't be that hard to do and should be a key aspect of a media player/manager.
Amarok 1 is just wonkey. It's hard to make and edit playlists, it freezes or crashes regularly and is an overall pain to navigate. 9 out of 10 sources say amarok is the best media player available. This makes me cry a little bit. It is total crap and if that's the best available to the Linux community that just sucks.
I started to check out Banshee again today and it looks ok. I couldn't get it to play MP3s and after searching for a few minutes gave up because I really don't want to get into another media player that's going to be a pain in the ***. I just want something I can download, make go and never have any problems with. Is that really too much to ask? If Amarok could just take everything that works about 1 and everything that works with 2 and smush them together you might actually have a decent media player.
I have tried linux before but I never found one that suited me. I'm now trying kubuntu 10.04 on my mini laptop but I have run into a problem. I have sounds when the computer start and shutdown and other sounds like incoming mail and stuff just not in amarok or any other media player at all nor on ..... and I've been googling it for the last few days and have found others with simular problems but none running Kubuntu 10.04 so I figured I'd give the solutions they got a try but I just can't get them to work on my computer. Might be my lack of linux skill so please go eazy on me and yes I have checked that the audio is not muted. Which codec pack to be installed and how to do it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor the last few releases, I've remained with Amarok 1.4, but now that I've deemed Amarok 2 stable enough, I've upgrade, however, the lyrics to my songs (which I put in a lot of effort in downloading), are not reflecting. Is there anyway to export lyrics from Amarok 1.4 and import them in Amarok 2?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a Sansa Clip + ,it works just fine in MSC mode. I wanted to give a try to the MTP mode. But it does not show up in Amarok. I have libmtp installed and mtp-detect does show up the device information.
View 6 Replies View RelatedReboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key. I got this error after: Reducing my Windows 7 partition by about 100gb. Creating a new partition (100gb) and copying my Ubuntu partition (10gb) to the new partition. After it was copied, and pasted, the original partition was deleted. I now had two partitions a new 100gb Ubuntu partition and a 600gb (or so) Windows 7 partition.
All of this was done using a bootable USB with Ubuntu 10.10 and GParted partition editor. Now when I boot I get the "Reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device and press a key." error.
Ubuntu10.10.i want a media player with all media codecs.it should able to play all formats of videos and audios so please suggest me a media player.(i used km player in windows i want a media player like that)
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a multimedia application for linux that has uPnP media sharing similar to MS windows media player?
View 6 Replies View Relateddo you have any suggestions how I can install Ubuntu netbook edition on an old Laptop (Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook 2131) currently running Windows 2000 with all servicepacks (if I recall correctly it is SP5) without boot-support for USB-Stick/Media, CD-ROM, PXE/netboot; booting is only supported from builtin harddisk and from floppy-disk drive, which is definitely broken. (with working floppy disk drive all would be fine). I also installed WUBI, but the harddisk is only 4 GB, so I had to use the USB-Stick as the Ubuntu install partition and this is not supported by the Laptop as it cannot boot from it.
Has anybody an idea, is it viable to online-resize an NTFS-partition to create a small linux-partition for bootstrapping the install?? I do not want to, it's still useful, so when crashing the NTFS-filesystem is likely I prefer not to take this route and leave the laptop with Win2k installed.
I'm running Linux Mint 8 Helena (based on Ubuntu 9) and I bought this USB to VGA device. Of course it works with XP but when I re-boot to LinuxMint I get nothing on the external monitor.The device is a StarTech USB2VGAE2, if anyone has any suggestions how I can make this work it'd be much appreciated. I've searched online & can't find a driver.I bought it because the external VGA output on my laptop doesn't work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have two soundcards on f13, latest kern. I want a media player that lets me choose out device, while the system uses its own, a la mpc-homecinema on Win7
View 4 Replies View RelatedI faced a problem while installing ubuntu 10.04 on mylaptop;i downloaded the ubuntu from ubuntu official site. Problem: message coming that no media device is found for live file system. My Laptop configuration : 2.2 ghz core 2 duo processor, 320gb hdd in this matter and can let me know me how can i install ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an ipod classic 160gb, that I sync with my machine at home.
I use Linux at work, and want to just plug my ipod and just listen to the tracks, with all the playlists and such. I don't want to sync nothing, I just want to listen to the tracks as if I was using the ipod itself.
Why? Because this way I can use the usb port.
So, I don't want to manage my ipod in Linux, I just want to listen to the tracks on it in Linux, like it was a local library but it's instead in my ipod.
(I've tried gtkpod, it works to show my files, but I can't play, shuffle, etc. It would be interesting to have a complete audio software to handle everything like it was a local library)
All my music editing software programs say, "unable to open device /dev/dsp.Device or resource busy." How can I fix this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI just installed Centos 5.4 on the 2nd partion of my hard drive. I have an ethernet card in my machine (a 3Com Corporation 3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang] card), but I need to be able to use my wireless USB device I bought from my local phone company (Qwest)...because I will not always have the luxury of plugging in to a hard-wired connection. The USB wireless device works fine in Windows, but I need to be able to use it on my newly installed Centos 5.4 partition.
Here's some info:
I have a bluetooth usb dongle which I cannot get to work. I start kbluetooth. The icon in system tray is blue (not grey).
Right click on it -> Device Manager -> New
The wizard starts. It sees my Palm, but then says: "Sorry your Bluetooth Device does not support input Service". I don't know what to do.
Opensuse 11.3 kde 4.5
kbluetooth 0.4.2-10.5
I would like to play the MP3 files that are stored on my Linkstation NAS through Amarok but I can't get Amarok to play them. The only way I can get the files to play is through Dolphin or to copy them to my local drive and play them from there.
Does anyone know how I can get the files to play through Amarok? I thought it would be easy seeing as I can play movie files from the NAS using Dragon Player and edit photos stored on the NAS using GIMP. Why won't Amarok play ball?
Am running Kubuntu 9.10 & Amarok 2.2.0
how-to compile from source; based on this post [URL]with some new hints and modified patches. This works on Ubuntu (Gnome version) without the official repository version of Amarok installed.
sudo apt-get install libgpod-common libgpod-dev libgpod4 kdelibs4-dev libxine-dev libdbus-qt-1-dev libtag1-dev libsqlite3-dev libtunepimp-dev libmysqlclient15-dev libpq-dev libvisual-0.4-dev libsdl1.2-dev libifp-dev libxine1 libxine1-ffmpeg build-essential checkinstall ruby ruby-dev libruby libltdl-dev
under Amarok - Configure Amarok - Appareance - Download theme, then search for 3Dintegrity
Amarok's gone silent on me. It used to work fine until recently, even though I haven't done anything I can think of to change this apart from routine software updates.It is only happening to me.Other users on the machine are OK.I can play sound from other applications including Kaffeine, Skype and Audacious. The problem occurs with all file types I have tried, namely mp3 ogg and mpc.
Amarok looks like it's playing when I click play, in that the playback process bar is working and the time elapsed is displayed. Amarok appears as a client in the PulseAudio manager. The only thing I can see that might be odd, apart from the silence, is the big button near the top, level with and the same size as the play/pause button. I can't remember what this button is for. The symbol on it looks odd, as if an animated symbol for volume adjustment got caught on one particular frame. Clicking on this button does nothing either visually or functionally
i set up an ubuntu image in virtualbox.
everything works fine exept amarok.
i doesnt play any sound at all. i tried the gstreamer and the xine phonon...
vlc works flawless.
banshee though also doesnt play anything.
How can I install Amarok 2.3.2 (recent version) in Ubuntu? I downloaded the source file and looked at the README file. It says I need to have some dependencies before installing. But since Amarok is for KDE, it would be frustrating to get all the dependencies correctly in Gnome. Or is there another way to do it?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI just made the switch back to Ubuntu from Kubuntu. Now I'm having problems running my favourite KDE app, that's Amarok.
Amarok regularly scans my collection, no problems with that. When I try and play any tracks they're not playing and Amarok scrolls through the playlist without playing anything. No error messages are displayed either (although I remember once I got some message related to phonon).
how I could get Amarok running on Ubuntu 10.10?
I can't seem to be able to find out how to play ogg files in amarok. It has to be a simple solution, but my old eyes can't see it.
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