Ubuntu Multimedia :: Multiple USB Mics To Be Used Simultaneously?
Nov 11, 2010
I recently purchased a set of three professional mics and converters for them (they are XLR mics, so i bought three icicles to convert into the USB port)The computer sees all three microphones, but I can figure out how to be able to record on all three at the same time.Is this at all possible, or did I just waste a ton of money on converters?EDIT: I would like to add that these mics are identical, and I'm wondering if nothing else if it's possible to merge the two mount points so that it appears as one micEDIT AGAIN: I have also just installed Pulse Audio Volume Control, and it picks up both mics. How can i tell audacity to use this?
Is it possible to output one playback stream to multiple devices simultaneously with the current PulseAudio / Phonon setup? The PulseAudio mixer only has radio buttons to choose one device per playback stream. I believe the hardware is capable of this, since I remember doing that before we had PulseAudio. How can I duplicate an audio stream?
Here's one application scenario: I am travelling with my family, all crammed in small hotel room. My wife and me want to watch a movie on my laptop without waking up our kids. I just happen to have one analogue headphone available and one wireless USB headset with me. (Of course, the low tech solution is to bring an 3,5mm Y-cable to attach two analogue headsets, but I would really love to use the USB headset together with the analogue one.)
Another similar thing that bugs me is that my laptop's built-in speakers now always seem dead when an analogue headphone is plugged in. This is mostly what one wants, and before PulseAudio, one had to manually switch them off which was generally annoying. However, the downside is for example with notifications.
For example, before PulseAudio, I could configure Skype to always ring over the laptop's built-in speakers, regardless of whether the analogue headphones were plugged in. This is no longer possible, since PulseAudio does not distinguish between built-in speakers and built-in analogue port any more, while old Alsa did. So in my office, where some analogue headphones are plugged into the docking station, I never hear Skype ringing if I don't wear the headphones.
I'm trying to write a bash script that will simultaneously ping a host and execute a traceroute at the same time. I would like the results to output to a text file.
I have a list of approximately 50 words that I'd like to search documents for and delete those words. I was wondering if there is some type of automated process for removing multiple words rather than me manually putting each word into 'find and replace'
On that note I guess I could write the Macro in python if there isn't anything out there that does this. However I read that open office only works with python 2.3.5 or something of that nature, and I have already installed 3.1. Is that still going to be an issue?
I have been working on a project for a while now that involves a rather complex daemon that has to be simultaneously running different tasks. For example one of these tasks is to receive IP packets from the Netfilter queue and place those packets into one of several internal queues. While other tasks involve taking IP packets from those internal queues and processing/manipulating them and finally returning them back to the Linux network stack.
As I as I have no previous C experience before starting this project I just spawned a new thread each time I needed the daemon to be doing something else while those other tasks continued to run. Is there any other way of doing this or is this pretty much the only way of doing this? Because C is procedural I could not figure out any other way of doing accomplishing what I wanted. Should I have done it some other way or is this the correct and only way I could have gotten my C app to be running multiple tasks at the same time?
Performing commands in multiple subdirectories simultaneously. I'd like to run a program I've copied into every subdirectory which takes *.in files in the current directory as input files. I can find the program, but how do I tell it to run when I've found it?
i'd like to execute in several subdirectories that all have the same name, but I don't want to have to change into each subdirectory (there are hundreds) to execute the script. All the subdirectories have the same name ("final_alignments"), but are located in parent directories with different names. All these parent directories are in the same "super parent" directory. I've tried to do this using "for/do" and "find" but no luck so far.
I installed 2 nic cards in my pentium 4 computer running rhel5 to be used as a proxy server and connect 2 computers in each network card for testing . The problem is I cannot ping or use the 2 cards simultaneously . One must be deactivated for the other to be ping . The Network configuration panel indicate both card status as active but i can only ping the first to be activated . I have already set onboot=yes to both cards but still the same result after restarting . The nic cards are onboard - Realtek RTL8139 and pci -3com 3c905b.
Here's the setup: One x86 server (Red Hat 4) with two serial connections to an embedded linux device. One serial connection is to a power control so the device can the restarted, and the other is used for a console to this device. Both serial connections use minicom. People on my team VNC to the x86 server, where they find the two minicom sessions waiting for them as they are left open. I would like to automate connecting to the server and communicating over the serial lines.
Supposing I use ssh to the x86 server, could minicom be used over the serial lines without terminating the minicom processes seen through VNC? If not, is there a way to re-open those windows from within the ssh session, so a user who VNCs to the server won't have to reopen them? Could a single ssh connection control two minicom terminals simultaneously, or would there need to be two ssh connections? It is assumed a user and the automated process will *not* try to access the device at the same time; the automation would trigger during off hours.
I am looking for software (Windows or Linux) that can do the following: Resize one image to several provided sizes. Detects the type of the picture (wide, normal) and does the resize based on that. What I mean by that is that it should not break the image by shrinking it more in one direction then in the other so it looks weird. The purpose of this is my Blog. If I want to give my readers a wallpaper, I want to give them several options for the sizes so they can have it in their own preferred screen resolution. The image must however keep its original aspect ratio.
i want to copy one or more files or directory from one drive to multiple drive simultaneously. It like a cloning a disk. But i dont like clone entire disk. i want to copy/clone only certine files or folder. if any one can know how to copy one source to multiple destination simultaneously.
I installed 4 encrypted partitions (/, /var, /tmp, and swap) that are mounted at boot using the Alternate Installation Disc, and they all have the same password, but I have to type that password in 4 times when booting up. How do I make it so I only need to type in my password once?
I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 64bit, and I've got JACK and Pulseaudio both installed, though I don't run them simultaneously. I also have LinuxSampler and Rosegarden, and I have the necessary ALSA drivers. Pulseaudio can output to my external sound card, but JACK doesn't, even if I tell it to. I've seen its full name (Guitar Rig Mobile IO) and chosen it as the output device under Settings, but to no avail. It still sends the output to the internal (and crappy) sound card.
my internal sound card is used for videos and normal movie watching. second sound card m-audio connected to amplifier and speaker which is in living room. most of the time i need to use these sound card simultaneously. i want second sound card to be used with banshee or rhythom box to listen audio and keep the internal sound card for any other default audio usage
cant get both the Jamendo and Magnatune song libraries to load in Rythmbox. It loads one or the other (whichever I click on first) and then gets about 1/4 through on the one that I didnt load first. It then stays stuck at 1/4 until I restart Rythmbox. I have alternated loading both mutliples times, and still no luck.
I have a 24inch monitor and a LCD TV both connected to my graphic card, by HDMI for the TV and DVI for the monitor. Here's my problem: I would like GDM and Boxee to start simultaneously when I start my computer, Boxee displayed on my TV and GDM on my monitor. I made some research and I unfortunately did not found anything about starting a graphical software and GDM in parrallel (two separated DISPLAY). I have no particular attachment to GDM so if you think it would be easier to use the classic login prompt or another Display-Manager do not hesitate, The crux is to have an authentification system before accessing to Gnome and an detached Boxee running on my TV.
I just installed 10.10 and I'm having an issue where sound outputs from the headphones and my speakers simultaneously, and the volume control controls both outputs rather than one of them individually.This has been asked about before at this thread, but none of the solutions I've tried from there have worked. I tried installing linuxant, but it just killed my sound altogether despite uninstalling it afterward. I tried updating the Linux audio modules as per this page but to no avail.I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 (64-bit) on my own custom built desktop, which for what it's worth, contains this motherboard.
I have an onboard Realtek HD soundcard which I have 2 2.1 sound systems hooked into. The rear two speakers play audio simultaneously i.e running the terminal sound test "front left" and "front right" come out of both the rear speakers at the same time. I am running Ubuntu Natty Narwhal 11.04 with all of the latest updates. May be unrelated, but also there seems to be a very large amount of lag when playing system sounds. Takes a few seconds after the event has occurred for the associated sound to play.
Sun VBox host - Debian 5.0 VM - Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) gnome desktop rdesktop
Running rdesktop to connect the VM on the host connection can be established with VM desktop displayed on the host desktop. But there are 2 mouse pointers on VM desktop. It is difficult to control. One mouse pointer does not work but hanging there. 2 pointers moves simultaneously.
I have just tried XFCE4. Everything is cool except that when i select, let's say, 5 files on Desktop i can't move them simultaneously. I can move just one file. Is this normal behavior of XFCE?
Upgraded from v11 to 11.3Now when I'm using my voip application and open a ..... video the sound from both applications mixes. It seems also that I have less kmix control.
We are working on a project to create a display wall of 8 monitors arranged as 2 high by 4 wide. Each monitor is connected to a single machine and all machines are networked with a master machine with its own, seperate monitor.
Our goal is to get the 8 machines to share a single desktop, with the master machine acting as the server. We have looked at using Xinerama or NMM, but we are unsure about how to get started configuring the multi-machine, multi-head display.
The music I ripped with Sound Juicer, or ripped with VLC and tagged with EasyTag both have the same tag issues. The tags work great system-wide in Ubuntu, and if I drop the song on a data CD and put it in my Pioneer stereo, the tags work there, too. I can put the song on my Walkman and then copy it to another Ubuntu machine, and the tags work on the second machine, as well.
However, the Walkman lists the song as Unknown Song, Unknown Artist, Unknown Album. Further, if I transport the file into Windows, the Windows system doesn't recognize the tags, either.This begs the question, are there multiple tag formats?
how to take multiple snapshots with vlc like windows media player does? im talking about talking sequencial snapshots and saving them into a single .jpg or .png image.
May be out in left field here so bear with me . If i have two iso movie burns whose total gb data is 4.7 or under can both be burned to a single disk using K3b ? Not clear on whether to burn iso image in devede as two separate burns or combine as one iso image . If burned separately in devede don't see how to put both on same dvd when using K3b > video project . New to this so maybe "can't get there from here " .
Ok, for various (mostly security) reasons I was experimenting in running certain apps as a different user id (on Karmic).
I can get X to forward to my main session without a problem but I cannot get the sound to work. Sound works fine in my main session, but when I run sound as another user I get plenty of errors like:
PHP Code:
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
I am not a big linux GUI person, so I have rarely dealt with sound systems under Linux. What is the simplest way to get this to work in a relatively secure way? (I do realize that my security is already a bit compromised by allowing the secondary user access to X, but that can't be helped)
I would like to create AAC files using NeroAAC.I have directories of wav files I need to encode and I cannot figure out how to do this with the neroAacEnc command on the command line. The program will not accept neroAacEnc -if *.wav -of *.aac as a valid command, though FAAC, LAME and OggEnc will accept similar commands.I lack the coding skills to write a proper script for it. I'd just like to be able to type in a command and have an entire directory converted from wavs to aacs with the Nero codec. Is this possible? If not, can it be programmed? How?
so I'm enjoying the new Banshee grid list which is really great, but with just one problem. It displays multiple cover art, so I have a really lot of picture for just one album with various artists. I'd like there to be just one, can it be done?
I am running Ubuntu 10.04, my video card is an ATI Radeon HD3200. When I hook up my tv to my laptop via an HDMI cable, I am having an issue in the multiple desktop configuration. The audio and video work great in both the cloned desktop mode, and the multiple desktop mode (the extended displays cuts my laptop image in half though). However, when I am using multi-desktop, if I mouse over (or drag a window) from display one to display two, I can not bring my mouse back into the first display (it doesn't matter which display is which, tv or laptop)