Ubuntu :: Message "corrupted Low Memory Ffff880000006598"

Mar 25, 2011

I installed ubuntu 10.10 on my hp dv7 windows seven labtop. I installed ubuntu from within windows. It worked for a couple of months and then it came up with the message- corrupted low memory ffff880000006598. I have 4g of memory on my labtop and over 350gb of space free so this doesnt make sense.

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Hardware :: Why Getting (Run Out Of Memory) Message

May 20, 2010

I am running a linux machine on a PC which has 2 GB of RAM Installed. I run out of memory most of the time so I try to understand where memory goes.

caracus:/home/apa # free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1914 1839 74 0 8 319
-/+ buffers/cache: 1511 402
Swap: 2062 1955 107

top - 15:28:52 up 3 days, 7:22, 9 users, load average: 4.73, 5.60, 6.36
Tasks: 230 total, 4 running, 225 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie
Cpu(s): 26.5%us, 69.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 4.1%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1959936k total, 1885700k used, 74236k free, 9392k buffers
Swap: 2112508k total, 1999344k used, 113164k free, 338672k cached

1428 root 20 0 1684m 467m 2872 S 2 24.4 73:19.45 Xorg
18537 apa 20 0 883m 281m 35m S 8 14.7 45:02.24 firefox
3233 apa 20 0 876m 62m 13m S 0 3.3 4:08.47 thunderbird-bin
32635 apa 20 0 207m 57m 15m S 7 3.0 0:18.99 npviewer.bin
19068 apa 20 0 926m 55m 3508 S 0 2.9 0:23.85 MATLAB
32713 apa 20 0 782m 54m 13m S 0 2.9 0:04.60 java
3398 apa 20 0 671m 51m 4532 S 0 2.7 0:53.15 konqueror
3052 apa 20 0 604m 35m 10m S 0 1.8 3:10.46 plasma-desktop

Trying to understand the stats above? Perhaps then I could be able to blame something that consumes my memory.

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CentOS 5 :: Memory For Crash Kernel 0x0 To 0x0 Error Message

Jul 30, 2009

After CentOS5.3 install to /sdb7 partition (on 2nd HD) and using Ubuntu Grub(on 1st HD mbr) to boot CentOS, I get "memory for crash kernel 0x0 to 0x0 not within permissible range" as soon as CentOS starts. I have 2G of ram. The message is on every boot. I've had several other linuxes on that partition without such an error message. Otherwise the OS starts fine. Is the message of concern/import?

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Slackware :: Save Skype And Instant Message Logs To A Usb Memory Stick?

Apr 30, 2011

2 sets of skype logs on work PC (Windows) - and I forgot to take a copy when I finished the assignment - and on my own Slackware PC. Would be very useful to be able to have only one set (and same for instant message logs) on my usb memory stick. Is this possible?

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Ubuntu Installation :: DEVED Error 1 "corrupted Filesystem Tarfile - Corrupted Package Archive"

Jan 24, 2010

I'm COMPLETELY new to linux. I"m running Ubuntu 9.10 and TRYING to install Devede. I have tried the Terminal, Synaptic Manger, and the Add/Remove and still keep getting this same error. I'm running a regular 32 bit Pentium 3 process to test if I like Linux or not. this is what it says: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libavcodec-extra-52_4%3a0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu3_i386.deb: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive this is not a DUAL boot computer either.

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Debian :: What Is " 'name Of Packet.deb' Is Corrupted" - Watch List Of Corrupted Packets?

Aug 15, 2010

What is " 'name of packet.deb' is corrupted" ? How i do watch list of corrupted packets? How i do reinstall all corrupted packets?

OS: debian

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Fedora :: "out Of Memory" Message When Plot Certain Data

Aug 5, 2011

The current Octave 3.4.0 on Fedora 15 is giving me an "out of memory" message when I plot certain data. See example below. It depends on the range, and the particular function. Anyone else get this behaviour?


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Server :: Server Out Of Memory Message ?

Jul 17, 2011

One of my server is going down and it gives the messages (screenshot attached). This has happened twice and the server is running stable for the time being.

I wanted to know if we can determine what caused the Memory overusage. Is there some log files to check ?

Also is there some script that runs say every minute and determines which software is using maximum resources so that when the server crashes we know what caused it.

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General :: Ubuntu - Memory Full, Process Memory Usage Doesn't Add Up In Top?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a computer with 16GB of ram. At the moment, top shows all the RAM is taken, (NOT by cache), but the RAM used by the various processes is very far from 16GB.I have seen this problem several times, but I don't understand what is happening.My only remedy so far has been to reboot the machine.

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Ubuntu :: Memory Error When Installing Python - Cannot Allocate Memory

Apr 19, 2010

I get this error when I run "sudo apt-get install python-software-properties"

Preconfiguring packages ...
dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:
fork failed: Cannot allocate memory
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)

I'm trying to install deluge via ssh and my vps has 512mb ram and is only using 11% of it prior to running the code.

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Ubuntu :: Memory Leak / Some Process Eating All Memory

Jan 29, 2011

I have had a fresh install of Ubuntu 9.10 and installed some software after that.Since third some, some process is eating half of my memory.I have checked processes running in system manager but everything is normal.Maximum is consumed by compiz which is about 26 mb, seems very normal.I did restarted my computer several times, and in the start for 5 mins, its fine after that again my cpu fans runs at very fast speed and my one cpu is used up 95 % (I have dual core).Please help me out, this invisible thing is driving me crazy.I am attaching my htop screen shot (sorted by cpu %), now the cpu is not used by completely but fan is still struggling hard and fast.

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General :: Application Virtual Address Space Memory Allocation - Memory Does Not Get Free

Apr 20, 2010

I am using malloc and frees a lot in my program. It shows its allocated but when i remove it doesnt show as the memory is removed(I am using the top command to view VIRT memory usage). If this continously grows what would happen to my program (Will it go out of memory?)

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Fedora Hardware :: Checking Computer Memory - Specification Shows 2 GB Of Memory Instead Of GB

Feb 7, 2011

Fedora 14 xfce
HP Mini 210

I am looking to buy some memory for my netbook. Currently I have 1 GB of DDR3 memory. However, the specification says that 2 GB of memory is the max. However, when I do the following it says that 4GB is the max:


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Server :: Clear Cache Memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) As It Consumes Almost 100% Physical Memory?

Jan 11, 2010

let me know how to clear cache memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) as it consumes almost 100% physical memory.

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Software :: Free Database That Has Low Memory Usage And Innodb And Memory Like Engin

May 3, 2011

I am looking for free database that has low memory usage and innodb and memory like engins that has C API and support trigger and client/server support for using in embedded linux systems.

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Programming :: Memory Leaks - Glibc Detected - ./SuffixTree: Malloc() - Memory Corruption - 0x00

Mar 21, 2011

I am new to C and linux. My code below does arbitary writes but I cant figure out where or how it does it.

I am calling the insertNode() function with seq = 'MISSISSPPI$' and alphabets = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$'


Weird behaviour I should mention is that when I check for NULL pointer in node->child[index], the unassigned values are not null anymore, they point to arbitary memory.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Virtual Memory / Resident Memory Of Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we found that if we use 'top' to show the memory usage of a server (SuSe Linux 10), we can get virtual memory usage as well as 'Resident memory' usage. For virtual mem or a particular process, it is around 1.1GB, which is large but for resident memory, it only consumes 300MB. Are there anyone who knows what the differences are? I would also like to know whether the difference (1.1GB - 300MB) = 800MB are actually available for use by other applications in the system.

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Programming :: Write A Script That Can Show Me Total Memory Vs Used Memory?

Apr 13, 2010

How do I write a script for my Linux that can show me total memory vs used memory and have it email me results if it's over 70 percent?

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Hardware :: Why Dmesg / Grep Memory Gives Two Different Physical Memory Amounts

Oct 20, 2010

I am monitoring physical memory in a server I administer, and my hardware provider told me they had increased physical memory size to 4Gb... However, using several tools (free -m; top; dmesg | grep Memory; grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo I discovered that I actually have 3Gb, not 4... But, my doubt comes from the fact that dmesg | grem Memory tells me I have 3103396k/4194304k available The first number is effectively 3Gb, but the second one, is 4! so, why I am looking at this two different numbers?

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Software :: Accessing Memory Address Outside Standard Memory

Nov 22, 2009

I am writing an application that wants to access periphals registers outside the standard (allowed) memory area.

Doing so gets me "segmentation fault".

I know, this is natural behaviour.

One way of getting around this is writing the module which has to be loaded by linux. I will consider this some time later.

For now, I want to come to some quick result and allow linux or gcc compiler to write to those memory areas of periphals. Is there a direct way to do so?

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Programming :: SHM Memory Counted As Cache Memory With Kernel 2.6.18?

Aug 25, 2010

Is that possible that SHM shared memory is counted as cache memory on Linux with kernel 2.6.18?If find it really odd since this memory is not file backed, but I have a piece of code that loads data using shm_open+mmap, and it generates an amount of cache memory in /proc/meminfo that corresponds exactly to the amount of shared memory (I load that data from a file but I am using posix_fadvise(fd,0,0,POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) to ensure this file is not cached and I made sure that it is working as expected). As far as I know SHM memory was not tagged as cache memory with kernel 2.6.9.If it is the case it is really unfortunate since normally cache memory can be considered to be part of the "available" memory since it can be flushed promptly but this is clearly not the case with SHM memory... Is there an easy way to get the total amount of used SHM memory on a system?

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Ubuntu :: Error Message: Unable To Retrieve Message

Dec 31, 2010

Using IMAP to retrieve emails in Evolution is not working correctly. Some messages are recieved, others are not. Those messages that cannot be recieved, reports the following error message: Unable to retrieve message

Running the following;

evolution 2.28.3-0ubuntu10
Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS

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General :: Memory Corruption Detected In Low Memory

Aug 22, 2010

This is my first post in these forums. I'm still quite new to Linux (using Mint 9) so please bear with my not-very-articulate question(s)When I boot up and open up a tty terminal I get a message saying "Memory corruption detected in low memory." I've done an extensive google search about the issue and it seems not uncommon. I ran a memtest with no errors returned, so I'm sure that there's nothing really wrong with the memory; apparently it's a bug in the kernel that's causing this.

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General :: Top Used Memory Versus Ps Processes Memory

Jan 17, 2010

I found from command 'top' that 8GB memory are used. However, using command 'ps' with some options to grep the running processes and then summing up the memory used by the running processes are less than 2 GB. Where has the used memory gone ?

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Server :: SFTP Memory Error / Getting An Out Of Memory?

Jan 8, 2011

I have been setting up a vps I got out with bhost.net, with CentOS installed. I've been learning and have set up everying I need with the exception of ftp/sftp.

Using yum I installed vsftpd and ran into problems, thinking it was something I might of done I did a fresh install of CentOS and I still recieve the same problem on a fresh install so it is nothing I have done to the server.

The problem is when connecting via a sftp client I get an out of memory error. This error is listed in the putty faq ( url ) under A.7.5, there is a brief explaintion of the cure under A.7.6.

there is mention of a login script but I don't know where this is located. I'm a novice at Linux but by no means incompotent when it comes to computing.

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Fedora Security :: Send An Email Using Evolution The Message Was Not Sent But Returns A Error Message?

Apr 30, 2009

Hi I am running a fedora 10 desktop. when i send an email using evolution the message was not sent but returns a error message:"Error while performing operation.DATA command failedError: 550 Viagra SPAM - Hi in Subject" and the message did not have an attachment just plain words. what might have gone wrong for i have been using this for sometime without a problem. or what security measures should be in place to remove this viagra spamAm I infected by virus on this fedora, all my updates are up to date.

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OpenSUSE :: Click On Install Get The Following Error>>Message Did Not Receive A Reply (timeout By Message Bus)?

Nov 10, 2010

Im trying to instal Sun Virtualbox but when download completes and I click on install I get the following error>>Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus) I wont even bother with this software if there are others out there that are as easy to use. I used it on Windows and thought it was great ! (thats how I eventually switched to Linux, by using it virtually at first)

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Kernel :: Use Message Queues For Sending Message?

Apr 16, 2010

I was trying to use Message Queues for sending message from aninserted kernel module to user space. The function sys_msgsnd failedgiving the obvious error -EFAULT.However, I was able to send the message from kernel to user space when I had made the same driver part of kernel (and not inserting it).How is that possible?I am using linux.2.6.19.x (arch=ppc)I now use Netlink socket to communicate from kernel to user, but the aboveproblem seemed strange to me.

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Server :: Having A Query Regarding Top And Virtual Memory - VIRT Mem More Than Actual Available VIRT Memory

May 4, 2010

I have a query regarding top & virtual memory. When we run top it show VIRT (Virtual Mem), RES (Resident Mem) & SHR (Shared Memory). The total virtual memory of my machine is 4 GBs (2 GB RAM + 2 GB Swap), but still I am able to see a process showing 4000m virtual memory column. what it means, as its show VIRT Mem more than actual available VIRT memory

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Ubuntu :: Ntfs3g Corrupted NTFS MFT?

Jan 4, 2010

I don't usually post scary post titles, but i'm a little desperate. I apologise for the bad grammar and flow of this message, i'm blaming it on this tiny netbook.Summary: Linux crashed, corrupting only the NTFS partition, the mft isn't recoverable with CHKDSK and tesgetdataback on windows sees the partition with all of it's files.Question: If getdataback can see all the files it must be able to see the mft. Is there a way to rebuild the mft?Long winded version:So I was running 9.10 64bit and was accessing a NTFS partition made by Vista.I was extracting a 7z. archive when the computer became unresponsive. Ctrl Alt Backspace didn't work, alt ctrl f1 worked but i couldn't login so couldn't halt the system. I waited 5 min and turned off the computer. 4 seconds on the power button.

When the computer restarted all the partitions were fine except the NTFS partition. 9.10 couldn't mount the partition, saying CHKDSK needed to be run. Booting into Vista, I get a black screen with a cursor flashing on the top left. Booting into recovery I ran CHKDSK /f /r c: which came back with something like "mft corrupt, couldn't recover aborted".I then got back into 9.10 and tried testdisk. When attempting to do anything with the partition, it crashed with MFTSegmentation fault. Getting desperate, I tried to dd the partition onto a nas but at 30 gb the computer got really slow so I aborted that. {I don't have a hdd large enough on the computer}.

I then unplugged the hdd and plugged it into another computer, using sata. Linux doesn't have any advanced recovery tools for ntfs so i used getdataback on vista. This sees all of the files but I can't find a way to recover the MFT.I haven't lost any files but wouldn't mind restoring the mft. Is there a way of doing thisRant:WTF. Ubuntu 9.10 comes with ntfs3g as default? It should be safe to use. Windows has crashed many times but hasn't taken down the mft.Reading more about this, an MFT getting corrupted should never really happen other than if the disk is physically defected.

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