Server :: Server Out Of Memory Message ?

Jul 17, 2011

One of my server is going down and it gives the messages (screenshot attached). This has happened twice and the server is running stable for the time being.

I wanted to know if we can determine what caused the Memory overusage. Is there some log files to check ?

Also is there some script that runs say every minute and determines which software is using maximum resources so that when the server crashes we know what caused it.

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Server :: Clear Cache Memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) As It Consumes Almost 100% Physical Memory?

Jan 11, 2010

let me know how to clear cache memory ( RHEL 5.1 ) as it consumes almost 100% physical memory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: No X Server And No VNC (old HP Office Pc) At The Moment Memory Usage Is Only 40Mb Without X Server?

Feb 2, 2010

Last weekend i've set up my first headless ubuntu home file server and torrent downloader with ubuntu 9.10.Very cool but CPU is way too fast for a home server: P4 HT 2.8Ghz, unfortunatly it has only 256Mb of ram, so no X server and no VNC (old HP office pc) At the moment memory usage is only 40Mb without X server. Besides SSH works just fine Few questions i can't seem to find answers to on google:What is a good CL network monitoring program?mething similar to htopUbuntu 9.10 has a lot, about 20-30, console-kit deamon instanses running after boot each using some memory that i can't spare.

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Server :: Memory Peak Caused Server Crash - Data Interpretation?

Dec 16, 2010

Last week my server crashed. I'm trying to diagnose the cause.

This is the relevant error message in /var/log/messages:


I'm assuming that I can conclude, then, that apache/httpd was the cause of the memory leak?

Next, I've been tracking my memory usage. Using top, this is an average memory load level for my server:


I'd like to confirm if my understanding of this data is correct, because Plesk indicates that my memory usage is only 50% or less. (Though I have read a number of reports indicating that Plesk's measurements are frequently wrong.)

Top says: Of the 2,073,156K total memory, 1,982,572K (95.63%) is being used, 90,584K (4.37%) is free. Of that sum, 421,948K (20.35%) are being used as buffers. Additionally, of the 2,096,472K of Swap, 60K is used, and 887,700K (42.34%) is cached.

My questions: Is my memory actually being 95% used? Or is the buffered quantity (20.35%) not a use of physical/virtual memory? (i.e. is it disk usage?) Does the amount of cached Swap influence the percentage of physical/virtual memory being used?

In other words, who is correct? Plesk says I'm using 40-50% of my memory, whereas top says 85-95%.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Virtual Memory / Resident Memory Of Server?

Feb 3, 2010

we found that if we use 'top' to show the memory usage of a server (SuSe Linux 10), we can get virtual memory usage as well as 'Resident memory' usage. For virtual mem or a particular process, it is around 1.1GB, which is large but for resident memory, it only consumes 300MB. Are there anyone who knows what the differences are? I would also like to know whether the difference (1.1GB - 300MB) = 800MB are actually available for use by other applications in the system.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Httpd Out Of Memory Crashes Server?

Sep 11, 2009

My server keeps freezing up requiring a hard reboot.

CentOS release 5.3 (Final)


Here is the error in /var/log/message

Sep 11 00:16:20 localhost kernel: httpd invoked oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x201d2, order=0, oomkilladj=0
Sep 11 00:19:14 localhost kernel: [<c0459e7d>] out_of_memory+0x72/0x1a5
Sep 11 00:19:14 localhost kernel: [<c045b352>] __alloc_pages+0x216/0x297
Sep 11 00:19:14 localhost kernel: [<c045c5bf>] __do_page_cache_readahead+0xc4/0x1c6
Sep 11 00:19:14 localhost kernel: [<c0436d9a>] ktime_get_ts+0x16/0x44


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CentOS 5 Server :: Put A MySQL Database In A Server's Memory?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm looking for a way to put a MySQL database in a server's memory. The disks aren't fast enough to keep up with the usage and I don't feel like going for a splitted web&db server yet because of the costs.

Because this involves risks (unless there's a way to read from the memory and write to the memory AND disks?), so I'd prefer that the DB gets copied automatically every hour or so to the local disks.

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Server :: SFTP Memory Error / Getting An Out Of Memory?

Jan 8, 2011

I have been setting up a vps I got out with, with CentOS installed. I've been learning and have set up everying I need with the exception of ftp/sftp.

Using yum I installed vsftpd and ran into problems, thinking it was something I might of done I did a fresh install of CentOS and I still recieve the same problem on a fresh install so it is nothing I have done to the server.

The problem is when connecting via a sftp client I get an out of memory error. This error is listed in the putty faq ( url ) under A.7.5, there is a brief explaintion of the cure under A.7.6.

there is mention of a login script but I don't know where this is located. I'm a novice at Linux but by no means incompotent when it comes to computing.

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Server :: Memory - GNOME Or KDE Installed On Their Server

Jul 3, 2010

Wondering if most people have GNOME or KDE installed on their server, and how much memory do these guys consumed.

I have been running a VPS website with only 256MB of RAM fine, though memory does appear to be a bottleneck at times. So got a new server with 1GB RAM but I'm surprised to see after installing CentOS 64-bit with GNOME the memory consumption varies between 600MB-1GB.

The only difference is I've never had used any GUI desktop on the VPS (don't think the hosting company offers one). Wondering if the memory consumption came entirely from the GNOME desktop I installed.

Would most people install with GNOME, configure all the stuff required, and then remove it?

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Server :: Web Server Went Down - Error Message Apache ?

Jan 10, 2011

Our websever, Linux Debian with mysql, apache2, php 5 went down this saturday. Now this monday morning i must find out why this happend. I am loooking for the the correct log files. We know that the server was available by using ping so it is (was) an application failure. We know that the our apache support team had changed the php to improve performance to apc.shm_size=192M (a couple a weeks ago) because couple a weeks ago we got a "Unable to allocate memory for pool" error message. Our server is running on a Vmware Server version 3 as virtual machine with sufficiente CPU and RAM resources. Where and which log files must be checked to avoid future downtimes.

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Ubuntu Installation :: After Re-installing Mysql-server-5.1 - Giving Error Message At End Of Installation When Trying To Start Server

Mar 3, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS - the Lucid Lynx.

I have reinstalled mysql-server-5.1 using the command "sudo apt-get --reinstall install mysql-server-5.1".

But its giving error message at the end of installation when its trying to start the server.

The error message is as follows.

When i tried to start the server after the installation, i get this error message

Note : The file "/etc/mysql/my.cnf" is empty.

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Server :: VNCServer Error Message Saying "Starting VNC Server: No Displays Configured"

Jun 3, 2010

When I start the vncserver process, I get a message saying "Starting VNC server: no displays configured." I edited the /root/.vnc/xstartup file and changed twm & to say "gnome-session &" (Without quotes). Not sure why I am still seeing this error. It's CentOS 5.4.

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Server :: Having A Query Regarding Top And Virtual Memory - VIRT Mem More Than Actual Available VIRT Memory

May 4, 2010

I have a query regarding top & virtual memory. When we run top it show VIRT (Virtual Mem), RES (Resident Mem) & SHR (Shared Memory). The total virtual memory of my machine is 4 GBs (2 GB RAM + 2 GB Swap), but still I am able to see a process showing 4000m virtual memory column. what it means, as its show VIRT Mem more than actual available VIRT memory

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Ubuntu :: To Much Memory Use Server

May 30, 2010

I install Ubuntu Server Lucid , Lamp 5200+ DualCore , 2GBmem etc . + Install Gnome Interface not all only strict necessary! On top kill almost process! It use 90% memory On Desktop Edition works fine all on Server normally whiteout X11 must be work fastest - here is lower !(I install few times is not bad installation)

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CentOS 5 Server :: Recover Memory From The Xen?

Jul 28, 2010

I have xen kernel on a 5.4_64 though it seems to have always done this regardless of version. When I add a virt the control set shows the total machine memory minus what I just allocated to the new virt. This also shows up in the system monitor as total available ram. Problem arises in deleting and making new virts. The memory never reappears as usable after deleting virts. So now after testing several different setups I'm down to 1.4 gigs showing available on the dom0. What can I do to recover this lost memory? I've searched, read, looked every where I could think of and there just doesn't seem to be any information about deleting virts only adding them.

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General :: Find Out How Much Memory My Server Has?

Aug 15, 2010

how can i find out how much memory my server has?

i am running centOS 5

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Server :: CentOS - Apache Using Lot Of Memory And CPU

Jul 30, 2011

I have a web server with the specs below and my apache server is being a hog using all my RAM 7gigs or 8gigs of ram. When there is a rush of traffic at once my whole server crashes and I have to reboot apache. The way my site is set up I have a tube script and I use the tube script to host videos on my forum I have 1000 videos on the tube script. I brought a bigger server and more ram because of the down time I been having . I am really trying to figure out why its crashing and using so much ram. I installed eAccelerator didn't seem to help with the apache server.

Intel Quad Core Xeon X3430 (4 x 2.40 GHz, 8MB Cache)
> 2-bay Supermicro Chassis and Motherboard
> 8 GB REG ECC DDR3 (twice your current setup)
> 250 GB Enterprise Grade SATA II
> 10 TB Bandwidth 1gig Uplink Port
> CentOS 64 Bit (Latest Stable)

TOP Command and free -m command screenshots are attached this is with only 160 people online at once

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Server :: Committed Memory Keep On Increasing

Aug 23, 2010

I got a legacy server, and through munin I notice that periodically commited memory keep on increasing. The chart looks like a spiky sine graph, but every cycle it increase both max and minimum. After few days it will go over my physical memory it will keep on growing until the machine crash... Usually I reset the memory by rebooting the machine which is not a solution at all. Is there any way to know what process(es) that took the committed memory? Is there any way to release the committed memory without rebooting the machine? Is there any way to cure my machine from this disease? as an information, I'm using CENTOS 5.5 i686, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+ this is what I get from /proc/meminfo

MemTotal: 3499776 kB
CommitLimit: 10023760 kB


Committed_AS: 3972804 kB
which is bigger than my MemTotal

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Server :: Does RES In Top Reflect Any Shared Memory?

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to troubleshoot an Apache/Mysql server that once every few days falls over due to memory starvation. I thought I had tuned my httpd.conf file with relativley small MaxClients and so on, but then noticed some unusual RES values in top while monitoring.

In short, `top -b -n1 -u apache` shows that I have 28 httpd processes. their VIRT is ~300MB for each process (I understand this is shared), and the RES ~50MB for each. I thought this wasn't shared. Is this true? I just noticed 2 of the processes jump to 1.2g. If RES represents non-shared memory then concievably 1.2g x 28 processes would be a problem on an 8GB server.

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Server :: Stop Someone Eating All The Memory?

Apr 17, 2011

If I have a centos linux server, how can I stop a user on the server from eating all the memory and swap space memory, maybe due to a poorly written script, infinite loop etc?

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Server :: Java Uses More Than The Allocated Memory?

Aug 18, 2010

I am still confused about the memory issues. i have allocated JAVA_OPTS='-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xms512M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M' think that it means that i have allocate java to use only 512mb of my memory. but when i run top here is my output.

15932 root 23 0 1495m 1.2g 3732 S 12.0 36.0 121:52.98 java
5070 postgres 15 0 55392 39m 35m R 11.6 1.2 0:51.61 postmaster


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Server :: OEL 5.5 And Oracle Low Decrease Of Memory?

May 13, 2011

I have an issue with few servers. All have OEL 5.5 and various versions of oracle (mainly 10g something).

I've noticed on one machine that amount of free memory is slowly decreasing. When it comes to less then 30M, application has problems. Ive tried adding mem on this machine (virtual), and it behaves the same.

The same is on physical machines I have simmilar, if not the same config. Variations are with physical memory installed, and it does not matter if servers have 2G, or 8G, free -m gives around 30 free

It does not swap, and does not make some big issues on other machines, but on this one, application that uses this DB timeouts the user. Is there some chance to check what is creating this issue?

P.S. I've tried with DB admin to check something related to oracle itself, bit when we shutdown instance, Oracle frees 1.5G allocated to him, but nothing else. Will try testimg a bit more, but any thought on this is usefull. This is production server, so no big issues can be done. Will try to copy it to other hardware and do some testing, but then no App server available to attack it.

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Hardware :: Why Getting (Run Out Of Memory) Message

May 20, 2010

I am running a linux machine on a PC which has 2 GB of RAM Installed. I run out of memory most of the time so I try to understand where memory goes.

caracus:/home/apa # free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1914 1839 74 0 8 319
-/+ buffers/cache: 1511 402
Swap: 2062 1955 107

top - 15:28:52 up 3 days, 7:22, 9 users, load average: 4.73, 5.60, 6.36
Tasks: 230 total, 4 running, 225 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie
Cpu(s): 26.5%us, 69.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 4.1%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 1959936k total, 1885700k used, 74236k free, 9392k buffers
Swap: 2112508k total, 1999344k used, 113164k free, 338672k cached

1428 root 20 0 1684m 467m 2872 S 2 24.4 73:19.45 Xorg
18537 apa 20 0 883m 281m 35m S 8 14.7 45:02.24 firefox
3233 apa 20 0 876m 62m 13m S 0 3.3 4:08.47 thunderbird-bin
32635 apa 20 0 207m 57m 15m S 7 3.0 0:18.99 npviewer.bin
19068 apa 20 0 926m 55m 3508 S 0 2.9 0:23.85 MATLAB
32713 apa 20 0 782m 54m 13m S 0 2.9 0:04.60 java
3398 apa 20 0 671m 51m 4532 S 0 2.7 0:53.15 konqueror
3052 apa 20 0 604m 35m 10m S 0 1.8 3:10.46 plasma-desktop

Trying to understand the stats above? Perhaps then I could be able to blame something that consumes my memory.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Server Memory Required

Oct 29, 2010

I have many documents that indicate many different min requirements for drive memory. Will someone give me an idea for the following...Ubuntu 10.10 server running SSH and Samba what would be the memory requirements, recommended as opposed to min, for partitions as follows:
/ -- root
/home -- as a separate partition
/boot -- as a separate partition (do I really need a separate boot)
swap my RAM is 768mg so 1 gig should be good

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General :: Test Memory DIMMs For A Server?

May 16, 2011

I need to check if my DIMMs are working fine on my server.

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General :: Memory Leak Whenever Try To Connect The Server Using The ()?

Jun 3, 2010

I am facing problem of Memory leak whenever i try to connect the Server using the ().getting rid of this problem.

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Server :: Bind Memory Usage Keeps Increasing?

Jun 14, 2011

I'm running a recursive DNS server on Ubuntu Server 10.04 64bits and Bind 9.7.0-p1 and having issues with memory usage. The named process memory usage keeps increasing from about 500Mb to 4Gig inside of a couple of weeks. If I don't restart Bind in the mean time the swap fills and performance gets very bad.

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Server :: Can't Figure Out Which Processes Are Eating Memory

Nov 6, 2010

I'm running several SHOUTcast server instances and a WowzaMediaServer instance on a CentOS machine. I'm experiencing a memory leak problem, but I can't figure out which processes are eating memory.

TOP command reports as follows:


Something misterious to me (I'm still a Linux newbie) is that TOP reports a total of 7.5GB used ram but very small percentage for single process (0-1%). Memory consumption starts at 1GB/8GB after reboot and in three days running gradually increases up to 8GB. I'm practising with Linux, but I still miss a lot to understand what's happening on my system. For instance, are there linux kernel logs saved somewhere that I can look at?

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Server :: Calculate Memory Available If Needed On A System?

Jul 16, 2010

I have set swappiness to 0:

# sysctl vm.swappiness
vm.swappiness = 0

According to various sources, this should mean that applications have priority over file chaches, and swap should only be used when the applications themselves need more memory than is physically available. So I naively took the value free provides in the '-/+ buffers/cache' line as 'free' as the amount of memory to be available on the server. Unfortunately this is not even close to true: On a server with 20GB RAM, memory utilization by this measure never reached 50%, yet the system swaps.

I then figured out that I could use 'sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches' to drop cached stuff. I was very surprised to still have 12.5 GB cached data after doing that. I am figuring that it's those 12.5 GB which force the system to start swapping. I also tried to use /proc/meminfo to figure out how that cached memory is used (by comparing its content before and after dropping caches). However, I don't see the correlation between the numbers provided there and what part of the cache can be dropped.

The closest match seems to be the 'Mapped' line, which was 10GB. I am pretty sure that being mmapped keeps the kernel from dropping cache. However, the value is 2.5 GB less than the cache which can't be dropped. So it is not the whole answer. What I am looking for is some way to determine how much memory the kernel could provide by dropping stuff if he needs to because of memory pressure. Is there maybe a way to simulate drop_caches without actually doing so?

The amount of potentially available memory does not have to be scientifically correct, but the number should at least be always in the right ballpark, which right now, it ain't... The point here is that it's a productive system. Sy doing stuff like dropping caches or filling memory until the system starts to swap is not a permanent solution to figure out the value. By the way, it turned out that postgres was the culprit in this concrete case, stopping it made dropping all caches possible, but that does not answer the general question of how to estimate available memory...

1. Is my assumption correct that I can subtract 'Mapped' from the freeable cache memory completely?

2. Where could the other 2.5 GB be used?

3. Is there a way to get a better guess of how much memory the system can free if necessary, before swap has to be used?

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Server :: Debug Out-of-memory Error After The Fact?

Jun 22, 2010

Last night a RHEL server in our cluster unexpectedly ran out of memory and became unable to perform its purpose. I say unexpectedly, because it had been purring away for ~385 days of uptime without a twitch. It has 16GB of memory, of which on average 2GB are in use. I see no unusual traffic in e.g. HTTPD log files. how to approach tracking down why this might have happened, with a view to preventing a reoccurrence.

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