Ubuntu :: Launching The Configuration Editor?

May 5, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 through VMware Fusion. Works great. What I would like to do is add the Configuration editor to my Applications menu and I would also like to be able to edit and modify the Applications menu. How can I do this?I tried alt-F2 to launch the editor but it didn't work. What can I do?

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Ubuntu :: Clock_screen0 Not Shown In Configuration Editor?

Feb 21, 2010

I accidentally deleted my upper panel and I had to restore it. However, when I decided to custom my time and date format using configuration editor (gconf-editor) through apps>panel>clock_screen0, the clock_screen0 folder is missing. Only several folders entitled applets with corresponding numbers are shown.

I once was able to customize it so now I'm really confused why it disappeared.

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Ubuntu :: Write A Shell Script To Run The Configuration Of Vim Editor?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a question, tried to search on the Internet but it is hopeless. I want to write a shell script(bashShell) that will run commands of configuration for vim editor.For example: in the script, it will run ":let", ":set", ":highlight" to configure for vim editor. In addition to, when I searched a pattern and wrote it to file,ed vi to open it automatically. But, I couldn't highlight a word(that is the pattern I'm searching) in vim automatically

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Fedora :: Rhythmbox Configuration Missing From Gconf-editor / Fix This?

Aug 21, 2011

I recently installed this awesome distribution - Fedora 15 x64 because of the Gnome 3. I love it. But i have problem with adding music library folders to rhythmbox. I' ve been using gconf-editor for that on all debian based distributons i worked until this. I installed gconf-editor 3.0.0-2 but cannot find the entry for rhythmbox player. Can you tell me how to fix this ?

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General :: Configuration File For Vi Or Vim Editor For Syntax Highlighting?

Sep 10, 2010

On this Red Hat Box that I am using there is no .vimrc file for the user root. So, I created one and entered only one line to highlight syntax with colors when I am writing scripts in PHP and Bash. But it is not working.

[root@localhost ~]# cat ~/.vimrc
syntax on


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Debian Configuration :: WYSIWYG Editor For Elog Not Working In Jessie

Oct 21, 2015

I installed elog 2.9.2+2014.05.11git44800a72 on my Jessie system. When entering a new post just a simple plain text editing box is shown instead of the WYSIWYG editor, and no drag and drop area for attachments is shown. When I start the elog service with "systemctl start elog" I get this suspect message in the journal: "FCKedit NOT detected".

Indeed, I see that the elog installation creates a symlink which I guess is supposed to point to the fckeditor installation, which nevertheless is missing:

Code: Select allroot@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll fckeditor
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Oct 25  2014 fckeditor -> ../../fckeditor
root@static-3-080:/usr/share/elog/scripts# ll ../../fckeditor
ls: cannot access ../../fckeditor: No such file or directory

I installed ckeditor 4.4.4+dfsg1-3 but his did not fix the problem. I'd say that either the elog package is broken or that it misses a dependency on a package providing FCKedit. Or maybe my system is misconfigured?

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Debian Configuration :: Change Default Editor In Live Usb-hdd Creation?

Apr 29, 2011

Howto change default editor by live usb-hdd creation? Normally, I can change from the command line:# update-alternatives --config editorbut howto put it into live config?

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Ubuntu :: Text Editor Column Editor And Regex Search/replace, Incrementing Number Insert?

Jul 25, 2011

On windows I really only used Notepad++ as my text editor, it had two features that I loved.What I need to accomplish is what I would do with Notepad++ column editor.I could have like 100 lines, and place the cursor at a column, and goto edit>column editor, and I could insert an incrementing number. (I could also pad the incrementing number with 0s, this was GREAT for making batch files among other things.)So each line at that column had a number higher than the previous line.The other feature that I used sometimes was a search/replace with regex patterns.Does anyone know of an editor that has those features for linux? I am mostly after the column editor insert feature but if you know of one with both features that would rock.

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General :: Default Editor Can Be Changed In Redhat To Different Editor?

Mar 10, 2011

How default editor can be changed in redhat linux to different editor.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Stop Gde Launching On Startup

Jan 15, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 (I installed server then installed the desktop packages) I have tried "sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove" I have also tried creating an inittab file in /etc with the line id:3:initdefault

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Ubuntu :: Launching Link In Browser

Mar 31, 2010

I'm using Mozilla's new Mail. Shredder 3.0.5 Pre. I want to open a link in a mail message using my browser and it's asking to choose an Application. My question is.. Where do I find the executable file for Firefox, and what is the file name? I've searched all over my file system for it. Better yet, is there a way to search for the file location using the term?

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Ubuntu :: Launching Firefox At Startup?

Nov 8, 2010

I just upgraded to 10.10 and I was previously able to run the following command in startup applications preferences menu "command" box to have firefox launch around the time that my wireless card came up:

sleep 20; firefox

For some reason this doesn't work anymore. I can run the command from the terminal and it works fine. Is there something that I'm missing?

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Ubuntu :: VLC Keep Launching Drives Whenever Try To Open Them?

Nov 17, 2010

I used VLC to open a .iso image and now whenever I try to open anything from the places menu it launches, trying to reproduce them

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Maverick Startupmanager Not Launching?

Dec 12, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat onto a USB stick. Booting up is fun but it does come up with a load of text and a blue menu screen that hangs around for 5 seconds and then loads up ok.

My challenge is to somehow customise the boot up process. For one I'd like to customise the options that are presented on the initial blue menu boot up screen and possibly to not show the back ground text that presents during the start up process.

I've googles about a bit and am aware that I need to be using startupmanager as the GUI customisation tool of choice. The trouble is that after installation startupmanager doesn't launch.

This is what I've done so far:

1. gone to [URL] and downloaded the startupmanager (1.9.13-5) version of the package.

2. gone to [URL] and downloaded the menu 2.1.44ubuntu1 as looking at the the pre-requisites for startupmanager this was the only one not already installed.

3. from a terminal window executed sudo dpkg -i <the previously downloaded startupmanager package>

4. from a terminal window executed sudo dpkg -i <the previously downloaded menu package>

5. Tried to launch it from the systemadministration menu. Nothing obvious happened.

6. Created a shortcut of the startupmanager shortcut on the desktop and viewed the properties.

7. opened up a terminal windows and launch command su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/startupmanager which was originall shown within the startupmanager properties of the shortcut.

From this last terminal command I get the output as follows:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ su-to-root -X -c /usr/sbin/startupmanager
Grub2 detected
Usplash not detected
Splashy not detected


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Ubuntu :: Launching Programme At Start

Dec 31, 2010

I've written a simple program in C++ that I want the system to launch each time I turn the ubuntu system on. Any idea how to do this?(I'm not an expert either so please be explicit )

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Ubuntu :: Vuze Not Launching In Natty?

Mar 7, 2011

i was using ubuntu 10.10 and vuze as the default bit-torrent client. I upgraded to natty alpha 3 a couple of days ago and after that vuze doesn't even launch...i don't see any errors, when you click on the icon absolutely nothing happens. I tried removing vuze and then installing it again,

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Ubuntu :: Unity Not Launching On Startup?

Jun 21, 2011

I recently recovered Unity after purging the Gnome3 PPA and running a dist upgrade again back to Unity. My problem now is that when I boot into Unity, all I get is the desktop, background and a cursor. I can click on and launch any apps that happen to be on the desktop, but I can't see the unity launch bar, or the action menu, or the top panel - which leads me to believe Unity isn't actually launching. The theory is further supported by the fact that if I launch Unity manually in a terminal ("unity") - it launches, after a brief loading period, and works perfectly. How can I make this happen automatically again?

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Ubuntu :: Freezes When Launching Netbeans?

Sep 1, 2011

When I launch Netbeans the splash screen comes up fine, but when the loading bar gets to the "starting modules" phase the Desktop freezes up. Also sometimes nautilus causes the same kind of lockup.

I really like to know how to fix this.

it also freezes when using xmacro

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Ubuntu Servers :: Launching Applications From A SSH Session?

Mar 8, 2010

I want to start applications from an SSH connection, and close the connection, without the applications I've started closing with it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Tools Not Launching ?

Mar 25, 2010

I did this --> [url]

My computer says the driver is installed and the device is present. All of that went fine. Now I need to connect my card to my house's wireless network. Am I supposed to do that in System-->Administration-->Network Tools? The problem is that whenever I click on network tools, the application looks like it is going to start-up and then quits/crashes/runs away, whatever. Any ideas on what is causing this?

Okay, I tried launching from the terminal, here is what I got:


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Ubuntu Installation :: MATLAB Not Launching - Flashes Only

Apr 23, 2010

I have installed matlab 7.9 in ubuntu 9.10. I tried to launch it on the desktop using launcher. But as I double click on it it flashes but its not opening. After seeing previous posts somewhere it is given that matlab-desktop should be used. But I am not clear where to use it. How to create a desktop icon for matlab. It got solved by adding -desktop at the end of command.

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Ubuntu :: Wine Blocking MSI File From Launching

Jul 4, 2010

I've been able to run *.*msi files in the past through WINE. Apparently the latest version of Ubuntu is blocking the action of launching my *.*msi file. Any way of unblocking this? Uploaded with ImageShack.us. BTW, the app I'm trying to install is Steam.exe.

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Ubuntu :: Stop Scanner Launching Xsane?

Dec 12, 2010

Whenever I switch on my scanner (Epson V200) then it launches Xsane automatically.
Now I know Xsane is wonderful, but often I want to use Epson's iscan instead, and for other users I prefer Simple Scan. Another thread would be a good place to discuss the reasons.

So I would like to stop my scanner launching anything when switched on.

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Ubuntu :: Custom Launching For Playlist File

Jan 13, 2011

I am trying to make a custom launcher for a playlist file to open in VLC player. In the command part I have the path to the file like this:
What am I doing wrong cause when I try and launch it I get this error:
Details: Failed to execute child process "/home/mike/Videos/newTv.m3u" (Permission denied)

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Ubuntu :: Command Not Found After Launching Terminal?

Jan 26, 2011

As soon as I launch terminal I get the following:

[...]: command not found
[...]: command not found

And it then goes to a $~ prompt as usual. How do I make it so the two commands it is trying to launch don't run upon launching terminal?

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Ubuntu :: Bash Error When Launching A File?

Jun 8, 2011

This is my problem

bash: /usr/local/uvlayout-pro/bin/headus: No such file or directory

but the file exists. If I uncheck the Allow execute as a program the error is

bash: /usr/local/uvlayout-pro/bin/headus: permission denied

I used the sudo command.

(I tried to change the folder permissions to read and write, cause if I didn't, then the file, when not in nautilus, had an x in the top right of the icon. Before this it didn't work anyway)

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Ubuntu :: Music Player Daemon Not Launching At Login?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm setting up Ubuntu based multimedia PC. I need instructions how to make Music Player Daemon to lauch at login. Tried to put it to startup programs but it still doesnt lauch. Could it be that wlan connection and network drive mount not are not established fast enough for mpd to launch? From terminal mpd launches normally and works perfectly.

Im using 9.10.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Errors While Launching Gedit From Console

Jun 23, 2010

I am running ubuntu 10.04 . I recently installed gmate plugin package for gedit. It was working like a charm then. The next day I did a large update & when I launched gedit from console again, it was throwing tons of warning errors & assertion failures for every action. Though I could do all things without any obstruction.I deselected all the plugins & launched it again- this time it worked clean. I have resinstalled gedit & gmate packages but still with plugins on , I get dirty console screen.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Launching A Gui Program On A Remote Computer?

Aug 14, 2010

Is it possible to use ssh to launch a program and it's gui on a remote computer? I've tried connecting with ssh -X computer@ipaddress but when I launch gedit it loads on the local computer

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Ubuntu :: Launching Program From Main Menu Fails?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm running GuitarPro6 on my EeePC, and it will only start correctly if I start it from a terminal, in the install directory (/opt/GuitarPro6)

If I attempt to start it from somewhere else, like ~/, I get a library error. GP appears to want to look for this library in the working directory, and will only find it and start if I CD to /opt/GuitarPro6 first.

For this reason, I believe, when I click on the shortcut I made in Main Menu, nothing happens.

Is there any way to define the working directory for a shortcut in Main Menu?

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